Democrats cannot wait for the midterms so they can lose and go back to letting the Republicans play the bad cop.

This is who the Democrats are. It’s who they always will be. They let you have your Bernies and AOCs to create the illusion that progressives can win if they just vote a little harder, but the corporate elites will always have enough of a congressional majority to kill progress. Don’t let them spin this as some sort of freakish anomaly, as the result of not having the right kind of Democrats in office. This is the only way the Democratic Party will ever operate. It’s not broken, it’s working exactly as it’s meant to.

Left-wing Democrats who give the party the illusion of legitimacy are just as destructive as the right-wing Democrats who do the party’s actual dirty work. They’re simply different parts of the same corrupt vehicle, each just as essential to its operation as the other.

If you think watching Democrats fuck everyone over is depressing, wait til you see most of the people complaining about it completely forgetting it happened and giving them another chance.

US progressives were desperate to stop a corrupt fascist president from destroying the country and terrorizing vulnerable communities, but they lost the primary so they voted for him anyway.

If you’d just been staring at a screen watching the movements of troops, weapons and money you would have no idea the US officially underwent a change of leadership in January.

“A second Trump term would’ve been worse” is (A) not a valid defense of Biden and (B) unfalsifiable and therefore logically fallacious. Bleating that phrase is just an admission that your position is garbage.

If you owed $2000 to any of the thugs running the Biden administration and had taken this long to pay them back they would have broken both your kneecaps already.

Sick of that fake Hollywood movie trope where Americans have lots of fun and free time and don’t live in an apocalyptic failed state.

Coming up next on CBS News, the uplifting story of a little girl who is constantly being kicked in the head by government officials and the small town that raised money to buy her a helmet.

You get a sense of just how fucked things are by the fact that they’ve got us paying for our own oppression. We pay cable and Netflix bills and buy movie tickets to be propagandized by Hollywood. We buy their surveillance systems and bring them into our homes. It’s like Trump’s “We’ll build the wall and Mexico’s gonna pay for it”, only real, and way more large-scale. We’re so far gone.

Think tanks are the marketing department of the oligarchic empire.

The best unintentionally hilarious people are those who present themselves as anti-establishment free thinkers and yet swallow every CIA/CNN narrative they’re fed about China with zero gag reflex.

The idea that China or Russia pose a threat to you is so self-evidently ridiculous, so transparently absurd, that the only way to make you believe it would be to propagandize you. And if you do believe it, that’s exactly what has happened.

Documentary filmmaking is an optimal vehicle for imperialist propaganda because its artistic presentation can suck viewers into a presented narrative far more easily than other vehicles, and because there’s no pressure to hold to truthfulness or journalistic integrity.

Leak publishers, investigative journalists and unbought media help spread awareness of predatory power dynamics, which gives predators less room to operate. It mows the tallgrass of the information ecosystem so the lions have a much harder time sneaking up on their prey.

The most destructive force on our planet is human unconsciousness. Unconsciousness of the realities of large-scale human power dynamics, and unconsciousness of our own inner dynamics. The most compassionate desire you can have for the world is for the expansion of consciousness.

Expansion of consciousness just means a growing awareness of truth. A growing awareness of the truth of our large-scale collective dynamics as a species, and a growing awareness of our inner processes as individuals. All of our problems trace back to a lack of this awareness.

The most noble intention you can have for the world is therefore for everyone to become aware of the truth. The truth within, and the truth without, whatever that might be. If this happened, all our collective problems would vanish. Disharmony and full consciousness can’t coexist.

In moments of personal transcendence we see clearly that it doesn’t have to be this way, that collective sanity is possible, that we can build a healthy world. Then we come down and condescending knowitalls explain to us that we are wrong, and, for some bizarre reason, we believe them.


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97 responses to “This Is Who Democrats Are: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix”

  1. Martin Wendelboe Avatar
    Martin Wendelboe

    In moments of personal transcendence we see clearly that it doesn’t have to be this way, that collective sanity is possible, that we can build a healthy world. Then we come down and condescending knowitalls explain to us that we are wrong, and, for some bizarre reason, we believe them.

    That is so true. And because it is so true, it is such a dominant tendency among all my relations. And because it is so dominant, I find myself withdrawing to my own little space, silently minding my own insignificant everyday business. There seems to be nothing I can do, no argument that can make a difference and make them listen. So I fall back into the excuse that it doesn’t matter after all, because time will solve it all one way or the other. It is just a matter of the suffering becoming severe enough or that we, as a species, have gone extinct. And then deep sadness and loneliness once again take a seat in my body.

    And you quys (over there in the US) think that you are the only nation in the “modern” world who is fucked. Well, I live in Denmark (claimed to be the wonderland of the world). Let me tell you folks – the only difference when it comes to seductive and lying big businesses and government propaganda and manipulation is the level of sophistication and blind naivety; “Oh, look at those stupid Americans! That could never happen here…” – MY FOOT !

  2. Frank Thompson Avatar
    Frank Thompson

    Ain’t this a kick in the ass? Regular Dem Biden Bros resign en masse when progressives are elected to leadership in the Nevada Democratic Party. Yeah, all that talk about party unity was just “you lefties have nowhere else to go, so stick around so we can stick it to you.”

    Entire Staff of Nevada Democratic Party Quits After Democratic Socialist Slate Won Every Seat

  3. Strange. I would be considered on the “far-right”, but I generally love these posts. I’m pretty much an isolationist, and I don’t shy away from that word. However I know corporate America quite well, and as a small business owner, let me tell you, anyone who would pay an employee less than $15 an hour in America in 2021 is either a piece of shit or has a failing business that he (or she) needs to revamp or potentially close. You get what you pay for. This is an alien concept in the US. It’s why all those pipes were bursting in TX.
    We do everything as cheaply as possible, at massive long term cost. Except with healthcare. We’re not getting what we’re paying for. I would like a free market healthcare system, but we don’t have one. So the next best solution is Medicare for all, because in this healthcare gray zone, we’re all losing. If healthcare is 20% of an economy, and the military is also up there, there’s something terribly wrong. We’re living in a hospital/military industrial complex. It’s the “moderates” of politics that have betrayed us. Those precious “moderates.”

