Listen to a reading of this article:

“To protect Taiwan we must be prepared to go to war with China.”

~ Imperialists who just lost a war to the Taliban

I’m genuinely disturbed at how many people would be willing to fight a world war over Taiwan’s governmental preferences. The power and effectiveness of the imperial propaganda machine never ceases to amaze me.

The astonishing amount of pushback I’m getting for my very sane and normal “Let’s not fight World War Three over Taiwan” position makes it abundantly clear that many people don’t truly understand that starting a war means you have to actually send actual human beings to go fight that war.

The correct response to someone who supports going to war if China attacks Taiwan is “Are you enlisted?”

The correct response when they inevitably answer “no” is “Then shut the fuck up.”

People who are fine with the idea of increasing aggressions between nuclear-armed nations simply haven’t thought hard enough about what nuclear war is and haven’t learned enough about the many different ways it could occur. It’s a comfort held in place by compartmentalization.

The decision to go to war with China would be the single most important and consequential decision ever made in human history. You’d have to weigh it against millions to billions of deaths. Defending Taiwan’s preference of government clearly wouldn’t weigh enough to justify that cost.

The empire’s greatest weapon is not its military but its propaganda machine. There’s simply never been anything like the global narrative control provided by the western news media, Silicon Valley, and Hollywood. The military fights wars, the propaganda machine wins them long before they start.

A lucid and well-informed examination of the world’s problems will keep bringing you back to this one fundamental issue: that Earth’s inhabitants are being psychologically manipulated at mass scale into organizing themselves in ways that serve the powerful instead of the people.

Congratulations to those who were awarded the same highly esteemed Peace Prize as Barack Obama and Henry Kissinger.

Conduct critical journalism on an empire-targeted government: get a Nobel Peace Prize.

Conduct critical journalism on the empire: get a CIA plot to assassinate you.

Real cancel culture is when the CIA plots to assassinate a journalist for publishing authentic documents in the public interest.

It’s very cute how we all think that everyone else is gullible except for us. Even assuming that is true is already very gullible.

Humans are not inherently fucked up, we’re just traumatized and manipulated by an abusive system into doing fucked up things. Very few of the ugly behaviors we see in people would exist if we had conscious and compassionate systems in place for organizing ourselves in this world.

Everyone gets that it’s wrong to blame an entire group on the misdeeds of a few of its members, but few people seem to apply that same logic to humanity as a whole. All our systems are dominated by the worst among us, simply because they’re sociopathic enough to climb to the top.

Really it just boils down to the fact that the majority don’t understand how sociopaths’ minds work or how to counter them, and that the trauma of preceding generations keeps giving rise to sociopaths. I think the initial trauma stretches back to our evolutionary ancestors who literally spent their lives running from giant monsters who were trying to eat them. Our nervous systems still operate that way today, even though those monsters are long gone.

If we could just catch a break for one or two generations to heal that trauma, I think we’d be fine. But we keep passing our trauma on to new generations because the worst among us keep thwarting everyone’s attempts to set up conscious systems.

To compensate for the fact that it won’t ever give the left any economic concessions the empire has been loudly amplifying some concessions on racial and sexual justice, so now even though nothing really changed you still get rightists saying politics moved “too far to the left”. This gives the propagandists a couple of different tools: it keeps discourse tied up on issues that will never hurt the agendas of any plutocrat or warmonger, and feeds into the culture war dynamics which facilitate us-vs-them propaganda tactics.

Propaganda is the foundation of all our problems, and the us vs them dynamic is the foundation of propaganda. If humans can awaken in a visceral, experiential way to the reality that all is one we can inoculate ourselves against propaganda and begin moving toward health together.


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45 responses to “Real Cancel Culture: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix”

  1. Christian Pickett Avatar
    Christian Pickett

    I assume most are naive enough to believe China’s communist leaders will not use a takeover of Taiwan and their chip producing giant as a way to leverage countries economic abilities and keep them even more docile as China continues to heavily invest in weaponizing anything it can do grow into a dominant force on the global stage .

