In order to appease the internet censors, today’s Caitlin Johnstone article has been replaced with a breaking report from the National News Conglomerate. NNC: Obey.

Washington, D.C. (NNC) — Following the publication of the results of a groundbreaking new study this week, experts are now reporting that every single person who questions western military interventionism is both an antisemitic bigot and a Russian national.

Research analyst Les Overton is a senior fellow at the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Democracy (ASPCD), a Washington, D.C.-based think tank whose motives we can only assume are perfectly truthful and unbiased. He told NNC that the ASPCD’s research clearly shows that the rate of correlation between an individual opposing western foreign policy, harboring a virulent hatred of Jewish people, and being a citizen of the Russian Federation is “at least a hundred percent, if not more.”

“This is not to suggest that all Russians are antisemites or that all antisemites oppose American wars,” Overton reports. “Our research shows only that people who do oppose western military interventionism are both of these things.”

These findings track with revelations exposed by respected foreign policy analyst Max Boot in an article published yesterday in the Washington Post titled “It’s time to retire the ‘neocon’ label“. Boot explains that those who criticize the relentless warmongering of neoconservatism are actually facilitating antisemitism, writing that antiwar voices have been known to use that label “to suggest that Jews are running U.S. foreign policy.”

These findings also help explain the fact that British Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and US Congresswomen Tulsi Gabbard and Ilhan Omar have all been found to be arousing suspicion with their irrational affection for Vladimir Putin and irrational disdain for people of Jewish ancestry.

“Take Tulsi Gabbard, a longtime critic of US interventionism,” Overton said while explaining how ASPCD reached its conclusions. “Her affection for Syria’s Bashar al-Assad is well-documented, and Assad, being an ally of Putin, is effectively Russian. This makes Tulsi Gabbard a Russian by proxy, which probably explains why Putin loves her so much.”

“Interestingly, we have also found this same correlation between individuals who believe that poor people should be treated with kindness, and those who believe Palestinians are human beings,” added Overton. “We found a direct, causal and completely ubiquitous correlation between sympathy for impoverished and Palestinian people, a hatred of Jews, and an unwavering loyalty to Mother Russia.”

Overton advises westerners who find themselves questioning the wisdom and beneficence of the current liberal democratic world order that they can avoid the overpowering urge to betray their country to the Kremlin and begin loading Jews onto cargo trains by “watching lots of television and just kind of zoning out about everything.”




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34 responses to “BREAKING: Everyone Who Opposes War Is A Russian Antisemite”

  1. I always remember in school, learning from whence the word ‘analyst’ came from.

    Analyst Les Overton, has proven the Truth = ‘Analyst’ = A person who is both ‘anal’, and also LOST for words.

    Not only is this person a Second Grade reader/writer, but is also a Liar, Cheat & Thief.

    Don’t believe me? Go ask!

    By the way, there are NO Jewish people on planet Earth, so why all the fuss.

    There are Hebrews who know, and Hebrews who DON’T……..the Hebrews who don’t, call themselves ‘Jews’…a False name, False ID, False religion, False homeland, False language procedure, and whatever else you can imagine that is False!

  2. Mad Max Boot-up-his-ass says that we need to “get rid of the neocon label.” Huh?

    I guess we can. We can substitute “moron” for neocon; I guess even he could understand, then.

    I can think of a few other words we could substitute for “neocon” if that dipshit decides to tell me that his intelligence doesn’t reach up to the level of moron, though. Until then, I’ll reserve the title of moron to apply to most neocons, and King Dipshit will apply exclusively to him.

  3. Where can I read the research design?

  4. “Les Overton!” LOL

  5. Here is another US asshole, go home you criminal scum bag! Australians DON’T WANT CRIMINALS in our country! Piss off!

  6. Pompeo, truly a king size scum bag! I HATE AMERICA!
    “Pompeo Announces Ban On International Criminal Court Officials Probing US War Crimes”

