Listen to a reading of this article:
The US is preparing to station multiple nuclear-capable B-52 bombers in northern Australia in what the mass media are calling a “signal to China,” yet another example of Australia’s forced subservience as a US military/intelligence asset.
“Having bombers that could range and potentially attack mainland China could be very important in sending a signal to China that any of its actions over Taiwan could also expand further,” Becca Wasser from the Centre for New American Security think tank told the ABC.
“This is a dangerous escalation. It makes Australia an even bigger part of the global nuclear weapons threat to humanity’s very existence – and by rising military tensions it further destabilises our region,” tweeted Greens Senator David Shoebridge of the incendiary provocation.
This is a dangerous escalation. It makes Australia an even bigger part of the global nuclear weapons threat to humanity’s very existence – and by rising military tensions it further destabilises our region
— David Shoebridge (@DavidShoebridge) October 30, 2022
A new Australian Financial Review article titled “Australia’s alliances in Asia are a tale of two regions” candidly discusses the Biden administration’s recent sanctions geared toward kneecapping the Chinese tech industry in what the author James Curran correctly says “is unambiguously a new cold war.” Curran describes the impossible task Australia has of straddling the ever-widening divide between its number one trading partner China and its number one “security” partner the US, while Washington continually pressures Canberra and ASEAN states toward greater and greater enmity with Beijing.
“ASEAN countries, as much as Australia, have much at stake in resisting the onset of a bifurcated world,” Curran writes.
But that bifurcation is being shoved through at breakneck pace, using both hard and soft power measures. Australians have been hammered with increasingly aggressive anti-China propaganda, and as a result nearly half of them now say they would be willing to go to war to defend Taiwan from an attack by the mainland, with a third saying they’d support a war against China over the Solomon Islands.
A recent Cambridge study found that this hostility toward China has been on the rise in recent years not just in Australia but throughout the “liberal democracies” of the US-centralized power alliance. But what’s interesting is that public opinion is exactly reversed in the much larger remainder of the Earth’s population, with people outside the US power cluster just as fond of China as those within that power cluster are hostile toward it. This relationship is largely mirrored with Russia as well.
“Among the 1.2bn people who inhabit the world’s liberal democracies, three-quarters (75%) now hold a negative view of China, and 87% a negative view of Russia,” the report reads. “However, for the 6.3bn people who live in the rest of the world, the picture is reversed. In these societies, 70% feel positively towards China, and 66% positively towards Russia.”
The report finds that in the “developing” world, approval of China is higher than approval of the US:
“For the first time ever, slightly more people in developing countries (62%) are favourable towards China than towards the United States (61%). This is especially so among the 4.6bn people living in countries supported by the Belt and Road Initiative, among whom almost two-thirds hold a positive view of China, compared to just a quarter (27%) in non-participating countries.”
The report finds that while Russia’s approval has plummeted in the west, it maintains broad support in the east despite the invasion of Ukraine:
“However, the real terrain of Russia’s international influence lies outside of the West. 75% of respondents in South Asia, 68% in Francophone Africa, 62% in Southeast Asia continue to view the country positively in spite of the events of this year.”
I first became aware of the Cambridge study via a Twitter thread by Arnaud Bertrand (who is a great follow if you happen to use that demonic app). Bertrand highlights data in the study showing that US-aligned nations’ opinion of China began plummeting not after the Covid outbreak in late 2019, but after 2017 when the US began ramping up its propaganda campaign against Beijing.
Apart from the fact that the USA’s immensely sophisticated propaganda machine naturally focuses primarily on where the world’s wealth and military firepower rests while pushing its global agendas, and apart from the fact that those in Belt and Road Initiative countries apparently believe they benefit from their economic relationships with China, the disparity between the “developed” and “developing” worlds in their perceptions of the US and its enemies may also be partly explained by another thought-provoking Arnaud Bertrand thread, which I will quote in its entirety here:
A puzzling observation in today’s world is that almost no Western leader has laid out a positive vision for the future.
