In response to criticisms made by Congresswoman Ilhan Omar that US political leaders have too much allegiance to Israel and its lobbying groups, House Democrats have put forward an entire House resolution in accordance with demands made by AIPAC and the Anti-Defamation League.

“The backlash [over Omar’s comments] continued on Monday, as the Anti-Defamation League wrote a letter to Pelosi calling for a House resolution to specifically reject what the organization calls Omar’s ‘latest slur,’” Politico reports. “‘We urge you and your colleagues to send the unambiguous message that the United States Congress is no place for hate,’ the group’s CEO, Jonathan Greenblatt, wrote in a letter.”

“The charge of dual loyalty not only raises the ominous specter of classic anti-Semitism, but it is also deeply insulting to the millions upon millions of patriotic Americans, Jewish and non-Jewish, who stand by our democratic ally, Israel,” tweeted the Israel lobbying group AIPAC on Friday in response to Omar’s comments.

“I hope @AIPAC isn’t too angry that it took Democratic House leaders almost 48 whole hours to do what they’re told to condemn their own member and will instead be understanding that it was a weekend and that’s what caused the delay,” snarked journalist Glenn Greenwald in response to the news of the House resolution.

US politicians of all faiths and in both parties have indeed been falling all over themselves in a mad scramble to tell the freshman congresswoman that she is wrong and evil for suggesting that there is undue loyalty to Israel among US politicians.

“It is disturbing that Rep. Omar continues to perpetuate hurtful anti-Semitic stereotypes that misrepresent our Jewish community,” tweeted California Congressman Juan Vargas, who is not Jewish. “Additionally, questioning support for the U.S.-Israel relationship is unacceptable,” Vargas continued, inadvertently re-stating Omar’s original argument.

“But serious question: How is it anti-Semitic to question Christian Republican allegiance to Israel?” asked journalist Rania Khalek in response to the controversy. “Because it’s people like Rep. Kevin McCarthy and Sen. Marco Rubio who Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib were initially called anti-Semitic for challenging on loyalty to Israel.”

It is indeed interesting that the label “antisemitism” is being pinned on an argument directed at mostly non-Jewish lawmakers and not at Jews at all. It is also interesting that the House resolution’s current text twists that reality on its head by falsely implying that the comments were directed at Jewish politicians. The most Omar-specific parts of the resolution read as follows:

Whereas the definition further includes ‘‘accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations’’;


Whereas the myth of dual loyalty, including allegations that Jews should be suspected of being disloyal neighbors or citizens, has been used to marginalize and persecute the Jewish people for centuries for being a stateless minority;


Whereas accusing Jews of dual loyalty because they support Israel, whether out of a religious connection, a commitment to Jewish self-determination after millennia of persecution, or an appreciation for shared values and interests, suggests that Jews cannot be patriotic Americans and trusted neighbors, when Jews have served our Nation since its founding, whether in public life or military service;


Whereas accusations of dual loyalty generally have an insidious, bigoted history, including (1) the discriminatory internment of Americans of Japanese descent during World War II on the basis of race; (2) the Dreyfuss affair; when Alfred Dreyfuss, a Jewish French artillery captain was falsely convicted of passing secrets to Germany based on his Jewish background; (3) when the loyalty of President John F. Kennedy was questioned because of his Catholic faith; and (4) the post-9/11 conditions faced by Muslim-Americans in the United States, including unfounded, vicious attacks on and threats to Muslim-American Members of Congress;

Omar’s comments have nothing to do with Jews, Judaism or Jewishness, but with the geopolitical entanglements between the US and a nation which currently serves as an outpost for US military agendas in the Middle East. It’s a basic, unassailable fact that the agenda to maintain this relationship holds immense sway in America’s capitol, which is why the only arguments you see against it are fallacious, dishonest, irrelevant, or even prove it to be true.