  7. Damn the Internet censors, Caitlin. Full speed ahead.

  8. What am I doing here? I would like to think this is practice for learning how to write. You would think that an old guy who has at least read 5,000+ books would have learned to string two sentences together coherently, not I. So thanks for this space Ms. C. I am also practicing on Medium, and Word Press…..Let’s see, yesterday I introduced you to Mr. J. Krishnamurti. How’s about today I introduce you to Mr. Lewis H. Lapham, Satirist, master Essayist….The book is “Money and Class in America” It is an updated version of the 1988 edition. Author’s introduction to the New Edition~~~”A frivolous society can acquire dramatic significance only through what its frivolity destroys. It’s tragic implications lie in its power of debasing people and ideals.” -Edith Wharton…..”The populace may hiss me, but when I go home and think of my money, I applaud myself.” -Horace.(Mr. Lapham loves quotes) “At the higher elevations of Informed American Opinion in the spring of 2018 the voices of reason stand united in their fear and loathing of Donald J. Trump, real estate mogul, reality T.V. star, forty-fifth president of the United States. Their viewing with alarm is bipartisan and heartfelt, but the dumbfounded question, “How can such things be?” Is well behind the times. Trump is undoubtedly a menace, but he isn’t a surprise. His smug and self-satisfied face is the face of the way things are and have been in Washington and Wall Street for the last quarter of a century.~~~Trump staked his claim to the White House on the proposition that he was “really rich,” embodiment of the divine right of money and therefore free to say and do whatever it takes to make America great again. A deus ex machina descending an escalator into the atrium of his eponymous tower on Manhattan’s Fifth Ave. in June 2015, Trump was there to say, and say it plainly, that money is power, and power, ladies and gentlemen, is not self-sacrificing or democratic. The big money cares for nothing other than itself, always has and always will. Name of the game, nature of the beast.~~~Not the exact words in Trump’s loud and thoughtless mouth, but the gist of the message that over the next seventeen months he shouted to fairground crowd and camera in states red, white and blue. A fair enough share of his fellow citizens screamed, stamped and voted in agreement because what he was saying they knew to be true, knew it not as precept borrowed from the collected works of V. I. Lenin or Ralph Lauren but from their own downwardly mobile experience on the losing side of a class war waged over the past forty years by America’s increasingly frightened and selfish rich against its increasingly angry and debt-bound poor.~~~Trump didn’t need briefing papers to refine the message. He presented it live and in person, an unscripted and overweight canary flown from its gilded cage, telling it like it is when seen from the perch of the haves looking down on the birdseed of the have-not’s. Had he time or patience for looking into books instead of mirrors, he could have sourced his wisdom to Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis, who in 1933 presented the case for Franklin D.Roosevelt’s New Deal: ” We must make our choice. We may have democracy, or we may have wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can’t have both.”~~~Not that it would have occurred to Trump to want both, but he might have been glad to know the Supreme Court had excused him from further study under the heading of politics. In the world according to Trump–as it was in the worlds according to Ronald Reagan, George Bush pere et fils, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama–the concentration of wealth is the good, the true and the beautiful. Democracy is for losers.~~~Ronald Reagan was elected President in 1980 with an attitude and agenda similar to Trump’s–To restore America to its rightful place where “someone can always get rich.” His administration arrived in Washington firm in its resolve to uproot the democratic style of feeling and thought that underwrote FDR’s New Deal. What was billed as the Reagan Revolution and the dawn of a New Morning in America recruited various parties of the dissatisfied right (Conservative, neoconservative, libertarian, reactionary and evangelical) under one flag of abiding and transcendent truth–Money ennobles rich people, making them healthy, wealthy and wise; money corrupts poor people, making them ignorant, lazy and sick.~~~ Re-branded as neoliberalism in the 1990’s the doctrine of enlightened selfishness has served as the wisdom in political and cultural office ever since Reagan stepped onto the White House stage promising a happy return to an imaginary American past–to the home on the range made safe from Apaches by John Wayne, an America once again cowboy- hatted and standing tall, risen from the ashes of defeat in Vietnam, cleansed of its Watergate impurities, out-spending the Russians on weapons of mass destruction, releasing the free market from the prison of government regulation, going long on the private good, selling short the public good.