    1. Yep. I’m with you whether you realize it or not.
      The big question is where do all these “trillions” of $’s come from to pay for these stimulus packages that never seem to end but always get bigger? (Of course, “WE” know where most of the money ends up…….)
      Come on JR – you know the answer don’t you? Well, it comes from good faith and the thought process that there is no debt we can overcome cause we are “exceptional”. Well, I got some news for you that any humble person already knew – we ain’t. We ain’t exceptional unless you want to give an award to a country for being an exceptional bully.
      As for Texas, I studied it hard, and I’m not in the mood to give you a hard time, but I prefer typing Texas as Tejas. Just my opinion as a moderate and the fact the that state is the most exceptional bully of all and to think their senator is a big pus** who flies to Mexico when it gets cold.
      As for healthcare, just like infrastructure, the Us of a is SO FAR BEHIND!
      So, lets start making changes for the better. I don’t care what you think about this or that, if we can agree on some basic principles, then god knows, lets work together to make things better. However, I’m sorry the TX power authorities decided it is on the citizens of said state to pay the bills cause they didn’t have the wisdom to prepare for times of cold weather. Now it is a 16 Billion $ bill on the citizens of TX and sorry for you, but you get what you deserve if you are a citizen of said state. Of course, 16 Billions ain’t nothing when you talking trillions, and let me tell you, the cup of good faith has runneth over and it is exhausted – now there is going to be hell to pay. Just like it was when Russia put out the warning for Israel. Cups can only hold so much.
      Maybe Tejas could come up with its own currency, and then I’d advise the state to hire some serious engineers who know how to plan in advance and not just be full of their big kahunas.
      You know one time there was a meeting in Tejas and guess what, somebody misrepresented the meeting’s purpose and a few Colts were pulled out and some bullets were put in the brains and bodies of others who came to talk across the table. Tejas will NEVER be forgiven for that, and that is why that state needs to be spilt up into 5. Read the Tejas founding documents and it already includes elements for said purpose.
      Best to you JR Wirth, but please don’t knock moderates you big ole Tejas fool assuming you are from that place which you may be or you may not – I could give a flip, but I meant everything I said – typos and all. Moderation is where it is at as can only be stated by someone who has first hand been to both extremes. Not kidding and good night to you.

      1. A little correction for posterity sake…
        “There is not debt we CANNOT overcome…..”
        You and I both know I hope that all debts must be paid so there truly are debts that cannot be overcome and because the cup runneth over, that means the limit has been reached. When it comes to money and $ and any other currency there must be limits because let me say once again –
        And so, the story has been told about just another currency that ended up in the dustbin of history. Seems as such to me, and that is why I encourage Tejas to get to together with Mejico and maybe they can come up with their own currency. Why not?
        The DNC deserves to go by the wayside first I think and the RNC ain’t far behind, but even if they survive they should be minced up into a bunch of little pieces cause if you cause harm then you get split up. Ain’t some things obvious?
        I reckon I’m going to pour myself another drink. It will be Russian in nature and will also include some fine blackberry out of the fine country of ideas known as France…..even though, they always run away, you can’t deny the beauty of the French language and the French People. Sometimes it is best to run away to live another day, and so I’ll think that when I sip my drink that contains elements of both France and Russia!
        We are just all one big happy family…….right?

      2. Council House Fight – it was a Massacre.
        Tejas will NEVER be forgiven and needs to be spilt up into 5.
        Not kidding.
        Here is a link:

    2. I would consider myself “far left” but I find myself more and more in sympathy with Trump and the “deplorables”

      1. In times of despair, where evil forces who have the right and the left in their pockets, civil liberties are being dismissed till everyone bend the knee to the new normal or the big reset. I’m not interested in left and right. It never bothered such debate among the ignorant ordinary people unknowing the differences between these words. What’s at stake is something bigger and too serious to be left in the hands of recognized moron sociopaths like Trump or Biden. When things are out of control in the top discussing who will get or to have this ignoring the rest of the people, my only concern is the well being of everyone. I don’t give a jack-shit to any political party. I’m looking to the far side of our redemption or doom. Whatever comes first. Look at the EU commission playing political differences about producing sputnik V. This kind of thing is sad. While normal people are suffering, they are discussing US and pharmaceutical industry interests.

        1. Well Big R, you did say that you hob-nobbed with the big whigs in your day and you saw how they dismissed the little people in their minds. Pissed me off to read it but I knew it already.
          Well then it is obvious. They are dismissive of that they don’t think matters, but in the French Revolution they got one thing “RIGHT” – they hung them up or they let the blade chop off the head in an act of mercy – but there must of been lots of blood to sooth the savages!
          Cause you know as well as I do that one life equals another and so nobody is more important than anybody else if if you think you are the only one with a message to send, at least during the French Revolution, they set you in the guillotine to help you learn (a final lesson) and to send a message. Problem is things got out of control, so to speak, so the message got muddled and that was the little squeaky opportunity “they” hoped for….and some of their cousins who died just solved some problems in their mind that they figured made things easier for “them” to achieve their ends….in fact, they were thinking of doing it themselves, but the proletariat took care of the problem. Wow. Problem solved they thought, but let me say just now – the thought wrong as they have for so long and the French proletariat knew this when they let things get so bloody.
          However, and sadly, for the sake of humanity, the problem wasn’t solved, the can was just kicked down the road, but now with nuclear weapons and such we don’t have the liberty of counting on “wiser” minds to prevail as if they ever have.
          So to put it simply, if I may, that is why I don’t give a flip about some prince in this country or some princess in another. Who made them royalty I ask. I think the proletariat’s day is upon us and we will take it or we won’t. The beauty is if we don’t take it, then we will all go down with the ship and as any captain will tell you – it is honorable to go down that way.
          So, it is with the proletariat that I cast my fate and my hope and I don’t care so much now for my own fate, but I do care for possible future ancestors and I truly hope the proletariat this time rises to the occasion and to put it simply puts those who cause harm in their place. If that place is a rope around the neck or under a lofty blade then so be it, but maybe their is an easier and better solution for some of them, and that would be preferable. Either way, we will sail together or we will all go down together with the ship and the beauty of that is when the ship falls below the waterline any man and any women can look into the eyes of another and know that we are homo sapiens and none of us has any standing above the other.
          We live together or we die together and if we die together we go down together as brothers and sisters and I can live with that because I believe in free will.
          The days of “nobility” are over and the peasants need to be the ones to make this happen. It can be done fairly and that is what I pray for, but I have no idea what is coming next.

          1. Great BK! You are quite a quick study. Just to let you know, I’ve been reading your stuff. Kind wishes.
            Peace and love.

      2. My grandmother when she was just 3 years old…her family, who had been moved into Russia as a community to console some princess who missed her “home country” had to run away in total fear when the shit hit the fan. You know – whites versus reds. A small German community they were and that she belonged to as a 3-year old. I don’t know the specifics but I suspect with confidence there were some outside folks who understood real justice up close and personal and they helped her family (my family) escape. It must have been a harrowing experience to say the least, and it filled her with fear for the rest of her life in a way. Good for me and my cousins that Grandma, a great women she was, and she was a sight to see, as my Irish Grandpa would concur I’m sure, realized that there is nothing to be gained in perpetuating fear and sometimes when you are kid things don’t go as you would hope. She did not pass her fear along to her daughter, my mother, and god knows I’m thankful for that.
        Our little children are so much tougher that we give them credit for (especially these days) and this toughness must be in their DNA.
        Surviving the Ice Ages was NOT a piece of cake, and if “WE” survived that, then what we are experiencing nowadays ain’t nothing – don’t you think. So buck up and lets change things for the better. It is really that simple. It is easy.

