The Washington Post has published clear, undeniable evidence that US government officials have been lying to the public about the war in Afghanistan, a shocking revelation for anyone who has done no research whatsoever into the history of US interventionism.

In all seriousness it was a very good and newsworthy publication, and those who did the heavy lifting bringing the Afghanistan Papers into public awareness deserve full credit. The frank comments of US military officials plainly stating that from the very beginning this was an unwinnable conflict, initiated in a region nobody understood, without anyone being able to so much as articulate what victory would even look like, make up an extremely important piece of information that is in conflict with everything the public has been told about this war by their government.

But the most significant revelation to come out of this story is not in the Afghanistan Papers themselves.

The most significant Afghanistan Papers revelation comes from The Washington Post‘s account of the extremely difficult time they had extricating these important documents from the talons of government secrecy, as detailed in a separate article titled “How The Post unearthed The Afghanistan Papers“. WaPo explains how the papers were ultimately obtained via Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests which, after they were initially rejected by the US government, needed to be supplemented over three years with two lawsuits.

“The Post’s efforts to obtain the Afghanistan documents also illustrate how difficult it can be for journalists — or any citizen — to pry public information from the government,” WaPo reports. “The purpose of FOIA is to open up federal agencies to public scrutiny. But officials determined to thwart the spirit of the law can drag out requests for years, hoping requesters will eventually give up.”

“In October 2017, The Post sued the inspector general in U.S. District Court in Washington — a step that can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees — to obtain the Flynn interview materials,” WaPo adds.

Now, The Washington Post is a giant, for-profit corporate media outlet which is solely owned by Jeff Bezos, who is currently listed as the wealthiest person on earth. Does anyone reading this have hundreds of thousands of dollars and years of their life to spend battling the US government into complying with its own transparency laws? Are any of the alternative media outlets which consistently oppose US imperialism able to afford many such expenditures? I would guess not.

Is it not disturbing that the American taxpayer has to depend on outlets like The Washington Post, a neocon-packed outlet with an extensive history of promoting US interventionism at every opportunity, to extract these documents from behind the wall of government opacity?

After all, by WaPo’s own admission it both sought and published the Afghanistan Papers in order to take a swing at Donald Trump. According to the Post it went down this path in 2016 initially seeking documents on Michael Flynn, who was then part of the Trump campaign, after receiving a tip that he’d made some juicy statements about the war in Afghanistan to the Office of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR). WaPo then made the decision to publish the papers now rather than waiting for its legal battle for more information to complete because Trump is currently in the midst of negotiating with the Taliban over a potential troop withdrawal.

“The Post is publishing the documents now, instead of waiting for a final ruling, to inform the public while the Trump administration is negotiating with the Taliban and considering whether to withdraw the 13,000 U.S. troops who remain in Afghanistan,” WaPo reports.

It is obviously an inherently good thing that WaPo poured its immense wealth and resources into pursuing and publishing these documents. But would it have done so if those documents hadn’t presented an opportunity to embarrass the Trump administration? What kinds of information does the notoriously war-happy WaPo not spend its wealth and resources pursuing and publishing? Probably a whole lot.

It is a very safe assumption that, because of the immense walls of government opacity that have been built up around the unconscionable things America’s elected and unelected leadership is doing, there are far, far more evil things that are far, far worse than anything revealed in the Afghanistan Papers that we don’t know about, and that we don’t even know we don’t know about. Is it not deeply disturbing that we have to pray that some war-loving, establishment-supporting billionaire media outlet will have a partisan agenda to advance if we want to know about even a tiny sliver of this information?

I mean, it’s not like the Afghanistan Papers revealed anything we didn’t already know. It’s been public knowledge for many years that there was a preexisting agenda to invade Afghanistan well before September 11, it’s been public knowledge that many lies were put in place after the invasion, and it’s been public knowledge for a long time that we’re being lied to about how well the war is going. All these new revelations did was reify and draw attention to what anyone with an ear to the ground already knew: like all other US-led military interventions, we were lied to about Afghanistan. It’s not like the US government was staving off some massive unknown bombshell revelation with its resistance to WaPo’s FOIA requests. Yet it resisted them anyway, just because it was more convenient.

Julian Assange once said “The overwhelming majority of information is classified to protect political security, not national security,” and we see this tacitly confirmed by the US government in its massive backlogs of unanswered FOIA requests, illegitimate refusals, unjustifiable redactions and exploitation of loopholes to retain as much security as possible. As one Twitter follower recently put it, “The FOIA was enacted in 1966 to make legally compulsory the opening of government activities to ‘sunlight’. Fifty-three years later, the government has learned how to neutralize the law and once again hide their misconduct. Classifying everything is one way, requiring an expensive ‘lawsuit’ is another.”