Take Biden for instance. His big vision is “democracies vs autocracies”. Meaning his vision for the future of the world is conflict. How positive is that?
Contrast this with China: between “national rejuvenation” and “common prosperity” at home and the “global security initiative” as their vision for improved international relations; everyone is very clear on the journey they’re embarked on.
This is a key, if not the key reason why the “West” has no chance in hell to convince the “rest” to join them.
There’s simply nothing to join! Except conflict, I guess, but you join a conflict to fight for a vision – for a better world – the conflict itself cannot be the vision!
This reminds me of what George Kennan, the architect of the cold war, wrote: to win he said that America had to “create among the peoples of the world generally the impression of a country which knows what it wants, which is coping successfully with the problems of its internal life and with the responsibilities of a World Power, and which has a spiritual vitality capable of holding its own among the major ideological currents of the time”
Does America give this impression today?
Even in my own country, France. Ask any French person what Macron’s vision for the future of France and the world is, what the grand plan is, and you’ll get very puzzled looks. “Reform the pension system so we have to work longer?”
The truth is there’s nothing, nada, rien!
What we have essentially in the West are political operators. They think their jobs are to get reelected and to attempt to move whatever metrics the electorate cares about: GDP, unemployment, debt levels, CO2 emissions, etc. Actual leaders have gone extinct (or gone East).
It’s actually quite sad, really speaks to the levels of intellectual decrepitude in the West today. The time of the Enlightenment, the big revolutions is well and truly gone. We’re stuck with our mediocre operators.
It’s also why this is such a dangerous time. A positive vision brings confidence, it brings hope, it motivates, it makes people look forward to what’s to come. The West has none of that today.
The future is scary, the dominant feelings are fear and anger.
And when there’s a lot of fear and anger, these feelings need to be directed somewhere. And our operators certainly don’t want it to be them! So it’s China, Iran, all those “foreigners” who “hate our freedom”.
Perfect recipe for a very bad conflict…
Please, don’t get fooled!
MUST WATCH: The brilliant Professor Sachs speaks the truth and offers his wisdom and advice for humanity. "The real struggle of the world is to live together and overcome our common crises of environment and inequality."
Original video:
— Kimmee Lee (@KimmeeLee2) October 22, 2022
Bertrand’s musings echo a recent quote by Professor Jeffrey Sachs at the Athens Democracy Forum: “The single biggest mistake of president Biden was to say ‘the greatest struggle of the world is between democracies and autocracies’. The real struggle of the world is to live together and overcome our common crises of environment and inequality.”
Indeed, we could be striving toward a positive vision for the future, one which seeks “common prosperity” and “improved international relations,” one which works to remedy inequality and address the looming environmental crisis. Instead the world is being bifurcated, split in two, which history tells us is probably an indication that something extremely terrible is on the horizon for our species unless we drastically change course.
It’s worth keeping all this in mind, as nuclear-capable bombers are deployed to Australia; as NATO weighs moving nuclear weapons to Russia’s border in Finland; as the Biden administration goes all in on economic warfare with China regardless of the consequences; as Russia accuses the US of “lowering the nuclear threshold” by modernizing the arsenal in Europe into “battlefield weapons”; as the Council on Foreign Relations president openly admits that the US is now working to halt China’s rise on the world stage; as China declares its willingness to deepen ties with Russia on all levels.
We could have such a wonderful, healthy, collaborative world, and it’s being flushed down the toilet because an empire is using its leverage over the wealthiest populations on our planet to work toward dominating all the other populations. This stupid, insane quest to shore up unipolar planetary domination is costing us everything while gaining us nothing, and it’s going to be the poorest and weakest among us who suffer the most as a result.
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57 responses to “New Study Finds The Rest Of The World Supports China And Russia”
The Global South wants to be rid of western imperialism, but they also want Russia and China to do all the heavy lifting.
To be fair, there is a lot that only they CAN do, at least now and in the immediate future.