“It is so disingenuous of some of these members of Congress who are lining up to condemn these questioning voices as if they have no campaign finance interest in the outcome,” former congressman Brian Baird told the New York Times today. “If one dares to criticize Israel or dares to criticize AIPAC, one gets branded anti-Semitic, and that’s a danger to a democratic republic.”

Ilhan Omar has sparked one of the most interesting conversations happening in America today, and the smear campaign against her has nothing to do with fighting antisemitism, but with silencing that conversation. The social engineers are not interested in fighting religious bigotry, they are interested in shutting her up.

In an increasingly neoliberalism-weary world, the old smear tactics of labeling a dissident voice a “communist” or a “socialist” don’t pack the kind of punching power they used to, so new ones are needed. The propagandists have been field testing them for a while now, and whenever a successful prototype rolls off the conveyor belt you quickly see it shipped around the world. Smears of Kremlin servitude found purchase in the US, and it wasn’t long before we saw the BBC posing an image of Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn against the backdrop of the Kremlin wearing what was made to resemble a Soviet-era hat. Antisemitism smears found purchase against Corbyn in the UK, and it wasn’t long before we saw those same smear tactics used across the pond against Ilhan Omar. If an imperial smear field tests well in our new political climate, you can be certain you’ll see it used elsewhere within the empire before long.

This bogus concern trolling about antisemitism has always been about smearing, and the smearing has always been about narrative control. If they can manipulate the public into distrusting someone who voices a dissenting narrative, they can keep that dissenting narrative from entering the bloodstream of mainstream consciousness. The need to keep a nuclear-armed branch of the US-centralized empire in the heart of the most crucial strategic location on earth is too important for our rulers to allow its fate to be left in the hands of the democratic process, so they control the narrative about it with extreme aggression and smear anyone who questions it. That’s all this has ever been.


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41 responses to “Israel Lobby Rebuts Omar’s Claims About Its Immense Influence By Exerting Its Immense Influence”

  1. 2019 Nobel Prize for Ovaries. The winner is Ilhan Omar.
    Hitchens would love this.

  2. Chrlotte NC Bill Avatar
    Chrlotte NC Bill

    The Rothschild Khzr Mob controls most of the world…the Centrl bnks, the medi_, the entert_inment industry, fund the Think Tnks, engineer F_lse Fl_g terrorism ( like 9-11 )…destruction of ME countries, contolling the politici_ns…& then driving the horny, hostile, opportunistic welfre shoppers into Europe……We’re screwed..

  3. Old Uncle Dave Avatar
    Old Uncle Dave

    Why does the US do the bidding of Israel? Are they afraid the Rothschild-owned central bank will crash the dollar?

  4. Richard I. Crawford Avatar
    Richard I. Crawford

    Zionism is a foul brand of nationalism, but opposing it with another brand of nationalism hardly fits the bill. I have no time for organised religion or nationalism.

    Lliving as I do in a Muslim country, it is just as hard to get Muslims to criticise the wrongs of their leaders as it is Jews. And the Khashoggi affair, and the large number of political executions in KSA, confirm that the problem of political influence in the USA goes further than Binny and his sleazy pals.

    I admire the likes of Ilhan and AOC, but they do perpetuate the myth of plurality and democracy in the US political system, which anyone above voting age must see do not exist.

    1. Richard I. Crawford Avatar
      Richard I. Crawford

      And while I may be accused of ‘Whataboutism’, I would point out that the Palestinians would make their task easier if they held elections (none in Gaza since 2006) and got rid of Abbas ( retirement due 2009) and issued audited accounts for the millions of dollaars that come their way.

      1. Hmmm

        Please explain how in the context of world affairs in general, and Palestinian Statehood and human rights in particular, does holding “elections” inside a illegal prison camp do anything other than help legitimize their incarceration and the actions of their captors to the outside world? Because in practical, real world terms, any such election would be moot from the perspective of the prisoners given that “Gaza” is not the State of Palestine. Though clearly, the israelis would love to make that happen…..