    3. The USA has always been about cheap docile labor. Interestingly, the Germans are the opposite, they believe in well educated, highly trained, unionized work force. Somehow they are still one of the largest exported of real wealth in the world. Of course when they come to amerika, they set up mostly in southern, non unionized docile worker state’s because they can. Most other northern European countries are the same. A US corporation would rather spend $10M on Union busting lawyer’s and political corruption than spend $5M on wages. Rotten and evil to the core. Great at propaganda though. Sell the sizzle not the steak, especially when you don’t have a steak. See McDonald’s and Harley Davidson. Even the few things the country used to do well, it’s outsourcing for profit. Like the UK, a nation of banksters and shop keepers and of course, merchants of deaths

      1. In democracy there are a lot of good and bad things. You cannot put any idiot as representative. It’s the crucial importance, when making laws, to understand that every comma counts when trying to close or to open gaps in a specific phrase in the law. It’s the golden spot for lawyers. For example, let’s take a look in Syria. In a former secular estate as Syria, the battle now is to insert a federation model. Divide in many pieces as possible. It’s more easy for international contractors and investors to manipulate the outcome in local provinces than having to manipulate the whole country. It’s more cheap than having to inflate the pockets of the national media, religious leaders, military, police, etc.

  4. Everything must be exactly the way it’s supposed to be or it would be something else.

    1. Yes and no.
      The “no” happens
      Just before we all die!
      Then it is like a tree falling in the forest I reckon.
      But I think the wolves might hear it and they
      would look into each others eyes and
      thank God them homo sapiens are gone.
      Lets have some fun!
      Unless of course, we get to choose our own history and herstory if you prefer.
      I like keeping everything on the table and Calvinist are the first things
      that we need to collectively kick off the table and they say:
      GOOD RIDDANCE you selfish bastards!

  5. Being dis-illusioned is actually a positive step toward a meaningful and rewarding life.
    Unfortunately we fear it and avoid it.

    The repubs and the demos serve the same masters. This happens because we allow it to happen.
    We allow it to happen because we are too busy being distracted and superficial.

    They are forging censorship into a progressive value.

  6. As Sen. Kyrsten Sinema enters stage left, she taps McConnell aqs if to say “daddy watch me”. And then does a juvenile curtsy denying people a chance at a half decent min. wage. That is some sick shit.

    1. To expound….the way she said “NO” was sort of like….
      I got mine eff the rest of you all….plus baby, I can dance!
      I can dance as well and here is the dance I’d propose to her…..
      I’m gonna hold you tight baby and it is gonna feel exciting and I’m gonna
      whisper something in your ear.
      And here is what I would tell her…..
      “Watch out”
      we’re coming to get ya baby!
      and then her knees might flutter a tad but neither she nor I would give up the show….
      and then she would go back and make whatever decision she needs to make…
      but remember this – she voted against the minimum wage for those who
      deserve way more than she ever will.
      Hey, here is a little rumor, I heard little miss Queenie tried to climb a tree, but she got over her head and she fell down hard and hit her head, and well, that is that. Good riddance miss queenie – we don’t need you no more. We are sick of war.

  7. I love Caitlin’s epigrams 🙂 This one is a classic: “US progressives were desperate to stop a corrupt fascist president from destroying the country and terrorizing vulnerable communities, but they lost the primary so they voted for him anyway.” LOL!

  8. Allen Dulles, the Double Agent who Created Americas Intelligence Empire
    This great article can be read here:
    Return of the Leviathan: The Fascist Roots of the CIA and the True Origin of the Cold War by Cynthia Chung!

    1. This article needs to go viral. I am spreading it where I can. Gracias.

    2. History is written in conspiracy so how come people are demonized now by calling them “conspiracy theorist”. Yes, there are fruit cakes but also conspiracies. Amazing how easy it is to persuade the story believing primate in a story and the more fantastical the better, see the invisible man in the sky and money as something real. Believing that the keyboard warriors will change anything of substance is right up there.

  9. I am a conservative and I believe we can/ must unite with progressives to defeat this global hegemony.
    I just don’t know how we do that.
    I love you Caitlin johnstone.

    1. Great thought here, Vincent. Thanks.
      “. . . I believe we can/ must unite with progressives to defeat this global hegemony.”
      We have to do that. It’s the only way we can end this reign of terror. I’m a life long liberal, but no longer a Democrat. Changed to unaffiliated about five years ago. I saw how they use the two parties to divide our country years before and couldn’t stand being part of that anymore.
      Odd, isn’t it, that where most people stand on just about any given issue, comes down to one’s political identity?
      In my opinion, that is one of the biggest tools they have to propagandize us.
      But the conditioning is strong and hard to put aside. I find myself constantly struggling to restrain myself and look for common ground.
      Someone commented, not long ago, about the Golden Rule. I agree with that. Try to treat people with compassion and respect. Try to treat people the way we want to be treated.
      Oh yeah . . ., and call out the horrendous actions of the robber baron, crime syndicate at every opportunity.

    2. Count me in on this as well.
      I come from both sides.

      1. Stuck in the middle I am, but think about this….seriously.
        Resistance from the middle is undeniable.
        It resonates and neighbors will pick up on it.
        Resistance from the middle is really the only way to change things.
        Lets make it happen.

  10. You’re right, except for the family, they too will either disown you or feed you to the hungry oligarchs in the Colosseum.

    1. I have little doubt that even if everyone had boycotted the last election and no votes were cast for anyone, Biden would still have won the election by a significant number of votes, and no doubt everyone in the U.S., no matter what their political persuasion, knows it’s true. Everyone is just going through the motions as though its not true, because they don’t want to be the next one to die in disgrace.

      1. yeah but keep in mind this Chelsea Manning thought because when in disgrace, they know and they use it when things are going south: “in military science/strategy, ‘esprit de corps’ (morale) is treated as a vital resource, similar to food or fuel or ammunition – building a strong movement requires a focus on recreation, mutual aid, and community”. I guess everyone needs it after all.

  11. The superficial distortions propagated by many American politicians and pundits only serve to sustain the status quo of oligarchic tyranny.
    One striking thing about contemporary American politicians and pundits is their dubious ability to mangle words and concepts rendering them meaningless.
    This common political illiteracy only leads to a degradation of critical powers among citizens to challenge the two-party monopoly. The upshot is the two-party tyranny is sustained and thus never held to account for inequities and crimes of war.
    This fine relevant article can be read here:
    Americas Political Illiteracy Sustains the Two-Party Tyranny by Finian Cunningham!

    1. One party system is better. Then there is no need for illusions.

  12. For years I heard how so many of the European immigrants who came to America came to escape religious persecution, only recently have I discovered that, that story is in all likelihood nothing more than poppycock, that, they, the psychopaths, hid from prosecution within such worshipping bodies. No doubt, some were true believers, but the rest
    Take for example the first church of the Radical Protestants, later to be called the Brethern, that building and the building where the first meeting of the Illuminati took place are two and the same.
    I could go on and on, but I’ll just leave it at this; all those poor innocent people who only wanted to worship in peace, were actually the perpetrators of great crimes against humanity, and whatever, if any ill will came their way was justified prosecution., however, the overwhelming evidence is that very few of those psychopaths ever faced justice for their crimes.
    Is it any wonder then that our Democrats and all the rest are what they are? Evil lurks in their hearts as their flesh claims a faith that they have no belief in.

  13. We already know what the Democratic and Republican Party are about.

    “The ultimate ignorance is rejecting something you know nothing about yet refuse to investigate.”