But arguably there should be more active contribution from the countries aiming to liberate themselves.
Russia and China should start looking to build an anti Nato military alliance in the global south, that would have the great advantage of being actually defensive, and without the repressive aspects of the Warsaw Pact.
Membership of course entirely voluntary, but I think it wouldn’t be difficult to sell the advantages.
They also should take measures to help global south countries strengthen themselves in all sorts of ways, uncludingly militarily.
They also should create a body to replace the hopelessly corrupted UN.
With their own, international peacekeepers amongst many other things, that could help secure peace in places like Armenia.
These organisations could also help global south countries to gladly rid themselves off infection by Western hilarious misnamed NGOs and other CIA and US State Department puppets.
Tack Caitlin!
Jag har översatt denna artikel till svenska, ifall någon har svårt att läsa den på engelska.
Thanks Caitlin!
I have translated this article into Swedish, if anyone has trouble reading it in English.
It’s the UK. Australia has a Prime Minister? Read somewhere where , where a PM of Australia was giving a sort of State of Australia speech on television about how they were going to lay down railroad tracks rather than rely on shipping from city to city. The Queen showed up with some men took him off stage and that was the end of that PM.
I know I’m connected because my device says so. But still wont let me post. Sure hope today’s post finds its way to VT, it It would be very timely today. As for cognition, sure hope my memo earlier was of some help even if only for you.
You’re cranking out some lovely work.
What else can you expect from a COMPLICITE Australian Government ? Recently the N.Y.T. released information that the Australian Assistant Secretary For Defence is a retired American Navy Admiral with a salary of $600,000 per annum. Whether he’s a Australian Citizen or not, was not mentioned. What was mentioned though, is the FACT the Australian MSM HAD to know this all along, yet nary a mention has been made of it. So the questionarises, WHO, or better still, WHAT nation is it, that is actually making decisions on whay goes on within our own military ??? Clearly, it’s NOT the Australian Govt, and the people of Australia are totally unawares.
Together with this, article recently published here, let’s the cat outa the bag.
Every Australian should be scandalised.
Ah? A new scam…
Notably absent from the overall positive spin from politicians and the ever faithful msm is any discussion of nuclear weapons being stored in Australia for these B52s. I hope no normal person thinks that in the event of a war with China the US will have to ask China for a cease fire till they can get some nukes for the US planes stationed here,or that they would just hey ho we’ll fly all the way there with some dumb conventional bombs. I not too the utterly silly,wouldn’t fool a child nonsense which applied to the US Marines in Darwin: not permanent because the troops rotate is being trotted out here as well. Oh right,so because they go home after 6 months and are replaced by fresh troops/planes they are not here permanently.
What else can you expect from a COMPLICITE Australian Government ? Recently the N.Y.T. released information that the Australian Assistant Secretary For Defence is a retired American Navy Admiral with a salary of $600,000 per annum. Whether he’s a Australian Citizen or not, was not mentioned. What was mentioned though, is the FACT the Australian MSM HAD to know this all along, yet nary a mention has been made of it. So the questionarises, WHO, or better still, WHAT nation is it, that is actually making decisions on whay goes on within our own military ??? Clearly, it’s NOT the Australian Govt, and the people of Australia are totally unawares.
Together with this, article recently published here, let’s the cat outa the bag.
Every Australian should be scandalised.
Why work from home? I want a permanent vacation, like Betsy Devos and Jeff Bezos; however, with a crucial contrast: to maintain my dignity and honor.
The western empire is big, mean, still-powerful to destroy, but not to build, and increasingly inept. China could easily surpass all of this by 2049, the PRC centennial!