    Seems many dismiss the notion that China (a state rife With human rights abuse) will treat other countries citizens with anything but contempt should they be able to exert tremendous economic influence /control after taking over the semi conductor supply chain by taking Taiwan

    1. Here a perfect example of what she was talking about.

  2. I am Taiwanese and I support reunification with the mainland. 我是台灣人, 我支持統一 If you are a foreigner living in Taiwan, enjoy your time and STFU about Taiwanese politics. 如果你是個老外, 那你對台灣的政治就沒有話語權, 請你閉嘴. If you are Taiwanese, then you should know traitors have no good ending. 如果你是台灣人的話, 你應該知道漢奸沒有好下場.

    Taiwanese have a distinct identity the same way Shanghainese have a distinct identity, but we are both still Chinese. It’s only these last several years with the constant western influence that has brainwashed the younger generation, my generation, to see Taiwanese as independent. Unlike the vast majority of Taiwanese, I’ve actually been to the mainland and seen it with my own two eyes and revealed all the western media lies. The sooner western influence is driven out from Taiwan and reunification happens, the better for all Taiwanese people.

    1. Ideology is most certainly a core element of coercive repression, but thisis a battlefield on which we each can play a decisive role. Question everything, analyse issues critically taking into account the motivations of opinion makers. We all can become fighters in the struggle for truth and human values.

      Reading Caitlin’s article vrought to my mind the philosophy of Viet Nam era US General Westmoreland who explained to us all that:

      “To save the village, sometimes we have to destroy the village!”

      This well exemplifies the mentality and core values of the milliterised capitalist state. If one wishes to study the history of this philosophical method one may quickly realise the degree to which Operation Paperclip 1945 brought a transformation as New Deal politics was replaced with imported NAZI values.

      It was not just the rocket club boys and their V2s which came home with the military intelligence operation. They also wanted to crush the New Deal concepts of human and social welfare, smashing the trade union movement. Just as NAZI economics had been built on slavery, working those identified as subhuman to death, so too had the original American economic “miracle”. But as the capitalist form of economic social activity replaced semi-feudal deep south racist serfdom with its slavish savagery, social classes assumed new forms creating their own intrinsic new contradictions.

      In China today, in the wake of betrayed Bolshevism, new conditions must resolve their own contradictions. But the philosophy of American individualism and its competitive destruction have no answers. That mode of thinking is quite redundant. In its Militarist application, the stupidity of a new generation of Paperclippers has been unable to solve theproblems of creating a happy life for all citizens, let alone win a single war in half a century.

      Its advocates must enter delusions of grandeur to keep pushing towards the cliff face of history. But at huge costs in the human suffering of others. If cannot sustain this madness for much longer before an explosive revolutionary opposite becomes activated.

    2. Ideology is most certainly a core element of coercive repression, but this is a battlefield on which we each can play a decisive role. Question everything, analyse issues critically, taking into account the motivations of opinion makers. We all can become fighters in the struggle for truth and human values.

      Reading Caitlin’s article brought to my mind the philosophy of Viet Nam era US General Westmoreland who explained to us all that:

      “To save the village, sometimes we have to destroy the village!”

      This well exemplifies the mentality and core values of the millitarised capitalist state. If one wishes to study the history of this philosophical method one may quickly realise the degree to which Operation Paperclip 1945 brought a transformation as New Deal politics was replaced with imported NAZI values.

      It was not just the rocket club boys and their V2s which came home with the military intelligence operation. They also wanted to crush the New Deal concepts of human and social welfare, smashing the trade union movement, and continue Hitlerist anti-Bolshevism.

      Just as NAZI economics had been built on slavery, working those identified as subhuman to death, so too had the original American economic “miracle”. But as the capitalist form of economic social activity replaced semi-feudal deep south racist serfdom with its slavish savagery, social classes assumed new forms creating their own intrinsic new contradictions.

      In China today, in the wake of betrayed Bolshevism, new conditions must resolve their own contradictions. But the philosophy of American individualism and its competitive destruction have no answers. That mode of thinking is quite redundant. In its Militarist application, the stupidity of a new generation of Paperclippers has been unable to solve the problems of creating a happy life for all citizens, let alone win a single war in half a century.

      Its advocates must enter delusions of grandeur to keep pushing towards the cliff face of history. But at huge costs in the human suffering of others. If cannot sustain this madness for much longer before an explosive revolutionary opposite becomes activated.

