Ohhh god. It’s happening again.

The same exact low rumble, slowly rising toward the same fever pitch crescendo. First you get a few unexpected comments showing up in your notifications, then a few more, then a lot more, then a whole lot more. It’s one news story, then it’s ten, then it’s a hundred, then it’s completely dominating half of US political discourse.

The increasingly shrill shrieking from rightists about China having leverage over Joe Biden is alarmingly similar to what I experienced from liberals at this exact point in time in 2016 about Russia having leverage over Donald Trump. When I point out these similarities I always get a bunch of Trumpists telling me that their CIA-friendly conspiracy theory about a US-targeted asiatic nation having leverage over a presidential candidate in the form of blackmail and financial ties is completely different from the liberal CIA-friendly conspiracy theory about a US-targeted asiatic nation having leverage over a presidential candidate in the form of blackmail and financial ties, but it’s the same. It’s exactly the same.

And it’s being directed in remarkably similar ways.

It started to pick up steam a week and a half ago when The New York Post published a follow-up to its notorious Burisma emails publication purporting to show corrupt and nepotistic dealings between Hunter Biden and China’s largest private energy company which also involved Joe Biden at some level. Then last week a business associate of the younger Biden named Tony Bobulinski told the press that he had discussed deals with Chinese business entities with both Bidens.

These dealings would be inappropriate if true, and in a government that isn’t unfathomably corrupt like Washington they might even be remarkable. What they absolutely are not is evidence that Joe Biden is controlled in some way by the Chinese government.

Yet the notion that Biden may be owned by Beijing is being amplified and promoted by rightists like Nigel Farage and CIA applicant Tucker Carlson. It’s no more indicative of covert loyalties to a foreign government than the Gish gallop of weak arguments presented for the theories of Trump’s loyalty to Moscow, which after years of investigation and sweeping subpoena powers failed to see a single American indicted for conspiracy with the Russian government. Yet right wing pundits are pushing this baseless claim with the same fervor we saw liberals beginning to push Russia conspiracy theories at this point in 2016, and their followers are showing up in my mentions telling me I’m a CCP agent for expressing skepticism.

We have been here before.

If Biden is elected we can expect to see these claims get louder and more shrill, surpassing the force with which Republicans pushed Benghazi many times over. It will dominate political discourse in the same way Russiagate has, and anyone expressing skepticism on social media that a virulent China hawk is actually a Chinese asset will be labeled a CCP propagandist by Trumpists.

We can expect this to create political pressure on the Biden administration to escalate cold war aggressions against Beijing, which Biden will happily do since, again, he is a virulent China hawk. We can expect Republicans to ignore those escalations and keep claiming Biden is suspiciously soft on China, while Democrats don’t object to them because he’s their president and they want him to show that he’s not a Chinese asset.

How do I know that last bit will happen? Because it’s exactly what happened with Russiagate.

And of course neither Democrats nor liberal media platforms will have a moral leg to stand on to protest against these fact-free conspiracy theories, since they just spent four years doing the exact same thing. They chose to enter into a battle of conspiracy theories and McCarthyism with the Republican Party, which is a bit like challenging Tyson Fury to a boxing match. Russiagate will magically morph into Chinagate, and hysterical McCarthyite Sinophobe Tucker Carlson will become the new Rachel Maddow.

And of course the only winners of this nonsense will be the spies and cold warriors who are driving it all from behind the scenes. It started out with the contents of a laptop getting to the New York Post under very suspicious circumstances which nobody really believes the official story of, and it’s going to end up advancing the neoconservative goal of unipolar global hegemony. They got their new cold war against one half of the Russia-China tandem, and now they’re getting it against the other half.

To quote author and analyst Michael Parenti:

“The PNAC plan envisions a strategic confrontation with China, and a still greater permanent military presence in every corner of the world. The objective is not just power for its own sake but power to control the world’s natural resources and markets, power to privatize and deregulate the economies of every nation in the world, and power to hoist upon the backs of peoples everywhere-including North America-the blessings of an untrammeled global ‘free market.’ The end goal is to ensure not merely the supremacy of global capitalism as such, but the supremacy of American global capitalism by preventing the emergence of any other potentially competing superpower.”

PNAC is of course the Project for the New American Century, the highly influential neoconservative think tank whose insane ideology of preserving US-centralized planetary dominance at all cost rose to real power with the paradigm-shifting George W Bush administration. Their ideology never went away, it just gradually became the mainstream orthodoxy and is now seldom seriously questioned in mainstream circles.

Image for post

The goal of stopping the rise of China has been in the works for many years, and Joe Biden was part of the administration whose “pivot” laid a major part of the groundwork for that agenda. Yet fact and narrative are so loosely related that no amount of evidence will dissuade the allegation that he is secretly a puppet of Xi Jinping, no matter how many economic sanctions and nuclear escalations he rolls out as president.

I was so looking forward to Russiagate being over and done with if Trump gets out, but it looks like I’m going to wind up accused of shilling for Biden and of being a secret CCP agent just like I’ve been accused of shilling for Trump and being a Kremlin agent for the last four years as I yell over and over again that the cold warriors are recycling the exact same goddamn script.

Oh well. Russian agent to Chinese agent. I guess it’s good to change things up with a new career move now and then.