      2. william chandler Avatar
        william chandler

        Where is the PENTAGRAM’s audit for the $TRILLION$ that it has “lost”?
        Bill DeBlasio’s wife “lost” $850MILLION

  5. Charles Robinson Avatar
    Charles Robinson

    Yep! Thanks courageous Caitlin.

    1. Albanian genocide?!?!

      Everything you said is discredited by this one statement.
      You are either ignorant or dishonest or both.

      Search the Serb history, the Serb genocide in last quarter millennia.

  6. William H Warrick III MD Avatar
    William H Warrick III MD

    Ilhan has done a great thing that is going to spell the end of the use of this slur forever. AIPAC needs to register with FARA ASAP.

  7. Not sure if somebody already posted, but is interesting regarding Israel influencing U.S. politics.

    Of course Isreal is not the only source of this problem – MIC, banks and oil are the real drivers I believe.

  8. Here’s something about journalism, which is very pertinent today

    The Propaganda Multiplier – Swiss Propaganda Research 2

  9. After all these years, I am disgusted that there is one side that gets to set the table in this argument: The pro-Israel side. And a special slur was created to attack anyone who speaks favorably of anyone else in the region, as a means to label them unsympathetic to the goals of a specific nation in the region. The United States, where free speech is (supposedly) the law of the land, allows this type of language-bending exercise to accrue to the benefit of only one country. What other country in the world gets this blanket type of protection while being able to act without harm coming down upon them?

    As they say, the narrative is more important to the story than the truth is.

  10. “Israel Lobby Rebuts Omar’s Claims About Its Immense Influence By Exerting Its Immense Influence”
    That says ALL Caitlin!

  11. Being anti-Semitic used to mean you hated Jews, now it means Jews hate you.

  12. “But serious question: How is it anti-Semitic to question Christian Republican allegiance to Israel?” asked journalist Rania Khalek in response to the controversy. “Because it’s people like Rep. Kevin McCarthy and Sen. Marco Rubio who Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib were initially called anti-Semitic for challenging on loyalty to Israel.”

    This comment by Rania Khalek is the most well targeted response to the anti-semitism smears. Omar and Tlaib were not the first to raise the issue of fealty to the Israel lobby, but they are the ones getting hammered for it. Moreover, the large majority of congress people who accept funding from and cower in fear of that lobby are not Jews, but Christians. Which brings up one other point: Christian zionists far outnumber Jewish zionists in the United States. Their influence on Congress somehow flies under the radar. It’s time to reboot the radar.

  13. Israel is suffering under a Racist Nazi Regime, which the majority of Israelis either actively support or passively go along with. Voices for truth and freedom exist in Israel, but they are outnumbered. America’s support for these Israeli Nazis tells us a lot about the continuing racist fascism in our own country.

    1. An honest look at Jewish wealth in America, and it’s political clout:

  14. Ms Omar is accomplishing great things by the discussion that she has invigorated.
    Quite an accomplishment, they would prefer this was not discussed.
    She ought be proud for what she has accomplished.
    Who will join her:
    – Johnstone
    – Greenwald

    The danger is that the majority of the american public would happily agree with her:
    The U.S. should stop supporting those who engage in inhuman treatment of others.

    Are they accusing Omar of being anti-Arab?

  15. Dennis ONeill Avatar
    Dennis ONeill

    This is a very insightful piece about how technology is being weaponized for narrative control. Facebook, Twitter, and the rest of #GoogleGestapo are all important tools of the surveillance security state that is run by hard core criminals.

  16. Ms. Johnstone, your site was recommended to me by one Rowan Bircumshaw. I had just found his website via Medium, He says you quoted a passage on slavery out of Sirio Esteve’s book: “The Experience, A Celebration of Being.” Random House 1974. I have been trying to distribute as many copies of that book as I can get hold of, and recommending it on my blogs. I even got it entered into Wiki-Pedia last month. On the current subject maybe you would like to read my piece on Hypocrisy: Let he who is without Sin, cast the first stone.A thought to live by. I will read more on your site and then Ante up something. So far, so good……

  17. “‘We urge you and your colleagues to send the unambiguous message that the United States Congress is no place for hate,’ the group’s CEO, Jonathan Greenblatt, wrote in a letter.”

