The British Foreign Office has banned Russian outlets RT and Sputnik from attending the upcoming Global Conference on Media Freedom in London, citing their predilection for “disinformation”.
“We have not accredited RT or Sputnik because of their active role in spreading disinformation,” said a Foreign Office spokeswoman.
“It takes a particular brand of hypocrisy to advocate for freedom of press while banning inconvenient voices and slandering alternative media; sadly, the world has learned to expect just that from the UK Foreign Office,” RT said in a statement in response.
“It amounts to direct politically motivated discrimination of the Russian channel,” said the Russian embassy in London. “The refusal of accreditation comes on top of the months-long smear campaign against RT by British political figures, governmental bodies, including media regulator Ofcom, and even fellow journalists.”
“Now a leading Russian international TV channel is denied access to the forum, despite being officially registered and working in the UK, on legal grounds,” the embassy added. “What better illustration of the real situation with media freedom in the UK does one need? Yet the organizers of the Conference, as far as we understand, wish to discuss the situation with media freedom anywhere in the world, but not in this country.”
The BBC’s report on this story hilariously contains a brazenly propagandistic video titled “What’s so different about Russia Today?” which carefully explains why it’s very important for the BBC’s audience to understand that RT is propaganda.
“They want to be an alternative view, which in fact is the propaganda machine of, and is paid for by, the Kremlin,” says the video by the BBC, a government-funded news station with an established history of collaboration with British intelligence to deplatform dissenting voices.
“The BBC tries to cover all the angles of the story, including those that wouldn’t be pleasant to the UK government,” the BBC video claims. “RT always picks up pundits, questions, issues, angles that show the Kremlin and the Russian government in a positive way.”
In reality, the BBC is very much guilty of enforcing what British journalist Jonathan Cook recently described as the “narrow manufactured consensus of supposedly rational policy – neoliberal orthodoxy at home, and neoconservative warmongering abroad.” Like all other mainstream British media, the BBC works to shrink the Overton window of acceptable debate and propagandize British citizens into arguing over how existing power structures should be aided and maintained instead of whether those power structures should exist at all. For the BBC to pretend that it is in any way superior to RT on any level is laughable.
But the BBC will certainly be in attendance at the Global Conference on Media Freedom, welcomed with open arms by the British government it only half-pretends to have an oppositional relationship with.
This would be the same British government that is currently holding journalist Julian Assange behind bars pending a US extradition hearing for exposing American war crimes. The same British government who UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Nils Melzer found guilty of participating in the psychological torture of that same journalist. The same Foreign Office whose head, Jeremy Hunt, told Face the Nation last month that he will allow Assange to be extradited to the US if he succeeds in his bid to become the next Prime Minister, after explicitly and repeatedly condemning the persecution of dissident journalists in other nations.
You won’t see any of this ridiculous, jaw-dropping hypocrisy called out by the BBC, nor by any other mainstream outlet in the uniquely spineless and sycophantic British media. Do you know where you will see this hypocrisy being criticized? RT.
The only reason RT and Sputnik exist with any degree of popularity in the west is because, contrary to what the BBC claims, people are unable to hear any voices that are critical of real power from western mainstream media. If the BBC or any other British outlet were to begin platforming actual anti-war, leftist and anti-establishment voices with any degree of regularity, I can guarantee you with 100 percent certainty that RT and Sputnik would immediately lose their UK audiences.
But that never happens, because British mass media does not “cover all the angles of the story, including those that wouldn’t be pleasant to the UK government” as the BBC claims, it publishes propaganda which directly benefits the underlying power structures of the UK government. Their job isn’t to tell the truth and hold power to account, their job is to normalize the status quo, manufacture consent for endless war, and tell you day in and day out that Jeremy Corbyn is a cross between Adolf Hitler and a werewolf.
The UK and Canada have launched a global campaign to #DefendMediaFreedom and shine a spotlight on media abuses.
Today @Jeremy_Hunt, @cafreeland and Special Envoy on Media Freedom Amal Clooney discussed how we can reverse the trend of violence against journalists.
— Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (@FCDOGovUK) April 5, 2019
The government is not worried about RT spreading “disinformation”. The government is worried about RT spreading the truth.
