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The west is advancing the claim that Putin is distributing Viagra to his soldiers so that they can more effectively rape Ukrainians, which was a ridiculous propaganda narrative the first time the west used it to manufacture consent for regime change in Libya.
In a Thursday interview with the French government-owned news agency AFP, a Mauritian-British official from the United Nations named Pramila Patten claimed that Russia has a “military strategy” of mass rape in Ukraine and that Russian soldiers are being “equipped” with the erectile dysfunction medication Viagra in order to facilitate that military strategy.
“When you hear women testify about Russian soldiers equipped with Viagra, it’s clearly a military strategy,” Patten said.
Because AFP is one of the major propaganda multipliers whose material is republished by news media outlets around the world, Patten’s completely unevidenced claim of weaponized Viagra has been uncritically reported as a real news story by outlets like CNN, The New York Post, Forbes, The Independent, The Hill, and Yahoo News. This claim will now be folded into many rank-and-file mainstream news consumers’ understanding of what is happening in Ukraine, despite its brazenly propagandistic nature.
Russia is giving soldiers Viagra to rape Ukrainians: UN official
— New York Post (@nypost) October 15, 2022
The only other time the west has been hammered with a story about marauding Viagra-armed rape brigades like this was in 2011, when the western empire was circulating atrocity propaganda to manufacture consent for regime change interventionism in Libya. In March of that year an email later published by WikiLeaks was sent to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton by her private advisor Sidney Blumenthal, informing her of an unconfirmed “rumor” that Libya’s longtime leader Muammar Gaddafi “has adopted a rape policy and has even distributed Viagra to troops.” Blumenthal notes that this claim originated from “the rebel side” of the conflict, which we now know included Al Qaeda, whom Gaddafi had been fighting.
The following month that “rumor” was repeated before the UN national security council by Susan Rice, another Obama administration official, this time presented not as a rumor but as a reality. Although anonymous US military intelligence officials informed the press the very next day that they had no evidence of Rice’s claim, by June an International Criminal Court investigation was underway with western news media continuing to uncritically report claims of weaponized Viagra in Libya.
Meanwhile, another UN human rights investigator named Cherif Bassiouni said he’d found those allegations to have arisen from “massive hysteria” and that both sides of the conflict had been making them about the other. Amnesty International failed to turn up any evidence of mass rapes and weaponized Viagra in Libya, and a 2016 report by the British Parliament found that the false “humanitarian intervention” by NATO forces which resulted in Gaddafi’s death had in fact been based on lies.
This information came far too little, far too late. The case was made for intervention and Libya was plunged into chaos and humanitarian catastrophe by the western empire and its jihadist proxies on the ground, putting a final nail in the coffin of the claim that NATO is a “defensive alliance”.
The map of countries that participated in the 2011 destruction of Libya looks remarkably similar to the map of countries currently imposing sanctions on Russia. This is not a coincidence.
— Carlos (@agent_of_change) March 30, 2022
Of course we cannot conclusively prove that Putin isn’t giving his soldiers sex drugs to help them rape Ukrainians more efficiently. We cannot conclusively prove that Ukrainian spies aren’t sneaking across the border and injecting Russian babies with HIV either, but we don’t treat bizarre, nonsensical and completely unevidenced claims as true just because they cannot be definitively proven false. Especially when those exact claims have been used to advance depraved power agendas in the past in instances that remain completely unevidenced.
Earlier this year the western media were uncritically publishing claims made by a single official in the Ukrainian government that Russian soldiers were running around raping Ukrainian babies and children, despite the fact that those claims had no evidence and were accompanied by demands for more western military assistance. Weeks later, that very same official was fired by the Ukrainian parliament for, among other things, circulating unevidenced claims about rapes by Russian soldiers.