  3. Nuclear war is virtually inevitable. Why would anyone casually accept an invasion of Taiwan? Because of a very lame statement from China that Taiwan is a part of China? If that were true then what’s the problem? China ALSO claims ownership of the South China Sea 50 miles off of the coast of the Philippines. Why? Well, because China wants to control the sea lanes in the South China Sea. There is no end to this. Perhaps Taiwan should have ownership to say, 1,000 atomic warheads. Why the fuck not?

    1. I think the Taiwan/China division is similar to the North Korea/South Korea division and the North Vietnam/South Vietnam division; it is a product of Western imperialism and I can understand why the Chinese are up in arms about it. At the same time, the Chinese government seems oblivious to the desires of the inhabitants of Taiwan, where there seems to be substantial opposition to reunification. I think the U.S. used to have the right position, which was to verbally accept the goal of reunification but insist this must occur through negotiations. Trump wrecked this understanding.

    2. USA-ma Bin Laden Avatar
      USA-ma Bin Laden

      You are psychologically projecting the Anglo American ambitions onto China.

      It’s the Anglo Americans who seek to control the strategic sea lanes in the South China Sea so as to control China’s economy, which is set to surpass the US economy in a few short years.

      This issue of China surpassing America economically is what the Anglo Americans cannot stand–and are desperate to stop.

      And it is the 1000 pound Gorilla in the Living Room Issue that the Anglos want to obscure with all their Sinophobic propaganda.

      Indeed, a war in this region would hurt the Chinese economy MORE than the USA–which is why the USA (and its Australian crime partners) are desperate to stoke and provoke a war by using Taiwan as their pretext.

  4. Thank you, Caitlin. You open my eyes, inform me, and give me hope. That’s difficult.

  5. ‘Really it just boils down to the fact that the majority don’t understand how sociopaths’ minds work or how to counter them’

    There is no link here. Can I request an article that offers some basics in how to counter a sociopathic mind or system? I get most of your articles touch on strategies but can I have it in a simple list format…top 5 ways 🙂


  6. “Here are Bernays’ actual words:
    “The need for invisible government has been increasingly demonstrated, the technical means have been invented and developed by which public opinion may be regimented.”
    The next important contention was that the critical pollution of language necessary to make this work was already in use:
    “We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. We are dominated by a relatively small number of persons who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public.”
    Finally, Bernays attempts to provide a “moral” justification for proceeding as he suggests:
    “The conscious manipulation of organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in a democratic society. “

    1. Selling morons wars of extraction, imperialist greed, racial cleansing or wars to facilitate better wars REQUIRES a smug petit-bourgoise willing to murder working-class kids, as well as enslave, kill and rob foreigners. Conditioned responses of our bosses, landlords, clergy, commercial and managerial class KNOW they’ll benefit. So, like Walmart, Amazon… whomever! How did Marie Jana Korbelová put, casually MURDERING 500K kids? It was WORTH it? There’s a special place in HELL?

  7. The whole shebang is pretty hopeless if you ask me: most people still believe 32 years later that there was a massacre on Tiananmen Square on June 4, 1989.
    The world is an illusion and the CIA does its best to keep it that way :o)

  8. Well, if it’s a reactionary vs “progressive” liberal war, to build back blatant bail-out boondoggles; I’m guessing THAT is going on between Chucky’s Philadelphia and Rust-belt revolution, in Buffalo, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Detroit (where “essentials worker’s” death’s o’ disparity FIRE, PhARMA & MIC feeding-frenzy LONG predated COVID debt?

  9. I too am baffled at how casually nuclear war is contemplated today. In the 1980’s there was SANEFREEZE and literature about the dangers of such a war like “Nuclear War: What’s in it For You”:

    There was the excellent movie “Threads”:

    which I think was banned in Canada for a while because it was too disturbing. I found a website which displays a nuclear target map:

  10. Perception creates reality – individually and eventually, en masse. Feelings we generate are signals to ourselves. Not to be followed indefinitely, but to help us identify what our energy is doing.