Wishing us all well…
What Is in the So-called COVID-19 “Vaccines”? —10/31/22
Part 1: Evidence of a Global Crime Against Humanity
Abstract: Between July 2021 and August 2022, evidence of undisclosed ingredients in the COVID-19 “vaccines” was published by at least 26 researchers/research teams in 16 different countries across five continents using spectroscopic and microscopic analysis. Despite operating largely independently of one another, their findings are remarkably similar and highlight the clear and present danger that the world’s population has been lied to regarding the contents of the COVID-19 “vaccines”. This raises grave questions about the true purpose of the dangerous experimental injections that have so far been shot into 5.33 billion people (over two thirds of the human race), including children, apparently without their informed consent regarding the contents. Surprise findings include sharp-edged geometric structures, fibrous or tube-like structures, crystalline formations, “microbubbles”, and possible self-assembling nanotechnology. The blood of people who have received one or more COVID-19 “vaccines” appears, in case after case, to contain foreign bodies and to be seriously degraded, with red blood cells typically in Rouleaux formation. Taken together, these 26 studies make a powerful case for the full force of scientific investigation to be brought to bear on the COVID-19 “vaccine” contents. If the findings of these 26 studies are confirmed, then the political implications are nothing short of revolutionary: a global crime against humanity has been committed, in which every government, every regulator, every establishment media organization, and all the professions have been complicit.
Click to read full report:
Got a chuckle from that lead graphic, a new take on the world getting smaller. Or the rest of the world getting bigger. Doing this from memory but some months ago the US commerce secretary said the US needed to “slow the rate of Chinese innovation”, and where do you even start on how fucked up that is? And the system seems too corroded to even notice. It’s of a piece with waging war in Ukraine for the sole stated purpose of “weakening Russia”. It’s hard to say if it’s more evil or pathetic. The only country it weakens is the US.
Russia needs to deploy 6 Tu-160s to Mexico. The Tu-160 can fly rings around a B-52. Actually, now that I’m typing it may have some significance that they’re sending B-52s. Six is a token force anyway but a serious token force would have been B-1s. B-52s wouldn’t stand a chance against the Chinese. Maybe it’s a nostalgia thing. Maybe they’re trying to rile the Vietnamese. Maybe it’s a posturing hate mongering display for their rabid base. It won’t seem like a good idea if every major city in Australia gets vaporized.
Well now it’s up twice. I reposted because it kept not showing up, but now that I’m here I’m thinking B-52s are fence straddling, chest thumping for the base but not something to actually worry the Chinese. Caitlin you need to emphasize to your co-nationals that Australia’s mission statement in the transpacific partnership is STFU bitch. And when the deal heads south sugar daddy isn’t keeping anybody’s bitch ass off the floor. The Opium Wars were then. This is now.
…. well, it’s up, then it’s not, then it is, then it isn’t again …. hm. let’s see what this does …
Sad for the Aussies but true that Australia has always been a lackey of the Empire via the British Commonwealth and other western establishments.
Jeffery Sachs policies in Russia killed millions.
Jeffery Sachs spearheaded a program which transferred the ownership of Russian state-owned enterprises to the private sector in two years. Starving people were given vouchers they had to sell for food. Inflation was 200 %.
Rapid privatization led to a 56 percent increase in unemployment. The increase produced misery and death.
Sachs, a leading advocate of the “shock therapy” school of thought, served as an economic adviser to a number of the Eastern bloc countries, including Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovenia and Russia. The result was millions of excess deaths.
Notable about Mr. Sachs is that he can’t take responsibility for the mistakes he has made.
I’m disappointed Caitlin. You should know how ‘good cop bad cop’ works. Jeffery Sacks is a shill of the empire you claim to oppose. Jeffery is a high priest of hierarchy and hegemony. Jeffery is CONTROLLED opposition.
* Sachs’s policies
killed millions.
1/ Reality seems to be a bit more nuanced since Sachs got the Polish order of Merit for his advising in spite of his initial mistakes.
2/ Caitlin only quotes him on something totally unrelated, saying “The single biggest mistake of president Biden was to say ‘the greatest struggle of the world is between democracies and autocracies’. The real struggle of the world is to live together and overcome our common crises of environment and inequality.” A rather commendable pronouncement.