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73 responses to “If Biden Wins, Russiagate Will Magically Morph Into Chinagate”

  1. Julius Skoolafish Avatar
    Julius Skoolafish

    Nice, Caitlin – your article is featured in the latest “Here Comes China” newsletter by Godfree Roberts

    (had trouble linking to the China Rising site – hope this works – viewing email in browser)

  2. “…which Biden will happily do since, again, he is a virulent China hawk.”
    Caitlin’s naivete pops up at odd times. Biden is well aware that his and the national political class’ hostility to China, Russia, Iran, Syria, et al, is largely, even fundamentally theater.
    That enormously profitable theater required that class to get into bed with al-Qaeda in Syria, which they did without demurrer despite appearing to despise al-Qaeda the week before. It required them to vote for the mass murder of civilians in Iraq; it required them to prolong the bloody Iran-Iraq War, just as it requires them to institute and perpetuate deadly sanctions against Iran and Venezuela that kills thousands of civilians including children each month.
    Biden’s not actually a hawk—he’s just another political psychopath, of the kind that is enormously valuable to the oligarchy. He’ll say anything, including things that abet the death of millions—such as the lie that universal health care would be more expensive than for-profit health care—without compunction, and without going home and drinking himself to death, as anyone with any humanity would have to do after giving such deadly performances.
    Biden’s ilk, actors all, is necessary to pitching obscene and deadly policies at which everyday people would otherwise recoil and revolt against. Biden is for-profit prisons’ unparalleled pitchman, and if he ascends to the presidency he’ll fulfill the same role for Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, and every other merciless weapons manufacturer. If that requires hostility towards China including military and even nuclear brinksmanship, he’ll do that with no compunction whatever. If for whatever reason rapprochement with Beijing is more profitable to the wealthy who own Biden, he’ll give that performance as well, with no hesitation or regret.
    Never assume the pure psychopath possesses any core beliefs.

    1. Calling Caitlin naive is a dishonest piece of self-aggrandisement.

  3. I began noticing the demonization of Russia go into overdrive in early 2014 with the coup in Ukraine, and the new cold war was in the cards whoever the president (Obama, Trump, HRC, Biden, or Harris). Intelligence community and MSM sold it with Trump’s election a perfect storm for achieving several goals. Foremost was seeking to stop Russia from making economic or military alliances with any country outside the borg of US Empire, especially with China. Russiagate also served as kabuki theatre to distract from the utter corruption of the DNC and Clinton campaign, with Russia as scapegoat, resulting in the Dems picking equally warmonger candidates once again. And maybe as important as any, it served to stifle non-approved narratives, as we see with banning “fake news”, deplatforming or cancelling social media accounts, etc. (with Empire-approved “fact-checkers” such as the Atlantic Council.)
    I mostly agree with Caitlin regarding China with some reservations. There’s no question in my mind of the corruption and influence peddling by the Bidens with both China and Ukraine, and the laptop contents are indeed important in exposing this. MSM refusal to cover it (blaming Russia!) is telling. Almost all MSM may prop up Biden/Harris foreign policy as they did Obama’s, with Fox and Tucker having less reach. The intelligence agencies have all the dirt, with no reason to expose it; Biden will cooperate fully against China and Russia (Syria, Venezuela…) or the leaks will come one by one.

    1. .
      It’s remarkable to be able to sell Russia as a threat when its defense budget is about 1/16th that of the U.S.
      Not even 7%. But I guess they sent some misleading emails.
      In addition the European NATO nations spend more on defense than does Russia, and as a collective those nations have their own nuclear deterrent. Meanwhile Russia has 12,000 miles of land border to defend, while the U.S. has only China and Mexico on its borders, and is allied peacefully with both.
      The facts and their conclusion, that Russia cannot present a threat beyond an accidental nuclear war it cannot benefit from, are incontrovertible–but these facts appear beyond the reach of the U.S. populace. Anyone hoping for a mass awakening by people unable to put themselves in possession of the most obvious, basic facts, is going to be gravely disappointed.

  4. What will the majority of the MSM do if Biden wins? They have become totally dependent on anti-Trump hysteria to maintain their readership so we can expect them to turn on the Biden administration and begin to attack it. When the NY Times writes its first anti-Biden article that will mark the start of it.

    1. Does it matter what the MSM do? They seem to be as incompetent as the rest of the Established Order in the US. The MSM have been waging all-out war against Trump since 2015 and yet he hasn’t been annihilated, indeed, he stands a very good chance of reelection. The conduct of the MSM excites the Professional-Managerial class and the (un)intelligentsia, but no one else cares about them much any more. Yes, they may get on about China. There is really not much they can do about China. China seems to have defeated the pandemic and their economy is rising. The US continues to dither and fail. The main reason the Chinese haven’t taken over is apparently that they don’t want the job.

  5. Hi Caitlin I agree with your world view, and I am certain that the globalist elites want to crush China, but I think there are some inconsistencies on your take on this.

    – There is no doubt that the big media giants have done everything they can to squash the story
    – The campaign seems directed to undermine Biden to prevent him getting elected, which is the opposite of your contention
    – Paul Manafort has good reason to have a grudge against the CIA/DNC alliance. He has said he has arranged this campaign and how it would unfold, and his predictions have been accurate

    This seems to me a civil war between two groups of oligarchs. The CIA have brilliantly turned it into win win for them – either anti China or anti Russia. Love them or hate them no-one can doubt the CIA are utterly brilliant at manipulation – a level of skill that is fairly described as genius.