    Media in general, and propaganda in particular, is meant to generate feelings in us that we are victims in some sense, and with victim-hood comes the ability to manipulate. Eons of victim/perpetrator conditioning that is not only passed down generationally, but also and even more-so through our various other focuses of attention (read: incarnations – other lives of our essence) which are then held with our body consciousness’, to be replayed by our current focus in which we then recreate the roles of victim and perpetrator (usually both), until such time that we recognize ourselves in these roles, and heal the traumas which are held in our body consciousness, and move toward expressing ourselves as our true form of Essence.

    The current Shift of Consciousness is affording us a greater awareness of ourselves and our environment in which we can then complete this process of healing and moving toward a fuller expression of ourselves in which we will understand how our energy, through our perception, creates our reality. This process is playing out billions of times by every individual on this planet. Most will not shift, they will complete their circuit oblivious and die. Some of us will decode and decipher the keys to how we consciously create our realities which we will then display for others to observe and duplicate in their own awareness.

    I observe the current machinations of media and inherent victim-hood as some sort of absurd vaudeville. It is amusing to a large degree as I recall my own roots in victim-hood and how I have managed to somewhat disperse these traumas from my own body. This ancient artform’s days are limited. Humans will soon find much better things to do with their attention and their energy than concern themselves with what others are creating for themselves when it has nothing to do with them. Especially when consciously creating our own reality will afford us the awareness of powers we never could have imagined in their glory, excitement and fun. This is what we were meant for – not paying attention to other expressions of victim/perp from those who have not and likely will not ever take the journey we are destined for.

    I can liken it to being chased by a monster in a dream until you realize you are dreaming and understand your own power within the dream. That monster will likely not be very interesting when you realize you can fly. This is the point that humanity is perched upon – run from the monster, or wake up in the dream and take to the air.

  11. If you — a US voter — do not want More Of The Same that has happened after every election in the past, do not vote for another R or D, ever!, no matter what an R or D promises!

  12. You’re so amazing!! I can’t thank and appreciate you enough for the writing you put out there. Rebel at its Finest! If you need to question this girl, you’ve answered your own question.

  13. As someone who has lived in Taiwan since 2007, and has read your stuff for years, I salute your sanity on the China/Taiwan issue. Sadly, even those who oppose US imperialism, such as the folks at the Grayzone, have managed to come up with a deranged/uninformed position: declaring Taiwan to already be “part of China,” and that its destiny is to be absorbed into the PRC blob. Doubling down, the fact of Taiwan nationalism then becomes due not to 500 years of history in which such an identity formed, but an astroturf operation by CIA/NED which began just a few years ago. Total nonsense, of course.

  14. CAITLIN long time reader and supporter.

    My take: what you write is no less propaganda than any other putting forth an opinion designed to sway or convince. Im also curious why the US is apparently the only fucked manipulative country on earth perpetuating war and TRIBALISM (the non negotiable biological impetus and imo real root of all problems throughout history). Been to China lately? Cameras EVERYwhere one looks. India, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi, et. al. – innocents? I’m just suggesting more balance lest you seem obsessed.

    That said: As agile, cogent commentary goes – you lead the pack.

    1. Focusing one’s criticisms on the single most powerful and destructive government on earth which heads a power alliance that functions as a globe-spanning empire is not something that anyone ever needs to explain, justify, apologize for, or change.

    2. Robert, you’re confusing polemic with propaganda. The two things are not the same. They can but need not overlap. The critical metric of keeping the two apart is the degree of conformance of example and imputation to the full extent of salient fact.

      Tribalism is fine when it is located upon distinct sovereign territory. Hegemonic globalism is a distinct opposite to the core character and values of sovereign tribalism. The current malignant expansionary political form is confecting holograms of tribalism within itself to affect conflicts that render its constituents unable to challenge its dominant power and to remain malleable to the machinations of that power.

      Einstein observed that all things should be kept as simple as possible, but no simpler. I think your neat distillation of the whole amputates and discards a few vital parts.

    3. Dear Robert, may I suggest you study the work of Josef Goebbels who developed the potential of state sponsored lies as a mode of social control and coercion. There is a very big difference between that manipulative process and the work of those like Caitlin Johnstone who try to understand the complex movement of human history in all its contradictory momentum.

      This historic development of human history is also an objective process. The sum of millions of actions by millions of people informed by their various understandings of the world and its movement. When the (mis)information they have is incorrect or purposefully untrue, their actions will not serve either their comfort or survival.

