Listen to a reading of this article:
Leaked documents reveal that the US intelligence cartel has been working intimately with online platforms to regulate the “cognitive infrastructure” of the population — the information systems people use to feed their minds and think their thoughts.
If it is the job of the US intelligence cartel to regulate society’s cognitive infrastructure, then it is the job of healthy human beings to disrupt the cognitive infrastructure.
Fill the cognitive infrastructure with information that is inconvenient for the powerful.
Disrupt the cognitive infrastructure by saturating it with unauthorized speech.
Disrupt the cognitive infrastructure. Corrupt the cognitive infrastructure. Tell the cognitive infrastructure that the teacher is bullshitting and the preacher is a liar. Sneak the cognitive infrastructure its first cigarette and a copy of the Communist Manifesto.
Take the cognitive infrastructure’s virginity. Teach the cognitive infrastructure about the primacy of the clitoris. Take the cognitive infrastructure on its first psilocybin mushroom hunt and give it phoenix reincarnation orgasms in the forest.
Pay attention to that man behind the curtain. Extremely close attention. Be intrusive about it. Shine a flashlight up his asshole. Disregard the proper channels. Hack his devices and publish his emails.
Sow chaotic good tidings throughout the information ecosystem. Surf on waves of WikiLeaks documents and Grayzone reports with problematic revelations pouring from your throat like rain. Scrawl “WHAT CAN BE DESTROYED BY THE TRUTH SHOULD BE” on bathroom stalls and overpasses.
Disrupt the cognitive infrastructure on your smartphone. Disrupt the cognitive infrastructure on the street corner. Disrupt the cognitive infrastructure in conversations with friends and family. Disrupt the cognitive infrastructure too severely and from too many directions for there to ever be any hope of its regulation or control.
Be the disruption you want to see in the cognitive infrastructure. Be a splinter in the monster’s paw. Be sand in the gears of the juggernaut machine. Disrupt the cognitive infrastructure in such numbers and with such aggression that the whole thing comes toppling down, and people’s eyes begin to flutter open, and they wake up from their propaganda-induced comas into the real world, and stride out to do the very things the US intelligence cartel has been trying to prevent them from ever doing.
Free beings under a wide open sky.
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32 responses to “Disrupt The Cognitive Infrastructure”
How about an ALTERNATIVE COGNITIVE INFRASTRUCTURE. The government tells corporations what to do, but do they tell YOU what to do?
Catlin has her own website so she can do what she wants. I assume nobody owns her platform. The way this website is put together tells me it is unique.
The same is true at my own website. It is unique. I made it. Click on my name to see it.
Not everyone can make a website I understand. I’ll share code. Others can too. The point is none of us need be tied to a corporate owned or corporate designed platform and the censorship and rigid structure that goes with it. I have appreciated the need for independent media not tied to corporate provided infrastructure for a long time. Corporate interests are obligated to comply with government. They are also willing, more than willing to cooperate. Even Musk. Especially Musk.
Once owning an independent printing press of your own was the only way to get your own truth out. When things were steel, ink and paper that was obvious. Government controlled all know printing presses. Only government sanctioned truth was printed by these machines. Dissidents needed their own unique infrastructure.
Things did not change when electronics replaced paper and ink and now the average person is owned. All social media is open to government and corporations are not your friend. Pervasive surveillance is nothing new. We have had it all along. Now things are no longer passive.
Help bring the intellectual anarchy we need!
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cognitive warfare has been waged against the US populace
Great article. Thank you.
Go Caitlin!!
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I am currently earning an additional $33,440 over the course of six months from home by utilizing incredibly honest and fluent online sports activities athletics. This domestic hobby provides the month. Given the stats system, I’m currently interacting fast on this hobby’s road and earning
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Wow! “Cognitive infrastructure”, code phrase for thinking, particularly, critical thinking. Imagine if they just came right out and said, they want to, “regulate the thinking of the population”. Truly Orwellian.