  6. Watching the media scramble these last two weeks to save Joe Biden’s candidacy, I am reminded of a scene in Ray Bradbury’s 1953 dystopian sci-fi classic, Fahrenheit 451, 451 degrees Fahrenheit being the temperature at which paper burns.
    In the novel, the state employs “firemen” to burn paper lest the few civilians who care about books avail themselves of information the state does not want them to have. During the Biden stretch run, the firemen on the left have shredded what is left of their reputations as journalists to destroy information the Deep State does not want their audiences to have.
    This article can be read here:
    Media Firemen Scramble to Save Biden Candidacy By Jack Cashill

  7. Interesting idea, but not all Trumpians were antagonistic towards China. The main selling point of Trump was that he wouldn’t go toxic on Russia. Trumpists, unlike Trumpians, are like all -isms, simply seeking a preetxt to be toxic.

    The unfortunate unforseen balance to de-escalate with Russia was conflict with China. It was then the liberal-progressive left and RINO right that went toxic on China.

    Just before Trump assumed office, China was ready to tar and feather Air Force One over Obama’s China policy at the last ASEAN.

    Trump then defused an escalating war of harassment by China against the U.S. by winning handily a Tweet war over a USN sea drone the Chinese captured. With his own daughter Ivanka owning a garment factory in China, Trump was far from a natural enemy of China to start.

    The problem with Trump’s China policy, is that he can’t corner the bottom of American sinophobia and so control the outcome like he corners the bottom everywhere else.

  8. Trump’s alleged ties with Russia were investigated more extensively than the foreign ties of any previous administration and while the dealings of Trump’s business empire in various countries, including Russia, are all potential conflicts of interest, no evidence of any bribery, blackmail or other quid pro quo was uncovered. In Biden’s case, at least with respect to China, there is very clear evidence that Hunter and his business partners believed they were selling influence and access, but no proof of a quid pro quo on U.S. policy has been uncovered YET. If the videos Mr. Guo posted of Hunter were actually hacked from CCP intelligence servers (yet to be proven), then the potential for blackmail will also have been proven and the mere fact that Guo had said videos is proof that Guo himself would also have been able to influence U.S. policy through blackmail. If he also has videos of Hunter with children (something that would be much harder to prove, given the fact that laws against merely possessing child porn can make those exposing it as vulnerable to prosecution as those making it), the potential for blackmail will be even stronger. Whatever influence Hunter’s China exploits might, or might not have had on U.S. policy, the case that his dealings with Burisma (in which the U.S. went from demanding Burisma be investigated in 2014, to demanding that the man (Shokin) who was investigating Burisma being fired in 2016) affected U.S. policy is much stronger. My point is not that the U.S. should impose sanctions or go to war against every country that has ever compromised a U.S. politician (and most probably have), but that we should hold said politicians responsible when they allow themselves to be compromised by either foreign or domestic forces. I suspect that these days, most of the forces controlling our politicians are coalitions of intelligence, corporate and political power that straddle national boundaries. When our leaders are compromised by factions in Russia or China, said factions will most likely be acting in alliance with factions in the USA and many other countries; all governments, including those of Russia and China, are creatures of many heads.

  9. We are stuck in a ‘B’ movie. We want Johnny Wayne. But all we got is ourselves. Here is a golden oldie which by changing a few names matches todays goldie. Insanity repeats and the wheel goes round.


    China Russia ? The Names change and the game is the same.

  10. I wonder is the Biden administration would appoint a special counsel to investigate the Biden administration like the Trump administration did.

  11. With regard to the old Russiagate and the new Chinagate, Caitlin says that, “of course, the only winners of this nonsense will be the spies and cold warriors who are driving it all from behind the scenes.” I know what she means but see it differently. Despite the barrage of communications sent to Caitlin and other dissenting voices, and which are also now beginning to appear on all our video screens, the ultimate winners of this ongoing charade will be thinking people, inside and outside America, who never bought the former line of BS and will not buy the latter. And the number of thinking people grows daily as the fallout from the Covid pandemic continues to shred the authority of the so-called experts–political, economic, journalistic, medical, scientific, etc.–freeing us all to think again for ourselves. Let me state this bluntly: the neoliberal world order is not in the process of dying or in some sort of coma but is stone cold dead as we speak. The hyper-capitalist, globalist shark had to swim to breathe and it got blindsided, frozen in its tracks. Much of the left has yet to grok this, seeing the pandemic in the familiar frame of another plutocratic plot, but nose around a bit on mainline websites that focus on economic issues. You’ll find traditional, conservative commentators who are open to the idea, though often scared shitless about it, that the neoliberal metanarrative has flipped, that it’s suddenly easier to imagine the end of capitalism than the end of the world. Thus, Caitlin’s prior post, which made this turning point argument in compelling fashion, was more on the money IMHO than this one. Yes, she’s obviously right about Russiagate morphing into Chinagate, but she’s mistaken about the larger impact of that magic media trick, which is that more and more people will see through the BS propaganda game IN ITS ENTIRETY. And that will open the door, perhaps sooner than we expect, to new metanarratives–socioeconomic visions more humane, more ecologically sensitive, and (dare I say?) more spiritual than the neoliberal death trap we’ve been stuck in for decades. A while back, Caitlin said that she’s never been more excited to be alive than she is right now, precisely because of this turning point unfolding before our eyes. Shouldn’t we all be?