Jeremy Hunt longs for the days when a country could peacefully propagandize its citizens without this pesky problem of propaganda from other countries seeping into the mix and forcing everyone to think for themselves. We have been experiencing a brief but wonderful period where the internet has opened up rivers of information from all sorts of perspectives, but we will need to fight to keep those rivers flowing. Invisible censorship has already begun in earnest, and it’s at these conferences where they dream up even more insidious ways to throttle dissident voices.
Be vigilant. Fight them.
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37 responses to “Government That Tortures Journalists Bans RT From Media Conference”
There is something really essential for the legal defenses of Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning. Ray McGovern has recently mentioned on Consortium News the “executive order 13526, prohibiting classification of embarrassing or criminal information”.
This is extremely important. An executive order has the force of law, and it indeed says:
“Sec. 1.7. Classification Prohibitions and Limitations. (a) In no case shall information be classified, continue to be maintained as classified, or fail to be declassified in order to:
“(1) conceal violations of law, inefficiency, or administrative error;
“(2) prevent embarrassment to a person, organization, or agency; . . .”
The President Executive Order 13526 | National Archives
This for example means that Manning and Assange’s revelations such as the “Collateral Murder” war crime video couldn’t be lawfully classified, and therefore both whistleblower Chelsea Manning and investigative journalist Julian Assange must be immediately released from prison.
Nice try however you seem to assume that the government actually cares about legality.
Not much. Politicians mainly care about power, and secrecy is what gives them the power to do anything they wish. That’s the reason of deep state’s war on truth and why they give so fundamental importance to classification and secrecy, similar to Mafia’s code of silence.
However, if they start to be publicly confronted with this law prohibiting classification of criminal information, when they try to resist it, they will be exposed as accessories unlawfully covering up crimes.
History is interesting. In 1622, Pope Gregory XV established a committee of cardinals to supervise foreign missions and the training of priests for those missions. The name (capitalized as a proper noun) of this committee was Propaganda.
The note on the word propaganda in my dictionary: [1710-1720: < NL short for congregatio de propaganda fide congregation for propagating the faith; propaganda, abl. sing. fem. gerundive of propagare; see PROPAGATE]
Now it's truth when we do it and propaganda when they do it.
I am reminded of an old Soviet saying: "There's no Truth [Pravda] in News [Izvestia] and no News [Izvestia] in Truth [Pravda].
Are RT and Sputnik Russian propaganda outlets? Fair enough. Is TeleSUR a Bolivarian socialist propaganda outlet? Fair enough. Is Al Jazzera a Qatari propaganda outlet? Fair enough. Is PressTV an Iranian propaganda outlet? Fair enough. (I could go on.)
But the same can be said of the BBC, NPR, PBS, NBC/MSNBC, CBS, the Guardian, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and other establishment Western news outlets. The difference is that they are propaganda outlets for their Western directors, owners, underwriters, and advertisers — megacorporations and billionaires — in close cooperation with their home countries’ military, intelligence, and policing agencies, who are *also* working for those *same* megacorporations and billionaires. (Unless you subscribe to the laughable theory that what’s good for our plutocratic overlords is good for the little people, our soldiers, spies, and cops are certainly not working for *you.* As a taxpayer, you just *pay* for them, like the peasantry paid for the Crusades and the Sheriff of Nottingham’s decidedly unmerry men back in the Middle Ages.)
Anyway, I don’t visit RT and Sputnik expecting to find hard-hitting exposés and critiques of Putin, Russian oligarchs, Russia’s hyper-regressive tax system, or Russia’s desire to maintain European dependence on Russian natural gas. (Not so curiously, I actually don’t find much criticism of plutocratic oligarchy, hyper-regressive taxation, or enforced economic dependency per se in the Western press, *either*. Once you figure out that *our* oligarchs just want to take over *their* oligarchs’ rackets and generally out-oligarch them, that’s not very surprising.) I visit RT and Sputnik to find Western-media narratives, propaganda, and lacunae get challenged, debunked, and filled — and that’s what I routinely *do* find.