  14. John R Moffett Avatar
    John R Moffett

    Yes, the Dems want to lose the midterms, because it will take the heat off of them to “do something good”. They don’t want that pressure. But because of our totally corrupt (capital based) political system, the Dems have another fantastic reason to lose. Their funding goes up when a Trump or Bush/Cheney is in office, and the fundraising takes a nose-dive when the Dems are “in power”. The Dems always talk about reaching across the aisle, bipartisanship and compromise because their big donors want them to work with the Repubs to get the dirty deeds done. “Governments are but committees of the rich, convened to manage the affairs of the wealthy”. That goes for both parties.

  15. Roundball Shaman Avatar
    Roundball Shaman

    “The most noble intention you can have for the world is therefore for everyone to become aware of the truth.”
    Awareness of a “truth” does not necessarily lead to enlightenment or understanding or discernment or taking any kind of positive action after such encounter. Awareness is always good thing, but many, many people in life ACTIVELY RUN from the truth every time they become aware of it. History is a sad story of people who treated Truth like an enemy. Truth upsets a person’s world view and sense of self. And many people will do ANYTHING but upset those pseudo-sacred pillars of self definition.
    So, what is the most noble intention you can have for the world? Each and every one of us can do one simple thing and this Earth would instantly transform into a paradise: STOP HURTING EACH OTHER. Stop doing things that hurt anyone and everyone in our own personal circle of the lives we touch and interact with. Stop buying things and supporting causes and groups that hurt or damage people in the long run. Stop chasing after false approval from social media sites. Develop some real personal integrity and positive self-image and quit chasing and lusting after after empty fixes that just mask one’s emptiness inside.
    And just as important as not hurting others, stop hurting OURSELVES. Stop the false and damaging beliefs and behaviors that sabotage our quality of life and personal growth.
    It’s damn sad that some people just love their chains and prison walls so much that they will never do any redecorating or serious building rehab. Try to take away their chains and you will have one big fight on your hands. Get your hands off my chains!

    1. Yeah, that’s is true. Any crusade in the name of the truth will instantly make you a villain. You will be seen as a pariah. Make no mistake, if you really can get lucky enough to hurt or to make the veil fall, you will see what means awakening and enlightenment. It’s a solitary path. You can go crazy if you don’t have support from your family. Your friends will disappear. Because no one wanna be close to the weirdos questioning what is established. I don’t care about that. Villains are more fun and interesting than heroes. In fact, they are actually helping me to spread the word. If you can’t beat them make them work for you, if you can really make them feel uncomfortable seeing that you’re going into right direction, they will certainly try to undermine your reputation. But there’s no fight without personal sacrifice. This stuff we are into isn’t made for sissies and weak people. You gotta have the strength and the balls of a woman. Yeah, it’s true. Women can handle high pressure. They don’t give in as many macho around. If there’s someone who can be on the front, probably, if I had health and 30 years less, it would be me and a bunch of women protesting.

    2. Who Is Not Corrupt?

      How many people can remember when they stopped their carefree, childhood skipping and never did it again? How many of you can remember when you first discovered that the world is full of corruption, starting with all the governments and working its way down, to the pickpocket on the bus, and the rich man on the hill who makes his living by selling arms. Yes, he has been making a killing of a living out of making it possible for others to kill others, and he has enough money to buy off every politician in town, and he is treated as an honored citizen!

      Most everyone knows how corrupt everything is, but tends to ignore it as “just a part of life”, or something that one person can’t do much about. So, it is almost universally accepted and forgotten, until now, when everything seems to be falling apart, and there is hell to pay. And still people are ignoring it, getting all excited about Biden, the pre AI robotic politician beating the Archie Bunker president, who all on what is left of the left love to hate, and now, he starts off right away bombing Syria. The ongoing tragedy of Syria is horrendous (Top 10 Facts About Living Conditions in Syria | The Borgen Project). 

      What is going on in Yemen is so bad, that most people would prefer to look away (Top 10 Facts About Living Conditions in Yemen | The Borgen Project), as well as in many other places in the world.

      The mainstream media never mentions the revolutionary actions in N. Syria of the Kurdish people along with at least 10 other equally treated ethnic groups, where the people have redesigned the way they govern, following to some degree the writings of Murray Bookchin, a leading anarchist, socialist, libertarian writer who passed in 2006, followed by their beloved leader Abdullah Ocalan who has been a political prisoner living now 22 years in solitary confinement in a Turkish jail, yet has managed to write and smuggle out 5 books which have inspired the Kurds to set up an horizontal government (, making women’s liberation one of their 3 pillars, the others being direct democracy and ecology.

      Their ongoing struggle for freedom in N. Syria, the “autonomous zone” called Rojava that they took over in 2013, has been completely ignored by mainstream media while they have been in constant battle with Syria, Turkey, Iraq, and Isis. 4.5 million people committed to freedom against all odds. They should be the inspiration for the whole world (go to youtube to see some of their videos about Rojava). The same could be said for the Zapatistas in Chiapas, Mexico who did the same since 1994 and are constantly under siege by the Mexican corrupt government.

      Shakespeare wrote about this in his play Hamlet 500 years ago, just to let you know how long this problem has been around. Hamlet, the personification of the ideal man, the young prince, returns home from the university, to discover his father, the king, has been murdered and his mother is now married to the murderer, the new king, and cries out, “Something is corrupt in Denmark”. The rest of this incredible play is about what is he going to do about it? The same question that faces everyone, once they discover the degree of corruption that we must live in and under, and by allowing, we all become complicit and thereby corrupted.

      MLK said “A man who won’t die for something is not fit to live.” The American patriot Patrick Henry is famous for saying “Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!” 

      If you look at how N. Americans and others are today, one might be ashamed to be associated with such a group. But a more compassionate view might be to recognize how shattered they are as individuals, having to depend on the handouts of a corrupt government and to be constantly propagandized by the corporate owned and CIA directed mainstream media. The result being that the vast majority have been rendered completely ineffectual and impotent.

      However when you have around 8 billion people struggling to survive under the barbaric systems that have been imposed upon all of us, one can imagine how the U curve would apply and that with such numbers that at the bottom and on one side of that U curve there are millions of absolutely brilliant people. And that there are among those brilliant thinkers, people who are coming up with brilliant possible solutions to save us from the looming extinction event brought on by us having fouled to such an extent the very environment that all of our lives depend on while the psychopathic leaders of this insane world maneuver humanity into an inescapable hole by putting us in the existential conundrum of having to choose health security, survival vs. our freedom, while bombarding us with lies and censoring the truth, or at least other views, to keep us confused, separated, and at their merciless mercy.

      The internet has made  it possible for everyone to see how much we all have in common and how we are all struggling for a better life and a better world.

      Yes, we need a new uncorrupted, unspyable, internet, a new uncorrupted, unspyable facebook, a digital network that connects all the millions of disparate projects working to make a more just, equitable, sane, and ethical world, to unify, and to be a force for good. For it is in this that we have a thread of hope to come out on the other side, once this has fully passed, into the age of aquarius, where autonomous utopias (places that are always improving) spring up everywhere by reinventing cities, and humanity recognizes that to be really human is to be humane and kind hearted, and to be a part of one gigantic extended non-dysfunctional family that looks out for everyone, and lives to collaborate, cooperate, and to embody love.