      Your subjective thoughts – and mine also – reflect that objective process in a finite way, and we must apply critical thinking to the evidence we gather and share so as to to deepen our knowledge. This is the process in which Caitlin’s work is engaged. It is an opposite to the propaganda of the Neoliberal elite.

      The state has evolved as the coordinating entity of societal affairs over vast swathes of human history. Presently, the capitalist state encodes the necessities of its own ruling class (the first one was the attempt by Oliver Cromwell to eliminate the Feudal divine right to rule of the king).

      The necessity of the present class of rulers is to compete with each other for the hegemony of their divine right to profiteer. War should be understood today in this context. A desired opposite would be the cooperative and collective work of communities to enforce equality of all against individualist private accumulation.

      We need to give up the distraction of subjective imagination and grasp the objective fact of globalised class war as a aspect of class rule, and start identifying reality. Surface impressions often mislead. Your description of Chinese streets applies to US streets and those of Dublin or Melbourne also.

      Delve a little deeper and deal with the essential problem of political dictatorship over the many by a tiny minority. Once that’s understood, containing as it does, the contradictory seeds of its own fatality, we could address the legal and power changes we must execute to survive the many crises of capitalism and to expropriate its power. If we don’t, we may probably not survive as a species. Caitlin’s work seems true because it is a true reflection, in my view.

  15. Caitlin, a single but significant criticism within an otherwise incisive article:

    Respective to “I think the initial trauma stretches back to our evolutionary ancestors who literally spent their lives running from giant monsters who were trying to eat them. Our nervous systems still operate that way today, even though those monsters are long gone.”

    When might you reconsider your flawed view that this (near zenith?) syndrome of supplication to sociopathy is an innate quality of human nature? Could you consider the apparent fact of it being a relatively recent expression of metaphysical and cultural dysfunction induced by the dynamics of expansive and expanding political and socio-economic hierarchies. These dynamics were enabled initially by agriculture and its capacity for the production and storage of surplus food energy and have since been massively augmented by technological access to chemical energy supplies beyond food stocks.

  16. Random Castagna Avatar
    Random Castagna


    Trauma does not create sociopaths. Genetics does. Their brains are not the same in anatomy or physiology as the rest of ours.

    1. Sociopath, psychopath, NPD/ BPD are diagnoses to which ‘Murikans aspire (since they’re usually associated with wealthy, dead-eyed celebrities, worshipped by we the peons. J. P. Goebbels was a rank amateur, who stole his schtick from early Madison Avenue & Hollywood dream merchants. Across the Hudson, ‘bad’ kids are warned against being selfish, entitled little assholes. Among our betters, NPD & BPD were removed as personality disorders, sort’ve like Inuits having no single word for snow, or Yiddish having 374 terms for jerk?

  17. “The astonishing amount of pushback I’m getting for my very sane and normal “Let’s not fight World War Three over Taiwan” position makes it abundantly clear that many people don’t truly understand that starting a war means you have to actually send actual human beings to go fight that war.”

    Within a social group, it is valuable to signal in some way that incurs costs. Saying sane things generally incurs no cost, and thus is a ‘cheap signal’ (unless those sane things are just not very popular). When some dumbass says “Bomb them” or whatever, he does not believe he has any power over the outcome. You are correct that none of them are enlisted.

    Given a pistol and asked to shoot someone in the face, they would all shit their pants. But they know they won’t ever need to face that reality. So, they can signal to their group by saying things which are reputationally risky, thus high-cost, thus ‘credible’ signals.

    I mean, this gets into human psyches vying for tribal affiliations. Really, they want to hug and ‘touch antennae in the madhouse.’ It’s just that they have their preferences for who and which types of humans they want to do that with. So, they signal to that group.

    The signal could be “nuke China” or the signal could be “‘we’ deserved 9/11” or whatever. It needs to be reputationally risky to work.

    There is danger in all this just like brinksmanship around Taiwan. (1) someone else might believe my signals. (2) *I* might believe my own signaling (people don’t necessarily compartmentalize all that well). (3) As we see, all discourse gets reduced to signaling to ones tribe.