It shouldn’t work this way. People shouldn’t have to count on immoral plutocratic media institutions to get their government to tell them the truth about what’s being done in their name using their tax dollars. A free nation would have privacy for its citizenry and transparency for its government; with the growing increase in surveillance and government secrecy across the entire US-centralized empire, what we’re getting is the exact opposite.


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56 responses to “The Most Significant Afghanistan Papers Revelation Is How Difficult They Were To Make Public”

  1. Hmmm

    It seems that someone doesn’t want me to share the overwhelming evidence that clearly identifies israel as the perpetrator of the 9-11attacks but can’t seem to bring herself to simply ban me.

  2. I missed this article earlier. As other commenters have indicated, suing to get released under the FOIA? Oldest trick in the book.
    It’s just like an indignant Reuters being denied access to a copy of the footage of the faked and “encrypted” Collateral Murder video ( and the alleged suing of New York City by the New York Times to release the “oral histories” of first responders recorded shortly after 9/11 (see Point 9 In the case of the oral histories, this isn’t to say that they weren’t true (or a number of them at least) but the suing is propaganda to push the idea that they are trying to hide the controlled demolition which concentrates our focus on it all the more when, in fact, Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth are a government-sponsored outfit, pushing out controlled demolition like nobody’s business while diverting focus from the faked plane crashes (a more revealing aspect where automatically we can infer the alleged 265 deaths must be faked) and, of course, the pivotal truth, staged death and injury in the buildings.

  3. Joe Van Steenbergen Avatar
    Joe Van Steenbergen

    Step back for just one second and take a wider look. Some have compared these “papers” to the Pentagon Papers in that they reveal a bankrupt war strategy that the administration, particularly the Pentagon, did its best to keep hidden from the public. But, realize that the Pentagon Papers never were voluntarily released to the public; they had to be smuggled out and published without the willing participation of the government. Given the penchant for our government, and particularly the Pentagon, to hide, obfuscate, prevaricate and obliterate the “official” record that ultimately is released to the public, isn’t it fair to ask whether or not, despite the damning revelations, we have once again been spoon fed the least damning and least revealing records that the Pentagon, having years to work on, have deemed it can stomach releasing to us? Do we really believe this is the worst of it?

  4. There were good points made in the above article.

    “..without anyone being able to so much as articulate what victory would even look like…” They wanted chaos. Why? Well, ultimately, for profits for companies like Unocal, which they aren’t going to discuss frankly with just anyone, Are they? And the Americans wanted the usual geopolitical advantages for themselves and their Israeli appendage. Max Blumenthal’s book, “The Management Of Savagery, provides good background into the chaos and destruction of Afghanistan by the CIA. I’m very curious whether Max will hang 9/11 entirely on blowback. I’m only up to page fifty something in the book, so we’ll see. I suspect that he’s going in that direction, which would be a shame, in my view, since he actually provides enough dots to make right connections and draw right conclusions. Has Max availed himself of James Corbett’s research into 9/11 I wonder?

    1. Arby, I couldn’t read past Blumenthal’s section on 9/11 in “Management of Savagery.” Blumenthal referrred to the Truth Movement as “Truthers”. He used Alex Jones as his main example of a Truther. Hasn’t he heard of David Ray Griffin and all the experts at ae911truth?
      Blumenthal will never be trusted by me again.

      1. The evils of Western imperialism are too great, and the anti-imperialist voices too few nowadays for people to afford such pickiness. As CJ has correctly observed before, there are enough *certain* facts indicating the way the US imperial machine acts at home and abroad, and it isn’t necessary to focus instead on things that are – admit it – at best uncertain and difficult to prove.

  5. Good post. I was wondering why the Washington Post, which is the number 2 Deep State propaganda outlet (2nd only to the NY Times) would publish something this damming to the establishment. I should have guessed that it had something to do with Trump, although I still don’t think I understand how the Post article can be considered to be detrimental to Trump.

    But like you said, there is nothing in the Post article than wasn’t already known or at least suspected by anyone with an IQ above room temperature who gets their news from the alternative media and has any knowledge of the history of U.S military adventurism, or operation of the Congress and MIC in general. So the Post article isn’t going to change anything much. This is old news to the smart people, and the people who get their news from the MSM are too stupid to even understand or care about the Post article, so nothing will change.