    3. Everyone defines truth in their own way, usually is support of their own beliefs. If everyone did fully comprehend actual truth then we would evolve much quicker through our human shells and be ready to move onto the next adventure.

      The fascists have been saying “we’re all in this together”, despite being an obvious lie. However the truth is that we are all in this together, just not in the way their marketing teams imagine. When we realize this then we can actively embrace each other, because ours is a shared journey.

  16. Ultimately, I agree that we need a different kind of awareness to have a different society, but (imho) this type of neurological event is rare and temporary. We don’t even really know what it is, let alone how to bring it on. Soooo, does that mean that we don’t organize and try to enact change while the human-caused conditions of our eventual extinction bear down on us? One thing I do remember about this type of awareness: everything seems perfect and if others don’t understand it’s okay, because at some unconscious level they do. You can’t tell someone to wake up and live because that’s misguided, which is why Zen Buddhists wisely limit their descriptions of this neurological state to what it isn’t.

    1. All this debate here and in previous posts are not inviting a legion of people to follow one person. Everyone knows that. It doesn’t work. If you can feel some level of resonance here, go and write your own truth. Whenever, wherever you are living right now. We had plenty of people burned at the stake and tortured in the past. While the followers where watching and laughing. To overcome what’s already among us, you need to be the author of your epic journey. None of us can be all places on this world. It’s a solitary and painful path. But no matter what happens, you know where to find your fellow brothers.

  17. It is remarkable how many have abducted Caitlin’s blog and used it to publish their own. There are few political arguments that can’t be made in a couple of paragraphs. They all involve fundamentals, which means they are most often fundamentally simple as well. For instance, I can argue my Ancap view in one sentence. The instant the power of life and death over others is granted to a few psychopaths, good government is out the window.

    1. Comorbidity 2024 Avatar
      Comorbidity 2024

      “It is remarkable how…”

      Parasocialist Interaction

      1. Let’s filter all comments in terms of dialectics, rhetoric, logic, no one would be allowed to participate including both of you. It’s all the same everywhere. Small minds big mouths, no relevant contributions; just watching as good voyeurs saying to each other: “Like thee must I go down, as men say, to whom I shall descend.” Bedtime for me. Auf Wiedersehen.

        1. My point has not a thing to do with any point of view. I’m massively pleased with as many as can be brought to light being here, regardless how much I agree or disagree with them.
          My point is, if you want to write a blog, use your own resources to create one, don’t abduct one another has created. There are often comments appearing here that rival Caitlin’s article in volume.

          1. Comorbidity 2024 Avatar
            Comorbidity 2024

            Wasting your time. They’re oblivious. Think of it as real-time socialism: living off the effort of others.

            Have to wonder why Caitlin doesn’t flag comments by those who support her financially. Suppose that would be patriarchal, hierarchical capitalistic, racist, sexist, Conservative, misogynistic…

          2. You’re right. I noticed it. But we all know why we are here. Caitlin’s Hell’s Kitchen is a cozy place to gather everyone together. You know, a sense of community. Identity. A sense of belonging to something better and greater in these unprecedented dark times we are living on right now. Whether we like it or not, it’s a call. It will bring good and bad people. I know those who I like to read here. The rest I ignore. Caitlin probably doesn’t like me here commenting. First, I’m a nerd and she doesn’t like nerds. Second, I’m not a PR person with empathy. It’s a relationship with author and reader in the same way as we have with neighbors. No one need to say but everyone knows those unofficial good neighborhood rules. And a part from all petty differences here, the solo purpose is being fulfilled. There’s no awakening and resistance without frustration, pain and perseverance. It’s like Baseball. You must own your mind to keep focus and balance to not fall when the first mistake or fall shows up. To put down or to take a piece of our current status quo will require of everyone what they were educated to avoid: get in trouble because of the truth. That guy nailed on the cross who everyone worship is a warning about what will happen with those trying to make the truth overcome deception. Probably he represents the only one true christian. Follow the path of the truth and you’re doomed in this world of illusion, pain and suffering. Speak the truth and the snitchers will be eager to have some piece of the prize in your head. It was all designed to be inverted and to work exactly in the way we are living without the cattle realizing.

  18. I’ve never been under false illusions that Biden will, in the long term, be much different than Trump. But, if we’re going to get screwed anyway, at least Biden’s lies and insults are quietly spoken, like most of Obama’s, so that I don’t have to hear Trump’s big mouth any longer. I’ve long since assumed that we the people re getting it ‘where the sun don’t shine,’ regardless of which party’s in control. The real difference Between Trump and Biden is simply that, while both are psychopaths, Trump is, without doubt, a pathological liar, one who lies when he doesn’t need to. I once had an employer who did the same. It cost him his business when his customers uncovered his lies. You might even say that trump lost to Biden once so many of his lies became blatantly obvious.
    Biden’s lies, on the other hand, are carefully created by both him and the party, so as leave them open for interpretation. So, he only lies when he has to, which is about 90% of the time, not trump’s 100%..

    1. That’s what I call a clever statement.

    2. Oh, sure, the kids are still in filthy cages being raped and denied even basic hygiene, but hey, aren’t those paper flowers and rainbow flags doing such a lovely job redecorating the cages? I bet those poor kids feel so much better now!

      Meanwhile, back here in Reality, nobody gives two tugs of a dead rat’s tail how “polite” Biden’s inhuman savagery is perceived to be by people who don’t have to endure it themselves. It’s still inhuman savagery. Being raped in the ass with a switchblade instead of broken glass is still being raped in the ass with a sharp object. Grow up.

      1. Yes, sadly true. People should watch The Mauritanian just to have a glimpse about what self-blindness, obedience, stupidity can do. In Guantanamo, as said in the movie, the prison is not to keep the prisoners there because they are a threat to the world. They must to be keep there because they are witness of grave crimes committed by CIA, FBI, Pentagon. The government is protecting their staff. In the border of US – Mexico, who knows for sure the extension of all criminality committed by the “good guys” against those children.

  19. Yep, the Democrats’ lust for losing is something I’ve noted for years, largely to deaf ears, so it’s great to see it echoed here.

    Now let’s go a step further. Trump and his followers fell well short of true fascism. But what are we to think of the Democrat establishment? They’re welded at the hip to every major US industry (except fossil fuels), they’re firmly allied with the intelligence community, as well as the propaganda industry (media), and they have a proclivity for banning certain forms of speech and thought, to the degree that they can deprive wrong-thinkers (as they define them) of their livelihoods.

    It should be noted that the other side is far from free of many of these tendencies. And they can be more ruthless in some instances. But this is hardly an excuse for the Dems.

    In sum, to the great extent that Trump ranged between incompetence and being thwarted by the most powerful elements of the blob, I’d say his administration had good deal less fascistic potential than its successor. The problem for the rest of us is that we shouldn’t have to rely on towering incompetence and institutional monkey wrenches in the machine to save us from the worst of all possible outcomes.

    1. They are both Fascists or outright communists. Stop comparing them against each other and look for similarities instead. It will then become obvious.

    2. Even Biden is in the back pocket of the fossil fuel industry, as much if not more so than any Republican politician. That’s why he refused to say he’d ban fracking and instead promised to increase it, and why within a week of taking office approved no fewer than thirty-one drilling permits. So Democrats are, indeed, welded at the hip to the fossil fuel industry. We can’t even claim otherwise with a straight face.

