Bolivia has reversed the US-backed coup which saw its leftist president Evo Morales ousted from the lithium-rich nation after a landslide victory last year. Another landslide victory for a previous member of Morales’ cabinet named Luis Arce has restored power to the Movement Toward Socialism (MAS) party after a year of rule by the coup regime.
Contrary to what a recent Guardian headline asserts this was not a “stunning comeback” for MAS but a widely anticipated repudiation of the false claims that were spun by western narrative managers that Morales had rigged the election last year in a dictatorial assault upon democracy. Two landslide victories in as many years is neither “stunning” nor a “comeback”, it’s just the people decisively making their will known two times.
Bolivia is still not in the clear; the US-centralized empire still has plenty of other avenues of attack through which to sabotage the will of the Bolivian people, and we may be certain that we will see them rolled out in the coming years if that empire still stands. But people are right to celebrate the fact that its preferred and primary avenue of attack has been thwarted.
Which is a good illustration of why imperialists pour so much energy into using propaganda to manipulate what people think and do. If you can’t manipulate people into supporting your actions, they’ll just wind up undoing all your handiwork. A coup was undone yesterday in Bolivia, a coup was undone in Venezuela in 2002, and coups will continue to be undone every time the people have the power to enact their will and can’t be propagandized or brutalized away from using it.
The great elephant in the room, around which so much of the behavior of establishment power revolves, is that there are many more ordinary human beings than there are sociopathic dominators trying to exploit them. This fact rarely enters the minds of the rank-and-file citizenry, but for the manipulators responsible for engineering the continuation and expansion of the imperialist oligarchic status quo, it is always at the center of their attention.
The powerful fear the people. Always have, always will. They are at all times acutely aware that there’s not actually anything stopping the public from using the power of their numbers to take back everything their rulers stole from them and doing whatever they like to their former oppressors. We’re like a giant the size of a mountain who is in an abusive relationship with a tiny little man; we might not think too much about how we could squash him like an insect whenever we like, but he most certainly does.
Congrats to Bolivia in returning to a government for the people.
Condolences to all the journalists working for billionaires in the USA who have to try to spin democracy as "authoritarianism" in the next few years.
— Existential Comics (find me on bluesky) (@existentialcoms) October 19, 2020
And that’s why the manipulators responsible for keeping the empire running work all day every day ensuring the people never awaken to their true power. That they never realize they’re being worked like slaves to support the obscene planet-destroying excesses of plutocrats while struggling just to survive. That they never realize their value and resources are being funneled into a war machine which murders people just like themselves on the other side of the world to ensure geostrategic domination which benefits nobody but the most powerful. So we don’t realize what they are doing, and realize that we have every ability to stop them.
They do not pour vast fortunes into manufacturing the consent of the governed because it’s fun for them. They don’t buy up narrative control in the form of media outlets, think tanks, NGOs, political influence and advertising in collaboration with opaque government agencies because they’ve got nothing better to do. They work so hard to manufacture consent because they need it.
So don’t give them your consent. Refuse to be propagandized. Refuse to let your countrymen be propagandized. Work to awaken people to their lies. Work to awaken people to their true power.
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52 responses to “Bolivia Shows Why Imperialists Work To Keep Populations Propagandized”
Can someone explain how US-backed coups in Brazil, Iran, Guatemala, etc yielded terrible governments that held power for 10 years+, and in Bolivia they lasted a year? The obvious difference I see is that these other countries (and many other examples) yielded dictatorships and had little pretense of civil rights and democracy. Is it getting harder to do regime changes and maintain legitimacy with the American middle class due to social media on-the-ground reports from regime-change victims? Or what accounts for Bolivia reversing course so quickly when other countries with equally unpopular coup governments were stuck with them for 1+ decades?
In part because the US empire is collapsing and can no longer back up its demands. Where once the US could use one mechanism or another to enforce its will, it is now both over extended all around the globe, and collapsing, as empires seem fated to do.
Notice that the people celebrating are the indigenous people? The Spanish colonizers of centuries ago are now the Oligarch overlords. Where as the oligarchy, when in power, employs death squads to to maintain a stranglehold on power the indigenous people, when in power, have an amnesty movement for the oligarchy. Every time. And what does it lead to? A consolidation and regrouping of the oligarchs for a government takeover in the near future. The indigenous need to clean house with war crimes/treason trials followed by swift death penalty if they want to survive.
Two words, Butch and Sundance.