When your government starts trying to prevent you from being exposed to dissident and putative “foreign enemy” points of view, that’s a sure sign that that they are trying to indoctrinate and propagandize you. I believe it was Justice Brandeis who wrote that the best remedy for “bad” speech is *more* speech, not enforced silence. When you start trying to silence your critics, you’re revealing a weak and possibly indefensible hand. And that, I suppose, is why RT and Sputnik journalists are forced to register as “foreign agents” in the US, why they are barred from the Élysée press corps in France, and why they’re being excluded from the UK’s grand, global conference on media freedom — a very weak hand.
Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland (Canada) is banned from Russia and is very anti-Russia.
Consortium News wrote an article on her history in 2017 which may help explain her anti Russian-ness.
Her British husband writes for the NYT and Ms Freeland has written for the Washington Post.
I see her more as a Hillary supporter type.
But more importantly will it be the white dress or the red dress ?
I have copied a section of text from above and made minor changes to reflect the US, the MSM, and Donald Trump. It’s the same thing.
“US mass media does not “cover all the angles of the story, including those that wouldn’t be pleasant to the US government” as the MSM claims, it publishes propaganda which directly benefits the underlying power structures of the US government. Their job isn’t to tell the truth and hold power to account, their job is to normalize the status quo, manufacture consent for endless war, and tell you day in and day out that Donald Trump is a cross between Adolf Hitler and a werewolf.”
It’s the same thing.
Excellent Caitlin!! Well done!! Yes, Orwellian doublespeak and Big Brother and Sister are alive and decidedly UNWELL in 2019 capitalist Britain.
The British Brainwashing Corporation is nothing but a catspaw, and mouthpiece, for British and US capitalism/imperialism. That is why it has an MI5 Office at Broadcasting House to monitor, vet, and control BBC employment practices, and its editorial output. We can’t have any independently-minded Journalists, or, God forbid, socialists, working at the BBC, now can we??
The British Foreign Office has shown it is not short of comedians when it dares to accuse RT and Sputnik of “disinformation.”
What the British and American ruling classes hate about RT and Sputnik is that they expose news, events, capitalist conspiracies, war crimes, and war-plots that the BBC, NBC, and the rest of the prostituted “mainstream” press and media DELIBERATELY, SINISTERLY, AND ROUTINELY HIDE AND CONCEAL FROM THE GENERAL PUBLIC.
Press and media freedom are under threat all over the world from the capitalist class, especially the American capitalist class and its poodles like Britain. If they are not fought, resisted, and defeated by the world working class, led by Revolutionary Socialist Parties, then the future of humanity is grim indeed – grimmer even than Orwell’s dystopia in “1984.”
Not only are all human and democratic rights under threat from the capitalist parasites, as they desperately seek to abolish all opposition, dissent, and protest, but the very existence of humanity is in question from the real-life Dr. Strangeloves’ in the White House and Pentagon who boast that a nuclear war is “winnable!!”
Madman Trump is only one of the lunatics who have taken over the asylum.
Forward to World Socialist Revolution!! Liberate Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning!! Jail the war criminals, arms dealers, and apologists for mass murder, like Blair, Bush, Obama, and Trump!!
For a world free of capitalists, warmongers, nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction, War, exploitation, poverty, and environmental pollution!!
Excellent Caitlin!! Well done!! Yes, Orwellian doublespeak and Big Brother and Sister are alive and decidedly UNWELL in 2019 capitalist Britain.
The British Brainwashing Corporation is nothing but a catspaw, and mouthpiece, for British and US capitalism/imperialism. That is why it has an MI5 Office at Broadcasting House to monitor, vet, and control BBC employment practices, and its editorial output. We can’t have any independently-minded Journalists, or, God forbid, socialists, working at the BBC, now can we??
The British Foreign Office has shown it is not short of comedians when it dares to accuse RT and Sputnik of “disinformation.”
What the British and American ruling classes hate about RT and Sputnik is that they expose news, events, capitalist conspiracies, war crimes, and war-plots that the BBC, NBC, and the rest of the prostituted “mainstream” press and media DELIBERATELY, SINISTERLY, AND ROUTINELY HIDE AND CONCEAL FROM THE GENERAL PUBLIC.
Press and media freedom are under threat all over the world from the capitalist class, especially the American capitalist class and its poodles like Britain. If they are not fought, resisted, and defeated by the world working class, led by Revolutionary Socialist Parties, then the future of humanity is grim indeed – grimmer even than Orwell’s dystopia in “1984.”