    1. Correct. Just dont forget to get out of the way of the mob during the transition.

    2. Newton wrote>

      Yes, she’s obviously right about Russiagate morphing into Chinagate, but she’s mistaken about the larger impact of that magic media trick, which is that more and more people will see through the BS propaganda game IN ITS ENTIRETY.

      I wish you were right, but looking at the comments where I see so many are saying Chinagate will be different, I’m afraid that seems unlikely.

      1. Yes, Jinn, it is unlikely. But my point is that we suddenly find ourselves thrust into a strange, surreal world where words like “likely” or “unlikely” lose their meaning, lack their customary significance. Buckle up, everyone. We’re going somewhere we’ve never been before, and we’re moving FAST.

        1. But my point is that we suddenly find ourselves thrust into a strange, surreal world where words like “likely” or “unlikely”
          Well i cannot argue with that. We are in uncharted territory.

          I actually should have commented on your statement that :
          “The hyper-capitalist, globalist shark had to swim to breathe and it got blindsided, frozen in its tracks.”
          That is the far more perceptive statement. However I don’t know that people have to see that the wheels are falling off for it to happen

  12. Roundball Shaman Avatar
    Roundball Shaman

    “The increasingly shrill shrieking from rightists about China having leverage over Joe Biden is alarmingly similar to what I experienced from liberals at this exact point in time in 2016 about Russia having leverage over Donald Trump.”
    Of course that Big Asian Nation has leverage over Joe Biden. That Big Asian Nation has leverage over EVERYTHING today. You wanna know your future? Just watch what goes on in that Big Asian Nation. It’s coming for you, too. Those Big Ones have all the world’s money (and influence) while The Indispensable Nation has at least 30 trillion dollars of debt and climbing (and shrinking world influence). The trend lines are clearly established. Follow the money and you find your influence.
    “… the Project for the New American Century, the highly influential neoconservative think tank whose insane ideology of preserving US-centralized planetary dominance at all cost rose to real power with the paradigm-shifting George W Bush administration. Their ideology never went away, it just gradually became the mainstream orthodoxy and is now seldom seriously questioned in mainstream circles.”
    One quotation sums this up nicely:
    “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within… the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”
    ― Taylor Caldwell, A Pillar of Iron

  13. I guess the glaring difference between the Russia delusion smear campaign that was investigated for 2+ years in an event to find a crime after investigating a person (rather than any crime), and the newly uncovered treasonous activities of the Biden Cartel, is that there is actual evidence in support of these crimes of the Bidens. Like video, and actual (not anonymous) witnesses.

    Therefore, not quite the same thing.

  14. I guess the glaring difference between the Russia delusion smear campaign that was investigated for 2+ years in an event to find a crime after investigating a person (rather than any crime), and the newly uncovered treasonous activities of the Biden Cartel, is that there is actual evidence in support of these crimes of the Bidens. Like video, and actual (not anonymous) witnesses.

    Therefore, not quite the same thing.

  15. The supreme trick of mass insanity is that it persuades you that the only abnormal person is the one who refuses to join in the madness of others, the one who tries vainly to resist. We will never understand totalitarianism if we do not understand that people rarely have the strength to be uncommon.

    Eugene Ionesco

    1. “The supreme trick of mass insanity is that it persuades you that the only abnormal person is the one who refuses to join in the madness of others, the one who tries vainly to resist.”
      This is the reaSon why the toltec regard controlledFolly as an essential technique in evading massStupidity. The individual who refuses the consensus has then to find a better way.
      One reason there is so much contradiction and uninformed nonsense in internet chatter … is that when we break away to become our own person, we are completely unprepared for the countermeasures which the farmers have in wait.
      When coming from a predator which relies on trickery, the first countermeasure engages our weakest point … our instinct to trust a friend. Spiritual guides can have you doing something useless all your life. Then what happens ? when Death calls your decisions and attitude to account … hmmm ?
      Following a guru is a treadmill : every permitted ideology pretends to be the answer to almost everything,
      while holding our attention with discouraging insults to our intelligence.
      The toltec realityMap is the only published paradigm which fully corresponds with observeableReality.
      The sophistication in content & teaching reflects the long history of their mapping and interpreting the observable universe.
      These larger-than-usual individuals are the thinkers
      whom the Inquisition sought to erase from human history.
      We all know who the Inquisition murder dissenters on behalf of
      (a god not competent to do the job “himself” –
      – parasites think like females,
      getting others to do their work by divine right.)
      In the published toltec body of knowledge (15 books)
      is expounded goals and methods which were impeccably refined
      during 57 contiguous generations of exploration of the capabilities
      of human awareness and interpretation.
      But i digress. Khatika’s quote of Eugene Ionesco “We will never understand totalitarianism if we do not understand that people rarely have the strength to be uncommon.”
      draws to our attention the fact that … our quality of energy expenditure defines whether we are weak or strong.
      A core strategy in attaining heightened awareness is shutting down unNecessary activities.
      Why try to ingratiate an audience who has had their empathy & sense of humour stolen ?
      Such a question is a navigational aide which gets rid of a whole lot of junk expenditure.
      Perhaps this question is why the toltec regarded the mudShadows as the Topic of Topics.
      Mud Shadows is a very confronting idea,
      one with huge ramifications for our understanding of ourself in this world.
      Nothing can be the same after we are convinced of their hold on us.
      (This ties in with Caitlin’s explaining to us that mankind
      is now ignoring our choice to Die or Awaken!
      The toltec incorporate this essentialUrgency into their navigation,
      with consulting our individual Death when deciding what to do next.
      It helps heroism … to think of our legacy.)
      I figure that the mudShadow secrecy about themselves is strictly enforced because the are hiding a crucial weakness (otherwise, they could simply take what they want, no trickery required.)
      It is this weakness which is the core of my investigations,
      a warrior’s quest which began as evidence of nonHuman interference accumulated in my healing chamber.
      Strange that nobody can reply in kind, as an equal. The number who strategically free themselves from the matrix by means of a strategic and informed project … is in proportion to the semen who make it all the way to adulthood.
      Sorry about that, Chief … as Maxwell Smart so often said, on his way to victory for niceness.
      Nothing short of being motivated by being eaten alive … can motivate us to seize the day.
      … Signed Peter Mann,
      defier of forbiddenKnowledge.