It’s long been beyond question that the American Empire is, in all respects, so rotten, corrupt, and vicious, that there is little point in comparing slightly different colors and textures of reeking shit in order to tilt the balance in favor of one or the other dirty set of whores for Capitalism. Together, their asses owned by rapacious Capitalism that is destroying what remains of the natural world, they have facilitated the betrayal of the American people—propagandized simpletons—and laid the groundwork for ultimate destruction of the country and the world. – From Paul Edwards
Fascist Bolivian coup leader fails in DC charm offensive” (2017)
“YouTube confirms it will immediately ban all videos that question the “official” vaccine narrative promoted by the corrupt WHO and vaccine companies”
“Trump repeats Syria intention: US troops are taking the oil”
Yay for the brave people of Bolivia! They now risk sanctions and subterfuge and another propaganda war directed against them, but they stood up for their national sovereignty!
“… there are many more ordinary human beings than there are sociopathic dominators trying to exploit them… for the manipulators responsible for engineering the continuation and expansion of the imperialist oligarchic status quo, it is always at the center of their attention.”
Only sociopathic dominators get to have positions of power and influence in this world. The cream does not rise to the top in these circumstances. It is the rotten, sour, fermented, spoiled, smelly, stinking, rancid dairy product residue that always rises to influential stations in life. No wonder so many things “stink”.
“We’re like a giant the size of a mountain who is in an abusive relationship with a tiny little man; we might not think too much about how we could squash him like an insect whenever we like, but he most certainly does.”
We the People just don’t have or use the predator nature necessary to use our power. We sense the bullies around us and instead of responding we retreat from them in horror. We lack the street-fighter mentality necessary to change the power dynamic.
“Refuse to be propagandized. Refuse to let your countrymen be propagandized. Work to awaken people to their lies. Work to awaken people to their true power.”
Lies are the lifeblood of governments, corporations, advertising, doctrines, and personal relationships. “The Truth” is not good for business or getting along with people. Most people when you get past their protestations to the contrary really don’t want truth. They’ll indignantly tell you they do, but when you give it to them you can see the pained look on their face and the blow to their solar plexus. Lies are easy, truth is hard.
We are in a Worldwide Street Fight but we refuse to acknowledge that. You can’t win a match if you don’t even understand what kind of match you’re in and how to prevail.
I do not think that Donald Trump or Joe Biden should ever be in charge of anything that could effect other people. I think that both of them are quite disgusting. That said; I have to admit that Donald Trump has a very valid point. That point is his whole presidency has been derailed by Hillary Clinton, the ” deep state “, many media outlets, and most of the democrats in congress. Sedition is the term I think many use to describe the plot against him. Hunter Biden’s laptop computer is much more than a smoking gun; it is more like a hydrogen bomb because it is showing the entire world just how corrupt the government of this counttry actually is. Mr. Putin is behind it all, as usual. The shit being fed to the people of the United States is beyond adsurd. Lock everyone up; and sort it all out later. Mr. Glenn Greenwald gets it. This article can be read here.
Glenn Greenwald: ‘Adam Schiff Is Seriously the Most Pathological Liar in All of American Politics’
Catch phrase of the day!
We know that Mr. Putin is behind this scheme because he left no clues. That is so Putin! This article can be read here:
Russophrenia – or How a Collapsing Country Runs the World by Patrick Armstrong!
Do you have a link to evidence for your statement about people being killed for laziness in the Andes ? Looks like the Inca may have had such a custom, but that was a long time ago. You write in the present tense as though it is currently happening. Then you mention hanging traitors as if that logically follows.
Really shitty to smear people who are probably scraping out a living and that you apparently have never met since you only refer to understanding that this is the situation, you don’t say how you came by this info.
People were killed by the govt and police over the past year 1. when they demonstrated against the coup. and 2. sometimes went on strike. You want me to come up with a list of urls? Use google or bing, while they will censor out good websites like the grazone and FAIR, even reuters and AP covered those stories but tried to spin them differently.
Another source is Pompeo. He congratulated the govt for ‘protecting democracy against outside agitators from Venezuela and Cuba’. You can read in between the lines that Pompeo is conceding that the govt was using violence but was covering up for them because he, himself is a monster of epic proportions.
I personally would love to know how many Bolivians were killed by their own govt. Their blood is on Pompeo / Trump’s hands.
My question was about her statement that people are killed there for laziness, not for demonstrations. Killed simply for laziness. Different.
No I wasn’t asking for a list from you as I was not replying to you.
Remember what Elon said; “We will coup whoever we want. Deal with it.” Assume the “we” means he and his oligarch buddies?
Eat shit Elon Musk!
I find the avatar above ^^^ that the site chose for me to be quite a resemblance. Anyone else?
I’d like my own avatar, but I’m not yet sure how to get it onto this site.
Caitlin, that picture you used is priceless. Proves the PC culture is alive and well in Bolivia. One of each even a mask wearer. Shows what a farce the whole election was in bolivia. Just like America, lets get one black, one white, one asian, one indian, (oops, indigeonous person) etc for our unity photo op. Really funny you used such a contrived photo to celebrate the will of the people. What a joke.