How it started How it's going
— Caitlin Johnstone (@caitoz) June 1, 2022
As we’ve discussed previously, the U.S. and its proxies have an extensive history of using atrocity propaganda, for example in the infamous “taking babies from incubators” narrative that was circulated in the 1990 false Nayirah testimony which helped manufacture consent for the Gulf War. Atrocity propaganda has been in use for a very long time due to how effective it can be at getting populations mobilized against targeted enemies, from the Middle Ages when Jews were accused of kidnapping Christian children to kill them and drink their blood, to 17th century claims that the Irish were killing English children and throwing them into the sea, to World War I claims that Germans were mutilating and eating Belgian babies.
Western mass media are proving time and time again that there is no accusation against Russia that they will not promote as factual news reporting, no matter how evidence-free and ridiculous. The fact that they’re going to the well and recycling old atrocity propaganda illustrates this even more lucidly.
If we were being told the truth about this war, we wouldn’t be hammered with blatant atrocity propaganda by so-called “news” outlets. We wouldn’t be subjected to ever escalating censorship of voices who criticize the western empire’s role in this war. We wouldn’t be swarmed by pro-NATO online trolling operations founded by actual neo-Nazis.
How are people not yet tired of having their intelligence insulted?
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86 responses to “They’re Recycling The Viagra Rape Atrocity Propaganda They Used On Libya”
Don’t forget that Saddam’s two sons (or was it three?) had their very own rape palaces. And the Serbs had their very own rape camps where hundreds of thousands of Croatian and Bosnian women were forced to endure the evil sex organs of driven Serbs.
The narrative episodes are becoming increasingly tedious, trite, and trifling:
–Russia launches 200 missiles and 200 drones to target civilians, but only kills a handful (mainly due to Air Defense successes/failures) instead of thousands of dead.
–NYC police find al-Suqami passport in the dust after 911, about the only thing not pulverized.
–Putin is a mad man. He just blew up his own pipelines. What more proof do you want?
–Blinken said nobody benefits [from pipeline destruction]. So the answer to whodunit/qui bono, is «Nobody did it»
–Assad had just wrested control of Ghouta, so he initiated a poison gas attack
–Give uncooperative rape-troops viagra, because it is an aphrodisiac and awakens desire [NOT!]
It wouldn’t surprise me to look in the dictionary under “exemplification of controlled demolition” and find the WTC #7.
Putin is not a mad man, he’s a glad man. He has taken the steps to eventually free himself from USA induced oppression (it’s what the USA’ public should focus on as opposed to watching off-the-air legacy/propaganda TV).
The United States has too many self-inflicted leaks in its dam; there is an unavoidable drought approaching.
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Truth always is the first casualty. But if someone needs to hate enough they don’t care. For broken people pretending things are true is good enough. Stupid game, stupid prizes. You don’t have to play.
Maybe they’ll do the one about tossing babies into the air and catching them on their bayonets. I have heard this told about the Japanese in WWII, the VietCong, and some or another Muslim enemies in the 1990s-2010s…. It’s an oldie but a goodie.
It is amazing that anyone believes this stuff. But I think part of the key to it is it only comes around every 20-30 years or so, and it worked well prior to the internet. Thus, any young military-age kid might be hearing it for the first time and join up to “get those bastards.”
But nowadays they have Army video games and student debt and general hopelessness to get kids to join up and do murder, right?
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Gloria, just as the US is perpetrating around the world, you are currently raising hell.
If the Russians are taking Viagra, as the US alleges, it is certainly not for the reasons the US claims. It would seem to me that the Russians have had enough of the US’ bullshit. They are determined to resist the Americans and are probably taking the Viagra to give them a stiff upper lip!
The United States’ drug usage claims against Russia may be the result of US expertise in this area—surely they consider themselves an authority on just about anything. In light of this, why can’t we consider Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, as an example of drug abuse/experience? Ponder this:
1970: Hunter’s birth (he is not quite 50).
2003: In his 30s, with three children, when many outgrow alcohol
and dependencies, Hunter first enters rehab and joins AA, acknowledging that he has a disease.
2007: Joe proposes national recognition of addiction as a disease be legally mandated.