    The causes of this are extreme alienation, fear in the face of rapid change, etc. But make no mistake, unless the people writing you are are elected officials, their project is small-scale, personal and social. They want love and respect and a good life. Sociopaths use all this.

    The second part of your post here is really right on! People are so emotionally damaged and pass that on to others and so forth. Some think it was our evolutionary history when the Saharas dried up and the “garden of Eden” became a desert. Scarcity came about and wounded humans. We all play this out when we get born and have to leave a really nice place and come into a world that can be very hard. Doctors don’t help bringing babies out on a schedule using drugs, forceps, and surgery.

    It takes a lot to get people past this. The one thing I see is that no one is *actually* all that stupid. They are usually either deeply wounded or else in a situation with totally fucked up incentives (such as incentives to signal to a group in hopes of building security and love that they lack)

    1. Hear, hear. In practice keeping calm and avoiding pejoratives seems to work well for finding common ground in my somewhat rural location in the PNW.

  18. Gao Ying, Tan Jun & Zhang Lu-Ping all knew lots more about Hyman Rickover than I did (when they first came over (of course, they’d known lots more about Nonhelema, Degonwadanti, Logan & Simon Girty as well?) Wild guess is having beat us at Capitalism, they’ll soon beat us at agitprop. If they can do what Teddy Roosevelt pretended to do to incentivize innovative and competition, we’ll see PV, PHEV, efficiency, renewables, smart grids & infrastructure… basically sell themselves.

    1. When I retired from a high-purity silica glass foundry in 2008, China was graduating 400,000 engineers per year and was just taking over the top commercial spots in photovoltaic from Japan. Last year the Chinese government announced the end of severe poverty in a country that was reduced to said state by western imperialists. I welcome their development and, as you imply, the potential for broad and deep deployment of renewable energy.

      1. Yep; don’t forget these were the same visiting scholars who returned home to Tiananmen (Ying, a Hui, had a cop brother; so NO I’m not promoting any PRC senile thug leaders!) But, if there’s anybody we NEED, on the planet our white-flight suburbanite Dixiecrats unleashed run-away AGW on… it’s NOT our Ukrainian, Israeli OR Saudi Arabian “allies” & NEVER was Great Britain, or Atlantic Council oilgarch thugs? We hooked China on Foster-Wheeler coal-fired power plant boilers, Korea on Westinghouse & Japan on GE reactors. We’d basically handed Japan our antiquated fleet, for European Oil companies & picked forever-wars based upon a Sykes–Picot Agreement and Mahan’s writings, based on coal-fired ironclads? Biden’s cabinet proves, nothing fundimentally will change? We SO fucked!

  19. Goebbels and Bernays sat down for a chat.
    ‘You know’ said Bernays, ‘They’ll swallow any crap’ All we have to do is repeat and repeat and we’ll have all those fools walking in their sleep’
    (Goebbels just nodded smugly).

  20. Wow, Caitlin, WOW! Thank you. Sing it loud. Love.

  21. How about we ask the Americans and the Chinese what they will give us for us to remain free and independant, and of course what we have to give them, ie like an Auction/

  22. Once upon a time, we said what if they gave a war and nobody came. Now we need to say what if they gave a mainstream media, and nobody tuned in. What could be easier than NOT pressing a button?