Out of 27 comments currently posted, you have made 7 of them, that’s over 30 percent. Are you being paid well?
Sorry, that’s “only” 25 percent of the total comments.
No just being observant and kind of bored today.
After reading more of your comments around this site, I regret my snotty remark above.
Your comments are intelligent and refreshingly free from media soundbites and talking points.
Thank you for commenting.
This is the most cheesy comment here and I find it offensive. All I care about is the will of the People. So, I give the benefit of the doubt when it seems that is happening.
You miss the albeit cheesy point. The same people they elected are just like any politician. That photo was staged and a form of propaganda. It says we are for you. The little guy. A true leader doesnt need photo ops, only politicians do such. He is just another flavor of psychopath. The phoyo sayxs it all, just look.
So you are saying don’t take any pictures.
I have a feeling no matter the picture you would have something to gripe about. Am I wrong?
Do you ever grow sick of other people trlling you what to do. Your mom, your dsd, your wife, your husband, your kids, your government. We are condutioned from birth to obey. Only when we get older and wiser do we just get fed up eith the whole system. Ifvyou dare do itvwhen you ard younger you are considered a malcontent.
Do you ever grow sick of your own cynicism?
It’s a useful tool … not so great as a counselor. Give us a good word every now and then K … tell us about what makes you happy or gives you joy. Cheers!
Glad for Bolivia. Congratulations to the Bolivian people. May the live and be free in their own land.
The CIA must inject the proper number of benjamins into the Bolivian military to ensure a proper coup. This will correct the confused actions of the bolivian people and secure lithium, I mean democracy for America.
With fascism rearing it’s ugly head with the coup regime ,ruling ruthlessly ,the citizens of Bolivia have spoken very loudly that they will have none of it .
Long live the Bolivarian revolution !
Well how does it feel to wake up to good news, folks?
Congratulations to the Bolivian people – un gran nacion!
Joann Baez and her sister, Mimi Fariña
Well how does it feel to wake up to good news, folks?
Congratulations to the Bolovian people – un gran nacion!
Joann Baez and her sister, Mimi Fariña
It is indeed a sad state of affairs in the US. the people are assaulted from all sides by the Psychopaths In Charge. The Left is vigorously attempting to dispose of all freedoms, while the Right is vigorously promoting an ongoing assault on any party, domestic or foreign, that is trying to reign in the hegemonic oligarchy, or get itself out from under it. Both Left and Right have spent the financial future of our progeny to bribe us to ignore the despotism. They have destroyed free and private enterprise to insure we must take the bribe. And the propaganda is monumental. Anyone seeking truth has to dig for it, deeply. Many sources of truth are suppressed to the point they are no longer visible. Anyone who expresses serious criticism of the State may find themselves in prison. It is on the verge of collapse, but that brings little comfort, since the monster will simply move from US control to world control. The bank cartel has paved the way, by tying all economies to the same monetary system. A monetary system of fiat currency and debt, that insures whatever the people of the world suffer, the bank cartel and its minions in governments and corporations will continue to profit. There is no political solution, politics are the cause of it. Politics has become the preferred entertainment of the masses. It’s a game everyone can pretend to be a player in. Regardless how little effect one actually has.
As if in the Marxist Promised Land the dear Leader and Party goons are immune from corruption and horrific crimes against the poor lemmings who dutifully followed their slogans into the abyss.
Fidel showed that the Empire of Greed, War and Hypocrisy can be resisted.
We shouldn’t throw in the towel yet.
You should immediately emigrate to Cuba to enjoy the freedom brought about by Castro. Please take as many like minded individuals with you as you can find. Start up a gofund me page to help with the costs.
Pay or die in the USA.
I really hope the people of Bolivia remain in control of their country, I do, however, worry that the the Evil Empire will never, ever, leave those people alone to manage their own affairs. Bolivia has lithium and Bolivia has coca plants that the owners and the master here demand to control. I hope the people there realize that the Evil Empire never goes away for long.
Forget the lithium, but definitely secure my cocoa.
Lithium is emotionally stabilizing, but you only need a very little bit.
There’s enough for that.
“We’re like a giant mountain in an abusive relationship with a tiny man”
Great article again, I enjoy your perspective, most of the time, always a ring of truth with only minor dissonance.
I see the tiny little man as a huge dark thundercloud, frightening with lightning, lashing with propaganda, eroding our morality with gales of glamour & always, but always Pissing down on us.
Bolivia is two countries. Indigenous and colonial. To make sense of the situation do your homework. Start with Google Earth. Look at how the land has been developed and how it has affected the people.
Here is a place to start:
Colonial Bolivia and Indigenous Bolivia are not the same place. I found this paragraph:
It is important to point out that there is a distinction between the ethno-demographic profile of the Santa Cruz de la Sierra region, marked by the mestizo, Spanish and eastern indigenous presence, in relation to the population of the Bolivian Altiplano, western part of the country mostly Andean indigenous with a smaller mestizo and Spanish presence.
