#VenezuelaAidLive is trending on Twitter in the USA as I write this, forced to the forefront of public consciousness and into everyone’s eyeballs by a concert staged by billionaire plutocrat Richard Branson. Branson’s Virgin Group controls hundreds of companies and brings in some $21 billion annually, with Branson himself valued at around five billion dollars.
The concert is pure narrative control operation, designed to advance the proven lie that the Venezuelan government is shutting out all humanitarian aid from its people, and the proven lie that it has blockaded a bridge to prevent the aid from getting through, both of which are also currently being promoted by American mainstream media despite being thoroughly disproven. In reality, the Venezuelan government has been taking in humanitarian aid from all around the world to help its people, just not from America’s regime change operation that is so blatant even NPR recognizes it, and the bridge Branson has been posing in front of for his “billionaire philanthropist” photo ops has never been open for travel.
“We are on a bridge. Today we want to build a bridge of hope" — @RichardBranson. I’m so proud of my dad and everyone involved in #VenezuelaAidLive. You can live stream the concert all around the world, right now: https://t.co/admXOC4LAe pic.twitter.com/gTaQCG9nql
— Holly Branson (@HollyBranson) February 22, 2019
They’re lying to us about Venezuela. Anyone with access to alternative media has access to the fact that they’re lying to us about Venezuela. We know this for a fact. We also know for a fact that Venezuela has the largest proven oil reserves on planet Earth, and that in spite of all these appeals to the humanitarian impulses of the US empire the Trump administration is openly interested in controlling that oil. We also know for a fact that US interventionism in modern times is consistently disastrous, and consistently never truly about humanitarianism. We also know for a fact that PNAC neocon Elliott Abrams, who is spearheading this “humanitarian aid” initiative, has previously used humanitarian aid as a pretext for arming militia groups in Nicaragua.
If you have access to alternative media, all of these facts are easily available to you. If all of these facts are easily available to you, and yet you still support the US government’s interventionism in Venezuela, you are a complete fucking moron.
That’s really all I wanted to say here. I have less than zero respect for those who join with Donald Trump, John Bolton, Elliott Abrams, Benjamin Netanyahu, Jair Bolsonaro, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Fox News and MSNBC in manufacturing consent for this agenda, and I don’t care who gets their feelings hurt by my saying so. If you’ve been a longtime reader of mine and you still support Trump’s starvation sanctions, CIA ops, grooming and attempted installation of US vassal Juan Guaidó, and brazen propaganda war upon the minds of the unsuspecting US populace with the goal of toppling a sovereign nation’s government, then my writing hasn’t gotten through to you and you have gotten nothing out of it.
Elliott Abrams used "humanitarian aid" as a pretext to arm Nicaraguan death squads in the 1980s. And now we're supposed to believe the "humanitarian aid" he's sending to Venezuela is purely intended to alleviate the suffering of the people. You have to be kidding pic.twitter.com/RzjnfkHue2
— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) February 9, 2019
I’ve interacted with so many Trump supporters since I started this gig who claim to be anti-interventionist and anti-neocon, yet once their president started ramping up yet another neocon regime change intervention in yet another resource-rich country just like Bush and Obama before him, they fell right in line just like Bush and Obama’s supporters did. Ask them why and they’ll mumble something inarticulate about the absence of US boots on the ground (a point Obama’s defenders also made about Libya and Syria) or about hating socialism, but in reality the reason they support Trump’s regime change interventionism in yet another oil-rich country is because they are foam-brained human livestock who believe whatever the leader of their tribe tells them to.
Not all Trump voters have done this, but many of them have. For the most part those who continue to support this president are at best deadly silent on Venezuela, and are at worst actively cheering this bullshit on with everything they’ve got.
I actually have more respect for the people who have always been plugged into the CIA/CNN narrative than I have for those who saw through it during Obama’s interventions but not during Trump’s. Someone who has always been plugged into the mainstream narratives on US regime change interventionism is like a guy with his head up his ass. Someone who saw through Obama’s depravity in Libya and Syria but fails to do the same with Venezuela is like a guy who pulled his head out of his ass, then soaked his hair with lube and willfully re-inserted it.
On the eve of another US war for oil, I speak with UN rapporteur & human rights expert @Alfreddezayas to debunk the ocean of lies about Venezuela & expose the deadly impact of sanctions on @EmpireFiles https://t.co/2Ysv1KTlc2
— Abby Martin (@AbbyMartin) February 22, 2019
There is no excuse for supporting this administration’s obvious lies and sociopathic interventionism in a sovereign nation. None.
Wise the fuck up, people.
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118 responses to “Anyone Buying This Venezuela Bullshit Is A Complete Fucking Moron”
Wow! again, I take it most of these commentators are Aussies? Spin head, spin. A quote first from another old dead guy…”I see America (Corporations) spreading disaster….I see America (Corporations) as a black curse upon the world…I see a long, dark night setting in and that mushroom which has so poisoned this Planet, withering at it’s roots.” Henry Miller 1936…~~~Some random thoughts, backlash appreciated. Why did Mr. Putin go to the aid of Mr. Assad? Was it out of the goodness of his heart, because he is just Mr. Nice Guy? I think Mr. Putin is richer than Mr. Bezos…Syria was a wonderful opportunity to do a little weapons testing on living human beings, not to mention the troop training in live action. Plus Mr. Assad has mega billions stashed away since he and his murdering dad have ruled Syria with the Iron Fist for the last what? 50 years.Here’s another little quote:”When on the road to Thebes, Oedipus met the Sphinx, who asked him her riddle; His answer was “MAN” This simple word destroyed the monster…..We have many monsters to destroy, let us think of Oedipus answer.” George Seferis from his Nobel prize for literature speech 1963~~~~What we need to do is find a cure for the deadly disease that is destroying life on Earth, this disease is named: GREED and the LUST for POWER. Until a cure is found for this disease, do what you will, nothing will ever change, it will always be “Business as Usual”. Until the last drop of Oil is burnt, the last ounces of Gold and Copper are mined, the last fish in the sea is caught and sold, or one poor person has a buck left in his wallet it will go on. The only way to cure this disease is the same as for the common cold: Starve the beast of it’s money, of which the supply has to flow 24/7. Keep your money in your pockets, buy only what is necessary for survival i.e. food, clothes and shelter. People, every time you pull out that credit card for a ‘must have’ you have made yourself a Debt Slave, therefore you will work any shit job you can get to pay it off, which will never happen, because that new toy is always dangled in front of your nose. You and I, we together can destroy these monsters, and build the House of Mankind emphasis on the KIND. There is a lot to be said for living the ‘Simple’ life, free time to think for yourself, find what you Love to do, and do it. There, I have had my say, so a final quote: “Believing ourselves to be possessors of absolute truth degrades us: We regard every person whose way of thinking is different from ours as a monster, and a threat and by doing so we turn our own selves into monsters and thus threats to our fellows.” Octavio Paz……..