    If it is true that “the United States Congress is no place for hate”, we can only conclude that the many millions of people butchered at its behest were killed in cold blood. Nothing personal – just business.

    1. Good point Tom!

    2. Indeed. The Invisible Hand of the Free Market is becoming embarrassingly visible as the Puppet Master on Capitol Hill, and its denizens are frantically throwing up any and all convenient ethnic red herrings to distract our attention lest we see them dancing on its strings.

    3. Patricia Ormsby Avatar
      Patricia Ormsby

      The US Congress is a veritable hotbed seething with visceral hatred for various groups of villains du jour: Russians (some of whom are Jewish), deplorables (ditto I reckon), bad orange men, friends of bad orange men (ditto again), leaders of countries selected for the latest regime change,–veritable rainbow of people we are all expected to hate. Joe McCarthy would’ve been so proud to see how we turned out.

  18. Interesting but NEVER mentioned, here in Australia anyone holding dual citizenship – for example a dual citizen of Canada or New Zealand, is ineligible to stand for parliament and several MPs who were unaware that they were in fact dual nationals resigned their seats when they found out. BUT we have people with dual Isrraeli-Australian citizenship who hold positions in the Ministry and shadow-Ministry. But, as I said, it’s never mentioned. Funny about that.

    1. Klaus von Berlin Avatar
      Klaus von Berlin

      Yes they also had them go and fight for the Israel army at various times I dont mean the MP but citizen of dual citizenship..Robyn. No checks on them when coming back.

    2. Funny Robyn?
      Look into Australia’s “secret service” and you’ll find the stench of Mossad and traditional English secret services with double citizenships are everywhere. How many double citizens and subjects of our beloved colony Australia and their real motherland ISrael were and are actively involved and on the payroll of ISis in the middle east. That is frightening and not funny at all. Hiding behind different nationalities and sabotaging and crippling the hand that feeds them while robbing other tribes along the way is after all the greatest virtue of “Jews” world history is offering us – if one dares to look at it. Unfortunately it always will be anti semitic, hate speech against Jews and will be severely punished by “the Law” and ISraels kosher organizations that cry foul immediately while one will be distracted and forced to research and look elsewhere and this pony show seems to go on eternally. When an ISis member with dual citizenship selling captured female slaves in Syria it will never made public that he has Australian ISraeli citizenship. In the press it will read: An Australian with Lebanese roots was convicted but set free again because of confidential national security issues. This is the world we all live in. Even Australian politicians that are originally very limited in free speech and the urge to become free and sovereign Australians. It would be great to see more decent Jews and Australians to liberate themselves from “Nazism” though that might be an miracle and a hell of a fight under severe penalties and loss of their so called freedom through “faith”.

  19. These Good Old Boy Commentators [link below] have finally figured most of it out–I mean [as illustrated by Omar “crisis”] we are witnessing the decay of Body Politic–the blatant corruption and cowardice–specifically in government. We are also watching Israel– as she develops her only real products: War science/technology and Surveillance–much of it co-developed in the US–battle tested in Palestine [actually part of the marketing–along with selling the organs].

    The video–interesting because–in my opinion–these are the kinds of men who would typically be allies of Israel–but the tide is turning [hence the current legislation running thru congress]–and you would have to be brain-dead not to see the obvious connections–to the fall of Rome.

    It’s not the answer–it’s the question!