Not only are all human and democratic rights under threat from the capitalist parasites, as they desperately seek to abolish all opposition, dissent, and protest, but the very existence of humanity is in question from the real-life Dr. Strangeloves’ in the White House and Pentagon who boast that a nuclear war is “winnable!!”
Madman Trump is only one of the lunatics who have taken over the asylum.
Forward to World Socialist Revolution!! Liberate Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning!! Jail the war criminals, arms dealers, and apologists for mass murder, like Blair, Bush, Obama, and Trump!!
Caitlin, I would think the bigger story today is the British Ambassador to the US who doesn’t say Good Morning to London without using his encrypted email with password protection on both ends, just had Britain find out that EVERY single email their Ambassador to the US has sent and received for the last two and a half years has been compromised. I know, I know, it’s no big deal because it was obviously the Russians. Maybe the bigger picture is who else, the Deep State? the Saudis? Israel? or the EU? One would think The Trumpster, having done a few somewhat large, probably by comparison pretty small deals would be concerned about such matters as security.
I wonder what lawyers dealing with a large divorce would think all at once finding out that the other side had ALL of your emails. This along with the Epstein case that is 11-years old coming up again and your lawyers knowing that you are somehow involved in this case might caution it’s best to stay married. Just seems like the Petrol D0llar is making one last case to go ahead and bomb Iran.
The Brit’s have got to be freaking out about who tapped into their Ambassador’s emails and every other country in the world with an embassy in the US is doing the same.
Chrystia Freeland, Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs, has blocked my emails. I told Justin on her 🙂
She doesn’t like to hear about Assange.
I we dont like it then
it is bad possibly evil.
This explains it all. Scary how effectively they’ve taken over already.
(Tried to post this earlier but seems to have gotten lost.)
“It’s so funny why we don’t “vote” anymore
It’s so funny how we don’t “vote” anymore…”
My apologies to Sir Cliff Richard to use the lyrics above. The word “vote” is added of course to the original song.
But if you feel guilty to do not vote, vote for independent candidates without affiliation to known political parties.
All the legitimacy of those media and political elites in the West comes from the fact that the people participate in the electoral process.
And because we are in the days of Noah just before the Second Coming of Jesus, people are not fit anymore to rule countries and nations because almost everybody is now of bad faith.
Remember in the days of Noah, Noah was the only one to be of good faith. We are now in a very similar situation because the Return of Christ in near.
Keeping my Rosary close.
The BBC and media in the UK never give a single example of Kremlin propaganda. They don’t need to give examples of BBC propaganda as it is too easy to see that every day here in the UK.
The UK like the US is a nest of hypocrites and vipers.
Isn’t the debate disingenuous? RT is government sponsored media; the government in question being headed by a democratically elected billionaire.
The government on the other side of the debate, the American, is also headed by a democratically elected billionaire.; the English government also participating in the debate is democratically elected, but the head of state is a trillionaire.
I think we’re being distracted by power plays among very rich people. Make a difference, buy nothing and pick up a piece of garbage.
I like that. “Make a difference, buy nothing and pick up a piece of garbage”.
I would add-
Shop at local small family owned businesses, farmers markets and small worker owned farms.
Trade and Barter.
Go to yard sales.
Have an organic backyard garden.
Community Gardens.
Organize Locally.
Shop at Progressive Charity Thrift Shops.
Become a Vegetarian.
I’m going to show these bastards a thing or two. I’m going to CANCEL my newspaper subscription, damn-it, I did that 17-years ago. I know, I’ll cancel my subscription to the Economist, Newsweek, Business Week and the Wall Street Journal. Sh*t, I did that 15-years ago. Hmmm, what about my subscription to Stratfor, with all the latest intel, Oh cancelled that 12-years ago. How about my cable subscription for CNN, Fox and MSNBC, damn, got rid of that 5-years ago. As Mark Twain stated when asked why he didn’t read the newspaper, “I’d rather be uninformed than misinformed.”
Good One!
