In George Orwell’s 1984, the main character Winston Smith’s job is to rewrite history according to party need. Wikipedia has its very own Winston Smith. Its name is “Phillip Cross” and the Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales defends it.

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7 responses to “Going Rogue, episode 78: Wikipedia Is An Establishment Psyop”

  1. Robert Edwards Avatar
    Robert Edwards

    Israel has banks of paid whores (both male and female) to infiltrate and disrupt social media with their lies and propaganda. Lately, I am beginning to smell them much quicker. Perhaps we need another Howard Zinn to write an updated version of “A People’s History of the United States” Wikipedia, like so many that start with good intension, fall as they all do to the corruption and influence of the CIA (and the other 16 secret agencies) and become part of the deep state’s arsenal of tools of propaganda. Edward Bernays must be a happy chap to the fruits of his works.

  2. Thank you!…. Thank you for your tenacity in calling them out….. every time.

  3. Thank you!…. Thank you for your tenacity in calling them out….. every time.

  4. rodney w ruger Avatar
    rodney w ruger

    I read the Cross has been banned from Wikipedia.

  5. Is this transcribed somewhere? Like most, I read faster than I listen.

    1. No, but the article it’s about is here (I should really start including this link in these posts, sorry):

  6. colleen mcguire Avatar
    colleen mcguire

    Philip Cross is probably one of the Israeli military’s college kids who are paid handsomely to to disrupt social media conversations in defense of and in advancement of israel.