~~~For forty years under administrations Republican and Democrat, the concentrations of wealth and power have systematically shuffled public land and light and air into a private purse, extended the reach of corporate , shifted the bulk of the nation’s income to its top-tier fatted calves, let fall into disrepair nearly all the infrastructure–roads, water systems, schools, bridges, hospitals and power plants–that provides a democratic commonwealth with the means of production for its mutual enterprise. The subdivision of America the Beautiful into a nation of the rich and a nation of the poor has outfitted a tenth of the population with three-quarters of the nation’s wealth. The work in progress has been accompanied by the construction of a national security and surveillance state backed by the guarantee of never-ending foreign war and equipped with increasingly repressive police powers to quiet the voices of domestic discontent. In the 1950’s the word public indicated a common good (public health, public school, public service, public spirit; private was a synonym for selfishness and greed (plutocrats in top hats, pigs at troughs). The connotations traded places in the 1980’s; private to be associated with all things bright and beautiful (Private trainer, private school, private plane), public a synonym for all things ugly, incompetent and unclean (public housing, public welfare, public toilet).~~~Reagan left office in 1989, the same year Donald J. Trump emerged as poster child for what the news media were touting as the second coming of an American Gilded Age more gloriously frivolous than the one known to Commodore Vanderbilt and Big Jim Fisk. Money was the hero with a thousand faces, greed the creative frenzy from which all blessings conspicuously flow. Time magazine in 1989 posed Trump on its cover fondling the ace of diamonds; Trump’s photograph was decorating college dormitory walls once reserved for posters of Dylan and Che; Trump’s 1987 book, The Art of the Deal, was up there in lights with Oliver Stone’s Wall Street and Tom Wolfe’s Bonfire of the Vanities.~~~When Money and Class in America was published in 1988, Trump showed up for the welcoming dinner party given by Ann Getty, billionaire patron of the arts and proud new owner of Weidenfeld & Nicolson, the books publisher. She didn’t expect Trump to read the book; his simple acknowledgement of its existence could be construed in 1988 as baptism in the temple of Mammon. Although the joke was unintended, his presence in Getty’s Fifth Avenue apartment seconded the motion of the book, which was to draw a satirical portrait of a society captivated by the story of Midas, mighty king in Greek and Roman legend, who wished that everything he touched be turned to gold. So too in 1988 the consummation devoutly wished in all quarters of the American body politic, on every tabloid forehead, breast and buttock angling to become commodity or brand, minted into the immortal coin of divine celebrity. Midas’s wish was granted by Dionysus, god of wine and ecstasy, and for one bright new morning in antiquity the king rejoiced in changing sticks and stones and sunflowers into precious heavy metal. But then so did his food and drink turn to gold when he touched it with his wonder-working hands, and he would have died of thirst before he died of hunger had not Dionysus released him from the prison of his golden wish.~~~The ancient king at least had the wit to know something had gone wrong with the IPO. Unable to lift or taste les poissons d’or he begged the god of wine and ecstasy for deliverance, and in 1988 I expected America’s propertied classes to experience a similar awakening. To mark the Midas touch to market–not a glad tiding of comfort and joy. The kiss of peace and death bestowed by the mobster god in the machine of creatively destructive capitalism. The writing of Money and Class in America followed from the assumption that the country’s befuddled overlords would soon regain their wits. At Ann Getty’s dinner table listening to Trump talk–lovingly about himself, loudly about stray topics running around loose in his Rush Limbaugh ditto-head–I took solace in the thought that any trend or spirit of the times shaped in the image of his willful ignorance and grotesque vanity was on final approach to sell-by date.~~~I was mistaken. Thirty years later Trump is president of the United States, and what in 1988 was a weakened but still operational democracy has become a dysfunctional, stupefied plutocracy.No matter who occupies the White House, or what the issue immediately to hand in Congress (environment or debt, military spending, immigration, health care, education, the wars on poverty, drugs and terror), the concentrations of wealth and power impose more laws restraining the liberty of persons, fewer laws restricting the license of property; open an ever-widening spread of income inequality, reserve an ever-larger share of the nations wealth to an ever-smaller fraction of its people.~~~The nation’s political discourse meanwhile has dwindled into the staging of election campaigns with candidates prized for the gift of saying nothing. Forbidden the use of words apt to disturb a Gallup poll or offend a bagman, they stand and serve as product placements for concentrated wealth, their quality to be inferred from the cost of their manufacture. Machine made tools so well-contrived they can be played for jokes and presented as game show contestants until on election night they come to judgement before the throne of cameras by which and for which they are produced.