2010, 2013: Hunter enters rehab again.
2013: Hunter joins the U.S. Naval Reserve.
2014 (February): Hunter is booted from the Naval Reserve due to a positive cocaine test the previous year.
2014: Hunter joins Ukranian energy company Burisma’s board.
2014: Hunter undergoes Ibogaine anti-addiction treatment in Mexico.
2015: Hunter, abandoning marital counseling with his then-wife, Kathleen, drinks a fifth of vodka. He leaves his marital home.
2015: Hunter engages in pharmaceutically-based treatment at the University of Pennsylvania’s prestigious department of psychiatry addiction program.
2016: Hunter relapses and enters rehab again.
2016: Breitbart News reported a 2016 Prescott, Arizona, police report that named Hunter as a suspect in a possible narcotics offense, while Hunter was on a crack binge.
2016: Vivek Murthy issues U.S. Surgeon General’s Report on addiction embodying Joe Biden’s recognition of addiction as a disease.
2017: After brother Beau’s death, Hunter becomes involved with Beau’s widow, Hallie, and Kathleen files for divorce, including alleging that he “created financial concerns for the family by spending extravagantly on his own interests (including drugs, alcohol, prostitutes, strip clubs, and gifts for women with whom he has sexual relations), while leaving the family with no funds to pay legitimate bills.”
2019 (April): Hunter breaks up with widowed sister-in-law Hallie.
2019 (May): Hunter meets and proposes to Melissa Cohen, a South African documentary filmmaker.
2019 (June): Hunter marries Melissa Cohen with Joe’s blessing.
2019 (October): Hunter’s lobbying efforts and personal financial gain while his father was Vice President become fodder in the presidential campaign. Hunter is interviewed saying that he did nothing wrong, but that he won’t do it anymore, while his father weakly fends off attacks during the presidential debate.
Whether or not we accept that Hunter Biden has a disease (which isn’t how I think of addiction), he still seems to be in a highly volatile emotional and life situation. The disease approach, replete with 12-step and medicine-assisted treatment, does not appear to have been successful for Hunter. He—and we—will have to come up with something else. (The Biden Family And Peele Ph.D.)
The rich really are different, and Hunter Biden (and Joe Biden) illuminate the double standard we live in—in the United States.
OMG this is stupid even as a wet dream
I was in army and war
if somebody sabotage food in such manner first victims would be depilated brothers in arms then shaved and at the end even those look like grizzlies
Reply to John Knox’ post down below: “So am I being paid by big pharma or not?”
How do I know? Would you tell if you were? Of course not! You definitely sound like a Pharma troll, harassing people who question what they’ve been told about Covid and its vaccine by folks (Pharma and the corporate media) who have systematically lied to them about a lot of things in the past, without bringing any argument to the table other than a massive Trump Derangement Syndrome and a shitlib attitude to politics, whining that people who don’t buy the debunked Pfizer narrative, like the “safe and effective vaccine” (that’s left thousands injured or dead) “will protect you” (while fully vaccinated Biden and Fauci among others got the sucker twice) “hate libruls”.
Now I remind you that the question here is that you said “If people are dumb enough to believe in covid vaccine conspiracies, they are dumb enough to believe in rape drug conspiracies” and I asked you: “And what exactly do you call Covid vaccine conspiracies? Could you debunk one Covid vaccine conspiracy for us please to give us an idea?”
Why are you eschewing that question with irrelevant quibble? To convince people that you’re not a Pharma troll?
Well you’re the one who said I was being paid by big pharma, not me. So is it true or isn’t it?
I am presently elevating another $33,000 or extra months from domestic with the aid of using jogging remarkably sincere and easy on line sports activities sports from domestic. The month comes from this hobby at domestic.~ks160“~ I am presently quick interacting at the course of this hobby and growing many cash on line given stats system…
Oh and I forgot! Google paying a splendid earnings from domestic 6850USD a week, this is awesome a 12 months beyond i was laid-off in a totally horrible financial system. “w many thank you google every day for blessing the ones guidelines and presently it’s miles my responsibility to pay and percentage it with all and sundry ..
proper right here i started.