I encountered the fact elsewhere. The important thing to remember is news about Bolivia can be spun many ways. So caveat emptor on the news.
Very sweet and very wise Caitlin, let’s ignore the reality for the moment that many of the oppressed will turn on their neighbors for pennies, and thus serve the ends of the oligarchy. I understand that high in the Andes where life is hard, lazy people are killed; of course though are they really lazy or just physically ill or mentally disturbed? Hanging traitors though, has never seemed to be a morally difficult task for humans to accomplish seems like.
Doesnt matter. They are a drag on the survival of the community and must be eliminated. Society allows for coddling the weak, survival has no such options. We all row together or we all sink. Dont row, throw them overboard.
Do you have a link to evidence for your statement about people being killed for laziness in the Andes ? Looks like the Inca may have had such a custom, but that was a long time ago. You write in the present tense as though it is currently happening. Then you mention hanging traitors as if that logically follows.
Really shitty to smear people who are probably scraping out a living and that you apparently have never met since you only refer to understanding that this is the situation, you don’t say how you came by this info.
I agree with you here Caitlin. I don’t much agree with the plandemic responses so far – pandemics are real, they are in much part caused by human abuse of the planet; no one plotted it to subject the population to blah blah blah, though certainly once it occurred there are those who leap in to take advantage just as in any other human thing. Happy for Bolivia and hope they can fend off the collapsing US empire’s efforts to rob them and rule them.
In the United States, the powerful currently have the proletariat hiding in their homes from the concocted scamdemic. The economy has been destroyed and two useless political parties are sparing two brain dead individuals against each other for control of the Empire. These guys make Nero look like a Genius. Personally, I think that when one adds up all the variables in the equation, the great Empire could bite the dust in as soon as ten years. The poor masked imbeciles in the United States who apparently prefer a masked imbecile like them to an orange clown will still be hiding in their hovels from their Media induced fearademic as the Fascist Fauci pellets their brains with interminable nonsense.
Take the narrative back. Take vitamin-D, and give it to friends and family!
I’ll encapsulate some updates on COVID-19:
First, my own observation is that COVID cases seem to be the inverse of naturally-acquired vitamin-D levels in humans.
The confirmed cases are rising again as we proceed further into fall, as are hospitalizations, but not yet deaths.
Take 5000 units per day of cheap vitamin D3, which is what’s for sale. Take 10,000 units per day for the first 2 months, or if you get sick.
Vitamin-D is the only treatment agent that is effective at all phases of infection:
It reduces infections:
It reduces the severity of infections.
It reduces measured nasopharyngeal viral load. (Marik, below)
It increases survival when started at hospitalization, and reduces ICU admissions:
It protects the blood vessel lining (endothelium). It reduces the clotting cascade.
It is critical to normal immune system function, with a virus that blunts immune response early, and induces fatal cytokine-storm later.
The bulk of evidence for antivirals is shifting to Ivermectin, which is generally dosed with zinc and doxycycline in Dr Borody’s protocol, and is having good success in India and Bangladesh.
Antivirals are most helpful early, when viral replication matters, to avoid high peak viral load. High viral load increases spread, and likely peaks just before symptoms start, or as they are starting, so jump on Ivermectin ASAP.
And remember: “We don’t need no stinkin’ lithium!”
Salvation in a pill. Think I heard that before somewhere.
Did you try it?
I’m in awe and jealous that Bolivians know about proper government. I’m confounded that US citizens are completely clueless and believe full on propaganda. I’m disgusted that US continuously underhandedly and violently works to topple sovereign states all around the world. It gets really bad when there are natural resources at stake like oil or lithium. Nationalize a essential resource and you’ll have the full hand of a $720 billion war machine beating down your door.
There’s so much irony that the US Democrats claim that Russians interfere with our process. The basis of that claim is that Americans are gullible to Facebook posts. It’s far off in the sense that there are no Russian Facebook posts but it’s accurate in that Americans are gullible not only to Facebook, but to CNN, MSN and Fox News all of which spew complete propaganda, and the people believe it. It’s funny how much hate there is between people who watch CNN and people who watch Fox News have for each other. The CNN liberals who think they’re so laudable are clueless that as far fetched as they see Fox News, CNN is equally so. CNN is the “other Fox News”.
One of the most important lessons from the success in Bolivia is that MAS framed the struggle as the people against the rich fascist overloads. They brought all the working class and oppressed people of the country, regardless of party, together to defeat the overlords.
The rest of the nations, especially mine, the USA, need to do the same. There will never be change until we the people join together, putting aside our differences, to eject the cancer that is the establishment oligarchs. Bolivia has shown the way. So is it any wonder that the MSM has barely mentioned it?