      1. Perhaps that is why I detest therapists. Our own paid for guru that does all our thinking for us.

        1. “Perhaps that is why I detest therapists”
          Like Jesus, Khatika detests every unBeliever in her evil nihilising unrealityMap.

  16. What will mother say if it swings to an Aussie agent

  17. peter mcloughlin Avatar
    peter mcloughlin

    “The goal of stopping the rise of China” does precede Trump, who has been continuing the process. And it will be pursued by the next president. The new administration will predict a conclusion same as the Cold War. But the realist – at least the one who reads history objectively – will conclude the outcome will be a third world war.

  18. Russiagate nonsense was mainly about the 2016 election results – Trump was a stooge put in place by Russia. Russiagate nonsense was about a fictional “full out attack upon our democracy”.
    I missed the part where anyone is saying China itself has shaped our election to put Biden in place.

  19. I know the real reason everything is falling apart. Therapists and lawyers have finally taken over America. That is why they were among the very first people Stalin put up against the wall and shot. Said in jest but like most such things containing a large degree of truth.

    1. Carolyn L Zaremba Avatar
      Carolyn L Zaremba

      Wrong. Bolsheviks and members of Trotsky’s Left Opposition were the first ones shot in the back of the head (not up against a wall) by Stalin’s agents. Stalin killed more Marxists than Hitler did. Which is why I am a Trotskyist.

      1. Correct. You get rid of your comrades and closest supporters first. They were the activists after all. Then you get rid of the rest.

  20. I recently saw Biden quoted as saying he would make China “pay” for the corona virus. I thought that was Trump’s line. I guess the US deep state wants all Americans to be full of hatred against the designated foreigners as well as against each other.

  21. The difference being that nearly the entire CIA infiltrated Mockingbird Media was in full support of Russiagate, and it will do all it can to suppress Chinagate. I don’t dispute the similarity, just the effect. The former had the full support of the so called “intelligence” community. The latter won’t.

      1. With all respect I think it might be at least a tiny bit true… There does seem to have been a campaign to supress the story by the social media giants.

        1. That’s about getting Biden elected. I’m talking about after, and I’m talking about a narrative being pushed by Fox News et al.

          1. Thanks Caitlin. So Manafort et al are trying to get out the message that Biden is corrupt, esp. w.r.t. China, and the spies and associates are co-opting this as part of their anti-china agenda? I have to say I am in awe of the CIA. They are utterly brilliant. Personally I could not persuade a beggar to accept a fiver 🙁

  22. http://www.zerohedge.com/
    How do living ecosystems on Earth organize? We know a lot of details, and we get hints that the mycorrhizal fungal networks connecting the roots of forest trees are a living communications and resource sharing network.
    We may personally know the experience of serendipity, and of synchronicity in our lives, but the alternative hypothesis, that it was just chance, can’t be disproven to others.
    I believe that I can know a level of “transpersonal” connection to life and “universal mind”, but I don’t think I can convince you in writing, nor should you be convinced by the related experiences of another. (You might be spurred to consideration and to self-investigation.)
    There is no “objectivity”. Objectivity is a useful construct, but it’s just a construct. Observing “reality” forms it. It’s not formed without observation. All observations influence the process they observe, and its outcomes. In a mundane way, all information has a cost, and is shaped by the priorities and mechanisms of its funding.
    What is the cost of a mycorrhizal network, and how is it paid? “Root fungi” form extended organisms, connecting tree roots near and far, of similar and dissimiar types. The roots give out nutrients that feed the fungal network, and the network provides information, such as the approach of bark-beetles, so that a tree might prepare noxious chemicals within itself to deter them. We can get our conceptual heads around this, and see how the investment in this symbiotic relationship benefits all the participating life forms.
    What we observe lately, in the workings of human political economy, is the promise to engage symbiotically, while the fungal network actually completely digests the smaller trees and bushes in the forest. This can be good for the fungal network, until it is catastrophic.
    We are “shrubberies” in this model, maybe toadstools.
    We are not so connected by pheromones as ants, bees and wasps are, but are we connected through a neural network of mind? Are we bioreceivers with smartphone minds? Just askin’
    Ever know something and act upon it, then realize you had no particular way to know it? Maybe not.
    Ever know something before it happened? “Deja vu”; is it just a feeling, always?

