Last night Fox’s Tucker Carlson did what may have been the most amazing thing that has ever happened on American television. As the drums of war beat louder than they have in years, Carlson stared right into the camera and did the exact opposite of what every mainstream US pundit is doing right now: he told the truth.

He told the truth about Syria. He told the truth about Yemen. He told the truth about the alleged chemical weapons attack in Douma. He told the truth about the bipartisan war machine which drops all pretense of opposition the instant it’s time for bloodshed. He told the truth about what war is, what it costs, and what it does to our world.

He stood in stark, unequivocal opposition to the trajectory the Trump administration appears to be moving along. And he did it on Fox News.

I have a deep and abiding hatred in my heart for Fox News and all things Murdoch. I will never forget nor forgive the key role the Murdoch press played in deceiving our world into the unimaginable evil that was the Iraq invasion. But if I’d held a reflexive rejection of anything with the Fox News logo in the corner, I never would have seen Carlson’s epic monologue, never would have shared it with my social media following, never would have embedded it in this article, and this bright flash of truth would have been diminished by that much in the impact it was able to have on public consciousness.

And I know that there are many leftists who declined to help spread awareness of that Carlson monologue based solely on the fact that he’s a conservative pundit on a conservative network who has said things they disagree with in the past. This is stupid. We should be able to throw any weapon at all at the war machine, not fight with one hand tied behind our backs just because we don’t like conservatives.

Check out the comments from my lefty followers when I shared the clip. Look how astonished they were to hear a clear voice on this issue coming from the right. Being willing to share useful weapons against the war machine lets in that much more light. Why would we want to deprive ourselves of such weapons in a fight to oppose what could very well end up being a third and final world war? If someone from an opposing ideology organizes an anti-war march or puts together a video debunking a war narrative, why deliberately halve its influence and impact at such a crucial time?

I always get raked over the coals when I say this, but god dammit I’m right: when it comes to important issues where our interests converge, we need to be absolutely shameless about collaborating with people on either side of the ideological divide.

Gateway Pundit‘s Cassandra Fairbanks and I stand on opposite ends of the political spectrum on many issues, but when it comes to crucial matters like this we are in total agreement. I reached out to her for comment when I saw her making the same argument I’m making here from the other side of the divide, urging her conservative followers to be willing to collaborate with leftists against this war.

Fairbanks provided the following statement:

“We can squabble all we want about domestic policy, but none of that will even matter if nations with nuclear capabilities decide to flex their power. The establishment Democrats and Republicans in DC have already united to make this a potential reality. If the anti-establishment right and left don’t, temporarily, do the same to loudly oppose this then we are as guilty as they will be. We have to remember that our friends and neighbors, people we interact with every day, have different political ideologies. The people on Twitter and at protests are those same people. I really hope for a momentary ceasefire in our Twitter wars to prevent a real one.”

I agree with and co-sign every word of this.

Whenever I bring this up I get lefty echo chamber cultists shrieking at me that people like Fairbanks are alt-right/Nazis (which is absurd and ridiculous) and saying that the left and right don’t need to work together on any issue at all; that the left can just do its own separate, fully segregated thing on its own side of the divide while any anti-war right wingers can do their thing far away somewhere else.

Which of course is brilliant: let’s divide ourselves up into echo chambers where we are completely isolated from anyone who disagrees with us about anything, and launch our protests against World War Three from in there. And let’s be honest, these people won’t just stop at cutting off conservatives; most of them will cut off leftists like myself who are open to interacting with them as well. They’ll wedge out anyone who doesn’t have the correct opinions about Bernie Sanders, about trans issues and sex workers, about this or that conspiracy theory, about DemExiting vs DemEntering, until they’re all fragmented up into little impotent sects with no hope of ever launching any of their ideas into mainstream consciousness. Nobody does vitriolic sectarianism like the left.

For that reason we also need to stop attacking each other. People keep telling me I need to denounce Glenn Greenwald for advancing the mainstream narrative about chemical weapons and Bashar al-Assad, despite the fact that he’s been consistently and aggressively opposed to western interventionism in Syria. We don’t have that kind of luxury, people. We don’t have the luxury of rejecting anyone who’s willing to stand against the war machine, let alone a fellow leftist with a large and influential voice. We need all the help we can get.

I stand with anyone who will oppose the assault on Syria, a nation long targeted for regime change due to its resources, strategic location, and the ambitious agendas of its leader, as well as its refusal to bow before Israel in its border dispute over the illegally occupied Golan Heights.

I don’t care if you oppose a war while still believing the fairy tale that Assad is a baby-gassing Dracula. I don’t care if you only oppose interventionism because it will allow jihadists to eliminate the nation’s Christians and exacerbate the refugee crisis. I don’t care if you only oppose war in Syria because you hate anything Trump does. As long as you oppose this attack on an already brutalized nation which could lead to a third and final world war, we’re on the same side on this issue, and I’ll proudly fight the war machine shoulder-to-shoulder with you.

This obviously doesn’t mean compromising on our values one iota or abandoning our ideological principles. It just means when Tucker Carlson delivers a lucid anti-war monologue, we help it go viral. It means if Cassandra Fairbanks helps organize an anti-war demonstration, we go and add our voice to it. We can still work to advance all the other important issues that we are passionate about while working side-by-side against this one world-endangering threat.

The culture war games were fun for a while, but playtime’s over. We are staring down the barrel of events which could lead to a direct military confrontation between NATO forces and Russia and its allies; you don’t get any more points if you can “trigger the libs” or make a viral tweet mocking a conservative pundit. It’s time to grow up now. Let’s do this thing.