Oh Dear, poor Georgie trying his darndest to make the Yankee criminals appear snow white. L.O.L. Best of luck on that Georgie.
Trying to point the finger at Assad and Putin no longer cuts the mustard, mate. The FACT is, without the U.S. leading the Western coalition in concert with the M.E. nations who were all promised bits of Syrian land, and of course the main beneficiary, Israel , Putin and Assad would have been DEPRIVED of their opportunities, that you claim, they have benefited greatly.
Agree, Putin has benefited greatly from his INVITATION to fight the terrorists that the Western coalition set up to do their dirty work in Syria. But you ignore the FACT, it was the U.S. who started this, and also the U.S. did exactly the same thing in Vietnam and of course Yugoslavia, where they tested all sorts of military hardware. I realise, the U.S. considers that they OWN the World, and can do whatever they like with impunity, and people be damned. But no amount of trying to point the finger at others, the FACT remains, at the bottom of every shit pile in the World, is the U.S. of A. interference. If the U.S. had left Russia alone, ceased trying to circle and over power that nation, Putin would never have arisen to his lofty heights, same goes of China. L.O.L. It’s amazing, folks like yourself are unable to see the wood for the trees. Take Iran, L.O.L. how strong is Iran today in the M.E. they are so strong, Israel wets their pants just thinking about them. L.O.L. who is responsible for that ???
None other than the U.S. again. Which nations stand to gain the most from the ILLEGAL invasions and wars instigated by the U.S. in the M.E. ??? l.o.l. Certainly not the U.S. yet it was the U.S. that opened the Pandora’s box letting the demons fly, against the advice from the rest of the World.
Cry a bucket of tears as much as you want, point the finger at others as much as you want, one thing is undeniable, at the bottom of the pile, is the U.S. of A.
Look at Venezuela, no doubt in your mind set, it’s all the fault of Putin, yet despite Venezuela assisting the U.S. in it’s time of need with oil FREE, now the U.S. wants to take it all, and deprive the citizens of Venezuela. Much hot air is made regarding the economy of Venezuela, but very little is admitted by the folks who have orchestrated that event by introducing ILLEGAL sanctions against that country and even STEALING their assets. No doubt, in your mind, it’s all their own fault.
America, whether your happy about it or not, is going down the gurgler, and these actions are nothing but it’s final death throws, nothing can save America, as all your millionaires already know, because they are fleeing in droves to safe refuges to avoid the crash. Best of luck Georgie, reserve your bolt hole ASAP.
well Eddy you beat me to the punch on George’s attempt to redirect the narrative. but I disagreee with you as to who’s under each and every “shit pile”. You, perhaps unfortunately, give Uncle Sam way to much credit for the utter chaos and destruction–now frequenting the global communities. It’s Genghis Khan’s decedents [the ashkenazi jews] who are running the show–in fact running all the shows–the US–just a very large and dangerous tail. Check this extremely detailed web site which explains the ethnic cleansing of Europe–which is obviously still very much in play: https://holodomorinfo.com/
I believe that Trump [who was talking to Richard Nixon in 1982 about a run for the US presidency] has info on all of the high level operatives in the global community–which gives him a certain level of operating space. What I am now sensing is that he does not have the means to control the ultimate controllers who are beginning to become directly involved [Rothschild, etc.] in the NWO scuffle.
The escapade in Venezuela is all about the zionist cause [Chavez showed them the door]–just google the jewish involvement in the subject country [while the info still exists] and you will find Hymie under the shit pile. Quite simply–the easiest way to address the many global social/political/economic issues–is to round up the top zionist commandos and ask them some very direct questions.
My most humble apologies Gary. It was most remiss of me, to not point out the elephant in the room. However, in my defence, I did point out that one of the beneficiaries of the U.S. ILLEGAL wars instigated in the M.E. is Israel.
I could have written more in that vein, much, much more, but thought most posters on here were already full bottle on the machinations of the most evil entity in the M.E. today. Have a good day and keep the pressure up.
You’re forgiven Eddy. I just notice that when the elephant farts–everyone is hyper aware of his/her presence and is rightfully indignant. But then come the next day–and he/she has once again “disappeared” from the scene–and I wonder–how does this large cancerous cauldron of human waste slip away from consciousness so easily–for me–the unpleasant essence is ever-present. I guess it’s that Stockholm Syndrome–where the victim begins to idolize his tormentor. Somehow the gentile has to break free from this bondage–if his children are to any future at all: For we are far to close to Yahweh’s abyss.
Comments are not supposed to be longer than the article on which they are commenting.
There’s a typo in the sentence where you link info about Venezuela having the largest proven oil reserves. You accidentally wrote US 🙂 Keep up the great work calling the establishment out on its BS. Love you!
Articles like this one are the reason the anti-war movement will never be politically relevant or go mainstream in the United States (when there isn’t a Bush in the White House for the Democrats to hate, at least), and all of these interventions they keep decrying will keep right on happening. Because someone has a blog to write, eyeballs to attract, and a “look at how anti-imperialist I am!!” persona to protect at all times.
You don’t honestly think the US is the only nation that engages in propaganda, do you? But yeah, Venezuela doesn’t ever put out its own propaganda, of course. Maduro has backing from Russia, China, and Cuba – but it’s just the evil US that engages in foreign interventions, isn’t it….
CO, which countries have been overthrown by Russia since the fall of the USSR? Which countries have been overthrown by the Chinese since Mao?
Does that mean it shouldn’t be called out? Of course it should, especially considering the US is the most dangerous country actively engaging in propaganda to push it’s anti-human imperialist agenda.
you should change your moniker to ‘captain shithead’, as it would reflect your person much better.
I find it either ironic or sick that Trump is trying to throw out a legitimately-elected leader of Venezuela (Maduro) while fighting off claims that he is an illegitimate leader of the United States. And with miscreants like John Bolt-on and Elliott Abrams leading the way, its bloody obvious that there’s nothing good that will come of this. And we can’t forget Mike Pompous, either.
As usual, we had an incoming leader who promised to get us out of all our “bad” wars, and not get us into any more of them. I guess the first part only meant wars in the Middle East, and the second only meant wars against Russia. WHATEVER!!! I think that giant red BULLSHIT alert is now steady, instead of just flashing. It’s incredibly bizarre that the United States apparently has the right to cast a large vote in these elections, no matter where in the world they occur.
Ms J, your article would be more credible with less scatological language.
I don’t believe the MSM take on much of anything (e.g., pot and vaccinations) because they threaten me with guns if I don’t (at least act like I) believe them.
I take a similarly skeptical view of people who confuse F-bombs and the like with eloquence. (See the speech scene near the end of *Bad Moms* for what I think you’re reducing yourself to.)