Grampa’s mad again.
Do you post from a mental institution or do they let you loose on society?
What a perfectly rational thing to say.
From Old French debatre (13c., Modern French débattre), originally “to fight,” from de- “down, completely” (see de-) + batre “to beat,” from Latin battuere “beat”
So this discussion becomes a “beat down”, boring ad hominems.
Anyone can say anything to any purpose.
I agree. I drop the ball.
So did you tel the truth or did you lie when you said I was being paid by big pharma?
Google paying a splendid earnings from domestic 6850USD a week, this is awesome a 12 months beyond i was laid-off in a totally horrible financial system. “w many thank you google every day for blessing the ones guidelines and presently it’s miles my responsibility to pay and percentage it with all and sundry ..
proper right here i started ………..
Fantastic work Since I presently earn over $47K a month from just legal internet activities, I enjoy your job. I am aware that you are now making a sizeable amount of money online with just $39K, and that these are straightforward administrative jobs. Unquestionably click the
The following URL:——————————>>>
Oh, good god! Viagra is hardly a rape drug! It takes time to work–for my diabetic husband, it took about an hour to kick in. Not what you need if you’re running around trying to attack women! And Viagra did not hold for hours and hours, like you hear. A 5-hour erection is an abnormal reaction to the drug and might require medical intervention to prevent vascular damage. Plus it has extremely unpleasant side effects, like severe headaches. My husband could not tolerate the side effects, they were so bad. And the only men who actually need it are in very poor health–not the kind of guy you find in the military. No way could this be true, speaking from a medical perspective.
Agree! Never heard of Viagra being given to people in their twenties, let alone on a large scale!
Hah! Good point, if a 20 year old soldier needs viagra to get it up, I’m thinking you have bigger problems (like his lack of Testosterone causing him to not be able to carry his gear around. Maybe he gets all teared up when he has to kill some people. Also, he may have bone-density issues).
If people are dumb enough to believe in covid vaccine conspiracies, they are dumb enough to believe in rape drug conspiracies.
And what exactly do you call Covid vaccine conspiracies? Could you debunk one Covid vaccine conspiracy for us please to give us an idea?
Could you please tell me why you said I was being paid by big pharma? I’m still laughing about that one!
So the answer is no you can’t debunk the slightest Covid vaccine conspiracy and you’re trying to bypass the problem with irrelevant bullshit, am I right?
So am I being paid by big pharma or not?
Reply up there for space
Ding! Ding! Ding!
I hear the ring of truth, Jane
I am presently elevating another $33,000 or extra months from domestic with the aid of using jogging remarkably sincere and easy on line sports activities sports from domestic. The month comes from this hobby at domestic.~ks210“~ I am presently quick interacting at the course of this hobby and growing many cash on line
given stats system…
Don’t they say “many cashes online”? I seem to have read that in The Cashier in the Rye…
If, while in an elevator and ascending, you elevated sizable amounts of just legal internet income, would anything happen?
“How are people not yet tired of having their intelligence insulted?” … how are you not tired of believing they have any?
I’ve been thinking about the scale and depth and uniformity of the MSM falsehood surrounding the war in Ukraine- the obligatory “unprovoked”, the universal silence about eight years of shelling and the Minsk accords, the relentless dissemination of transparently absurd claims of Ukrainian victories and Russian atrocities, the dogma of eventual victory verses the reality of certain defeat. Dishonesty is part of the human condition but it can’t replace reality, particularly not in war. Maybe a key factor is group versus individual dishonesty. Maybe individual integrity and group identification are mutually incompatible. Maybe human organizations beyond the scale and scope of hunter/gatherer groups are naturally dishonest and as a consequence naturally promote dishonest people. Maybe if I had a sociology degree I could leave out “maybe”.