~~~The dream of riches has been the hallmark of the American experience ever since the first settlements in the seventeenth century wilderness were set up as joint ventures backed by divine providence and British gold. Among the gentlemen adventurers offloading Dutch cannon and Geneva bibles on the shores of Massachusetts Bay, there were those who had come in search of El Dorado, betting their lives and fortunes if not their sacred honor on rumors of precious metal and grade- A beaver pelt. Others arriving with blueprints for a new Jerusalem were content to lay up stores of virtue awaiting heavenly reward after the long, New England winter in the grave. No congregation was at a loss for a sermon, a real-estate deal, or a discussion about the nature of their newfound wealth–wages of sin or sign of grace, proof of the good Lord’s infinite wisdom or the result of a sharp bargain with a drunken Pequot Indian.~~~The framers of the Constitution, prosperous and well-educated gentlemen assembled in Philadelphia in the summer of 1787, shared with John Adams the suspicion that “democracy will infallibly destroy all civilization.” agreed with James Madison that the turbulent passions of the common man lead to “reckless agitation” for the abolition of debts and “other wicked projects.” With Plato the framers shared the assumption that the best government incorporates the means by which a privileged few arrange the distribution of property and law for the less fortunate many. They envisioned an enlightened oligarchy to which they gave the name of a republic. Adams thought “the great functions of state” should be reserved for”the rich, the well-born, and the able,” the new republic to be managed by men to whom Madison attributed “most wisdom to discern and most virtue to pursue the common good of the society.” The words for their enterprise the framers borrowed from the British philosopher John Locke, who had declared his seventeenth century willingness “to join in society with others who are already united or have a mind to unite, for the mutual preservation of their lives, liberties, and estates, which I call by the general name property.” Locke could not conceive of freedom established on anything other than property. Neither could the eighteenth century framers of America’s Constitution. By the word LIBERTY, they meant liberty for property, not liberty for persons.~~~But unlike our present-day makers of money and law, the founders were not stupefied plutocrats. They knew how to read and write (in Latin or French, if not also in Greek) and they weren’t preoccupied with the love and fear of money. From their reading of history they understood that oligarchy was well-advised to furnish democracy with some measure of political power because the failure to do so was apt to lead to them being roasted on pitchforks. Accepting of the fact that whereas democracy puts a premium on equality, a capitalist economy does not, the founders looked to balance the divergent ways and means, to accommodate both motions of the heart and the movement of a market. They conceived the Constitution as both organism and mechanism and offered as warranty for its worth the character of men presumably relieved of the necessity to cheat and steal and lie.~~~The presumption in 1787 could be taken at fair and face value. The framers were endowed with the intellectual energy of the Eighteenth century Enlightenment, armed with the moral force of the Christian religion. Their idea of law they held to be sacred, a marriage of faith and reason. But good intentions are a perishable commodity, and even the best of oligarchies bear comparison to cheese. Sooner or later they turn rancid in the sun. Wealth accumulates, men decay; a band of brothers that once aspired to form a wise and just government acquires the character of what Aristotle likened to that of “the prosperous fool,” a class of men insatiable in their appetite for more–more banquets, more laurel wreaths and naval victories, more temples, dancing girls and portrait busts–so intoxicated by the love of money “they therefore imagine there is nothing it cannot buy.”~~~Well readers, if you want more you will have to buy the book, it is not overpriced. O/R books New York-London….I just yesterday got him listed on Wikisource with a list of all his books. When I find an Author I really enjoy, I try to write to him/her to let them know how much I enjoyed their work, Mr. Lapham actually took a moment to acknowledge my letter, and he even mailed me a copy of his first Essay as Editor of Harper’s magazine in 1989, it was about the 900 million dollar windfall Alaska got when the oil pipeline first opened. Really enjoyed that consideration, not many authors can be bothered to respond to their readers. I subscribe to Lapham’s Quarterly which is basically short excerpts from the history of man. Different subject each issue. Good if you enjoy a romp through time. Would appreciate if I am wasting my time doing this kind of thing, you let me know….Sincerely yours….

