
You stare at your coworker drinking coffee
and the coffee is screaming
because life is unpredictable
and the rules were all written by dead people
and no one can measure how far away the sky is.

The letters and numbers on your screen
are swirling like galaxies.
The fork from your lunch is vibrating on your desk.

Your heart is fighting to stay inside your chest
for fear of being thrown out of your body
into the elements.

Your body is clinging to your desk chair
for fear of being thrown up through the ceiling
into the endless sky.

Your desk chair is clinging to your office
for fear of being spun off the edge of the universe
into the madness of the unknown.

The universe is clinging to existence
for fear of being thrown into the bellies
of forgotten gods.

And at the center of it all is a golden woman
with jungle planets for eyes.
She coos to a crystal baby in her arms
that everything is perfectly fine.

“It’s all spinning in perfect order.
We are all coming back home to ourselves.”

The words vibrate through your bones.

Your mouth still hangs slack-jawed
where you had opened it to scream.
You burp instead.
Dale spits out his coffee laughing
at the look on your face.



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11 responses to “Spinning”

  1. Susan Williams Avatar
    Susan Williams

    A standing ovulation to you!

  2. So don’t ever by acid again from people you don’t know!!

    1. ‘by’?? God, I have been living abroad too long……

  3. Yes. Nothing is as it appears, nor is it otherwise.

  4. Wow. Just wow! Everything that everybody else (in these comments) said about how you beautifully express the unreality of our reality.

  5. LOL…Good one!!

  6. “The universe is clinging to existence
    for fear of being thrown into the bellies
    of forgotten gods.”

    and misbegotten gods that should be forgotten
    i’d pray for that

    and thanx for your stubborn woke self

  7. It’s very well put together & full of fantastic images, but my unfortunate first impression was, “Has someone been micro-dosing at the office?”

  8. You nailed it beautifully. Thank you, Caitlin!

  9. Robin Greenwood Avatar
    Robin Greenwood

    Thank you Caitlin for reminding me that this place of insecurity I llive in moment to moment, hour to hour, day to day, is my rock! I imagine that it is only with a willingness to live with this level of openness and flexibility that we are able to navigate the agony and the ecstasy that truly living on this planet appears to demand of us!

  10. Finlay McAllister Avatar
    Finlay McAllister

    Thank you, Caitlin : )