    I wasn’t aware of the quote by Julian Assange that “The overwhelming majority of information is classified to protect political security, not national security”, but he is certainly correct. By my own estimates about 75-80% of the material that is classified by the agencies of the U.S. government is classified only to cover up incompetency, or illegal or nefarious behavior.

    1. Perfectly said. I was surprised myself that this information was coming out of a main stream CIA outlet. Curious.

    2. Julian Assange is there only agreeing with what Noam Chomsky said long ago. I miss that Noam.

  6. Looking back, Afghanistan was better off under communism.

    1. It absolutely was.

      Please, Ease up on the brutal captchas! They are out of control.

      1. I went to high school with an Arby. Is that you?

  7. Hmmm

    This article did a great job of deflection and redirection. Therefore, in the final analysis this article, like a lot of what “Caitlin” posts here, is a classic example of a PSYOP in action. It never actually quoted anything in those Freedom of information releases. Let alone print or provide a link to the actual release(s) in their unaltered form, thus allowing the reader to make up their own mind. Instead, she gives the reader access to yet another PSYOP.

    Unless one is willing to argue that the real purpose of those original requests were in fact to gauge the difficulty in obtaining them and thus drawing inference from that, or are willing to accept Bozo’s editing, then both the WaPo and Caitlin’s article are completely unreliable, just like this article. People, the primary legitimate purpose of obtaining those documents should have been to provide the public with every last word contained within them as written.

    In truth Bozo spend nearly a million bucks to make sure HE was and remains the final arbitrator of the truths contained in them……. (links to Wapo hardly constitute a reliable source given Bozo’s well-established ties to Israel and the militant right-wing Zionist movement.)

    Does anyone have a .gov link to the original documents?

  8. Hmmm

    This article did a great job of deflection and redirection. Therefore, in the final analysis this article, like a lot of what “Caitlin” actually posts here, is in reality examples of a PSYOP in action. It never actually quoted anything that was actually in those Freedom of information releases. Let alone, print or provide a link to the actual release(s) in their unaltered form, thus allowing the reader to make up their own mind.

    Unless one is willing to argue that the real purpose of those original FOIR’s were in fact to gauge the difficulty in obtaining them and thus drawing inference from that, or to accept Bozo’s editing, then both the WaPo and Caitlin articles are fraudulent. People, the only legitimate purpose of obtaining those documents should have been to provide the public with every last word contained within them.

    In reality, Bozo spend nearly a million bucks to make sure HE as was and remains the final arbitrator of the truths contained in them…….

    1. Hmmm

      My apologies for the double posting….

  9. Damning evidence of lies covered up with more lies told to us by our politicians and their lackeys to convince us or at least to make us feel as if they were in control and all was well.
    Thank you Caitlan for reporting this and Kudos to the Washington Post , a run of the mill MSM no less for disclosing this so important information.
    Maybe ,just maybe, the cracks in the big curtain are starting to finally open and the light of truth is starting to shine through.
    Here is another one ,just in today in my email:

  10. Russia was smart enough after 10 years to realize staying in Afganistan was hopeless. They did the logical thing and left saying this was a mistake. America hides the fact from everyone and stays another ten years rather than admit they were wrong. What does that tell us about Russia and America.

    1. Small, but important correction:
      Russia The Soviet Union was smart enough after 10 years to realize staying in Afganistan was hopeless.