Your work is valuable, as is preaching to the choir. But if you would like to get “morons” (e.g., people who think Pompeo is a good guy because he keeps an open Bible on his desk) to read and consider the substance of your arguments, you might want to limit your vocabulary to what they would want at their dinner table when their children are present.
AS one who lived 17 years in Venezuela up to recently, my question is: who is the bimbo that wrote that iece?
Civility ?????? L.O.L. Only the folks who have never been on the receiving end of the N.W.O. can spout this crap. Where is the “civility” when Obuma can target anyoe he dislikes for MURDER via Drone, where is the “civility” when Australia stands alongside these butchering murdering psychopaths, every U.N. Charter is breached by the U.S. and their good Sherrif in Australia and folks would like us to maintain “civility”, meanwhile the Americans, including their President can openly threaten others with death and destruction, regime change and ILLEGAL sanctions but never taken to account for their breaches of ” civility” ????????? Clearly, some folks will suck the Kool Aid until they are confronted with their own mortality, then it’s too late.
Thanks, Eddy. Civility is the order of the day when people don’t have good arguments. Civility is the hidey-hole of the bourgeois who want to pretend the world is nicey-nicey. I’m fucking sick of civility and prefer TRUTH. I’m sick of people who don’t mind murderers as long as the murderers have a smile on their face and don’t use four-letter words.
It’s a g-damn shame
that ”fucking morons” get to run the world.
Only Mother Nature can wipe the scum-bags off planet earth:
On Contact: Climate emergency with Dahr Jamail
I have reached out to Richard Bronson (Billionaire) for over 15 years. No response. Peace and Justice issues are not his concern. Stuff like kite flying with young women nude and Obama are important. No Blood For Oil, Pigs.
Get out my way you Dick! Have a nice day.
Fuck Virgins? No, Fuck Virgin Company’s.
IMO, The Beast Rabban’s latest “all options on the table” and “Maduro’s days are numbered” indicates to me the strong possibility of a large-scale drone or cruise-missile attack, immediately followed by a helicoptered military force landed in Caracas to protect Agent Orange’s new Capo and his supporters and to mow down any “rebels” that stand against Guido (and I do mean “Guido”).
Agent Orange cannot let his regime change operation in Venezuela get slowed down to the point that it might interfere with his campaign plan. IMO, in a month or less we’ll know Maduro’s fate.
Unfortunately, The Terminator/Borg US is on the move and the only way its going to stop is if an outside force stops it.
John Bolton’s tweet about embracing democracy says it all.
I follow Caitlin, and I appreciate her well considered and researched analysis. However, I am now tiring of her knee-jerk vulgarity and anti-male sexist remarks. I hope she cleans-up her commentary, otherwise she will slip into irrelevance.
I LOVE Caitlin’s vulgarity and am sick of “polite conversation” when it comes to murdering people wholesale, something the U.S. is supremely good at. And I’ve not heard any anti-male remarks from her, and sexism, I will remind you, is like racism: it’s prejudice PLUS power. Next you’ll be telling me women run the world.
Sorry. Vulgarity always weakens the point you are trying to make and is simple lazy.
Haven’t you noticed that the ones who most strongly urge “civility” are the Establishment types , of both the political class and the MSM ? If someone stands up in a town hall meeting and says : ” Mr. Rubio , sometimes you’re not very nice ” , he can deflect that very easily. If instead someone says ” Rubio , you’re a fucking psychopath ! ” , he’d be left speechless , even after the cheers and applause died down.
Fuck civility. We’re way past that point. If there’s no response to our currently-uncivil demands , there’s likely to be another stage beyond that which I suspect you’d like even less. These are the good times , relative to what’s possible.
You need to REPROGRAM your brain.
Contrary to what you’ve been brainwashed to accept these days, it’s perfectly natural to feel ANGER, which is a natural responce, there is nothing wrong with feeling anger, in fact it does you good to release such feelings. An accepted method of releasing that ANGER, is by expressing that in appropiate WORDING, if some folks find such “vulger” maybe it’s time they themselves released their own pent up anger. Let’s face it, if your not angry at what’s being done on a day to day basis on INNOCENT people’s, against the folks who are foisting these actions upon them, have you ever considered you may have a personal mental issue as a direct result of with holding those feelings ???
I think it’s called Narcissism …
This remains ever more relevant to the situation of truth vs power:
Caitlin writes about things in terms explicit of how she feels about them. Anyone who appreciates the content but not the expression needs to re-write it to suit their own sensibilities and then on-share it to folks they feel might be like them.
There’s a job for everyone in this almost overwhelming shit-fight. People need not simply sit on their arses and warm themselves by consuming found concurrences. Everyone needs to stand as they can and create some action of their own. Caitlin is a conduit, not a messiah.
Well said Greg!
I guess it’s time to take some risk: https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/Israel-Authorizes-Organ-Harvesting-Weapons-Testing-on-Palestinian-Prisoners-Report-20190226-0024.html
More of the saame from our chosen leaders:
caitlin’s language is just fine. I like it. As for her {supposed} anti-male sexist remarks…I don’t see it. caitlin makes equally rough calls on females she sees committing major fuck-ups. Or, for the more psuedo-sensitive readers “screw-ups, mess-ups, etc”. Go Caitlin!
Just like Obama supporters who saw right through Bush-Cheney yet blindly accepted his actions which hardly differed. Politics is like a religion, based mostly on faith.
In other words, the party faithful (red or blue) are morons. Some of the rest just struggling to survive overwhelmed by propaganda and not knowing what to believe, and not really wanting to know the truth. Most are in denial.
Many who do see through the fog are smart enough to keep quiet and figure out how to profit from it. They know there is no future in the truth since only a minority know it , so they go along.
Emperor has no clothes syndrome. Only the crowd is deaf so nobody can hear the little girl scream that he is naked. After awhile she gives up. Pretty soon nobody will bother with clothes because China stopped making them for us, but we can pretend we have them like we pretend we have a Democracy
You nailed it! This is why I have to take a break from social media right now. I can’t take the idiocy of these people, and their hopium addictions.
This is a comment [below] I left on Paul Roberts web site–same old–same old–everyone in an uproar and confused about the insanity of Amerika’s domestic and foreign polices. I am going to put this out one more time and then perhaps walk away from the malaise that you all find yourselves in:
Israel runs Amerika’s domestic and foreign polices–and you all can stop pretending that you don’t this. I won’t bother to site the millions of pages of evidence–just post the three laws now making their way through congress–restricting any potentially pejorative comments regarding the Zionist and his mandate to rule the world [S-29140, S.198 and H.R. 5924].