This puritan habit some activists have to throw the baby with the bath water is outright cringeworthy. Does one have to check people’s bio all the way back to the cradle and make sure they’ve got an absolutely clean slate before quoting them saying “Lovely morning, ain’t it, Mrs Jones?”
I’d like to challenge anyone and everyone, to PROVE to us all on here, which country on this planet, is actually and in reality, run by a Democratic Government. I’m 72 years of age, been around the block, and have yet to see actual real evidence of ANY country run under the alleged Democratic principles we hear so much waffle about. What I do KNOW for a fact, all the folks spouting off how wonderful democracy is, are the biggest hypocrits on the planet.
So in what passes for your mind it wasn’t the rapacious capitalists who plundered Russia which devastated that country but Sachs. Really
I am an American. I don’t support the actions of the U.S. govt controlled by Oligarchs and intelligence run amok.
Gavin Newsome calls DC politicians ‘the traitor class’, I would add corporate media.
We are abused & exploited by the Oligarchs & the ‘traitor class’. They abuse & exploit the entire world.
I consider the Oligarchs that control the U.S. to be insane addicts for MORE Money, Power & Control…
The are not capable of acting in their own best interests, let alone, the best interests of anyone else.
Gavin Newsom has probably never heard the saying that when you point your finger at someone, three fingers are pointing back at you.
Got a chuckle from that lead graphic, a new take on the world getting smaller. Or the rest of the world getting bigger. Doing this from memory but some months ago the US commerce secretary said the US needed to “slow the rate of Chinese innovation”, and where do you even start on how fucked up that is? And the system seems too corroded to even notice. It’s of a piece with waging war in Ukraine for the sole stated purpose of “weakening Russia”. It’s hard to say if it’s more evil or pathetic. The only country it weakens is the US.
Russia needs to deploy 6 Tu-160s to Mexico. The Tu-160 can fly rings around a B-52. Actually, now that I’m typing it may have some significance that they’re sending B-52s. Six is a token force anyway but a serious token force would have been B-1s. B-52s wouldn’t stand a chance against the Chinese. Maybe it’s a nostalgia thing. Maybe they’re trying to rile the Vietnamese. Maybe it’s a posturing hate mongering display for their rabid base. It won’t seem like a good idea if every major city in Australia gets vaporized.
Well now it’s up twice. I reposted because it kept not showing up, but now that I’m here I’m thinking B-52s are fence straddling, chest thumping for the base but not something to actually worry the Chinese. Caitlin you need to emphasize to your co-nationals that Australia’s mission statement in the transpacific partnership is STFU bitch. And when the deal heads south sugar daddy isn’t keeping anybody’s bitch ass off the floor. The Opium Wars were then. This is now.
Does anyone in Australia know that North Vietnam defensive SAMs shot down fifteen B-52s in the “Eleven-Day War” from 18 to 29 December 1972?
B-52s will make better targets for Chinese attacks on Australia than for defense of Australia.
Of course, the loss of these useless bombers may serve to motivate Australia to take a similar position as Ukraine does against Russia: as a Proxy.
“Of course, the loss of these useless bombers may serve to motivate Australia to take a similar position as Ukraine does against Russia: as a Proxy”—-Good theory…
I second that. L.O.L.
The comment section is humming with conspiracy this morning. If it’s not Rothchilds (jews) then it’s 9/11. I caught an episode of Tulsi Gabbard’s new podcast with Ron Paul. What stood out was her use of the words freedom and security. Greenwald has written that the term terrorism is meaningless. I had the same thought about Tulsi’s usage, jingoistic without meaning. Mr. Paul seems beloved, called a national treasure by commenters. Like Chomsky, he has been a critic of US warmongering, which is commendable. That said, his libertarian views on everything else are fantastical and don’t hold up to the slightest scrutiny. In the US, freedom means that you’re free to be poor. For Mr. Paul, freedom means stepping over that sick, starving person laying on the sidewalk as long as you’re a righteous capitalist and not a crony capitalist, another meaningless term. The US stationing nuclear bombers in Oz is admitting that it can’t invade and defeat China in a conventional ground war, which is obvious anyway. Cait, you’re not writing again about collaboration to save the species from annihilation or ecocide, what about our freedoms?