  11. Just exactly why are perpetual war and warmongers so attractive to US voters that they vote for them election after election? It has absolutely nothing to do with being bamboozled by MSM propaganda!
    Google “governmentcontractswon”; go to that site and see that in 2018, “private” businesses in the state of Virgina (population 8.4 million) were awarded 324,283 contracts worth $46.4 billion and that there are 17,538 private DoD contractors in Virginia, and that from 2000 to 2018 private DoD contractors in Virginia were awarded over $733.9 billion for 936,040 contracts.
    Virginians’ economic well-being depends upon those DoD dollars continuing, year after year, decade after decade, literally forever! Therefore, no majority of voters in Virginia is ever, and I do mean ever, no matter how “woke”, going to vote for a candidate, maybe like Gabbard, who might be promising to destroy Virginia’s war-based economy and destroy many well-paying jobs. They’re going to CONTINUE to vote for warmongers for POTUS and congress! They do not give a damn how many people are killed by the weapons that they are helping to produce. The do not give a shit that Afghanistan has been a tremendous waste of money. That waste of money has been their past, is their present, and will be their future!
    Virginia is not alone in the war business. Check out what “private” DoD contractors in other states such as California receive annually. It’s mind boggling.
    Therefore, the US will never, and I do mean never, be politically capable of changing it’s “foreign policy” unless and until, once again with feeling, Virginians /Americans are given a detailed alternative to their present “war way” of making a living and no D or R candidate is spelling out such an alternative.
    But there is still a faint glimmer of hope.
    Trump proved that a complete political outsider could/can “go around” the MIC and be elected. Trump paid a helluva price when he shook hands with Putin in Helsinki. That summit proved that the US MSM is also an MIC tool and that the MIC’s pockets are very deep — in fact, infinitely deep. The Fed will fund the whole nine yards. This is the reason that Trump has had to endure the siege of the Deep State. Shiff’s impeachment “witnesses” spelled it all out, letter by letter. If the US does not fight Russia in Ukraine, it will have to fight Russia in the US. No applicant for a job in the Deep State Department will get that job unless they espouse exactly what those witnesses espoused. The HR dept should have a sign on its door stating “Russiaphobes only”.
    Antiwar candidates can be elected, but if they are elected, just like Trump they’ll be fighting the MSM and civil service and intelligence deep state every day of their political lives, which does not make for a very nice way of life for those politicians’ families. This is why a majority of congress must also be real anti-war so that they can support each other as a bloc against the unelected deep state.
    Present reality is that politicians are selected by voters every two or four years. None of these politicians are going to change absolutely anything about the election system or rules of campaign financing (bribery). Therefore, to stop the MIC and change the US’s war-based economy, antiwar candidates must somehow get elected within that very same system. If that does not happen, the US is doomed to suffer financial or nuclear destruction.
    (Furthermore, if the US cannot develop an economic system that does not absolutely depend upon perpetual population/economic growth, humanity will certainly suffer an environmental disaster. IMO, designing and implementing such an alternative economic system will be far more difficult than getting antiwar POTUS and congress people elected, which is really saying something. When people cannot even agree upon the meanings of words as a vitally necessary first step, this may simply be a bridge too far for the supposedly most intelligent species on the planet.)
    Again, for the present moment, here in reality-land, at least the number of voters who voted for Agent Orange have to somehow be enticed into voting for an anti-war candidate for POTUS and a majority of anti-war candidates running for seats in the legislative branch. That is the one and the only way that the MIC is going to go away.
    How do antiwar candidates “entice” millions of voters all across the 50 United In Warfare States Of America, who make their living in the MIC or its spin-offs, into voting for these anti-war candidates? That is the question, not whether “to be or not to be?” If those candidates can not be elected, the US, and perhaps all the other nations of the world, are not going “to be” for much longer.
    To entice those MIC etc. voters, those anti-war candidates are going to have to promise that if they are elected they are going to maintain the present DoD contract system, so that these millions of voters will not lose their jobs; but their jobs will be to produce all the great things that will improve the lives of all their fellow citizens. And by “improve” I mean that instead of making military aircraft that will in a few years end up sitting in a bone yard, they will make, for just a few examples, wind turbines, solar panels, bullet trains, etc. The services or electric power from these devices would not be “free”, just as the weapon systems of today are not free.
    Which would millions of voters enjoy more, the benefit they receive from weapon systems, or electric power, a trip across the country in an electric-powered bullet train, etc.? How would millions of voters feel about the US becoming energy independent in very few years of spending under a slightly-altered DoD contract system?
    If I were an anti-war candidate, I would propose to millions of voters that the nation create another “Liberty Ship” program (again, under the existing DoD contract system). Liberty Ships were the workhorses of World War II. They were built in 13 states by 15 companies in 18 shipyards. The first of 2,710 Liberty ships, the SS Patrick Henry, was launched in September 1941, after 150 days of construction. (The shipyard was built at the same time as the ship.) Under this highly automated ship-building system, the SS Robert E. Peary liberty ship was built in 4 Days 15 Hours 29 Minutes.
    These were not small boats, not by a long shot. Here are some specifications.
    Displacement: 14,245 long tons (14,474 t)[2]
    Length: 441 ft 6 in (134.57 m)
    Beam: 56 ft 10.75 in (17.3 m)
    Draft: 27 ft 9.25 in (8.5 m)
    Propulsion: Two oil-fired boilers; triple-expansion steam engine; single screw, 2,500 hp (1,900 kW)
    Range: 20,000 nmi (37,000 km; 23,000 mi)
    Capacity: 10,856 t (10,685 long tons)
    Again, in just a few years of assembly-line development, one of these vessels was assembled in only 4 Days 15 Hours 29 Minutes. Imagine such an assembly line system for relatively simple wind turbines, bullet trains, vehicles of all types, etc.
    This is what anti-war candidates have to promise those millions of voters in the MIC in order to capture their votes. This is precisely what Gabbard and other anti-war candidates have to start proposing today, not 6 months down the road. If she were to do this today, she would start a firestorm of a debate, which is precisely what is needed to shake up the present arrangement. Does she have the intellectual wherewithal and “courage” to do this? We will soon find out, but I suspect that she does not. Unless anti-war candidates specifically propose such a detailed transition from a war-based economy to one based upon peace, they will not be elected and the US MIC’s perpetual wars will go on until the nukes start dropping.
    The above is the one and the only realistic, practical, politically acceptable way that humanity has a future. But will capitalists be as eager to increase the national debt for peace as they are for war?