So here’s what I left on PCR site–after scanning Pilger’s and Lendman’s articles:
“I scanned the articles–no mention of Israel–of course–somehow we all forget that Israel runs Ameika’s [I would assume they also run Russia’s– despite the the horrors of the Bolshevik Devolution] domestic and foreign policy. Pilger denigrates the white man in his article –and Lendman–Trump. Perfect–following right along with the program–white men are the true cause of all the earth’s problems–and the attack on Trump is meant to drive a wedge between he and the deplorables. Eventually Amerika becomes a no-man’s-land–and the Bolshevik revolution comes to your neighborhood. Venezuela is as much about Amerika’s demise as it is Venezuela’s demise–it’s another catalyst to initiate the destruction of the Empire–still standing in the way of the NWO.”
Peace-out sheeple–never mind the look in your child’s eyes as he or she is carted away. What do I mean–read Luis Marshalko’s “The World Conquerors”–you will then understand the extreme brutality and hatred of g-d’s [Yahweh] chosen people.
I would note your friends at Zero Hedge have been supporting the war, and an invasion of Mexico on sister site “What does it mean.” Weird. Get out of Syria, get into Venezuela? Who are they and Trump working for?
Sometimes I wish Caitlin would stop holding back and just come right out and say what she thinks…
What hole did you crawl out of… So now you just get to redefine Zionism? and start making acronyms with made up terms? Please do everyone a favor, learn a foreign language and take a extended vacation somewhere… maybe read some classic literature… just please unplug from the internet and get out of your basement… go experience the world for your self man… and if you still think there is an international redefined Zionist conspiracy, then well …
Try 9-11 for a start for a Zionist conspiracy(fact).Need some more lube? Or maybe your pinhead is easily inserted.
America is Israel’s bitch.
Read Kryon book eleven page 190. These books were given to me by Masonic uncle and rosicrucian aunt. Dam straight they did 9/11. They “channelled” in Tel Aviv to the U.N. in 2000 about a new ground zero. In 2001 they say now we know what this means. It’s a Zionist book, they ALL are. Every new age book is a $ making Zionist tool. I trust no one any more.
I’ll check it out–your postis the first I’ve heard about Kyron–did a tiny bit of research–see excerpt: “Lee is recognized worldwide as the original channel for Kryon, and has been honored over the years by seven United Nations invitations to channel Kryon at the UN building in New York city. The Kryon seminars are presented all over the USA and Canada, western Europe, Israel, Russia, Bulgaria, Poland, the Baltic states and much of South America.”
If this guy Lee Carroll is getting that kind of acceptance and exposure–you can be sure it is signed, sealed and delivered by our Zionist parasites. Thanks for the heads-up.
Appreciate it thanks Caitlin, I havnt read these books for 15 yrs or so. So u can imagine my horror when I picked it up after so long, and said let’s see what this Zionist shit has to say. And I opened straight to page 190. My heart felt fear, but it must be laid bare for all to see. Spread it around far n wide.
ASSANGE, let’s talk about that. I LOVE the man, I am Australian. BUT I had another Zionist punch in the guts a few years back. Here’s how it plays out. Something tells me to lexigram his name, I did. ANGEL JESUS is what u get. Then the rest followed swiftly. 1. Hair as white as snow. 2. Meek. 3. He is a Leo. 4. His sons name is Daniel…we all know what Daniel does. 5. Knew his father not. 6. His mother’s name is Christine. 6. In a book called the thirteenth stone by R.Lewis, he says the loneliest man in the world will discover a secret, Who was the loneliest man in the world, ASSANGE. 7. Same book, he shall come from Britain, what !. 8. When he comes he will be seen by all at once…internet ?. 9. I could keep on going, but my point is. Is this by Zionist design or what. I’m onto something, I can feel it. By way Caitlin I FUKN love your English. Keep up the great work.
Whilst the Whole World is watching what’s unfolding in Venezuela, NO ONE is watching what’s going on in the M.E. Syria and/or Iran.
Going by your own post, it’s very clear who is holed up in their basement.
Try taking your own advice and venturing outside into the REAL World occassionly.
I would not say there is a worldwide Zionist conspiracy, because I think it’s only a subset of Zionists involved. In America, for example, AIPAC, which is certainly Zionist, is supported by the Israeli government and a small number of very, very rich Jewish persons. There are many Jewish people who oppose its activities. On the other hand, the neoconservatives, who do not have a formal organization, are certainly Zionist although some of the members (e.g., Dick Cheney) are gentiles. The movement was started by a small group of Jewish (and Trotskyite) Zionists. The ones that bother me are the minority of Zionists who dedicate themselves (often to their great profit) to insuring that American foreign policy conforms to Bibi Netanyahu’s and the Likud Party’s goals, even when they are contrary to America’s best interests. Even when they are contrary to Israel’s best interests. Incidentally, I was born before WWII and spent 20 years in the Army, serving in both Europe and Asia. Yes, I spent a tour in Vietnam. I have been living in Thailand since I retired, and think I have seen something of the world.
I am getting so tied of American Hegemony and their relentless invasions, both through the media, proxy armies, and direct use of the CIA and their mercenaries. When will there be a strong voice to stand up to the corruption on the hill.
There are big problems in the world that could be solved or at least help for the suffering except for the hate and war mongers that pour on the gasoline and light the fumes.
Looking back, even into Cold War v1, it would have been easy to down ramp the nuclear standoff, or allow the people of South and Central America to substantially have land reform, or not demonize the USSR and threaten it, and in many other ways to respond with the opposite of hate.
But US elites will not accept anything less than supremacy. We know this now – they are out in the open that they consider the US ‘indispensable and exceptional’ which has been their supremacist narrative all along since WW2. It’s just lies, lies, and more lies. That is all they know how to do. But to be human is not what they know.
You put it very succinctly. U.S. elites, like all elites, are corrupt and evil, and in the end they will do themselves in. But meanwhile the suffering they cause, the destruction they engage in, are horrific and seemingly infinite.
Yes, they are either hopelessly corrupt or delusional in a full blown cognitive dissonance kind of way. Unfortunately I just covered millions of hopeless people. Venezuela needs reform, but not through USA controlled regime change for the purpose of destroying the country and stealing their natural resources.
Quote, “Venezuela needs reform, ” Unquote. SAYS WHO ???????????????
Venezuela, and whatever goes on within that nation, is NO ONE’S BUSINESS but the people’s of Venezuela. PERIOD ! It’s rather ironic, or a huge double standard, to constantly preach Democracy and Freedom, when we DENY the people of Venezuela the right to determine their own futures and interfere in their Business. Face it people, you CAN’T have it both ways. Preaching Freedom and Democracy and the refuse to allow the Venezuelan people’s THEIR FREEDOM to choose their own destiny.