I’ve known many US soldiers, some of them special ops. Off the job, they are average Americans. Those that experienced combat have PTSD symptoms. I’ve also met Russian people and imagine their soldiers also reflect their culture, not psychopathic rapists. ‘Think of the children’ seems to have been a great mob builder since the Middle Ages. Babies and cannibalism never fails to raise the bloodlust. Roast Belgian baby is still a delicacy in Bavaria and my Jewish friends serve a delicious Christian baby blood cocktail. That previous sentence is absurdly false, but would likely make CNN if it were Russians.
The story is true….My secret squirl souses tell me Putin gave it the code name…..”Pocket Nukes”…
One would think that the first item on the US sanctions list would have been to withhold Viagra from 65+ year old Russian men.
80-year-old men who still masturbate and in public no less; god bless them, I guess, but I do have to wonder what’s going on in their minds; was that what your whole life was about?
I am eagerly anticipating the story that Putin is raping prematurely born babies thrown out of their incubators.
I’ m afraid these story tellers are only too accurate in their assessment of American gullibility.
Let’s be accurate here: Putin is actually raping the twinkle in a guy’s eye that will become a baby prematurely born, taken out of their incubators and thrown to the floor by Russian soldiers after they’ve gouged their eyes out to play marbles. Even though other sources are adamant that Putin is actually raping the very idea of having a baby in Ukrainian men and women’s brains, which is quite a serious accusation…
It wasn’t that long ago, a few years at most, that Israeli Rabbis attached to the military asked that the law concerning rape of women attached to the enemy, whoever that might be, that the men be allowed to rape them as a means of releasing excess energy and stress etcetera. Female Israelis went into an uproar and the request was quietly withdrawn for the time being, so no surprise that, that thought was still on their minds.
Sidney Blumenthal started the Obama is Kenyan thing during 2007/8 campaign against Clinton. Has Grayzone guy, Max Blumenthal ever called his DAD out on that? Otherwise ?
Like nobody’s got anything more urgent to do than that…
probably, in private.
So, is Putin giving them brand name or generic Viagra because we all know the generic isnt that good.
A recent survey of the BBC audience tends to show that people are getting tired of the shit they’re being hammered with though. Over the past two years, trust in the BBC has gone down from 75% to 55%, which ironically corresponds to the period when they operated their Trusted News Initiative – which the AFP happily joined – “to tackle the next disinformation challenges” – read to spread the same bullshit, essentially about Covid.
And the beat goes on. Worldometers, based on WHO figures, tells us there’s been 6,5 million Covid deaths worldwide.
This is actually a very long shot because it doesn’t separate the people who died with Covid from those who died from Covid – which incidentally has never been properly identified or isolated and is only described through symptoms common with other diseases. But never mind that. People considered “Covid dead” are people who tested positive to a PCR test that its own inventor, Kary Mullis, said was unfit for diagnosis and Fauci himself said was meaningless beyond 35 CT when the majority were conducted between 35 and 40 CT and four tribunals (in Portugal, Austria, Germany and Holland) ruled that beyond 35 CT, those tests spewed 97% false positives. This was based on scientific studies and can be checked in Google.
Besides, studies in the UK and Italy have shown that about 95% of the “Covid dead” had comorbidities and they could only be sure for 5% that they actually died of Covid – as opposed to with Covid. That would be 300,000 of the official 6 million.
Now people like Steve Kirsch have been seriously monitoring the pandemic and as the vaccination campaign unfolded, discovered that vaccination, contrary to the official propaganda, had massive side-effects, including death, reported on the VAERS site. He added that these figures should have a multiplicator added because doing that reporting is not encouraged – to say the least – while the Pharma shills argued on the contrary that people reported false cases. Why is not clear…
Anyway, there’s been reports for months, both with insurance companies and funeral parlours, that there were unusual excess deaths in 2021 that couldn’t be attributed to Covid. These reports were banned from corporate and social media but not from substack and Rumble. We’ve seen athletes falling like flies, reports of clots, myocarditis and hardly a week goes by without corporate media reporting a celeb died at a young age without ever wondering if the jab had anything to do with it.