    1. Ah, so now we shift to the troll tactic of trying to kill a thread by posting a long and off-topic post in the hopes that nobody scrolls down below it to see what else has been said.
      There is a huge misstatement of fact in the opening paragraphs, which is that the American people elected as the last two presidents the candidates who were posturing as being anti-war, and firmly defeated the aggressive warmongers like McCain and Hillary in the process. Then somehow this rant manages to shift into an attack on Gabbard as the one anti-war candidate in this election. This is basically the same attack used against the Occupy Movement, the ‘show us your detailed plans’ tactic used to disarm opposition to the Oligarchs and their war machine.

    2. Last time I checked Virginia was number One in dollars received as part of the Military/Industrial/Congressional Complex (MIC). “Liberal” California at number Two.

    3. Thank you so much for explaining how the system works regarding the MIC and the voters.I knew that the MIC was the only driver of the economy but you have connected all the dots and how the machinery works.
      Am not a US citizen but would support Tulsi wholeheartedly if I was and you are absolutely correct ,the voters need to know that jobs can be re-oriented to other areas ,such as self sufficiency , infrastructure rebuilding etc. in order to vote differently .
      The status quo is terminal .

  12. Another interesting revelation from the Afghan War Crimes Papers …..
    How very insecure the Masters of the Universe are about public support for their supposedly patriotic endless wars? After all, they appear to feel that any flaw or mistake or setback must be covered up and concealed from the public. While at the same time fake victories and fake campaigns have to be concocted for public consumption.
    What the powers that be are really saying is that they feel that public support for their endless wars is really paper thin. They are telling us loudly and clearly that they are constantly on edge with the fear that the public might one day rise up and put an end to their war games and their supply of meaningless medals.
    This connects with other dots as well. That the last two presidents had to lie about being anti-war in order to be elected. That they don’t even dare to put their wars up for even a fig-leaf vote in Congress. Not that they are especially afraid of Congress itself, but they know that the last time they did that (Obomber in Syria) that there was a huge flood of phone calls and emails and general voter outrage at yet another endless war.
    They are telling us that we are on the verge of stopping this, and that they are very, very afraid of us.

  13. I suspect the narrative of “Wow, it was so hard for us to get this story out” is complete fabrication. This story serves two purposes: 1. To distract the public from any indictments of Obama-era folks that may be coming, and 2. Prop up the WaPo’s act of actually being journalists, rather than stenographers, by delivery a oh, so painful, black eye to the War Department.

    No doubt, everyone everywhere lied about the Afghan war to keep the gravy train flowing, but for these stenographers to claim to be investigative reporters is yet another example of journalistic malpractice and fraud.

    1. One last point not mentioned. 201-2019 has seen a massive increase in the consumption of opiates in the USA producing a crisis that keeps getting worse. And what country do you think is the primary source of poppies? The war on drugs is truly the war against humanity.

  14. Thank Mr. Rumsfeld for the “knowing what we know and don’t know we know what we don’t know” never mind I don’t know the exact quote. But, (without reading all of the comments) the question is why are they telling this to us?
    Which way are they trying to steer the narrative? Again, it is just the revolving history of repeating themes. When this type of activity came to light it was a shock. Again, the Pentagon papers were secreted out of filing cabinets by an insider who then copied them and distributed them to news organizations for publication. This Afghanistan information is being spoon fed to the public. Again, why? I am no longer shocked, just shell shocked from the constant bombardments.