    Bear with me, if you would, in considering how things might play out if living systems work in coordination to advance the complexity and abundance of contributing life forms over the long term.
    We are a species that coordinates actions in space and time, through symbolic modeling and communication, even across centuries. We are highly social, highly cooperative. We are currently the ultimate apex predator, shaping all of the global ecosystems, and knitting them together.
    Yeah, and currently sterilizing them through fire and fossil fuels, mined minerals, and fossil water.
    This is a passing phase. We can model that. We see that the models all say that we can pull up coal, oil, natural gas, water and ores until the fuels run too low to keep the complex mining economy intact and operational. Then that will stop, and it will be hard to do it at all, because we got all of the easy stuff first, and the machines to get the deeper, lower quality stuff, are now broken.
    What if that’s not “bad”? Might this serve the complexity of planetary living systems? We are bringing up carbon and water to the surface, where life thrives. Life needs carbon and water. There was no other particular way that stuff was going to get into living ecosystems. We might do as much of that job as we can ever do pretty soon, since we’ve built up such vast machinery at this point.
    Maybe this is that old argument that, “we live in the best of all possible worlds”.
    Do we have any agency? I feel like I have agency, but I feel differently about it than “I” did 30 years ago, and that was different from 40 years ago, and so on. I feel a tremendously broader agency and responsibility to and stewardship towards planetary life than I did before. I sure felt responsible to nurture and protect my kids, but that is now very broadly generalized. It’s not diffused, but broadly generalized. Solving problems at each level of life-organization is wickedly booting me up to broader responsibility, which I never sought. I wanted local solutions, weather the storm in a lifeboat, but I kept getting whacked by the broader picture, the inter-relatedness of it all.
    i didn’t mean to sign up for this, but here I seem to be, growing 3 vegetable gardens, expanding every winter, testing and treating people for what sickens their bodies and minds, riding a bike, being a husband, father and grandfather, caring, asking for guidance…

    So, I ask, “What is the body-politic?”
    One of the first things we learn when studying our minds is that there are all these secret decision and perception pathways, that actually make us want stuff and do stuff, and the/wey are not what we thought, “friends” and “enemies”. Those are archetypes, a secret pattern language in our brains and bodies.
    Carl Jung got to this point of inherent human neural patterns, to which we fit our lives and experiences, and the broad similarity of these patterns in human organisms. He saw the implied resonances of common worldview, common experiences, cooperative benefits for survival, and the variability within those patterns.
    We have come to the apogee of species success. Here we stand, ready to make ourselves extinct all at once, through this vast miracle of cooperative endeavor. We are aided, this time, by the windfall inheritance of vast fossil fuel energy. Is this completely different? We have, as smaller groups (though still vast, sometimes) faced this impasse of final success before, again and again, sometimes surviving to rebuild.
    Do we have any species failsafes? Can we postulate something on the fly, which might already exist, to save us from our ultimate success?
    I ask a pretty feeble question. It’s the question I inherently face. So do we all. I am my own probe into the nature of reality, and this will probably go better if there is a mycelium of benevolent living consciousness to direct me to beneficial roles I might play for the whole super-organism.
    I am stuck with the assumption that any such broad consciousness, into which I may integrate somewhat, and from which I may take guidance, has been around so long that it intends to keep being around.
    That’s as far as postulates seem to take me. What does that mean for our current moment in politics, if anything? What should we best do today?
    How should we cooperate for the common good, when most of the channels of communication and control seem to be controlled by a parasitic class, which forms an amplified microcosm of the very same questions I ask myself in your presence today?

    1. We are more than bodies but mind and soul as well. That is what seperates us from the animals which we rule and destroy. However we share specie and psychological qualitives. I like to think of mob violence as a form of hive mind. Our uncontrolled emotions and selfishness make us far and away deadliest of the animal kingdom.

      1. Humans and animals are the same,
        in that we both house the same essence : awareness.
        The ideology of humans exclusively having souls
        is dubious reasoning with zero empirical support.
        Insulting all animals (who are superbly adapted to their specialised niches) is stupid in proportion to the incompetent failure of mankind to live within an ecological budget.
        Religion is a major contributor to human overpopulation and interSpecies stupidity,
        an unbalanced value which cheapens life throughout the biosphere.
        Using religion to deValue animal lives and intelligence
        is hypocrisy of the most foolish kind.
        Until we accept that awareness makes us equal,
        we can respect neither animals noR innovators.
        Respect is one of Khatika’s blindSpots :
        respect has no place in a bubblePopper’s fillosophy.

        1. Religion is not foisted upon mankind. They always develop some form of religion themselves. It is a part of their inner drive and psyche to search for something or someone greater than themselves. This was the trait of earliest man. Today mankind is at the altar of science. A few even space aliens. I do not belittle their quest for a greater source of knowledge and power. Nor do I deride the religions of the world for the same reason.

          1. Carolyn L Zaremba Avatar
            Carolyn L Zaremba

            Bollocks. Religion is a tool used by ruling elites to control and brainwash the population and always has been. It is rank superstition. The universe itself is enough of an awesome thing. Greater knowledge is only attained by engaging with reality, not mysticism.

            1. So who was the ruling elites in the American Indian Tribe. Did shamans just appear because some guy thought this is a good scam. What about the druids. What of all early religions. Just because some people pervert them for their own purpose does not make them nit real. You reject that which you do not understand because it threatens your paradigm.