  23. Right, – Capitalism, Left, – Socialism, – is that our only two choices?
    Given the gradual individuation in all cultures all over the Earth, perhaps we can look at this phenomenon.
    In the past, Tribalism, strong families. – folk from indigenous cultures, – usually look at where they are in tribal/family relationships, – in fact, that is how they feel Who they are.
    As this way of knowing who you are, – by your relationships, has declined, – we have become more individuated, more a single soul, and much literature has been written on this sibject, – ie Eldridge Cleaver – / – soul on ice, etc. and so much more..
    Whatever, that has increased manyfold, so I think that we have now gone beyond that early dichotomy, – Materialism has arrived, with it’s < ego based, me me me, and we have to deal with that.
    In the early social revolution days, many were the arguments between different Socialistic groups, and also Anarchistic groups, – and indeed to the death, – the battleship Protemkin, Earnst Makhno, Spain, – etc. perhaps that is enough.. let’s look at that as history.
    Today we have a tradition of right, – said to be capitalism, the super rich, the right wing Old Testament churches, and traditional conservatism, but of course the super rich are the main force, – they own most of the media and most of the corporations, so also tend to run the ‘narrative.'
    However, when one looks closely at that very small group of very rich people they are not a group, but a number of vigorously individual folk who are in a lot of direct competition, and the only descriptive political philosophy that I can find that they fit is Stirnerite Anarchism, the which had quite an influence on various groups of his day and since, – whose philosphy as I understand it is ‘That if every one does exactly what they want, society will come out OK as they will unwittingly co-operate.
    Led to Neo-Liberalism, but the underlying problem is that because these individuals value the power that money brings they have very little resistance to do anything at all that will increase their wealth, hence their eager participation in destroying the earth through global warming, destruction of the environment, etc. as money is the only consideration, and the power it brings.
    So where does that leave us? on the left, Socialism, – many varieties, on the right Anarchism, although a particularly one sided version of the same.
    I would argue that Anarchism is a more developmentally possible concept for the modern age, and the Super rich embracing their form of Anarchism has led to their domination of the Human Race, so where does that leave Socialism.
    Despite many adhering to tenets and bits and pieces of socialism, it is currently not the dominant paradigm, and may never be.
    What we need to look at is, – and not putting aside our socialist or whatever other feelings, – is the Left aspect of Anarchism, so that would be the real two choices, Left Anarchism and Right Anarchism.
    Where then is Left Anarchism?
    Fortunately a beginning is to be found in Tolstoyan Anarcho Syndicalism, – the which is basically about groups of people working together and working with other groups to manage the Human race.
    The extra ordinary difference between these two forms of Anarchism, and this difference prescribes/defines them is that the Right form is top down hierarchical control at every level, and the left form of anarchism is bottom up non hierarchical group decisions – whether democratic or consensual, with all having their say and all giving what they can.
    The reality is that people working together in groups are far more creative and can implement far more will, than top down organisations because they can bring about the best in everyone.
    No Socialist would disagree except socialists who believe in Hierachical domination, – that is where every socialist revolution has foundered, a dictator has arisen because the philosophy allows it.
    Left and Right, – I believe the people of Australia are naturally more left by far than the rulers of America, – I regard the ABC as right wing, the right even in Australia regard it as rabidly left.
    Australians, and many people all over the world help each other in times of trouble, – that is left.
    Perhaps we can build from there?
    Geoff Thomas

  24. “Really it just boils down to the fact that the majority don’t understand how sociopaths’ minds work or how to counter them…”

    Genuine question following, I’m keen to hear peoples thoughts on this: So how do we counteract sociopaths’ ways and impacts? Both as individuals and a collective?

    1. IMHO, the only way to counter MSM propaganda is to utterly ignore it and urge others to do the same. Caitlin and many others take the position that we should engage with it and refute it. But this process lets the propaganda seep inside us before we try to reject/eject it. And once in, the propaganda does its work on our minds and hearts. We become driven to react to it, obsessed to counter it, and thus it becomes, in mirror image, a major focus of our lives. Thus the fiercest critics of the MSM become its prey as much as those who swallow it at face value. The only viable alternative, as I’ve come to see it, is to put one’s hand to the plow of envisioning and building a better, more beautiful world…and let the dead bury the dead.

    2. At least, here in The States. All we’ve EVER had to do, was look at ANY screen, print, sign… and you don’t even need “They Live” shades to see it.

  25. in the era of intense economic and educational Specialization…and workplace monotony of repetitive actions, it’s almost impossible to gain a macro picture of what’s going on.
    post partum exhaustion after a hard day’s night and week, make booze and TV a person’s best friend and comfort. some nations have recognized this as in Finland, with its femme led gov’t: they switched to a 4 day week, and 6 hour days for base pay.
    this allows for a chance to create one’s own POV.

    1. Didn’t Noam Chomsky say that after the 1960s, a time when lots of regular people had very nuanced understanding and were deeply involved in politics, the powers that be basically decided “That can never happen again.”

      Then they developed the modern media and kept swallowing more and more time with the workplace!

  26. My inside information from China says that her position is that she will, at all costs, protect Vermont from the United States.

    1. Hawaii is the better analogy…

      1. You are right. I should have thought of that. I used Vermont due to its liberal character.

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