I have relied on RT for honesty and real coverage of situations for the past few years but I have started to notice that here in the US our YTube service has started to block certain topics and many of the RT general news programs now have a young, attractive(?), bottle blond, who is acting just like a person on FOX or MSM and I am appalled!
I’m the Slime, by Frank Zappa
I am gross and perverted
I’m obsessed ‘n deranged
I have existed for years
But very little has changed
I’m the tool of the Government
And industry too
For I am destined to rule
And regulate you
I may be vile and pernicious
But you can’t look away
I make you think I’m delicious
With the stuff that I say
I’m the best you can get
Have you guessed me yet?
I’m the slime oozin’ out
From your TV set
You will obey me while I lead you
And eat the garbage that I feed you
Until the day that we don’t need you
Don’t go for help . . . no one will heed you
Your mind is totally controlled
It has been stuffed into my mold
And you will do as you are told
Until the rights to you are sold
That’s right, folks . . .
Don’t touch that dial!
Thanks Carolyn! Zappa’s Mothers of Invention album also, along with many other works from artists in the sixties and seventies, spoke directly to social, economic, and political ills that still persist.
As Usual,
France is in the process of adopting a new law requiring social media to remove hate speech from their sites within 24 hours.
Love the photo at the top of this essay! Dude looks like someone stuck a cattle prod up his bum.
I am extremely glad that I never get to see ” the main stream media ” in action on a TV. It is bad enough in the newspapers and on the Internet. Unfortunately there are still millions of people believing all of the crap that they are fed morning and night. When there is nothing on the supermarket shelves and gas costs $100.00 a gallon the public will stop believing and look for scapegoats to tar and feather. A time is coming when those ” federal reserve notes ” might as well be used for toilet paper.
Like many MSM outlets in the West this is the best we can expect from the British Bullshit Corporation.
Soon all MSM will be ruled by the rabbis of Zionism, as censorship is what they are all about. If the common man in his grandiose illusion believed his thoughts were their thoughts, then he or she would understand the concept of bondage. But not just any bondage. Pathological mental disorder… here the sane call the insane unstable… Well, The Orwellian consciousness might be defined as subliminal conditioning brought on by years of schooling meant to control the mind in the matrix of world capitalism that feeds the merchants of Money, War, Monopoly etc. The masses feeding the Beast of Baal in an unconscious desire for freedom from work. The latter an oxymoron, those that are merchants and allergic to blood sweat and tears have created a system of victimhood that relegates the ignorant masses to a pathetic slavery, where the few are always changing the reason they say they are victims… If the truth of their religion, (con), were known to the average goyim dupe… they still would have to get past the legalisms inherent in the all imperialist societies that are allied with the Rabbis of thought control and a everlasting merry-go-round of groundhog day mentality’s, in the eternal loop of Intelligentsia brand Illuminati Kabbalistic Zohar magic and superstition. The latter Intelligentsia, pond off as gods words to the few that are trapped in the delusional framework of that Orwellian mindset and then they say they love it. It reminds me of the captive kidnapped individual that becomes enamored with their captors. Saying, they are not bad people once you see there plight and consciousness of rhetorical reasons to take the rights away from others in their mob style mentality. You have been recruted into the psychopathy of Wrong means Right… This is the style of the imperialistic mindset and religion at large. Especially this religion and those trapped in the counter religion created by the rebels trying to escape the legal secular bondage of hell on planet Rothschild!
For those that have an ear… let the brainwashing be cast from our midst, Let the crowds of freedom sing in tandem….
Queen Lyrics:
All we hear is radio ga ga
Radio goo goo
Radio ga ga
All we hear is radio ga ga
Radio blah blah
Radio, what’s new?
Radio, someone still loves you
We watch the shows, we watch the stars
On videos for hours and hours
We hardly need to use our ears
How music changes through the years
Let’s hope you never leave old friend
Like all good things on you we depend
So stick around ’cause we might miss you
When we grow tired of all this visual
You had your time, you had the power
You’ve yet to have your finest hour
Radio (radio)
All we hear is radio ga ga
Radio goo goo
Radio ga ga
All we hear is radio ga ga
Radio goo goo
Radio ga ga
All we hear is radio ga ga
Radio blah blah
Radio, what’s new?
