Just wanted to let everyone on my mailing list know I’ll be taking two or three days off to rest and recalibrate after an intense last few weeks. I really appreciate you all and I’ll be back real soon. Love you!

Taking a couple days off
Just wanted to let everyone on my mailing list know I’ll be taking two or three days off to rest and recalibrate after an intense last few weeks. I really appreciate you all and I’ll be back real soon. Love you!
45 responses to “Taking a couple days off”
Rest and refresh, dear Caitlin — you deserve it. Thanks for all the truth-telling and dot-connecting you do, and thanks especially for all the work you’ve put in on behalf of Julian Assange.
You are very much appreciated.
Give that brilliant mind of yours a rest, then come back and kick ass as usual!!!
I’m glad you’re reducing your stress and fatigue levels — they can sicken and even kill you!
Take good care of yourself — for yourself and all your loved ones.
Also for the cause and all of us common people — we need you!
Love and Peace.
Big scandal coming. Huge!
It will happen to Bernie AGAIN !
The Super Delegates cannot vote during the first ballot.
This is a new rule which seemed like a large concession,
especially since there has not been a multi-ballot convention since 1952.
But they figured out how to screw Bernie again.
Twenty plus candidates were found to split the first ballot and cause it
to be a multi-ballot convention. THUS activating and empowering the
Super Delegates.
And you know the Super Delegates won’t be voting for Bernie Sanders, you can take that to the bank.
Do like I did … leave the Party.
They’ve become undemocratic. It’s not my kind of ppl, anymore.
I’m now a-political and free to do as I choose.
I vote FOR and not AGAINST.
I do not vote lesser of two evils or second best.
I came to doubt the assertion that you have to go all the way back to 1952 to find a multi-ballot convention, so I double-checked.
Here is a list of conventions with ballot count and, yep, 1952 is correct.
Should we have a pool about the number of ballots in 2020?
It would be unthinkable that the old record of 103 ballots set in 1924 could be beat.
Democrats lost that 1924 election to Republican Calvin Coolidge.
Democrats also lost the 1952 election.
Before that it was 4 ballots in 1932 and Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt won, defeating Herbert Hoover in a landslide.
Please read Charles Eisenstein’s CLIMATE: A new conversation. Its free online. I read it almost non stop. It is a beautiful example of the new narrative we have been constructinv. My heart is singing. I want to share it with the world.
Have a good rest sweetheart. You are amazing and a clear sighted ally.
Best Wishes,
Good for you. A well deserved rest! Take care.
You are doing a great work, defending truth, peace, and hope.
For you Caitlin, for Julian, for all those like you, who fight the good fight…
Judith Durham – Climb Ev’ry Mountain
Climb every mountain,
Search high and low,
Follow every byway,
Every path you know
Climb every mountain,
Ford every stream,
Follow every rainbow,
Till you find your dream
A dream that will need
All the love you can give,
Every day of your life,
For as long as you live
Climb every mountain,
Ford every stream,
Follow every rainbow,
Till you find your dream
We need a couple of days off too!
Stay well! We’ll miss you.
Hello Caitlin.. Thank you so much for all your hard work and impeccable research. I discovered your online presence at just the right moment. I am going mental with it all so I cannot imagine how you are feeling. It is a mad time my friend.. I hope you get to have some respite..Enjoy your break
Forgot to say.. I am sending you lots of positive vibes from the UK.. I am ASHAMED of my government and the bitter-eyed ‘journalists’ who are smearing Julian Assange..
Rest your brain too !
Don’t think about a pink elephant (wink) and don’t think about my observation (or will I end up posing it as a question(s)?).
The un-totalitarian DNC was generous and changed a rule with respect to Super Delegates. Supers can’t vote in the first ballot. If there is no majority (no victor) in the first ballot then the Super Delegates are allowed to vote.
“How to nullify this new rule?,” you ask. The elites want to know.
Make sure no one wins in the first ballot.
How to do that?
Have twenty or more candidates all dividing up the votes.
Wow…surprise, surprise.
How do you get twenty or more candidates?
Answer: Spread those Benjamins around.
The block of Super Delegates will be owned by who?
Why the “Crooked E”, naturally.
Well deserved and certainly well earned. I’m “about wore out” just from reading and trying to keep up and keep the faith. Hope you fully recharge!
Get some well deserved rest and enjoy some free time with your husband. Thank you for giving us your insights and perspective on issues that matter.
I join the already admirably long list of your supporters.
As I frequently say, if you are not angry you are not paying attention.
Thank you most for your passion…it helps to know I share the planet with
We rage in solidarity at the dying of the light!
Enjoy and recharge!
Well Ms. Caitlin, as a dear friend once said:
As Usual,
Rest up. You deserve it. Look forward to your return. Love your work!
I am glad you are taking some time. We all need to be strong and refreshed. We depend and need one another. Please delight in whatever break you take. Life is good and so are you!
I am glad you are taking some time. We all need to be strong. We all depend and need one another. Please delight in whatever break you take. Life is good and so are you!
We love you too! It’s good to rest when you work as hard as you do!