    CIA Director William Casey did in fact say the controversial and often-disputed line “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false,” reportedly in 1981.

    1. Rumsfeld’s analysis was actually quite profound (cf. Rove’s remarks about the American Empire which have been similarly ridiculed or ignored,). To paraphrase:
      known knowns: things we know
      known unknowns: things we know we don’t know
      unknown unknowns: things we don’t know we don’t know
      Missing from his analysis, perhaps significantly, are known unknowns: things we know but don’t know we know. The things hidden beneath the Beltway cloak of invisibility.

      1. I think the point, most significantly, is the things they know that they don’t want us to know.

      2. I always thought it was an excellent statement and those who made fun of it were the fools.

  15. Hmm, what came first, the billionaires, the “free press”, the secret societies, or the international cabal of intelligence and justice departments. Where’s WALDO today?

    1. There were very few billionaires at the time when the cabal of intelligence, military and injustice departments was forming. This was back during or shortly after WW2, when even the western capitalist world was far less unequal than today. Back then, the CEO of a company only made some 20 times or so what the lowest paid worker made. Back then, there was talk of ‘millionaires’ and ‘conglomerates’, but not so much of billionaires.
      Reading the history of the 1960’s, the assassinations of both Kennedys and of Dr. King, the COINTELPRO operations against dissidents, the purchase of journalists, the open murders of people like Fred Hampton, all point to a ‘deep state’ that was fully evolved by that time, deeply entrenched with power, and delusional in thinking that they needed to destroy democracy in order to protect it. This all happened long before ‘Billionaires’ became a common term.

  16. Caitlin – There is a startling battle going on now by Lawyers for 9/11 Truth to get the US government to release mountains of evidence it’s been hiding about that tragic day where so many people were killed. It would be a noble action to look into this and inform people about the greatest deception of all that got us into this whole mess to begin with.

    1. The Assassination of JFK was nearly 40 years before, and is a far more accurate point of time of when it was at least publicly revealed that ‘we were in this mess’. 9-11 was even some 20 years after the counter-revolution succeeded in putting Reagan in the White House and Casey in the CIA. 9-11 was nowhere near the beginning of this. And that election was rigged with the first of two illegal and shady deals between the the CIA and its former director Bush and the new revolutionaries in Iran. But yeah, I suppose we can make it yet another 9-11 myth that this was ‘the beginning.’

  17. It’s a vast mafia running the US, on every level. The Bezos empire is a competing mafia family with the Trump family empire. Bloomberg is another mafia family empire now vying to oust Trump as the dominant mafia don. Billionaire mafiosi jockeying for full spectrum domination, and needing the Pentagon’s complicity.

    It’s like with Russiagate: The whole farce of it boils down to the US oligarchy/plutocracy determined to defeat the Russia plutocratic oligarchy. Our 1% against their 1%. Major corporate media outlets like WaPo and NY Times have spun the false narrative that it has everything to do with protecting “our democracy” and our sacred elections, even when everyone who knows anything at all knows this is pure bullshit. We have no democracy and our elections are the most corrupt and finally meaningless on the planet.

    1. American elections ..
      Fascinating that now search results (even non-google) turn up supposedly expert claims that Daley did not steal the 1960 election from Nixon. Apparently now the ‘expert opinion’ is that 1960 is the only election that he didn’t rig. This is now a supposedly ‘debunked’ myth.
      Yeah, and if anyone believes that I can get them a great deal on both a London Bridge and some prime Florida swampland that is slated to be developed and I can get you in at groundwater.

  18. Good job of highlighting the obstacles, lengths and expense people and organizations have to go through to get information about what their own government is doing and thinking. This is, of course, intentional. The goal always is to conceal the truth, not let anyone reveal it. And what they do hand over – years later – is often so heavily redacted that the public is essentially getting blank pages with a few random words here and there.

  19. Caitlin Johnstone wrote:
    “A free nation would have privacy for its citizenry and transparency for its government; with the growing increase in surveillance and government secrecy across the entire US-centralized empire, what we’re getting is the exact opposite.”

    Exactly, that’s the root cause of the current situation.

    The origin of all this? Basically, while government transparency is the foundation of democracy, code of silence is the foundation of organized crime, including its government sector. As Julian said:

    “You have to start with the truth. The truth is the only way that we can get anywhere. Because any decision-making that is based upon lies or ignorance can’t lead to a good conclusion.”

    “Our No. 1 enemy is ignorance. And I believe that is the No. 1 enemy for everyone — it’s not understanding what actually is going on in the world.”