Now we’ve got the explanation: a peer-reviewed study – probably by the usual “fact-checkers” – tells us that the Covid death toll is in fact 18 million – three times the WHO figures -, based on the excess deaths and explains that the governments didn’t report the real figures from the get go – it’s all the science they produce to back up their claim -, while everybody knows they exaggerated all they could to scare people shitless and jab them. Everybody’s fallen for the 18 million it seems, even Jeffrey Sachs, which makes one wonder if the honest criticisms he came up with lately about Fauci were only limited hangout.
And the beat still goes on:
Did you read her essay about essentially what she thought of her former as it turned out, fair weather friends?
That’s how they play, they go after the best parts of an individual and then shit all over it. Like vicious piranha at the first scent of blood.
It’s the same way that they that they bring down nations, the wondering jewels, besiege the opened gates from within and devour the hapless nation as though infected with parasitic worms.
Why don’t you ever mention how many people died from bleach infusions and horse dewormer?
Your perspective on this is one sided.
“how many people died”…
And horses!
A “perspective” informed by facts, reason, and humanitarian graces is worth much more than the trite and stupid comment you just offered.
Thanks Gregory but I think Glenn was joking :o)
Whoops. Look who’s been stoopid.
where do you go from there? a lawsuit against the politicians and big pharma? maybe the time is ripe for a ‘gofundme’ …
There are a few lawsuits under way even though Pfizer was granted liability protections by governments but the funniest thing is that Moderna is now suing… Pfizer and its German partner BioNTech for patent infringement linked to the development of the first Covid-19 vaccines. Given that the enemy of my enemy is my friend who knows what positive outcome this might bring about for the vaccine injured?
Even “funnier” is the Moderna “jump” on the patents in the first place.
that seems to be the challenge: how to get the proceeds of any lawsuits to the vaccine injured. maybe they could each chip in 50$ and make it a class action suit.
You are spreading lies about the AFP and the UN. The US government has many diplomatic fronts worldwide working with no rest to provide safe public health, safe military interventions, safe economic sanctions, safe media for all. The US is an impartial actor meddling in hard-solving political scenarios. Everyone has a thought about the Palestinian invasion of Israel annexing Israeli territory with impunity. Without the US support many countries would cease to exist. Why don’t you bring real actions instead of words?
Very funny!
You forgot to include the (/s) at the end of your post. Some people may not get the joke.
If they can rig elections and lie incessantly to their own people about it, no one is invincible from their diabolic and poisonous lying. This, it would appear, is the best weapon the US and Allies have and it must be working for them to ditch it. The US and the collective west have on a cloak of Christian faith but under it, they are ravening wolves which know no mercy. The sooner this evil empire bites the dust, the better it will be for all humanity including their own citizens.
Fantastic work Since I presently earn over $47K a month from just legal internet activities, I enjoy your job. I am aware that you are now making a sizeable amount of money online with just $40K, and that these are straightforward administrative jobs. Unquestionably click the
The following article.——-—>>
I was considering clicking on your link when I met someone who did and immediately lost an arm, his whole family to a missile strike, all the money on his bank account, the little hamster he’d rescued from the flood last year and his car keys. So I’m not so sure now….
In 1975, Gaddafi published his Green Book of political philosophy. Pages 85 to 94 are devoted to ‘Woman’. To anyone with a functioning brain who has actually read his inspired words, it becomes crystal clear that Gaddafi was 100% incapable of violating women in the vile way the Goebbels inspired Western swamp monsters propaganda suggested. He was in fact almost light years ahead of the West in promoting women’s rights. The West, in particular the USofA, has become Nazi-central, actually *funding* unspeakable atrocities on a daily basis whether taking place in Ukraine, Yemen, Syria or occupied Palestine & maybe now even in the Horn of Africa, etc., etc., while ignoring many thousands upon thousands of their own citizens sleeping and rotting in piles of garbage on the streets. I blame the criminally insane fundamentalist capitalists who have now attained unfettered power through usury.