              1. Most tribes have no hierarchical elite because nA society is essentially egalitarien.
                Equality is an unthinkable concept to bubblePoppers of the Khatika kind,
                because expressing their malice depends on having inferiors to torment
                with fake accusations and dogmatic bullshit.

                Khatika argues every angle, regardless of selfContradiction.
                Shamanism is both a scam and not “nit real”.
                Just like her puppetMaster, the author of the “holy books”,
                Khatika confounds Reason by defying accountabMost tribes have no hierarchical elite because nA society is essentially egalitarien.
                Equality is an unthinkable concept to bubblePoppers of the Khatika kind,
                because expressing their malice depends on having inferiors to torment
                with fake accusations and dogmatic bullshit.

                Khatika argues every angle, regardless of selfContradiction.
                Shamanism is both a scam and not “nit real”.
                Just like her puppetMaster, the author of the “holy books”,
                Khatika confounds Reason by defying accountability. ility.

          2. Religion is not foisted upon mankind
            = contradiction without evidence.
            They always develop some form of religion themselves
            claiming belief = knowledge.
            It is a part of their inner drive and psyche to search for something or someone greater than themselves
            = irrelevant to the origin of institutionalised religion.
            This was the trait of earliest man
            = pretending impossible knowledge.
            Today mankind is at the altar of science.
            = bullshit. Today’s altar is TV, on which mankind sacrifices their curiosity.
            Most people know nothing of scientific methodolggy or a field of science.
            A few even space aliens.
            I’m talking about mindParasites, different topic.
            I do not belittle their quest for a greater source of knowledge and power.
            = denial
            Nor do I deride the religions of the world for the same reason.
            Everything else was a lie. Why not this ?
            Khatika’s claims tolerance is her reason for holding religion immune from criticism.
            Khatika’s tolerance of her own children is admitted as low,
            so her claim to tolerance as a moral principle does not stand.
            Khatika will say anything to appear wise, but she’s bluffing.

            1. Peter. How can you even say such things when you quote sources with roots to ancient shamanism. You may criticize religion but never be so foolish to attack the faith of man which has its root in all religions. Religion is simply mans imperfect attempt at an organized faith usually
              co-opted by tge leaders of society.

              1. “Peter. How can you even say such things when you quote sources with roots to ancient shamanism. You may criticize religion but never be so foolish to attack the faith of man which has its root in all religions.”
                You pompous shit, Khatika, peddling your fake sanctimony.
                Opinions all over the place like a madwoman’s breakfast,
                then asking how i can dare to describe religion according to objective criteria,
                as if doing so is defying all civilised and ethical values.
                Fuck you Khatika in the most horrible way.
                You begged me for a definition for a species of inorganic beings,
                as if they were an axiom of mathematics
                instead of a predator that eats our humanity
                (something entirely absent from Khatika’s person & commentary)..
                Then Khatika says i am too cowardly to see evil as part of mankind,
                as if i am too stupid to discern what is what,
                while she holds irrefutable insiderKnowledge (NoT).
                Despite my explanation of what Stupidity is and where cruelty comes from,
                Khatika has not read the source material,
                nor has “she” asked a single pertinent question.
                Not only is Khatika a murderer of intelligence,
                “she” is one of the noisiest and most toxic saboteurs
                of Caitlin’s stimulating and truthful reportage.
                Yet here anonymousKhatika pretends to be amazed
                when i disagree with her cynicism & violence against self-Respect.
                This vile mouthpiece for the creatures (Molloch & Baal,
                both words for Lord in archaic semitic language)
                false gods that demanded our children for blood sacrifice …
                Khatika would have everyone agree that religion is above criticism,
                despite its endlessly bloody and knowledgeDestroying history.
                Not even bone cancer is sufficient consequence for Khatika’s treachery
                against the wellbeing and sanity of mankind.
                It is true that unpleasant people are their own punishment,
                but for traitors like Khatika, this natural justice is not sufficient.
                Physical Death is the only remedy for spiritually dead zombies like Khatika.
                Her eternal silence is the specific cure to mudShadow spokesmen.
                Death to Liars, our social antidote to agents of the degraders of mankind
                and saboteurs of our faculty of Reason.
                Faith is the stupidest of Stupidities
                because faith exults in defying all evidence to the contrary.

  23. It’s all so glaringly obvious once you see what’s moving events on the world stage. But until that awakening it all seems so obscure and involved. The better to fool you my pretty…..

  24. Brutal, bloodthirsty, arrogant, illogical, hypocritical, insane, and yes comical; are all attributes of the ultra corrupt United States government, Ms Johnstone. It soils everything and everyone it touches. We are all ” infected “!

  25. The United States of ignorance, greed and hypocrisy has two types of enemy:
    The enemies they have.
    The enemies they need.
    The former are thick on the ground, the latter excuses their psychopathic military spending.

    1. Plus the enemies they make with cruel policy.

  26. So, we need to find a catchy new epithet for Sleepy Joe once he takes the oath of office, something along the lines of Trump’s sobriquet as “Putin’s Puppet.”
    I’m thinking he could either be the “Real Manchurian Candidate” or the “Chi-Coms’ Marionette.” Anybody got a better one? A pithy introductory put-down is critical whenever writing about your main opponent.
    I’m sure there’s a well remunerated executive position waiting for Hunter at Formosan Gas & Electric. Boss Biden takes care of his own. It’s why consultantships and advisory boards exist for Pete’s sake.
    If you can believe the hard core Dem propaganda blogs, they want Killery’s legal skills put to use as Attorney General so they can lock Bad Orange Man up for all the political high crimes he’s allegedly committed while in office. The associated kvetching can easily fill the next four years even if a single indictment is never brought by a grand jury.
    As the Dems are fond of saying whenever they get in, “happy days are here again!”
    Tea Partiers of the world get your tricorn hats back on. There be dragons to slay in Washington again!