    1. Carolyn Zaremba Avatar
      Carolyn Zaremba

      Get your own column.

      1. I can’t speak as to whether or not you’re wasting your time, but you are definitely wasting mine.

      2. Good advice!

    2. Lapham is great. But, puhlease don’t do that again.

    3. Thank you for that well written and totally understandable exquisite nugget of information … keep it up … thank you …

  9. @IMF demands end of democracy in Australia’s banking system, full ‘bail-In@
    Wow, this will truely knock your socks off, time to take your money out and run for the hills!

  10. On a similar note about how everyone who questions the status quo is an obvious traitor: It’s late at night and maybe my tinfoil hat is on too tight but was reading that “Bush Crime Family” book by Roger Stone where he stated bluntly in the forward, “The Bush Crime Family will have readers asking, ‘Why aren’t these people in prison?’”

    Is it ironic? Sure. Stone seems like a crook himself. But, also makes me ponder why, in a city of crooks, Stone would be made into such a villain. Perhaps his book attacking the Bush family had something to do with it?

    1. It’s not a matter of criminality, …
      It’s a matter of ‘the position of power to accuse’.

      And of course positions of power are ever turning.

      “Every great fortune begins with a crime”
      “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime”
      “.. for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, .. “

    2. Laws are written by those of wealth and power to assure that THEY stay on top, and the masses stay down.

      So, almost unavoidably, any commoner breaking out of that established social pecking order has committed SOME type of “crime” against the State. And they forever remain at peril for their indiscretion.

      A reason why most rich people cut a low profile, or at least don’t get into public fights with others, more rich and powerful than themselves.

  11. Caitlin you are so goddam indispensable to my daily read. Too funny and spot on.

  12. One can only shake ones Head while reading something so unbelievably stupid.

  13. Robert Browning Avatar
    Robert Browning

    Christ was the biggest anti-Shem there ever was. The biggest.

  14. I have several Jewish heroes, and I’ve had many Jewish friends. I think Israel is the most serious detriment to US foreign relations, and Russia could become our most valuable ally. (“our” = US flyover country.)

    I wonder how many people think both sentences can’t be true.

    1. “I have many Jewish friends” is exactly what an antisemite would say! /s

  15. LOL – good one, Caitlin.

  16. A secular nation militarily supporting and engaged on the sides of two sectarian nations;

    themselves theologically at violent odds.

    All based on historical traditions, claimed, without substance nor evidence, to have been ordained by an imaginary supernatural being.

    In an area of the world where we’ve no real strategic interest nor benefit.

    But bankrupting ourselves to project power over there, while collapsing in civilian unrest on our home front.

    Yup, I must be anti Semitic, anti Sunni, AND a Russian troll, cuz this just doesn’t make sense to me.

    1. No, Chris, you’re not anti-anything, except anti-war, which is good for you. Don’t worry. It makes no sense for a secular nation to be supporting and engaged on the sides of two sectarian nations, themselves theologically at violent odds.
      However, bankrupting ourselves to project power over there while collapsing in civilian unrest on our home front certainly makes no sense to me, either.

  17. I’m sorry, did I just condescendingly and mockingly roll my eyes out-loud? Sometimes I really just can’t help myself, sorry. I don’t mean to … Ahem Must be the same people that do the CDC vaccine studies…

  18. Klaus von Berlin Avatar
    Klaus von Berlin

    Organized political opposition has and have to be eliminated in wonderland and today also in Europa that has been the obtrusive policy of US political leadership for its existence if not to create what is effect a one party system and thus far making impossible the emergence of an alternative system like –Socialism Revolution is not a sit down blacktie dinner party.

  19. I wonder where Overton studied statistics, if ever. Without even seeing his data it is clear that he is misconstruing things. In 50 years of research, I have never seen an r=1.0 correlation. Common method variance perhaps?

  20. Delicious satire, but a sad commentary on the Paranoid States of America.

  21. Let them eat Carl’s.

  22. Is this serious? sounds like a spoof. It would be a canny idea to turn it into a sound bite and accompany it with roars of laughter.

  23. Well, these days “nasty Russians” are everywhere. Under carpets, in wardrobes, in elections, in Salisbury UK and even hiding as American patriots. What to do? Arrest them all or isolate, but the Russian Jewish Oligarchs in US & COL is not too logical! Shoot them, poison all or bar them from facebook and youtube – too challenging! Help them (the Russians & their twisted commie supporters that hate REALITY, TRUTH & Authority and do not care for political correctness) kill each other in division or vaccinate truth and patriotism. That is the only kosher way and very economical – if not WW3 can always come to the rescue.

  24. Linda D Gentsch Avatar
    Linda D Gentsch

    This really should be sent to The Onion. I have said for several years that we no longer needed The Onion since the utterances from our politicians, military, intelligence and MSM are incredibly funny and satirical. Well they would be funny if not so devastating.

    Great article Caitlin.

    1. “We no longer need The Onion”

      Yep. Trump, Pompeo, Bolton, Abrams, Shumer, Schiff, Pelosi, Wasserman Schultz… all guilty of gallows humor, but they don’t know it.

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