Among the people who’ve got nothing interesting, intelligent, sensible or relevant to say, the nicest ones are those who STFU.
“If stupidity got us into this mess, then why can’t it get us out?” – Will Rogers
Because this guy is an obvious establishment troll and his stupidity is just pretence. When you see a guy conflate mentioning a banker with defaming him on account of his religious persuasion or claiming that the official version of 9/11 is perfectly satisfactory while the very president and vice-president of the investigative team wrote a book (!) in 2006 to say their investigation was sabotaged by the PTB, you know what his bidding is.
The pretension (e.g.-” The comment section is humming with conspiracy this morning,” and references to: Rothschilds and 9/11) suggests disrespect, ignorance, trolling, or dissimulation. ‘Humming with conspiracy’ roughly translates to conspiracy theory and/or condescension. A middle schooler, through a brief search, could discover sufficient information regarding 9/11 and the Rothschilds to infer conspiracy (e.g.-WTC #7 controlled demolition…, the immaculate passport unbelievably survives WTC pulverization, Thermite, Rothschild Dynasty Seeking to Fulfill Kalergi Depopulation Agenda, Rothschild Family Partnership Agreement…) Whatever the intent, it’s not a good look; and not contextually conducive to this website.
“Any fool can criticize, complain, and condemn–and most fools do. But it takes character and self-control to be understanding and forgiving.” –Dale Carnegie
To all Australians: That target on your back has now been painted in dayglow orange.
“That target on your back has now been painted in dayglow orange.” — The US has encroached for so long that now they fear encroachment. They perceive their vast hegemony is beginning to recede; and they need as many bulwarks as they can find.
A democracy which makes or even effectively prepares for modern, scientific war must necessarily cease to be democratic. No country can be really well prepared for modern war unless it is governed by a tyrant, at the head of a highly trained and perfectly obedient bureaucracy. Aldous Huxley
“A new study”?
You mean somebody’s finally been able to find his arse with both hands and the lights on? It’s a miracle!
“Our envy always lasts longer than the happiness of those we envy.”
― François Duc de La Rochefoucauld
Got a chuckle from that lead graphic, a new take on the world getting smaller. Or the rest of the world getting bigger. Doing this from memory but some months ago the US commerce secretary said the US needed to “slow the rate of Chinese innovation”, and where do you even start on how fucked up that is? And the system seems too corroded to even notice. It’s of a piece with waging war in Ukraine for the sole stated purpose of “weakening Russia”. It’s hard to say if it’s more evil or pathetic. The only country it weakens is the US.
Russia needs to deploy 6 Tu-160s to Mexico. The Tu-160 can fly rings around a B-52. Actually, now that I’m typing it may have some significance that they’re sending B-52s. Six is a token force anyway but a serious token force would have been B-1s. B-52s wouldn’t stand a chance against the Chinese. Maybe it’s a nostalgia thing. Maybe they’re trying to rile the Vietnamese. Maybe it’s a posturing hate mongering display for their rabid base. It won’t seem like a good idea if every major city in Australia gets vaporized.
L.O.L. IMHO, it’s quiet funny, this posturing with their heaps of ancient junk, which would be vaporised in their parking spots before their pilots even get anywhere near them. Missiles emanting from China travel faster then can be tracked, and it’d be all over. The only reason the Yanks have parked these heaps of junk here, is to divert said missiles from Guam, where the real danger lies. I feel sorry for the folks living in the N.T. as they will become the innocent targets of the stupidity of successive TRAITORIUS Australian Governments.
Mind you, the folks in Alice Springs need to build a few bunkers as well. Imagine that, building nuclear bunkers in Australia, who would have ever dreamed, our Government would allow events to lead to this ?????