Their economic situation is DIRECTLY the fault of the U.S. A. (And the U.S. is very much aware of this ) as the aims of the ILLEGAL sanctions imposed upon the Venezuelan people’s has the DIRECT purpose of imposing the hardships currently plaguing that country. To imply that now the U.S. wishes to AID those people, is the height of hypocrisy. If they are GENUINE in their claims, all they need to do, AT NO COST TO THE U.S. is REMOVE the sanctions and allow the Venezuelan Government access to it’s own GOLD and investments which are being held to ransome.
At the same time, MSM needs to add to their print, whenever mentioning the U.S. of A. (Hypocrits Incorporated)
It baffles me how someone with absolutely zero knowledge of a situation can be so opinionated about it.
1. Read a little or ask a Venezuelan about the current hell we have gone through for the las 20 years
2. More than 75% of our people -including the 4 million people that had fled the country in the last few years- want to have a different president. One that FYI is actually elected by our people, not someone who is a dictator that holds ”elections” every single year.
3. Those sanctions are to prevent the government to steal more money from our country. It is a proven fact that the ones at the top (Chavez, Diosdado Cabello, Maduro and so on) have stolen trillions of dollars
4. The problems with our economy are due to the fact that no one in the government has the knowledge required to be in charge of our oil production. They haven’t even done any maintenance to any of our refineries for the last 20 years. So yeah, if you are only producing to 5% of your capacity and giving away 95% of your capacity to Cuba and China for FREE, you do the math.
5. Of course Trump and co. want to have something to do with the freedom in Venezuela, since this crisis started more and more Venezuelans are living in Florida, they can vote, their vote is going to be key on the 2020 elections BUT you have to see the bigger picture, this is actually the first time that we have an actual option to put an end to this that is contemplated in our constitution.
6. BTW, to the author of this ”article”, Venezuela has never received aid from any country because that means recognizing the humanitarian crisis we are going through. Maduro and his allies are always telling in their speeches that our economy is the strongest in America.
7. The humanitarian crisis does exists. People are dying and have nothing to eat nor medicines. Cancer patients die due to lack of treatment. Babies are born and put into carton boxes because there is not proper equipment in any hospital.
8. The government is always taking money from China and Russia, they are taking it as loans for the country but in realty the are stealing it and add more debt to our country
9. This concert was not bull nor trump propaganda. It was actually a clever way to have a lot of publicity on those aids that we desperately need, it draw attention to the aids and to what happened next. The army burnt the food and medicine we were desperately waiting for while killing and hurting people in the process. (just in case there were any doubts the kind of dictator Maduro is)
10. The concert was also a way for people to donate while having the perception of receiving something in exchange. Have you heard of a freebie before? Marketing 101. That was a call to action
11. I could go on an on about many many thing that are wrong about your comment and this article but it is late and I rather sleep than waste my time. This is my story. It has been my reality since I was 8. Again, read before give your opinion about something you have absolutely no idea about, its sad, pathetic and downright ignorant.
12. Whoever the author of this ”article” is, please refrain to use my country and our situation in your narrative anti-state/ anti-war/ anti-wathever.
Anto, is anything you posted the responsibility of the US to correct?
It baffles me, how someone who CLAIMS to have lived thru hell these last 20 years in Vnezuela can IGNORE the damage done to their country by these ILLEGAL Sanctions imposed upon them simplty because they refuse to bend the knee to the Americans. If you can;t see that, then maybe you need to emmigrate to Florida where the rest of your crowd are currently stirring the pot to murder your country folk because they refuse to allow America toi turn their country into the next Afghanistan Iraq, Syria Libya, Yugoslavia, Vietnam. I could go on, but history tells us all we need to know.
Well said Caitlin – thanks!!!
And in a closely related matter, “Saudi Arabia inks $10 billion refinery deal with China as crown prince visits Beijing”
I wonder what currency was used to close the deal?
I wonder how Agent Orange, Yosemite Sam and The Beast Rabban feel about this warming relationship between the murderer MBS and Mr. Xi? A little voice tells me that the US’s holy mission to find an alternative to Saudi Arabian oil has been revved up to Warp 7. I wonder where the three monsters will find that alternative?
The house of Saud is nothing but the hidden face of Israel.
Currency used is blood sacrifice while promising wealth and power in return.
What is the difference between Xi and MBS? Just nationality but with same faith while serving the God of Mammon and to distract the world audience while usual robberies and slaughter take place elsewhere.
Imagine it’s February 5, 2003: Bill Gates is about to host an #IraqAidLive Concert on the border, before the world (simultaneously presented to the UN) – because WMD were assuredly proven to be hidden in various food storage warehouses. Since these discoveries, he proclaims, their populace is forbidden to eat. As the opening song is about to begin, the following streams across every medium on the planet: “We know where they [Iraq’s WMD] are. They’re in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south, and north somewhat.”
Article says we do….where is it proven that the US has the largest proven oil reserves?
Yeah, that should have been VENEZUELA has the largest….
Caitlin, please correct the typo. Thanks!
The oilygarchs [sic] are starting to run scared and this is the kind of thing that scaring hell out of them …
It’s a Zionist operation that’s going on in Venezuela. Zionism is the political ideology of the Western empire’s drive towards a one world government run by powerful Jewish elites. ZOG (our Zionist Occupied Governments) are planning a war with Iran, they’ve sent the CIA/Mossad into Venezuela as Phase 1 of this plan to control the oil supply so the markets don’t go crazy when Iran is under siege.
NuttyYahoo is going to Moscow to explain it all to Mr. Putin. Will Mr. Nutty make Mr. Putin an offer that he cannot refuse?
We’ll soon see Mr. Putin and Mr. Xi’s next moves and counter-moves with respect to Venezuela in the near future.
Mr. Netanyahu has made many trips to Moscow over the last couple of years. You wouldn’t know it from the MSM, but if you check sites like Moon Of Alabama, Sic Semper Tyrannis, and Informed Comment you would get more information. Funny, you don’t see accusations coming from the NeverTrumpists that Bibi is a Russian stooge. Full Disclosure: No,I am not a Trump supporter, but I think much of the Trump Derangement Syndrome is a desperate attempt by the centrists (i.e., center-right establishment) to hang on to their highly-paid positions.
Knackers, good take. War is coming, just as planned by the zionists, and everyone is trying to jockey themselves into fortifying their positions before it goes hot.
Info, who and what exactly are the “they” and the “Zionists” that everyone alludes to but no one names. Surely until the real identity of humanities enemies are identified and called to account, nothing worthwhile can happen. It is patently obvious that Trump, Macron, and May do not represent the peoples of their respective countries.
Brad, zionists are the New World Order globalists, mostly banksters, who are seeking to build a one world government run by jews. There is plenty of info available for anyone interested in knowing. The other “they” are the rest of the players in geo-politics e.g. Russia, China, the Brits etc. Think in terms of crime syndicates each vying to be the Boss of Bosses.