    “There should be transparency of governments and there should be privacy for individuals.”

    “One of the best ways to achieve justice is to expose injustice.”

    “If wars can be started by lies, peace can be started by truth.”

    “The goal is justice, the method is transparency.”

    “Truth, ultimately, is all we have.”

    — Julian Assange

    1. The first thing the Oligarchs had to destroy was real democracy. They know they’d constantly lose by votes of 99 to 1, so democracy had to go. Democracy is the idea that the power lies with the people, not with Oligarchs or their Officials. Lies are one way in which power has been removed from the hands of the people.

      1. Marvin, it appears that Ron Paul agrees with you:
        “My understanding is that espionage means giving secret or classified information to the enemy. Since Snowden shared information with the American people, his indictment for espionage could reveal (or confirm) that the US Government views you and me as the enemy.”
        — Ron Paul, former US representative and presidential candidate
        Ron Paul: US Government Views You And Me As The Enemy

  20. Very well said; and why exactly at this precise time were the papers published? Could it have been a result of Trump’s little light hearted speech about killer realtors? The Anti Defamation League and others calling a Jewish man who has done so much for Israel and the deep state, “anti-Semitic”? My guess is yes. But that story will probably be buried so deep that it will never be heard from again.

  21. Afghanistan sounds like Vietnam.
    After becoming LBJ’s new Secretary of Defense Clark Clifford visited with the generals in
    the Pentagon to understand their plans for the war in Vietnam. Clark Clifford wrote later:

    I then asked, “What is the best estimate as to how long this course of action will take? Six months? One year? Two years?” There was no agreement on an answer. Not only was there no agreement, I could find no one willing to express any confidence in his guesses. Certainly, none of us was willing to assert that he could see “light at the end of the tunnel” or that American troops would be coming home by the end of the year.
    After days of this type of analysis, my concern had greatly deepened. I could not find out when the war was going to end; I could not find out the manner in which it was going to end; I could not find out whether the new request for men and equipment were going to be enough, or whether it would take more and, if more, when and how much; I could not find out how soon the South Vietnamese forces would be ready to take over. All I had was the statement, given with too little self-assurance to be comforting, that if we persisted for an indeterminate length of time, the enemy would choose not to go on. And so I asked, “Does anyone see any diminution in the will of the enemy after four years of our having been there, after enormous casualties and after massive destruction from our bombing?”

    1. And the generals replied, “ well sir, you can’t build much of a monument to only 4 dead U.S. soldiers. We have some leeway here.”

  22. Charles Andrew Robinson Avatar
    Charles Andrew Robinson


    1. I cant handle pissed raves from drunks

    2. Keith Martin Organ Avatar
      Keith Martin Organ

      Wrong about Wikipedia and Climate Change.

      1. well wiki is controlled on certain subjects, but not on climate change. he just completely veered off the rails there.

        1. You are naive. Wikipedia is controlled on all subjects. Not just the ones you disagree with but the others as well. Thats like saying the guy only cheats certain people. No, he cheats everyone.

  23. If I lived in Las Vegas I would be starting a ” betting pool ” to name the date Israel makes the United States government go to war with Iran. It is not just information, but everything; about or within the United States of America, must be chased and finally accomplished with massive amounts of money. Money has replaced everything in these United States; the masters and the owners keep it that way. In my ” pool ” I would bet that by January 25, 2020 United States military forces will be attacking Iran!

  24. “Breathtaking: Solving Nuclear 9/11” at VeteransToday(.)com

    The most comprehensive analysis of the pivotal event of the 21st century. Controlled demolition by 350 ton TNT equivalent mininukes in each tower, not jet fuel, not thermite, not directed energy weapons. Includes three 90 min videos, 40 power point slides and 80 article bibliography. Find and share Truth….it is your duty as an Earthling.

    1. If someone wakes up and escapes the corral of sheep the CIA would love to get them lost in a maze of false leads.

      1. Ah, so now the Bizarro world conspiracy theory concerns ‘mini nukes’. That’s even funnier than the previous Bizarro world theories.
        If there were explosions that were 350 times the size of a cruise missile warhead, then I think we might have seen those on the TV feeds of that day. A 350 ton explosion is a massive explosion. But such stories rely on people being too stupid to know that.
        And yes, Veterans Today is a strange conspiracy site that I would not trust if they said the sun was going to set in the west tonight. I don’t attack all conspiracy theories, only the stupid sites that constantly lie to me any time I check them out until I give up on them in total disgust.