I’ve not much knowledge of what Putin’s view of ‘Woman’ is but I do know that it was the USSR who put the first woman, Valentina Tereshkova, into space way way back in 1963 when western women were still figuratively chained to kitchens & bedrooms. I expect Putin has placed the sanctity of women very high in his political philosophy.
Well, what do they say most Ukie women do for a living? Slander and demonisation of the enemy are part of warfare. Don’t believe any of it without hard evidence.
Americans allegedly did much worse in Vietnam from the stories I heard from returning vets of that war.
I was told you could kill anyone you pleased with impunity, as long as it was not a fellow American. That had to be an exaggeration.
It was since you could indeed kill Americans in friendly fire – which is an extension of hate speech :o)
Patrick Tillman’s death in Afghanistan, referred to as a “friendly fire” incident, reeks of political machination.
The US Army gives American soldiers free Viagra. Just sayin’.
If they need Viagra at that age, that doesn’t say much for their physical condition.
Yeah, but they stiff them in other ways.
Even when reporting on this (non)story to deconstruct it, the unavoidable result is that it is further disseminated. I have religiously avoided the MSM so as not to be sickened and angered by this kind of mindless, malevolent BS. So reading this post only reinforces the conclusion I came to a while back, that an endless series of lies cannot be serially refuted. Incessant lies can only be laughed at when heard or preferably not heard at all. In the old days of the Vietnam War, we said “what if they gave a war and nobody came?” In the same spirit I now ask “what if they lied their asses off but nobody listened?”
It looks pretty much that way actually since, according to the last Gallup poll about American audiences, trust in paper media has fallen to 16% and TV media to 11%.
Didn’t they do this in the run up to the Iraq war too? I remember hearing about Saddam Hussein’s “rape rooms”, but maybe they didn’t add the Viagra angle that time. I don’t remember any evidence turning up.
Who is stupid enough to believe such ridiculous bullshit? Presumably the same morons that believe cow farts are damaging the ozone, or whatever is the claim.
“nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public” – H.L. Mencken.
I guess we could update that to – “no American instigated war effort ever ended because the American public figured out they were being relentlessly lied to and propagandized.”
Actually I’m surprised they dug this particular trope out of the dustbin, it smacks a bit of desperation I would say. Perhaps the neocons in D.C. are starting to involuntarily twitch just a bit more than usual.
Fantastic work Since I presently earn over $47K a month from just legal internet activities, I enjoy your job. I am aware that you are now making a sizeable amount of money online with just $40K, and that these are straightforward administrative jobs. Unquestionably click the
The following article..——-—>>
No, it’s not the neocons that are desperate but rather their aristocratic masters who are desperate
“The strongest branch of the Federal Reserve is the New York Federal Reserve Bank, which fell under the control of 8 long-established banking families. Only 4 of these dynasties hail from largely American backgrounds, which are Goldman Sachs, the Rockefellers, Lehman Brothers and Kuhn Loeb. The other 4 are the Rothschilds in Paris and London, the Warburgs from Germany, the Lazards from France and Israel Moses Sieff from Britain.”
Global Research
This was true at the creation in 1913 but Lehman Brothers was liquidated in 2008.
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I am presently elevating another $33,000 or extra months from domestic with the aid of using jogging remarkably sincere and easy on line sports activities sports from domestic. The month comes from this hobby at domestic.~ks170“~ I am presently quick interacting at the course of this hobby and growing many cash on line
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You’re stuttering dear…
Gloria is not a native English speaker or Gloria uses the William S. Burrows method to generate new writings.
You cut up printed news articles and re-arrange strips of words and phrases at random.
It is about all you can do to pass a stochastic spam filter since the result is generic text.