    1. I think we’d be better off finding an epithet for Kamala Harris. If the Dems win, she’ll be president by June 2021 …

      1. As epithets go, Shit and Fuck! are tried and true.

    2. Attorney General isn’t prestigious enough for Clinton. She’ll want National Security Advisor so as to make Henry proud.

      1. Ha, ha! Maybe Henry himself will get the job, so Joe can say he’s not the oldest fossil ever to serve in the White House. Not much difference in their warmongering foreign policy philosophies.

  27. now i’m brain-retching with confusion: isn’t it TRUMP who has the huge bank account in China? i mean to me 1,000 is pretty huge….USD of course.
    i bet he’s got about 6 hotel sites locked up for building if he loses.
    Bidan actually speaks fluent Chinese so that must be the source of all this….but he forgot it a year ago.
    Kamala is his life insurance policy. not sure that will work. for sure she’s not Bernie.
    her hands are smaller. her smile is better. but can she scare Ripuglicans? maybe. she IS a prosecutor.
    i dunno. wonder if Perez or Podesta will let Biden run in ’24.
    if they pick AOC she’d certainly fire them both. 73% of her tenant voters backed her lately, she OWNS the Bronx, and me with it. can you imagine a PR fem prez? she is PR, right? Rosie Perez for State. yep. THEN put Bernie in as VEEP as insurance policy for AOC.
    i only hope i live that long.
    joan d’arc. Adelita.

  28. Caitlin, you just gave several good reasons for not watching the news for the next 4 years.

  29. “Oh well. Russian agent to Chinese agent. I guess it’s good to change things up with a new career move now and then.”
    Caitlin, you’re priceless!

  30. As the rest of the world watches our political class scream such things as,
    “You’re a pervert!”, … “Nuh uhh! You’re a pervert!”, and,
    “You’re guy has cooties!”,… “Does not, does not!!”,
    “You work for some invisible dude on the other side of the planet!”,… “Oh yeah?! Well, I have a death star, so stuff it!”,…
    I would like to think that some people realize that this bizzare behavioral phenomenon is concentrated, most strongly, in a relatively low percentage of our population (just about one percent, or so).

  31. Caitlin, you’re onto it again.

  32. Both political parties are useless. The good news is that if you didn’t have an insane hegemon to write about, your intelligence might go to waste. We have two incompetent war criminals arguing with each other about which one should carry the Nuke around. But they don’t have anything to worry about, the insane Governors have everyone hiding in their homes with symbolic muzzles to worship the Great Leader. No matter what happens, the fact is that the United States will go down in history as having outfoxed the Roman Empire with its rapid decay. Some future Gibbon has his work cut out.

    1. Yep, yep, yep, yep, *, and */yep.
      * = Unless humans spontaneously understand that coercive government can’t work.

      1. Oh it can work, just not for you. Slavery is far more common in our history than freedom. The founding of the US, which today’s US bears no resemblance to, was a bump in the road of the ongoing tyranny that constitutes our history.

        1. Thank you for your opinion, most of which I can happily agree with. Still, this is the moment when I hope you begin to spontaneously understand that coercive government IS slavery and thus can’t work. (I mean, if you want to go deeper, it can work in that it can keep slaves. Which isn’t acceptable to the slaves, once they realize it. And so they will rebel. And win.)

        2. JWK repeats a dismal trend which nobody can explain … because the explanation is forbidden by the perpetrators.
          Only the mudShadow agenda of bleeding Earth to death … explains mankind’s role in the destruction of the biosphere on our home planet.
          The acceptance of Armageddon as divineJustice is a suicidalStupidity.
          Anyone with half a brain should be outraged at a falseGod proposing the harvesting of mankind.
          Yet Mohammedins, JesusBeggars, and superficial atheists do nothing to prevent preparations … as if Armageddon is not our responsibility.
          SomebodyElse deciding our destiny is the epitome of Stupidity.

        3. Jwk. You are entirely correct. People who cannot accept the sorid history of mankind find new and creative ways of reasoning to ignore it. Peter cannot bear to look within the true nature of man so must blame it upon outside agencies such as religion. Not able to admit even that comes from mans inner desires to transcend their miserable inner state. When mans belief system is based on man himself, they adopt incredible reasons to justify the failed nature of man and soothe the inner anguish they feel but fear to express.

          1. Khatika calls me a coward, but she lies like a skunk.

        4. Carolyn L Zaremba Avatar
          Carolyn L Zaremba

          Have you been reading the debunked travesty known as the 1619 Project? Get an education, please.

  33. What about “The Enemies Briefcase”?
    And Joe’s Dementia.
    Harris like Cheney to Bush will work!

  34. Poor Biden’s dementia is progressing so rapidly, he doesn’t even know if he’s beholden to China.

    1. No he was told me he was holding China the other day while drinking tea.

      1. Meaningless word salad from Khatika. Again.

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