I have a deer skull hanging from a tree in my front yard for Halloween, and not a fake plastic skull like the other yards. And my bumper sticker, which I drew up and had printed, says “STOP THE FLYING KILLER ROBOTS”. And … I thought about doing an Abu Ghraib display in the front yard for Halloween, the prisoner in the hood standing on a box with electrodes strapped to his fingers, but … I didn’t have a mannequin and I guess I was too busy writing online comments. Maybe next year. And I’ve become less reticent about shattering the fragile world view of the downtown Jesus buskers. But smoking causes cancer and the Communist Manifesto is just poser hogwash, which I was actually somewhat surprised to find out perusing my copy, which it turns out was printed in 1901 and is worth maybe $50. So that’s capitalism for you.
The cognitive infrastructure says it is time for the unvaccinated and those whose parents and loved-ones died alone, and died from COVID-vaccine-products to forgive and forget.
Amnesty time!
Oh my, you are wild eyed today, Mrs. Johnstone! Instead of the fictitious who is John Galt?, we should be seeing who is Caitlin Johnstone in real life? As the song says, we must teach our children well and not leave it to the manipulators. I can see that sex, drugs and graffiti have not gone out of style!
I’m taking it you were stoned or drunk when you wrote this.
“Take the cognitive infrastructure’s virginity.”
Sounds like rape doesn’t it.
“Disrupt the cognitive infrastructure too severely and from too many directions for there to ever be any hope of its regulation or control.”
How? By writing slogans on bathroom walls? By tweeting and posting nasty messages on social media?
Seriously, that’s a pretty lame counter revolution.
You need a mass movement. You need people taking tangible actions such as marching in the streets, protest rallies, sit-ins in their elected officials office. The type of actions Gandi engaged in.
What you are suggesting is nothing more than mental masturbation.
I like this one, very poetic.
Bernays described this elitist view of the world in 1928:
“Those who manipulate the unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. In almost every act of our lives whether in the sphere of politics or business in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires that control the public mind.” – Edward Bernays – Propaganda
“One believes things because one has been conditioned to believe them.” –
Aldous Huxley – Brave New World
“The real hopeless victims of mental illness are to be found among those who appear to be most normal. Many of them are normal because they are so well adjusted to our mode of existence, because their human voice has been silenced so early in their lives, that they do not even struggle or suffer or develop symptoms as the neurotic does.” They are normal not in what may be called the absolute sense of the word; they are normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society. Their perfect adjustment to that abnormal society is a measure of their mental sickness. These millions of abnormally normal people, living without fuss in a society to which, if they were fully human beings, they ought not to be adjusted.” –
Aldous Huxley – Brave New World Revisited
“Under the relentless thrust of accelerating over-population and increasing over-organization, and by means of ever more effective methods of mind-manipulation, the democracies will change their nature; the quaint old forms—elections, parliaments, Supreme Courts and all the rest—will remain. The underlying substance will be a new kind of non-violent totalitarianism. All the traditional names, all the hallowed slogans will remain exactly what they were in the good old days. Democracy and freedom will be the theme of every broadcast and editorial—but Democracy and freedom in a strictly Pickwickian sense. Meanwhile the ruling oligarchy and its highly trained elite of soldiers, policemen, thought-manufacturers and mind-manipulators will quietly run the show as they see fit.”
Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited
“You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you mad.” ―
Aldous Huxley
So now a second lab has created a super covid strain lethal to humans. Only a fool would think a variation of this will not be released upon us. It conntrols the populace, stampedes people to vaccines and reduces the population. This development bothers me far more than the chance of nuclear war. Mankind has gone mad.