    Peace GaryS

  20. It’s all about the Benjamins Caity.

  21. Congress rushes in to prove Omar’s point.

  22. “US politicians of all faiths and in both parties have indeed been falling all over themselves in a mad scramble to tell the freshman congresswoman that she is wrong and evil for suggesting that there is undue loyalty to Israel among US politicians.
    In an increasingly neoliberalism-weary world, the old smear tactics of labeling a dissident voice a “communist” or a “socialist” don’t pack the kind of punching power they used to, so new ones are needed. The propagandists have been field testing them for a while now, and whenever a successful prototype rolls off the conveyor belt you quickly see it shipped around the world. Smears of Kremlin servitude found purchase in the US, and it wasn’t long before we saw the BBC posing an image of Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn against the backdrop of the Kremlin wearing what was made to resemble a Soviet-era hat. Antisemitism smears found purchase against Corbyn in the UK, and it wasn’t long before we saw those same smear tactics used across the pond against Ilhan Omar. If an imperial smear field tests well in our new political climate, you can be certain you’ll see it used elsewhere within the empire before long.”- Johnstone

    This is why it is called the Anglo-Zionist empire anyone who has studied the pre and post WW1 worlds sees this clearly.

  23. This is the true nature of the Anglo-Zionist empire.

  24. It’s just as wrong to say “Jews do not have divided loyalty,” as to say “Jews have divided loyalty.” We get some of each and can only speculate about the numbers.

    1. inforebelscum Avatar

      LSJohn true but we do know how many jews with dual citizenship with israel are in positions of authority in the US e.g. chuck schumer. Doesn’t the jewish bible itself teach that one cannot have two masters because one will learn to hate the other? Does anyone seriously doubt which master chuckie is serving?

  25. “…a 2013 National Intelligence Estimate on cyber threats “ranked Israel the third most aggressive intelligence service against the US” behind only China and Russia, Newsweek reported.
    “Israel does spy on the US, but in a wide variety of ways that can’t just be reduced to handling a clandestine agent like Jonathan Pollard,” the magazine quoted the source as saying. “There are many players [at work], military and civilian, [in the] defense industrial base and [among] industrial competitors, technologies and commercial systems.” They are not necessarily direct employees of Israeli intelligence agencies, “but all work for the mothership,” he told Newsweek.

  26. “The need to keep a nuclear-armed branch of the US-centralized empire in the heart of the most crucial strategic location on earth is too important for our rulers to allow its fate to be left in the hands of the democratic process…”

    Given the direction of influence and perception management between the two countries, I have to disagree that Israel is a branch of US Empire. I’ll bet Glenn Greenwald could make a good argument that, if anything, it goes the other way.

  27. Klaus von Berlin Avatar
    Klaus von Berlin

    Spot on again Caitlyn Only Israel can murder children and insist that it is the victim. Hamas makes us do it! This logic isn’t new. American settlers used it frequently just like here in Australia in slaughtering and displacing Natives. She Omar will not be the last political lynching victim .Colonization impairs ethics and compels people to support shameful deeds. The way the English language is manipulated ,twisted, distorted spindled and mutilated in Americastan wonderland is one to behold The Us is loathe to alienate the one Arab country Israel needs as non -enemy. The Burgers bamboozled, confused and tongue-tied ,who are still groaning under the fed,s “quantitative easing”. They got to realise to oppose all this ideology and foster the element of humankind which makes life worthwhile.

  28. “Whereas the definition further includes ‘‘accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations’’;
    Whereas the myth of dual loyalty, including allegations that Jews should be suspected of being disloyal neighbors or citizens, has been used to marginalize and persecute the Jewish people for centuries for being a stateless minority;…”

    “Now Biggest Donor in all of US Politics, Sheldon Adelson Brings an Israel First Agenda to Washington”

  29. It is not mere coincidence that over half of the United States have ‘anti-BDS laws on the books nor is it just mere coincidence that the first laws that were attempted to pass in both houses of Congress after the government shutdown were ‘anti-BDS’ laws. It is not mere coincidence the documentary “The Lobby-USA” has been suppressed by the major media outlets in the USA.

    This is the true nature of the Anglo-Zionist empire.

  30. Goddammit, if there’s a minority that’s persecuted more than the Semites it’s us atheists.

    We need our own defamation league BY GOD!

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