  20. He was running for the Senate. Now, the same puppeteers run the dementia:

    1. We’re running out of heroes here in America after Trump departed and currently watching Cuomo getting “shot down in flames.”

      But fear not Idolators, you will soon be given a new global political leader to worship. You will find him on the other side of war and ruin.

      1. We don’t need one hero because each one of you is your own hero according your limitations and understanding. How much do you need to lose till it’s too late for you be convinced about that?

        1. Here is a previous hero. More targets to come.

          1. Let them come. I don’t mind. I had so many labels in my lifetime. One more or less it will not make a difference in the outcome.

            1. I have a deep despise for Collin Powell, Rumsfeld, Cheney and all that gang of criminals.

  21. USA, land of opportunity; they don’t tell you what the opportunity is; it’s the opportunity to exploit your fellow man/woman. You see American’s get to their feet, put their hand on their chest’s and do a pavlovian regurgitation from rote memory. Even Hitler didn’t do that except at political rally’s. The majority believe in the invisible man in the sky nonsense and virtually every one believes in money which is an even bigger scam that oppresses them. The secret police of all ilks are aligned with big teck and the other corporations. We had our chance to improve when the commie’s presented a viable alternative system and we missed it. Not suggesting that state fascism was better but it did mitigate the worst of our system. China has brought hundred of millions out of poverty and presents a viable alternative. Russia has brought tens of millions out of poverty but it’s too small to present a viable alternative. A bunch of keyboard warriors tilting at windmills ain’t gonna do nuttin. We’re out of time, climate change is unstoppable and geo engineering is unlikely, enjoy your self, it’s later than you think.

    1. Let me tell you something about American people. They are seriously struggling right now. Don’t think they are not resisting to all this massive brainwashing happening in the last 15 months. The government and allies are using this opportunity to make your life more miserable than never. Paramount covid passport, without one you cannot go to one place to another in this world. Your iPhone and Android have that covid alert exposure notification. People are being labeled, tagged, labeled, separated worldwide. The governments will not step down one inch till everyone consent giving up some civil liberties. It’s a scam exponentially bigger than 9/11. They have been misleading the whole world. No one understand why someone would do such horrible things for all of us. There are several paradigms being at stake right now. Did they implode the buildings or they simply collapsed? They collapsed because we don’t care anymore, it’s a dead end this discussion. The planet Earth is flat or round? It’s round because who can imagine such level of deception. The covid thing and variants were made in laboratory or it was made by Mother Nature? If liberties were not at the table we would certainly agree with nature. Everyone is lost because you cannot find a trustworthy candle light to go back to normal in this dark valley of misinformation. No one feel comfortable supporting Palestine, Syria, Yemen, Somalia because they don’t know what’s really going on. It’s like that dialogue between Maximus and Marcus Aurelius on that movie Gladiator. People don’t know what happens in the battlefield. But they will believe in anything happening in the Circus.

      1. So, the two large airplanes full of people crashing into the towers thing was just a distraction from the carefully engineered placement of explosives? Was that just some added drama someone felt necessary because the towers simply being blown up wouldn’t get enough attention? Do we suspect those buildings were designed to withstand being hit with airliners full of fuel? Probably no more than we have full confidence that a neighboring building was designed to withstand the massive shock waves from two of the tallest buildings in the world crashing down right next to it. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. – Sigmund Freud Sometimes an airplane is just an airplane, which as it turns out is quite enough. Does government let any crisis go to waste? Of course not, but that doesn’t always mean they initiated it.

        1. “Probably no more than we have full confidence that a neighboring building was designed to withstand the massive shock waves from two of the tallest buildings in the world crashing down right next to it. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. – ”
          And sometimes it’s not.
          NIST’s (Nat. Inst. of Standards and Technology) own investigations found that building seven collapsed due to office fires.
          Of course, no other hi rise has ever collapsed, in exactly the same way as a controlled demolition would cause, at free fall speed, due to fire. And, coincidentally, exactly the same way the twin towers collapsed.
          I believe they may have claimed it was shock waves at first, but they blamed it on fire when that was completed debunked.
          From NIST’s website:

          “4. What caused the fires in WTC 7?
          Debris from the collapse of WTC 1, which was 370 feet to the south, ignited fires on at least 10 floors in the building at its south and west faces. However, only the fires on some of the lower floors—7 through 9 and 11 through 13—burned out of control. These lower-floor fires—which spread and grew because the water supply to the automatic sprinkler system for these floors had failed—were similar to building fires experienced in other tall buildings. The primary and backup water supply to the sprinkler systems for the lower floors relied on the city’s water supply, whose lines were damaged by the collapse of WTC 1 and WTC 2. These uncontrolled lower-floor fires eventually spread to the northeast part of WTC 7, where the building’s collapse began.”
          Is it possible that an office fire can produce enough heat to melt building steel?
          Interesting the sprinkler system failed, no? They get tested regularly and are designed with an automatic warning system to report when there is a problem with the system.

          1. I believe people still misinformed about that more than never. If people were really informed we would not be here discussing about the dark side of the Democratic and Republican Party.

            1. Agreed Ragnar. If people were more aware of the deception of 911, they would have had no impetus for the surveillance state or the “war on terror”

              1. True.
                Great Mr. Shocker.

          2. I should have read NIST’s statement regarding the sprinklers more carefully. Made no difference if the sprinkler system was tested and monitored if the city’s water supply was damaged.

        2. The events that day are that rare thing, a genuine signpost. We do not have to believe anyone; we can each look at the many independent videos made that day and work it out for ourselves. It is a rock of stability in an insane sea of noise.

  22. There’s a long running program referred to as “continuity of government” which outwardly preserves government by “the People” in case of emergency while in fact preserving government by “those people” on a daily basis. Consider “the People” have ( by definition) a collective intelligence quotient (I.Q.) of 100. Some issues come into play with democracy because citizens having below average and even moronic levels of intelligence are nevertheless privileged with a one vote per citizen “equal vote” to those possessed of high intelligence. This of course says nothing of any actual level of political engagement or awareness, but one can make whatever assumptions one wishes as to wolves versus sheep AKA “useful idiots”. As such, it is little wonder “those people” engaged as full time bureaucrats and policy makers who (by hereby totally manufactured wild ass guess) all have I.Q. levels of 130 or higher long ago found it totally necessary to rig the system for the ultimate benefit of “We the People”. Apparently any level of further corruption within such system is also wholly justified using the same rationale. God bless America regardless.

    1. In 2014 the UN sent a group of independent journalists along with some permanent staff to see and understand reality on Syria. When they came back to NY all media outlets were invited to hear what they had to share. They found out that the USA coalition was involved with the El and mercenaries groups. To sum up, the Syrian government was a hostage of the coalition. Millions of refugees overall ME flooded Europe, Africa, Asia, South and North America fleeing away from the “good guys”. Press media was pissed off by that statement. They simply ignored. And the video from that meeting disappeared from the UN archives and media websites.