        1. Why did you post your response to me and not Joseph Olsen?

        2. Hmmm

          Actually, your assumption that 350 ton explosion would have been readily visible is false. Given it was allegedly detonated 3 stories underground, surrounded by bedrock with over 1 Million tons of building sitting on top of it, and assuming it was set by demolition experts (like the anyone of the numerous israeli Mossad explosive experts who were arrested on 9-11 posing as movers and “art students” it would have appeared exactly as it was described by eyewitnesses inside at ground level at the time……

          At least according to large numbers of Architects, engineers and demolition experts…..

          1. Like I said, beware of CIA/Stasi operatives (possibly paid sub contractors) that attempt to send people down dead ends with various theories they push.
            “mininukes” – come on!

            1. Hmmm

              The problem with your casual dismissal is that Radiation levels did in fact at ground zero immediately after the attacks. And multiple seismic observatory in the US did in fact record a massive seismic event seconds before each strike. This information was released shortly after the attacks and remains in the public record. Both “events” fit the profile of a suitcase sized nuclear device. Even a cursory application of critical thinking, common sense and Occam’s Razor applied to the physical evidence tells us it is impossible for 2 jet planes to literally vaporize half a Million tons of concrete collapsed into their own footprint in minutes….

              It is seems quite obvious that the reason you are so desperate to contradict the tactical nuclear weapons theory is simple: That truth automatically and categorically rules out any possibility that 9-11 was carried out by anyone other than a nuclear power. Meaning of course that the Arabs/Muslims/Saudis/Iraqis etc. couldn’t have done it. Not to mention it infinitely strengthen the argument that israel did attack America on 9-11. Your job is to ensure that some doubt remains…..

              It was Israeli Mossad posing as “art students” that rented offices on the floors damaged by the planes as the hit the building. And many witnesses observed those Mossad agents (many of whom were later identified as explosives and communications experts) bringing dozens of pallets of materials into the Towers in the months prior to the attacks. And it was in fact an israeli Mossad front company that was responsible for “security” in those Towers during this period prior to the attacks meaning those Art Students would have had full access to the entire structure.

              The Mossad’s long held unofficial motto roughly translated: “by way of deception so shall we wage war” 9-11 is a perfect case study of their tactics……

              Surely you are not suggesting we believe that the teams of Mossad agents that had set up video camera’s prior to the attacks to “document the event” were simply clairvoyant? So you can huff and puff all day long, but until/unless you can actually offer an explanation backed by hard physical evidence that contradicts the logical conclusions drawn from these facts you are the one conducting a PSYOP here my friend.

              Have a great day!

            2. Hmmm

              One more time…

              The problem with your casual dismissal is that Radiation levels did in fact at ground zero immediately after the attacks. And multiple seismic observatory in the US did in fact record a massive seismic event seconds before each strike. This information was released shortly after the attacks and remains in the public record. Both “events” fit the profile of a suitcase sized nuclear device. Even a cursory application of critical thinking, common sense and Occam’s Razor applied to the physical evidence tells us it is impossible for 2 jet planes to literally vaporize half a Million tons of concrete collapsed into their own footprint in minutes….

              It is seems quite obvious that the reason you are so desperate to contradict the tactical nuclear weapons theory is simple: That truth automatically and categorically rules out any possibility that 9-11 was carried out by anyone other than a nuclear power. Meaning of course that the Arabs/Muslims/Saudis/Iraqis etc. couldn’t have done it. Not to mention it infinitely strengthen the argument that israel did attack America on 9-11. Your job is to ensure that some doubt remains…..

              It was Israeli Mossad posing as “art students” that rented offices on the floors damaged by the planes as the hit the building. And many witnesses observed those Mossad agents (many of whom were later identified as explosives and communications experts) bringing dozens of pallets of materials into the Towers in the months prior to the attacks. And it was in fact an israeli Mossad front company that was responsible for “security” in those Towers during this period prior to the attacks meaning those Art Students would have had full access to the entire structure.

              The Mossad’s long held unofficial motto roughly translated: “by way of deception so shall we wage war” 9-11 is a perfect case study of their tactics……
              Surely you are not suggesting we believe that the teams of Mossad agents that had set up video cameras prior to the attacks to “document the event” were simply clairvoyant? So you can huff and puff all day long, but until/unless you can actually offer an explanation backed by hard physical evidence that contradicts the logical conclusions drawn from these facts you are the one conducting a PSYOP here my friend.
              Have a great day!

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