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20 responses to “We All Need To Unite Against War In Syria, Regardless Of Ideology”

  1. Caitlin,
    3 strong pieces by you recently from my viewpoint.
    – Paranoid Conspiracy Theorists
    – Work across Ideologies to stop war
    – A non-ideological revolution

    On conspiracy – great, edged article. Next time somebody tries that line, I propose you give them this: ” One and only one effect in nature is needed to explain a l l human conspiratorial action through all of history. Sometimes called The Evolutionary Imperative, it is commonly named The Reproductive Drive or Sex Drive. Humans will a l w a y s seek to privilege their progeny and extend their posterity. Nothing more is required to explain every conspiracy, open or closed, in the entire human story.”
    On non-ideology, they had to get rid of Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg before they could usurp Marx’s name, but the Marx-ists who succeeded the 1st generation Marxian thinkers
    worked long and hard to bury Marxian Scientific Socialism. The foundation of Marx’s movement was the elimination of all ideology and superstition as grounds for a human viewpoint. And here we are, still fighting the same fight against irrational, egomaniac warmongers……..

  2. Time is running out fast!
    Spread the word on social media and everywhere else that if our country (the US) starts a war that could go nuclear, then we the people will go nuclear and not pay our taxes this April! And be determined to act on it if necessary to make it a credible threat.

    I think this could be effective if it caught on enough to be noticed by politicians–especially if voiced by the Left and the Right (in all their many lovely flavors). We all need to plug our noses and join hands and act, so that we can live to fight each other another day!

  3. Joe Van Steenbergen Avatar
    Joe Van Steenbergen

    The war may happen no matter that the “alleged” gas attack is a fiction. Here’s why, potentially:

    Regardless of the motive, the MIC, the Deep State and the Shadow Government will do their best to find a way to go to war. The unfortunate losers will be the innocent citizens who are killed in the process, all for reasons that will not be judged favorably by history (or, perhaps, they will).

  4. Trent Armstrong Avatar
    Trent Armstrong

    Thank You !

  5. Hillary is Great! ” Ha ha Ha .”We Came We Saw, He died” Go Do Dems. Support Israeli Terrorist Pigs! Vote D for Death and Racism. Have a Nice Day!

    1. Vote R for Facism in u.s. with Dems.

    2. Obomber Drone Killer, the #1 A half Black and White Man said ” Exceptionalism”, and he in my mind is a War Criminal. ($5ooooo a speech for the pig). If your a black or white or inbetween, and a Pig, Commit Humanitarian crimes, You are a War Pig Criminal. Wage Peace…Phuck D/R Syndrome

  6. Sorry to be crude. Wage Peace. Will Rachel Maddow mCresistance masterbate when the U.S. bombs Syria? Go McResistance Girls! Pussy Power! Love and Peace, Ben Dover

  7. We need Joe Lieberman, Debbie Wasserman Shultz, Ben Cardin, Chuck Schumer, ( and too many others), Pigs, to lead u.s to racist profitable Terrorism. The State of Israel is a Terrorist State. It may control the U.S.. My Jewish friends agree. Have a nice day! OBEY Wage Peace…

  8. My crystal ball says The Rogue Terrorist State of Israel, as with the past two Fridays, will massacre more this Friday in Gaza, under the reporting on Syria bombing by the u.s. MSM. It makes good cover, like False Flags. BDS, and boycott u.s. and Zionist products and their supporters worldwide. Food & Healthcare / Not Bombs. Wage Peace…

  9. The discussion about “lefties” illustrates how the political spectrum in the USA has so dramatically shifted to the right. However, the Tucker Carson video is excellent, and I doubt that he will last much longer at Fox News.

  10. Inspired by your article, I republished Vernon Lee’s Ballet of the Nations, written in 1915, a year into the First World War and one of the most acute analyses ever made of why people let themselves be dragged again and again into the same crime

  11. Tucker Carlson & Glenn Greenwald discuss war on Syria

  12. Tucker Carlson: ‘ ‘How does Syrian regime change help the U.S.? ‘ ‘
    Carlson confronts Republican Sen. Roger Wicker of Mississippi
    – as both political parties continue to beat the war drum.

  13. Harry S Nydick Avatar
    Harry S Nydick

    Many years ago, it was predicted that the next great war (WWIII) would be a war between whites and people of various colors. Looks like ‘they’ are trying to make that prediction a partial reality. China certainly has the wealth and population necessary to do combat in WWIII. Its population of nearly 1.4 billion people dwarfs the U.S. total of about 320 million. And, if allied with Russia, even Stevie Wonder could see the ramifications.

  14. Robyn Gilbertson Avatar
    Robyn Gilbertson

    When it comes to war (even when euphemised as regime change) the world divides precisely into two camps – Pro-War and Anti-War.

    The only question is, how do the anti-war billions get together to stop the pro-war hundreds/thousands?

  15. How can we go viral against this unelected war state that has caused millions of deaths and millions more homeless, wounded, suffering? This is not America. Who will step up – Rand, Ron Paul, Oprah, Putin, other world leaders????

    1. Oh, but it is the real America as seen by most of the rest of the world.

  16. Tucker Carlson is a real American hero. Is the revolution going to start at Fox News? It boggles the mind.

  17. Lou Dobbs even opposed further intervention last night. My goodness, what is happening at Fox?

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