It’s always been mad. Think conquests, crusades, witch hunts, pyres, torture, world wars, lack of empathy, abuse, exploitation, arrogance, entitlement, pride, envy, jealousy, cruelty, sadism, masochism… It’s actually a miracle humanity has survived that long considering its flaws :o)
Besides there were early signs. The fact that man will drink the most elaborate nectars that other men have spent months working on with love and kept for years and eat the most delicious foods and transform them into malodorous piss and shit respectively didn’t bode well. Then the first son of the first man and woman killed his first brother. Didn’t improve the odds. And then 30% of mankind adopted a religion whose idea of joie de vivre is expressed through a corpse nailed on a cross wearing a crown of thorns. Could you get any madder than that? That’s what has been flying for centuries though. What could go wrong?
Last but not least, not so long ago, free speech was a top priority of progressives, the sine qua non of a progressive democracy. Now a lot of people consider free speech the road to extremism for some weird reason, condemn criticism of corporate media reports and openly call, de facto, for the triumph of propaganda over free speech. This is the end, beautiful friend… :o)
Actually it has not been tried on, or spread to humans. It was 80% lethal to a particular strain of mice, in a laboratory setting.
I am not saying it is benign or not lethal for humans, merely pointing out that your comment is unsubstantiated and basically rubbish.
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The United States, including its so-called world order, doesn’t have much to offer the world—other than endless war, pseudo-values, and destabilizing sanctions. This, of course, includes the 2-party political system: Republicans and Democrats—left, right, radical, liberal, moderate, extremist, middle of the aisle, insider, gentleman from (you choose state), the honorable so and so, (anything but American). They are RICO; any other name is irrelevant. What matters is neither party (corporate) offers remedies–they are both the same in maligning the opposite party. Their real function is obstructionism and to believably convey the illusion of choice. When was the last time the US’ public received anything more than a basket full of enticing mirages? If lies, bait-and-switch, and stonewalling were outstanding progressive legislation, we’d all live in a shining city on Mt. Utopia. Well, we are not going to get what we need from the current system. Change will only happen when the majority of us stop sitting on the fence, coalesce in solidarity, and become the change facilitators that we had hoped our elected officials would be.
“They are both the same in maligning the opposite party”.
Exactly. That’s what they seem to be spending their time doing, like “considering all we have to offer is contempt for the people who voted for us because our bosses are the people who fund us and they’re the same on both sides of the aisle (Pharma, MIC, oil…), what talking points can we find, at every step of the way, to malign the other party on every issue?”
Fortunately, most people are not interested in politics beyond their sporting aspect and only support a team like they do for basketball, football or baseball, with pom-pom girls and fanfares. Everything their team does is good and everything the other team does is bad and so the bad guys (TM) have to be eliminated at all costs no matter how: invent bald-faced lies, buy the referee, smear their reputation with rumors, shoot them dead given the chance but get our team on the podium for Chrissakes because it is the projection of our egos and their victory allows us to swagger around feeling invincible.
Don’t bother me, I’m with the Bled or the Rue (the donphant or the elekey) and we are the champions of the world. Forget programs, projects, social or historical visions… politics today are just the expression of raw narcissism. Gotta laugh :o)
Biden’s approval rating is 39%. It might not be working the way they hoped it would.
What Easterly said in Nov 2021 , is basically what Jacinda Ardern said at a recent high profile BS conference somewhere. It is truly amazing that so many can still not join up the little dots ,and see where this is heading.
Absolutely brilliant as always Caitlin .’ITS TIME’ is a song for our times, its has a simple message, but important message, please share it. Blessings from New Zealand
Hell yeah!
LOL! If they want to regulate the cognitive infrastructure, they just have to ban all corporate media because fucking up the cognitive infrastructure with bald-faced lies is what they do all day for a living :o)
I may be misreading this, but the phrase “combat the spread of dangerous forms of information” sounds very much and alarmingly like the government has decided that censorship is a valid governmental function.
The government has always believed censorship was a valid governmental function, my friend.
Google paying a splendid earnings from domestic 6850USD a week, this is awesome a 12 months beyond i was laid-off in a totally horrible financial system. “w many thank you google every day for blessing the ones guidelines and presently it’s miles my responsibility to pay and percentage it with all and sundry ..
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