No Blood for Oil
That this coup is so obvious it begs the question Why are they being so brazen about it? Are they so sure no one will give a shit or is it because they have become so desperate they have to throw caution to the wind? This “coup” could go hot today, Feb 23 with the “aid” being forced through into Venezuela.
https://youtu.be/3V-O2Td6NeE Another flashpoint with Russia and China.
Quote, “That this coup is so obvious it begs the question Why are they being so brazen about it? “Unquote
Because they know, the majority of the Western Nations are so compromised they will not object, press releases from all over, verify this by reporting that all these nations have also, thrown caution to the wind and jumped on board the doomsday bus in support. None of these nations, including the U.S. seem to be aware, (or if they are, couldn’t give a stuff, about their signatures with the U.N. calling for them to adhere to the U.N. Charter) that they are acting ILLEGALLY and CONTRARY to the U.N. Charter of which they claim, from time to time, to be adhering to, and use as a tool when it’s to their advantage, otherwise totally IGNORE, as they are doing now. This behavior makes a mockery of the U.N. and it’s Charter, which ever since the ILLEGAL invasions of Iraq, seems to be vindicated by these further ILLEGAL and CRIMINAL actions.
There is no longer any International Laws or Conventions Governing Human behavior on this planet. Hence, from here on Rafferty Rules and ANYTHING GOES ! The U.S. and it’s accomplices need to be aware, anyone on this planet, can now behave in similar fashion as these nations have done, placing these nations in the FAIR GAME category.
As you sow, so shall yea reap, has never be more true, than right now.
Agreed !!!!
Bald faced truth – you tell ’em!
Granted, this may be primarily about oil, but I believe destroying socialist governments is also a major factor. Look at countries destroyed by the US ‘democracy-installing’ missions, so many of them had free education and free healthcare and affordable housing programs. Chavez raised the literacy rate in Venezuela from appalling to almost 100% (one of the highest in the world), and two and a half million houses (and counting) have been built to bring decent housing to the poor. Some years ago, before I stopped listening to the lying propaganda outfit, the ABC (Australian state-funded broadcaster), one of their presenters referred to Venezuela as a ‘failed socialist state’ – this is one example of many from the presstitute media. TPTB will do anything – have done anything – to destroy socialism. Venezuela is just the latest on their list.
It’s not about OIL at all. All alternatives to central bank corporate captalism must be destroyed!!! From the great ELLEN BROWN:
“It may be about more than oil, which recently hit record lows in the market. The US hardly needs to invade a country to replenish its supplies. As with Libya and Iraq, another motive may be to suppress the banking revolution initiated by Venezuela’s upstart leaders.
The banking crisis of 2009-10 exposed the corruption and systemic weakness of Venezuelan banks. Some banks were engaged in questionable business practices. Others were seriously undercapitalized. Others were apparently lending top executives large sums of money. At least one financier could not prove where he got the money to buy the banks he owned.
Rather than bailing out the culprits, as was done in the US, in 2009 the government nationalized seven Venezuelan banks, accounting for around 12% of the nation’s bank deposits. In 2010, more were taken over. The government arrested at least 16 bankers and issued more than 40 corruption-related arrest warrants for others who had fled the country. By the end of March 2011, only 37 banks were left, down from 59 at the end of November 2009. State-owned institutions took a larger role, holding 35% of assets as of March 2011, while foreign institutions held just 13.2% of assets.
Over the howls of the media, in 2010 Chavez took the bold step of passing legislation defining the banking industry as one of “public service.” The legislation specified that 5% of the banks’ net profits must go towards funding community council projects, designed and implemented by communities for the benefit of communities. The Venezuelan government directed the allocation of bank credit to preferred sectors of the economy, and it increasingly became involved in the operations of private financial institutions. By law, nearly half the lending portfolios of Venezuelan banks had to be directed to particular mandated sectors of the economy, including small business and agriculture.”
The Venezuela Myth Keeping Us From Transforming Our Economy
Exactly, Ginko. Ditto Gaddafi and gold-backed African currency.
Owed by “Disney’ my friend, yet the Australian taxpayer funds this propaganda rubbish=fake news!
The U.S. government has long been national socialist, i.e. fascist, so the nonsense propaganda about destroying socialist governments is nothing more than transparent nonsense that plays with people ignorant of history. National socialism in the U.S. took a more firm hold than it had in the past when large numbers of Nazis were imported into the U.S. after WWII to staff the U.S. security state, and armed services. Father of closet case homosexual, and pedophile, GHW Bush, Prescott Bush, and many other plutocrats supported, and financed Hitler, while other douche bags, like the patriarch of the Koch sucker brothers’ empire, made their fortunes off of Stalinist Russia. The wealthy, and powerful are most often hard core criminals who could care less about political affiliation; and for them politics is nothing more than something to use to manipulate the masses.
Dennis, a great take, especially your last sentence.
I see you are among the many who misunderstand what the socialism in National Socialist is. I strongly recommend reading https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preussentum_und_Sozialismus
On the other hand, you might just figure that Hitler joined the Socialist Workers’ Party, took it over, and changed the name to National Socialist Workers’ Party. Certainly when he came to power he persecuted both communists and socialists with equal fervor and destroyed labor unions. In other words, the party no longer supported socialism, but retained the name to attract credulous people.
From my perspective, anyone who places creditability in a site that is based in the U.S. and persues U.S. interests is a fool.
I fear, Robyn, that therein lies the truth.
Robyn, very good observation, well done, am impressed that “some” Australians are finally seeing the light. I’m Australian too, and am totally disgusted at the traitorius behavior exhibited by our Parliamentarians and their followers. However, in all fairness, am similarly disgusted with the general populace of Australia, which every time is given the opportunity to make a difference at their elections, simply WASTE that opportunity by RE-INSTALLING the same people back into power, despite the FACT, these people do not have their best interests at heart. Such actions, I believe, are totally insane.
Australians need to WAKE T.F.U. and get away from the TWO party crap. Two parties that are so close in agenda, you couldn’t place a hair between them, yet Australians can’t tell how close and conspiring these two are, and vote for them time and time again. That’s CRAZY !
I look forwards to the electorate waking up to what’s going on, and voting for the smaller parties to destroy the stranglehold the two major parties have, that treat us with such contempt.(IMHO, well deserved contempt) Once these traitors realise their comfortable seats are no longer guaranteed and they MAY actually lose said seat, watch what happens. It can only benefit all Australians.
Eddy, there are no parties to vote for in Australia! Political parties that prefer sovereignty, independence and freedom for Australia from its shocking colonial past while being exploited and used as cannon fodder in both/all wars while Australian resources fill overseas and off shore bank accounts of foreign corporations. Once war criminals like Blair, G.W. Bush & John Howard will be prosecuted for their treasonous crimes and murder of innocent civilians a new party might arise in Australia that will look after only Australian affairs and not let blood for old value vampires. Until then we all need to hang in there.