There’s no such thing as missiles “faster then can be tracked”, and in fact in the event of a nuclear war initiated by either side all the operational B-52s would probably be airborne before the first detonation, but the big picture is that if there’s going to be such a party then it is supremely in Australia’s interest to stay the hell out of it insofar as possible. Australia is actually one of the more survivable spots on the planet in the event of a nuclear war, but because of its demographics of population concentration it’s particularly vulnerable to low cost civilian casualties, which makes hosting US B-52s a startlingly bad idea even for a government.
The ECB chief added: “That’s what he [Putin] is trying to do, cause chaos and destroy as much of Europe as he can. This energy crisis is causing massive inflation which we have to defeat.”
She went on to say that “Anybody who is behaving in that way has to be driven by evil forces,” and that the “sick” Russian president is a “terrifying person.”
Driven by evil forces? Stop the feigned finger pointing! This is another designed distraction by the West, to cloak the failed state that has resulted from decades of: invasion, assassination, regime change, government interference, lack of social funding, financialization, NAFTA, privatization, tax avoidance through offshore tax havens, judicial rigging, and on and on. If, for once, you spoke the truth, you would admit that the sanctions (intended) caused the chaos and is destroying much of Europe. The EU doesn’t have the courage to stand up to the unreasonable demands of Washington—I’m looking at you Germany: you don’t have to rearm; all you need do is expel the US’ military presence (US’ Ramstein AFB) and renegotiate energy imports from Russia (recapture your sovereignty and economic prowess). The ‘chaos’ is a result of the West (US to be specific), forcing world’ unipolarity acceptance, and their pseudo-values. And lastly, STOP using modifiers like ‘sick’ and ‘terrifying’ to describe someone. If someone is ‘sick’ and ‘terrifying’ it would be the failed ‘leadership’ (very loosely termed) of the West (e.g.- deceiving the public of true nature for instability, austerity, and headlong march to another unnecessary war).
If we wanna talk about sick and terrifying, Lagarde who’s obviously not aware that three fingers are pointing back at her, is the girl. Before being ECB chief, she was IMF chair and before that finance minister in the Sarkozy (a CIA plant) government which was booted out at the end of its first mandate. And she thinks there’s too many old people and that’s damaging the economy. Did you say sick and terrifying?
There are extremely important things left out of this narrative. I’m thinking of a post in a new site called The R Word by James R Martin; yesterday he posted a podcast of Simon Michaux explaining that aside from the fossil fuel usage and emissions pulse we’d have if we tried to transition to renewable energy–that is, replace the current gargantuan amount of fossil fuel-derived energy and vehicles with solar and wind power and e-vehicles–we also don’t have the minerals and materials such a transition would require. I think there was also a chart I saw somewhere showing how much of these materials are in China. Makes me wonder if that might have something to do with the hostility to China–I already think the desires of the oil and gas industries have a lot to do with provoking Russia into Ukraine. A world in which we downshift to what’s sustainable, rescue ecosystems as much as possible would require not only unprecedented global cooperation, but also a great equalizing–not only eliminating the high percentage of resources going to the luxuries of the elite, but the high percentage going into military (and cop and armed guard) efforts which are mostly for safeguarding the privileges of the rich. Moving to the best possible outcome would require that the masses stop allowing the sociopaths to dictate to them, and how we achieve THAT I have no idea.
“Not only eliminating the high percentage of resources going to the luxuries of the elite, but the high percentage going into military (and cop and armed guard) efforts which are mostly for safeguarding the privileges of the rich.”—-Mary Wildfire, that works for me…
The poll itself, (going to war? As opposed to…no alternative?) is a subtle, nasty part of the warmongering narrative.