  23. Who Is Not Corrupt?

    How many people can remember when they stopped their carefree, childhood skipping and never did it again? How many of you can remember when you first discovered that the world is full of corruption, starting with all the governments and working its way down, to the pickpocket on the bus, and the rich man on the hill who makes his living by selling arms. Yes, he has been making a killing of a living out of making it possible for others to kill others, and he has enough money to buy off every politician in town, and he is treated as an honored citizen!

    Most everyone knows how corrupt everything is, but tends to ignore it as “just a part of life”, or something that one person can’t do much about. So, it is almost universally accepted and forgotten, until now, when everything seems to be falling apart, and there is hell to pay. And still people are ignoring it, getting all excited about Biden, the pre AI robotic politician beating the Archie Bunker president, who all on what is left of the left love to hate, and now, he starts off right away bombing Syria. The ongoing tragedy of Syria is horrendous (Top 10 Facts About Living Conditions in Syria | The Borgen Project). 

    What is going on in Yemen is so bad, that most people would prefer to look away (Top 10 Facts About Living Conditions in Yemen | The Borgen Project), as well as in many other places in the world.

    The mainstream media never mentions the revolutionary actions in N. Syria of the Kurdish people along with at least 10 other equally treated ethnic groups, where the people have redesigned the way they govern, following to some degree the writings of Murray Bookchin, a leading anarchist, socialist, libertarian writer who passed in 2006, followed by their beloved leader Abdullah Ocalan who has been a political prisoner living now 22 years in solitary confinement in a Turkish jail, yet has managed to write and smuggle out 5 books which have inspired the Kurds to set up an horizontal government (, making women’s liberation one of their 3 pillars, the others being direct democracy and ecology.

    Their ongoing struggle for freedom in N. Syria, the “autonomous zone” called Rojava that they took over in 2013, has been completely ignored by mainstream media while they have been in constant battle with Syria, Turkey, Iraq, and Isis. 4.5 million people committed to freedom against all odds. They should be the inspiration for the whole world (go to youtube to see some of their videos about Rojava). The same could be said for the Zapatistas in Chiapas, Mexico who did the same since 1994 and are constantly under siege by the Mexican corrupt government.

    Shakespeare wrote about this in his play Hamlet 500 years ago, just to let you know how long this problem has been around. Hamlet, the personification of the ideal man, the young prince, returns home from the university, to discover his father, the king, has been murdered and his mother is now married to the murderer, the new king, and cries out, “Something is corrupt in Denmark”. The rest of this incredible play is about what is he going to do about it? The same question that faces everyone, once they discover the degree of corruption that we must live in and under, and by allowing, we all become complicit and thereby corrupted.

    MLK said “A man who won’t die for something is not fit to live.” The American patriot Patrick Henry is famous for saying “Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!” 

    If you look at how N. Americans and others are today, one might be ashamed to be associated with such a group. But a more compassionate view might be to recognize how shattered they are as individuals, having to depend on the handouts of a corrupt government and to be constantly propagandized by the corporate owned and CIA directed mainstream media. The result being that the vast majority have been rendered completely ineffectual and impotent.

    However when you have around 8 billion people struggling to survive under the barbaric systems that have been imposed upon all of us, one can imagine how the U curve would apply and that with such numbers that at the bottom and on one side of that U curve there are millions of absolutely brilliant people. And that there are among those brilliant thinkers, people who are coming up with brilliant possible solutions to save us from the looming extinction event brought on by us having fouled to such an extent the very environment that all of our lives depend on while the psychopathic leaders of this insane world maneuver humanity into an inescapable hole by putting us in the existential conundrum of having to choose health security, survival vs. our freedom, while bombarding us with lies and censoring the truth, or at least other views, to keep us confused, separated, and at their merciless mercy.

    The internet has made  it possible for everyone to see how much we all have in common and how we are all struggling for a better life and a better world.

    Yes, we need a new uncorrupted, unspyable, internet, a new uncorrupted, unspyable facebook, a digital network that connects all the millions of disparate projects working to make a more just, equitable, sane, and ethical world, to unify, and to be a force for good. For it is in this that we have a thread of hope to come out on the other side, once this has fully passed, into the age of aquarius, where autonomous utopias (places that are always improving) spring up everywhere by reinventing cities, and humanity recognizes that to be really human is to be humane and kind hearted, and to be a part of one gigantic extended non-dysfunctional family that looks out for everyone, and lives to collaborate, cooperate, and to embody love.

    1. I will not undermine your dissertation. But if you can be so kind to allow me to make 2 observations. As far I can remember Hamlet, in the context of the book, is not the personification of the ideal man. And just like Christianity did in the beginning promising monogamy, the Kurdish government is making women’s liberation one of their 3 pillars and the others being direct democracy and ecology. I’m not sure there are 3 pillars in this building.

      1. Julius Skoolafish Avatar
        Julius Skoolafish

        You could not find a more powerful advocate for women than Mrs Asma al Assad, First Lady of Syria (“Lioness of Damascus”) – a woman of impeccable dignity, grace, integrity, stoicism, morality and humility.
        • Asma Al-Assad during the reception made to the participants in ” Woman For Peace ” Bicycle Ride
        • Asma al Assad tells of her struggle against cancer

  24. Breaking News !!

    Erdoghan has just had one of the worst days of his life !!

    Subscribe to Syrian News – they need our support !

    1. You are not a regular spammer. You are misleading and stealing money.

      1. Thank you. Already reading.

  25. Israel are about the ONLY country in the ME that hasn’t signed on for the BRI !

    KSA – Yemen – Oman – Kuwait – Iran – Iraq – UAE – Lebanon – Syria – Libya – Morocco – Azerbaijan

    17 all up in the ME and Nth Africa !

    Israels time is short !

    You would not believe Azerbaijans rapid development – It resembles Dubai now !

    Won’t read about it in the western media though – makes you realise that the world is moving on WITHOUT the ZIO/US !

    Here is Azerbaijans capital – BAKU

    No wonder Russia sent in peace keepers to keep it out of ZIO/US influence !

    Azerbaijan will be a MAJOR hub of the BRI !

  26. “Disharmony and full consciousness can’t coexist.” Agreed!
    Question: Does the human animal have the stand-alone brain capacity to fully comprehend the incomprehensible of infinity?
    Another: Is consciousness finite?
    And another: What is the human species’ definition of ‘full consciousness’?
    On a continuum, how far is it removed from purely instinctive non-human behaviour?
    If sentience does not require language, as humanly defined, does it even require thought.
    Is personal transcendence solely a state of mind?
    And off to dreamland we go for another couple of hours in transcendent unconscious remission!