The USA is on a agenda of starving every other side of life — education ,sanitation, housing public health ,truthful media ,everything that contributes to life, physical ,intellectual, moral, and spiritual –in order to maintain their military industrial complex run by psychophatic pygmies.
Someone who saw through Obama’s depravity in Libya and Syria but fails to do the same with Venezuela is like a guy who pulled his head out of his ass, then soaked his hair with lube and willfully re-inserted it.
Sums it up very well CJ.
You are so right not many who can see through this bullshit by the indebted slave society.
” Anyone Buying This Venezuela Bullshit Is A Complete Fucking Moron “…… Just a heads-up , Caitlin , you’ll need to post two more articles ( at least ) like this in upcoming days , but you should be able to use the same title , simply replacing “Venezuela” with “Cuba” and then also with “Nicaragua”. You know , “Troika of Tyranny” and all that. Bolton tells us what they’ll do , they do it , and then Bolton tells us what they’ll do next.
Just like the “7 Countries in 5 Years” warning by Wesley Clark , the fact that we know what’s coming doesn’t stop it from coming. It just means we’ve given them the pleasure of rubbing our faces in the shit long before they made us eat it. You see , we’re more than mere morons , we’re morons who are gluttons for shit sandwiches, always coming back for more.
Absoluetly spot on observation my friend, agree totally.
This article came to my email because I subscribed from this website, but it arrived in my spam folder instead of my inbox like usual. Maybe my email provider fiddled with their settings, but… can’t help wondering if it’s something else.
The United States Elite wants Venezuela’s oil. It’s as simple as that. The US’s shale oil experiment is not going to last much longer because it’s a money-loser. The recent Russian bomber trip to Venezuela and talk of a Russian military base in Venezuela must have alarmed and enraged the US Elite. Additionally, Saudi Arabia has been cozying up to the Russian Federation and selling at least some oil to countries who are not paying in USD. Therefore, the US Elite have decided that they need a regime-change in Venezuela very soon to, essentially, steal Venezuela’s oil.
Here is O’bomb’em’s March 9, 2015 Executive Order in which he declared “a national emergency with respect to the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States posed by the situation in Venezuela.”
So O’bomb’em declared that “the situation in Venezuela” posed such an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and “foreign policy” of the United States that a “national emergency” was declared IN THE US which, presumably, has been in effect for almost the last four years. This is an irrefutable fact, not “fake news”.
Almost certainly, CIA agents have been active in Venezuela since Obama’s executive order, which was a legal formality that was necessary to “legalize” taking that illegal action. The executive order made no mention of just exactly WHAT it was about “the situation” in Venezuela that was a threat to US national security and “foreign policy”. (Just exactly WHAT IS the US’s “foreign policy”, anyway — to take whatever it wants from wherever it wants in the world, or it will attack whoever owns it?)
The simple truth is that Venezuela was then, and still is, incapable of threatening the national security of the United States. IT WAS AN IMPOSSIBILITY IN 2015, AND STILL IS IN 2019, YET THAT DECLARATION WAS MADE! In short, O’bomb’em’s declaration was an outright lie and, therefore, everything that the US has done since that order violates international law.
Nicaragua and Cuba will likely be next in line to receive the US’s gift of freedom and democracy that the US so lovingly doled out to Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, etc. So far, anyway, Syria has refused delivery of the US’s gift, but never underestimate the power of false flags and warmongering US “lawmakers”.
Just look at what happened to Turkey and various EU countries as a result of the US spreading its wonderful freedom and democracy in Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, etc. — a tsunami of refugees and migrants struck them fast and hard. After Trump re-creates the US’s wonderful middle eastern utopias all over Latin America, there will very likely be a similar tsunami of “migrant caravans” heading northward to the promised land of milk, honey and slave wages. Maybe this is why Trump wants the (sea-)wall built ASAP, before the perhaps tens of millions of beneficiaries of the US’s utopias start fleeing northward.
Oh, I guess you missed the bulletin: Hezbollah is active in Venezuela. Mike Pompeo said so.
This guy left the government in 2012, 7 years ago. Now he’s speaking out against Maduro? Kind of fishy don’t you think? “In his interview, Mr. Carvajal — who retired from the intelligence service in 2012, after having served almost 10 years — offered a rare account of the internal workings of a government in which he said drug trafficking and corruption were commonplace, managed by top figures such as Néstor Reverol, the interior minister; Tareck El Aissami, a minister who served as vice president; and Mr. Maduro himself.”
“Venezuela’s Ex-Spy Chief Rejects Maduro, Accusing Leader’s Inner Circle of Corruption
CARACAS, Venezuela — A former intelligence chief in Venezuela who is one of the government’s most prominent figures turned against President Nicolás Maduro on Thursday, calling him a dictator with a corrupt inner circle that has engaged in drug trafficking and courted the militant group Hezbollah.”
BS doesn’t mean brown sugar. The NYT never lies(?) since becoming Zion
It looks like the US is rushing to “go all in” because the Three Stooges ramrodding this cy-op is afraid the internet chatter may turn their tables.
It also very telling that the quest for control of all the earth’s oil deposits by the deep state is they are not going to allow any green ideas to flourish any time soon.
“Someone who saw through Obama’s depravity in Libya and Syria but fails to do the same with Venezuela is like a guy who pulled his head out of his ass, then soaked his hair with lube and willfully re-inserted it.”
This made me laugh so hard I nearly fell off my chair.
Oligarchism is the poison that destroys all liberty and freedom in the last Nations on Earth that were/are semi free from the ruling banking patriarchs since the invasion of worlds that were/are foreign or not worthy as ones “home country”. Destruction and pillaging of savage civilisations in South America that “opposed” Christian religion, funded by sponsor merchants who made it possible for broke ROYAL fleets of Spain & Portugal to establish new profitable colonies that brought immense treasures to the money changers and two faced tribes and crumbs to the Royals. Always lingering beyond expeditions, strategically planting overseers of “Europe” to South American colonies during “glorious wars” on the oceans and in foreign lands during the middle ages to implant future royalties – the grants of power still to come.
The great, great, great offspring of the same profiteers that ruled the world beyond Royal families and courts than has not changed until today.
Branson the “nice” oligarch, Trump, Bolsonaro and the puppet Colombian Government sponsored by the same tribe of money-changers that “changed” the perception of natives through division, wars and deceit while funnelling all what was profitable into foreign banks and corporations – are alive and well as 400 years ago, while the spectators and natives today – of the worldly game of wars & profiteering – are diverted by opposing thoughts and conflicts.
Suffering of natives and their blood can always be turned to Gold, Oil, gems or future dependencies with heavy chains and bloodshed. Nothing has changed even today while millions of earthly dwellers busying themselves taking sides of seemingly opposing worldly news while the raping and pillaging of the planet continues unharmed and the blood of innocent flows in rivers into the same blood hungry ocean that seemingly welcomes sacrifice and perversion eternally.