Someone still loves you
Radio ga ga
Radio ga ga
Radio ga ga
You had your time, you had the power
You’ve yet to have your finest hour
Radio (radio
“We have not accredited RT or Sputnik because of their active role in spreading disinformation,” said a Foreign Office spokeswoman.”
How depressing when you know all the disinformation we have been fed with in the West since 9-11.
There are no mainstream media in this world completely dedicated to the truth.
It always amazes me how horrible are our ruling elites, including media, political and financial elites. They lie so easily and seem to believe their lies.
There is an interesting article by Paul Craig Roberts:
Lies are becoming truth because we are in the return of the days of Noah just before the Second Coming of Jesus. In the days of Noah, everybody was of bad faith. Only Noah was of good faith.
We have to pray a lot, especially the Holy Rosary.
What remains of our freedom in America is being whittled away steadily. Hypnotized and befuddled citizens are unaware of what is happening – passive sheep mindlessly going to their slaughter. In the end, our lack of consciousness will destroy us. We who are awakening to this nightmare, look on in horror at those stripped of their freedom by relentless propaganda.
I think there are plenty of us that know what’s wrong with society, we just don’t know how to fix it. People are struggling to make ends meet and can’t hit the streets with pitchforks and torches because we have to feed our families and keep a space to live in. The system is making sure that we can’t revolt and they’ve even taken away the one thing we had left that is supposed to be guaranteed to allow us to make change happen…our vote. “They” control it with the media and corruption of the election process allowing only “approved” candidates that will not shake the boat too much. So we just have to hope for a better future. We should continue to share the truth when ever possible but the outlets for spreading that truth are getting slim.
HYPOCRISY is an ever present human fingerprint, which reveals the MIND BLIND predisposition of every man with an EGO.
Once enlightenment takes hold in a man’s soul, and personal responsibility becomes a conscious, constant obsession rather than the usual blame and shame personality we are born into, then our narcissistic attitude diminishes or disappears.
The very structure of government is a perfect recipe for hypicritical behaviour, which we regularly experience from all levels of governing entities.
The MSM is of course the propaganda division of the military industrial complex, which eats, sleeps, and breaths blaming and shaming, to facilitate their problem, reaction, solution, agenda.
Freedom is a casualty of the socialist/communist agenda, pushed by those who preach do as I say, not necessarily as I do.
A few tears ago I took part in a survey commissioned by the BBC covering various aspects of news reporting, there were several questions where options were provided for other news providers – RT was absent from the options. It is very sad that many people that I know who are highly intelligent and highly educated accept all the propaganda they are fed about RT and Russia.
Hello Caitlin,
Love your site but can’t subscribe for some reason. Can you help?
Caitlin calls the hypocrisy “jaw-dropping.” Well, it used to be. It’s not anymore. We now expect it.
The “story of our times” is the abdication of journalists who were once skeptical of government pronouncements, and once believed in holding those with power accountable.
Once the “mainstream press” became stenographers of the government’s point of view/program – and then lobbyists for the government’s view – the “bad guys” probably won.
Dissent – and those who are willing to present another point of view – is harder and harder to find. Those willing to challenge conventional wisdom have been marginalized and now exists only on the fringes.
And members of the “alternative press” – like RT or publishers like WikiLeaks – are now in their crosshairs.
If some individuals or organizations are fighting “Big Brother,” we are not fighting hard enough because Big Brother is only getting bigger.
… I wonder how many “mainstream press” members will even run this story. Or if they do, how they will “play” it? Probably as a victory for “freedom.” Sigh.
Well Orwell knew best–wasn’t the the center of his dystopian novel London. As a British Imperial policeman in India, and officer in the armed forces and the literary editor of the British Tribune–he witnessed Big Brother’s corrupting regime from the inside–and of course there’s the City of London–the Zionist stronghold within. He cryptically said it best: Big Brother is Goldstein/Goldstein is Big Brother.
On the other hand–the British citizen is one of the most narcissistic creatures on the planet. They’re to busy shoving their heads up each others butts to notice that they are now the laughing stock of the world. Who really cares what this occupied third world enterprise is up to. If anything–we “indispensable” Americans better take note–their occupier has a firm footing in the land of the free–and we may also find ourselves equally irrelative.