  27. NO MATTER WHAT: we do not need to argue about consciousness: this is a word like heaven, or hell, love, soul, and such stuff. i concluded that god is also one of these. no one knows nor will they. Even the dalai lama says his religion is merely “kindness.” and so to disharmony…some would say that is where consciousness shows up best.. who can stop the fight and somehow get hating rivals go stop, talk it over, and shake hands?
    a woman, or a mother, usually…
    today we tend to spend a lot, too much i think, time squirming and complaining and pointing out the evils we all can or could see–some are oblivious. not much of that in MeanolFrisco. but still the way or TAO among the worldly can make of they like. to me it says to change.
    unhappy ? change. change events, issues, and yourself. get active in some effective longterm non -violent WAY.
    quit bitching and start knitting names in the new flag….like madame dufarge in tale of two cities. it was her list they guillotined.
    war poisons everything everywhere…
    we gotta stop it and make it unprofitable is some way. that needs a TAO.
    i make lists all the time. stopping social security e.g., tell the world that the SSA is the#1 creditor of the….yep. like14%. china & japan are next @ 7 & 6.
    so it is not failing. maybe lending too much to the main gov but…
    and medicare for all is not good enough, and 15 is not either by 2025?! it will need to be 30…because war spending is for nada baba, and driving down the value of the currency.
    and giving free money to wall st. fails all the time every time. why? because they cannot invest it. because the poor are poor too poor to create any demand.
    the real fix would be to give money to the poor a lot like a BMI. they will spend it all, because it still won’t be enough. but this will create more jobs and then more demand and then they will begin to make more than the BMI…and so gradually eliminate the need for it.
    we need to call not doing that korruption like a Banana Republic.
    and we need to add 20 seats to the supreme court and eliminate the CIA, DEA and US AID; close down the Senate and put an end to our neo-plantation reps in favor or a true democracy. and much more.
    first of all “Don’t look back!” Satch said, “Somethin’ might be gaining on ya.”

  28. Caitlin, please don’t get too depressed. There is an upwelling of resistance across the globe that is slowly growing, cohering, finding itself and becoming more powerful. The Powers that be know this too. In the U.S., my biggest fear is war fever – which would temporarily derail the Resistance. I would like to see us focus on derailing war fever, setting up Peace Coffee Houses near U.S. military bases and other actions to connect with the enlisted men and women.

    1. You don’t have to fear war fever in the US. Everyone is just trying to move on from this lockdown depression, masks, trying to pay bills because unfortunately they still coming with no respect for social distance. It’s an interesting idea Peace Coffee houses. I would not recommend to do that near military bases, especially Area 51. It’s a dead end and. But I’m seriously considering into set up my own Peace Coffee house to understand this new resistance movement. I must have been abducted by some alien race and lost total contact with reality.

  29. Ah, the Buddha Ms Caitlin again speaks the un-sugar coated truth from her platform. We are blessed by her presence!

  30. Caitlin, why is it that every time I post a comment, I receive this?

    Subscribe to comments on This Is Who Democrats Are: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix on Caitlin Johnstone!


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    If you want to see all of the blogs you follow on the web in one easy place, sign up for a account.

    1. Every time you write an answer, to any post, if you check on that box “Notify me of follow-up comments by email”, you will receive this message. It’s something with the platform. And to not waste time, every time you see someone answering to “dissentersunite”, it’s the nickname of the admin. I’m from a time (70 years ago) when internet was sci-fi. I just bought my first laptop a couple of years ago. And I already know this stuff. Maybe it’s because I have this engineering spirit of knowing where things come from and where they are leading me to. You should do the same. If you don’t have much to say or to explain, try going into a library. Learn DIY. Question everything including the meaning of your existence.

  31. Caitlin, I hope you will one day realize your famous “corporate elites” have no political colour. Money, (Banks) power, ambition to control, Religion, Militarism are all neutral. ln fact, the Corporate Elites support all political parties, from the extreme Left to the extreme Right.

    The Corporate Elites work together in the UN Security Council. Russia, USA, UK, France and China, have been working in tandem for 75 years, to keep the world divided and subdivided. and now happily promising the world a third edition of the International Olympic Military Games, the ignorant and passive masses will call World War III

  32. Carolyn L Zaremba Avatar
    Carolyn L Zaremba

    Yeah, Caitlin, but some of my oldest and closest friends are documentary filmmakers. NOT Hollywood “documentary” filmmakers. There is a difference.

  33. Well said. It’s an inconvenient truth for everyone.

    “The Democratic Party is a party of hate and revenge. It is a party of violence and vice. The Democratic Party is one of elite socialists who wish for, and celebrate, the death of all who dare to stand in their way. They openly disdain all who disagree with their march for power and their bloodlust for control.”

    1. Well, you’ve got the Democratic rank and file who mostly self-define on the basis of group identity (what race, religion, sex, gender, age etc that they belong to), practice extreme victimhood, finagle to get maximum free stuff from the government and believe all the crap that party leadership tells them about being for social justice, equal outcomes for all irrespective of merit or circumstance, and how life on earth will become a paradise if only they–the “good” rich people–are elected to public office.
      Then you’ve got the party leadership and the elected officials who basically look upon their public positions as sinecures ensuring wealth and privilege without putting in much honest effort. Their number one goal, if not already rich and high profile, is getting personally linked in with other movers and shakers in the global economy to whom, in their political roles, they now have routine access. They claim to be liberal or progressive, professing that new social programs are the way to fix most of this country’s disparities (in wealth, status, education, physical well-being, etc), yet when they actually achieve power by being voted into the majority they are never quite able to make the social justice magic work.
      The same is true for the burgeoning environmental programs they proffer as solutions to hypothetical but not yet realised crises. These failures are always ascribed to the other side’s treachery rather than their own miscalculations whether from incompetence or furtive sabotage.
      Besides making it possible for you to live like a millionaire without making any real effort towards that goal their other major promise is to bring everlasting peace and tranquility to the planet through the good will, diplomacy and moral rectitude of the courageous candidates they want you to elect to office, yet when such election goals are achieved and controlling majorities attained in both legislative bodies serving contemporaneous with a Democratic chief executive the inconvenient constraints of the “real world” always seem to impose themselves and make that too impossible. In fact, “real politik” ends up forcing them to act even more bellicose than those evil warmongering Republicans.
      After a mere six weeks in the White House, “President” Crazy Joe has already seen fit to double down on most of these bait and switch tactics for which the Democratic leadership is so famous. Why it almost seems as if the Democrats are actually in cahoots with the Republicans to endlessly ram down your throat an unchanging program of diminishing opportunities for just plain folks and an always escalating need for more wars and greater rewards for the war profiteers. If the entrenched fat cats always seem to benefit while you suffer, that’s just fortuity, stochastic outcomes, fate or maybe god’s will–certainly an unplanned, unintended side effect which you should be gracious enough to not mention, thank you very much! It makes you seem very very unappreciative of all the Democratic Party does to improve your life should you whing and whine like an ingrate!

      1. I almost feel jealous of those rednecks abducted by an advanced alien civilization before the “disclosure”. An unprepared Democratic Party brat is what I got for a ride.

  34. The reality is this: The Democratic Party is Controlled Opposition. Controlled by the Technocratic Corporate fascist deep state just like the Republicans. The sad part is the Majority of the American Sheeple are oblivious to that fact, and they will continue to be manipulated by the ongoing official state propaganda till the final collapse happens. It’s Inevitable.

    1. I could not explain it better in one paragraph. Well said.

    2. Carolyn L Zaremba Avatar
      Carolyn L Zaremba

      The sheep are lazy both intellectually and morally. They don’t want to do even the minimum of work that is necessary, i.e., study history, pay attention to world news, do more than just vote every few years for things they know nothing about because they are lazy, intellectually and morally.

  35. Hard to argue this outstanding logic .As always outstandingly done Caitlin.

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