Unfortunately, as one who has lived thru similar periods on this planet, none of this comes as a surprise to me. What does come as a surprise, is how stupid and gullible the general population of Australia seems to have become. Even back in my day, there were massive demonstrations against our involvement of the U.S. war in Vietnam, yet today, we see very little of that happening. Back in the day, no U.S. troops would have ever been allowed to set up bases on Australian soil, so what’s happened ? Could the FACT that successive State and Federal Govts have passed laws to CRIMINALISE protesting hve anything to do with it ?
“The single biggest mistake of president Biden was to say ‘the greatest struggle of the world is between democracies and autocracies’. The real struggle of the world is to live together and overcome our common crises of environment and inequality.” -Jeffrey Sachs
So sad. So true.
at least the rest of the world is awakening to the dangers posed by the US empire.
Nuclear warmongering. Brought to you by the country you’re jealous of for all of it’s freedoms. Go America.
A note to the world: The US government is insane.
I would imagine a good proportion of the 6.3 billion who are not hostile to Russia and China in the developing world also have similar contrary views to the heavily propagandised west on 9/11. They after being told to be enraged by this for the umpteenth time simply shake their heads and say; if you fly into so many countries and drop bombs on the people don’t be surprised if someone flys into your country and drops bombs on you.
No the people in the rest of the world know that two small planes cannot knock down three large buildings, 1 million times their mass.
The Fact that 50% (or more) of the American population still believe that nonsense illustrates how stupid Americans are.
FACT: This stupid, insane quest to shore up unipolar planetary domination is costing us everything while gaining us nothing, and it’s going to be the poorest and weakest among us who suffer the most as a result.
The Economic War “Bombing” Italy and Europe. The Political Mandate of Goldman Sachs and Rothschild Appointees (10/31/22):
As the crisis worsens, the” Goldman Sachs government “, the powerful US investment bank, is strengthening in Europe: that is, the appointment of politicians belonging to the financial elite to high government positions. After Mario Draghi as head of the Italian government, another “Goldman Sachs man”, Rishi Sunak, is put in charge of the British government: an expert in hedge funds, he married the daughter of an Indian billionaire who put him in charge of one of his financial companies. He has a similar career to French President Emmanuel Macron, who trained in the US investment Rothschild bank. These and other politicians, who at the same time hold key positions in the European Union, drag Europe into the abyss of crisis by playing Washington’s game. Eurozone inflation marks another record hitting 10% in September. At the origin, there is a huge increase in gas prices, caused by the sanctions on Russia. Low-priced Russian gas is increasingly being replaced in the EU by expensive US liquefied natural gas (LNG) based on the reference price of the Amsterdam Stock Exchange controlled by a large US financial company. At the same time, Italy is prevented from importing cheap oil and gas from Libya, as the Italian government “recognizes” and finances the Tripoli puppet government and declares the real Libyan government in Benghazi, “illegal”. In the interview conducted by Michelangelo Severgnini, an important political exponent of Benghazi – Abdul Hadi Al-Huweej, former Foreign Minister of the Al-Thani Government, and secretary of the Libyan Future Party – declares that the Benghazi government can supply Italy with oil and gas at prices much lower than market prices and can offer Italian companies great job opportunities in Libya. Hence the need for Italy on the one hand to abolish sanctions on Russia and reopen Russian gas imports, and on the other to make an economic agreement with Benghazi. To do this, Italy needs to come out of military, economic, political, media, and ideological war – that is overwhelming our lives: a vital objective of the ITALY OUT OF WAR Campaign which, launched a few days ago, is gathering growing support. The Campaign website is
Just a detail but Macron was not “trained in the US investment Rothschild bank” but was Inspector of Finances in the French government when “in 2008, [he] paid €50,000 to buy himself out of his government contract. He then became an investment banker in a highly-paid position at Rothschild & Cie Banque”
“Rothschild & Co is a multinational investment bank and financial services company, and the flagship of the Rothschild banking group controlled by the French and British branches of the Rothschild family”.
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Just as the US’ ruling class has done, your ‘sticky interest’ scheme will leave the US’ public stuck and hung out to dry.