Caitlin – You are a gem! Thank you!
Do you mean the Zionists?
What is a Zionist?
Or what is the meaning of words that can be turned, twisted and reversed while being prosecuted or set free by “authority”? Two faced or faceless is who ever does the opposite of what would bring peace, prosperity and freedom to all of humanity instead of a small self chosen group of superior beings while arguing about justice that is not different then injustice itself.
Jo, I tried to explain what a Zionist is, but my post was deleted. So much for a forum supposedly supporting free speech and freedom of information. You know the battle is lost when those around you begin to censor themselves.
Brad, let’s not forget that antisemitism (what ever that now stands for) is anti Australian (what ever that now stands for). Caitlin walks on very thin ice being a rogue journalist. While touching Truth anyone in Australia these days can be “Brendan O’Connel(d) instantly.
For what it’s worth, my post was not an anti-semitic rant. It was a rather innocuous explanation of how the alt-media views Zionism and importantly included a link to Macron conflating anti Zionism with anti Semitism (https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/emmanuel-macron-anti-zionism-anti-semitism-israel-jewish-state-france-president-racism-attacks-a7844711.html). Thanks for the piece on O’Connel. I didn’t pick up on it when it happened. MSM?
February 22, 2019
Trump’s Contra War Redux in Latin America
By Wayne Madsen
Today, in a period of de’jà vu, the Donald Trump administration has embarked on a Reaganesque policy of covertly shipping arms to Venezuelan rebels based in Colombia and Brazil readying for an insurrection against the government of President Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela.
Go to the link to read the article.
Spot on mate.
There are so many reasons to be suspicious of anything the US government, or its president, says. Anyone with just a modicum of intelligence, who is prepared to spend just a few seconds using their brain, can see the contradictions, lies, distortions and insincerity of the messages (narrative).
For me, personally, I don’t believe or trust anything that most Western governments say, except perhaps about very minor things that vested interest groups don’t care about.
When it comes to Trump, there should be no doubt in anyone’s mind that the man has no good intentions whatsoever. There is not a single altruistic bone in his body. He doesn’t want to do good, he doesn’t even know how to do good. Doing good for him is something that benefits him and harms others. He only understands beating people, making them suffer, making them lose, so why should anyone believe that he and his government have good intentions towards Venezuela?
“..For me, personally, I don’t believe or trust anything that most Western governments say, ..
But you believe non-western governments. Idiot.
You are so right Caitlin. This takeover is so obviously illegal.
Also, Live Aid is a complete scam.
Live Aid: The Terrible Truth
On the 30th anniversary of Live Aid, we’re republishing SPIN’s 1986 exposé on the so-called “global jukebox”
Written By SPIN Staff July 13 2015, 2:57 PM ET
One night at dinner in late 1985, a friend talked about Ethiopia being in a civil war. Neither I nor anyone else at the table had heard that. It hadn’t been covered in the American press. This was just six months after the Live Aid concerts in Philadelphia and London had directly and indirectly raised over $100 million dollars for famine relief in the African nation. The next day I asked my sister Nina, an assistant at SPIN then, to research this, because if the country was at war, it would surely be difficult to move aid around and get it to people who needed it.
In those days we didn’t have the Internet, so research was done by going to the library and trawling through endless spools of microfiche — film of newspaper pages from around the world. That evening she came into my office ashen faced — she had discovered it was clear, and very well evidenced, that this famine, the awful depictions of which had pulled on the world’s heartstrings, was man made, by government planes deliberately napalming rebel farms.
Every year Ethiopia experiences some degree of drought, the worst ones bringing famine. But the country historically dealt with this. Some years were worse than others. In 1984 the famine that inspired first Band Aid’s “Do They Know It’s Christmas?” and then Live Aid, was very bad and people were dying of starvation. But the cause was less nature than cynical genocide. A fact apparently so easy to discover that an editorial assistant barely out of college did so in a matter of hours at the library.
I asked Bob Keating, a superb young investigative reporter who had just started working with us, to look into this for a story. The assignment was simple — all this money had been raised, where was it going, was it actually doing good?
He discovered it was not doing good, but, horrifically, unimaginably, the exact opposite. The Ethiopian dictator, Mengistu, until then deadlocked in the war, was using the money the west gave him to buy sophisticated weapons from the Russians, and was now able to efficiently and viciously crush the opposition. Ethiopia, then the third poorest country in the world, suddenly had the largest, best equipped army on the African continent.
By this time we had all seen the pictures and TV footage of Bob Geldof, the figurehead of Live Aid, bear hugging and playfully punching Mengistu in the arm as he literally handed over the funding for this slaughter. It was on TV now alright, but as an endless, relentless reel of heroic Bob Geldof highlights. He drenched himself in the adulation and no one begrudged him it, until our investigation exposed the holocaust that Live Aid’s collected donations had help perpetrate on the Eritrean independence fighters.
Most damningly, Keating reported that Geldof was warned, repeatedly, from the outset by several relief agencies in the field about Mengistu, who was dismantling tribes, mercilessly conducting resettlement marches on which 100,000 people died, and butchering helpless people. According to Medicins Sans Frontiers, who begged Geldof to not release the money until there was a reliable infrastructure to get it to victims, he simply ignored them, instead famously saying: “I’ll shake hands with the Devil on my left and on my right to get to the people we are meant to help.” -snip-
Thanks Chris
Always had my doubts but now I have the clarity I was wanting all this time.
You are welcome Michael. I think there are a lot more stories about Live Aid at Spin.
I have finally seen some coverage on PBS. showing the support Maduro has from the poor in Venezuela–the majority of the population. Christiane Amampour had Isabel Allende on her show the other night and she gave her quite an education about the (recent) history of US aggression in Latin America.
Who knows–maybe they (PBS) are starting to feel some shame over their lack of integrity. But who watches it anymore?
I saw that coverage as well! In fact, they covered some aspects of the situation that I have not seen reported ANYWHERE else. For instance, the fact that communities have developed their own local food banks in order to get around the embargo of goods and the fact that Maduro has organized a large militia to act as a guerilla force in the event of foreign intervention.
I’ve been pleasantly surprised by some of the coverage by PBS lately. A while back they did some excellent reporting from within the rebel held areas in Yemen. I’ve tried to encourage more of my friends to watch but, alas, most of them would rather imbibe the generic drivel offered by CNN and MSNBC.
Hi Caitlin
You have an error in your 3rd paragraph.
“We also know for a fact that the US has the largest proven oil reserves on planet Earth.”
You meant Venezuela, not US.
thanks for Everything
I ask that you do further research.
Hey Caitlin, don’t beat around the bush, tell us what you really think 😉
And isn’t it refreshing!
I agree!