Best regards from Hong Kong 🙂 Rest up and enjoy a well-deserved break ! Tis a scary, stressful world you’re reporting on. Thanks for giving us the info we need for us to see how it really is. Very brave x
Do, you need to care of you too, it’s a pretty stressful situation to say the least. We hope you come back refreshed a raring to go 😡
sorry the emoji was supposed to be a kiss-X
You’ll be back soon Caitlin. You love this work too much to stay away for long. But we all need breaks from this demanding, rewarding work.
Have a good Time. Missing you, and looking forwards to your safe return soon.
Love Hubert
Wish you a peaceful and relaxing time off. ❤️
You deserve at least a few days off to recharge your incredible batteries!
You are very important to us who try to make sense of this crazy world.
If you feel like kicking back and watching a few short vids we made a few years ago, do so here: http://www.youtube.com/user/classwarfilms.
Paul and I are two old geezers from Hollywood who try to keep our hand in….
Try to turn it all off. You need to detox. The world—especially the one you write about—is UGLY.
If it was up to me, Ms Johnstone , you rate a week or more!!! Thank You!!
Enjoy your break Caitlin, you really deserve it! Greetings from the Netherlands
Get a well-deserved rest. Look forward to reading your interesting postings soon.
A free spirit needs to unleash the mind at times.
What It Means To Be A Real Free Spirit
By Kimberly Yu, February 6th 2015
Here’s a loose dictionary definition of a Free Spirit: A person who doesn’t conform to society. S/he does her own thing and doesn’t care what you think.
The Real Free Spirit Doesn’t Know He/She is a Free Spirit
There are no trends to follow. Saying that you’re a free spirit makes it a “trend”. Wearing clothing from Urban Outfitters or Brandy Melville or something else that’s popular now makes this way of life a sub culture in society. It doesn’t make you a free spirit. It makes you a knock off. A free spirit cares about the right things. And it’s not clothing or what you are doing on Friday night.
A Real Free Spirit Thinks for Him/Herself
It’s not called being selfish. It’s called being independent and doing things because you want to do them. This is how you want to live your life, not because you WANT to be a free spirit so, you pretend to be like this. They wear simple clothing and lots of flowers in their hair, or none at all because they want to. Not because Free People portrays their models like that in their magazines.
A Real Free Spirit Loves Unconditionally
If they believe that you are the one, no matter how much you hurt them, they will forgive you and come back to you. Forgiving and forgetting is important. They will never try to change you. If you are a flake, and they love you. They will ALWAYS love you. Love is love.
A Real Free Spirit Will Let It Go If It’s Not Worth Their Time
Contrary to popular belief, free spirits worry. They worry a lot. But not about grades, money, or life. They worry about what they believe in. If they feel strongly about politics or another’s happiness, they will worry and worry and worry. But when the time comes, they will let it go and move on. They don’t pick fights with you to get their way.
A Real Spirit Is Just Like Everyone Else
A real spirit doesn’t always know what s/he is doing in life. They just try to be optimistic about it. A real free spirit pays his/her bills, eats like a regular person, gets drunk sometimes, wants to get married, gets a college degree, and uses the internet. Whoever said free spirits don’t use the internet and is in love with nature, is wrong. They can love nature, but it’s not a prerequisite. A real spirit will have mental breakdowns and cry when they are sad. Yes, free spirits have feelings.
A real free spirit doesn’t mind being alone. They don’t mind sitting at home on a Saturday night and just reading a book. They don’t mind being single. They don’t mind being in a relationship. They don’t mind not having friends to hangout with. They are very mellow about it and doesn’t let their relationships with others define them. In fact, they don’t really let anything define them.
If You Try to Change a Free Spirit, They Will Get Scared and Leave
Coming on too strong, forcing change, or telling a real free spirit you don’t love or care about them anymore will break them. Because they will always love you no matter what, if you trick them, cheat them, lose their trust, or don’t forgive, you will scare them off.
A Real Free Spirit Doesn’t Live In The Past Or The Future
A real spirit lives in the present. They save their money, yet they enjoy every single day of their life no matter how shitty. Because they are able to love every day, they are able to spread this vibe to others without trying. It’s all in the way of thinking. They don’t try to do this, it just happens.
A Real Spirit Will Not Change For You
You will never be able to change a real free spirit. They do things at their own pace. If you can’t hang, you can’t hang. You won’t be able to weasel yourself into a real free spirit’s life, because they will see right through it.
But Most of All, A Real Free Spirit Lives Life Like Someone Who Hasn’t Sold Their Soul to The Devil Yet
They try everything, have lots of good and bad experiences, and picks the good things in life to linger on. They smell all the flowers, not just the roses. They give everybody a chance. They don’t mind judgment, if it makes them a better person. They don’t just love. They love unconditionally. They don’t mind if people drift away or stay. But most of all, they live their life knowing that they might not make it to 70 before they die.
Never read a better description of myself. Thank you.
Enjoy! You are amazing!!
Yes you absolutely have to do that at times. Eat and drink lots of highly nutritious things to fuel that body and brain, and stay away from anything that can drag you down. Have a great break!
Take care Caitlin. A well deserved rest. You always give your all xx
Enjoy. Resting is good. Breath in Breath out, keep on…
love you back….
Enjoy your well-deserved break!
Have a good rest. You deserve it.
Have a great vacation. Look forward to your return.