A lot of you have probably noticed that my website has been having a lot of issues lately. The good news is that this has been because my old hosting plan has been struggling to keep up with the traffic that this site has been getting lately due to so many people visiting it now. The even better news is that I finally coughed up the money to upgrade my hosting service to one which can actually keep up with the new level of traffic.

Hopefully this new move will resolve all my site’s issues. If you still encounter problems going forward, please let me know about them and rest assured that I’ll work on finding a resolution as soon as I can.

If you haven’t already subscribed to my site’s mailing list I strongly encourage you to do so; the internet censorship on social media is only going to get worse so it will get increasingly unlikely for you to see my latest publications on Facebook or Twitter or wherever. If you subscribe you’ll get an email every time I publish. Tim and I have some big plans for 2020, with a lot of exciting announcements in the coming months.

I’ll probably be taking a break from publishing for a few days because hosting the family Christmas this year is taking up too much of my headspace, but I’ll probably still be active on Twitter. Thank you all so much for your incredible support, and for getting this site to the level it’s at now. I promise to keep sticking it to the bastards until they’re down for the count.

Gobs of love and merry Christmas, and may 2020 be the year we finally drive the stake into the heart of the beast once and for all.


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45 responses to “CaitlinJohnstone.com, Now With Actual Traffic Capacity!”

  1. How can I contact Caitlin? There is an important area of research which the dynasty of elite European rulers and their paid agents have been working for millennia to hide and keep out of focus for the general population. They did that by means of assassinations, destroying ancient historical records, misrepresenting history and trying to hide evidence and facts about a bold and influential leader who started leading a revolutionary movement nearly 2000 years ago. His novel and brilliant strategy was aimed at precipitating a global socio-economic and political crisis which will culminate in the formation of a new and much better world order. The worldview and philosophy of life which inspired and guided that revolutionary movement is potentially devastating to the status quo. In fact, when first taught, accepted and practiced among supporters of the revolution, the rulers and their agents acted quickly to arrest, torture and execute the leaders and intimidate their supporters into abandoning their commitment to the movement. Instead the movement went underground. The Liberator’s unique and brilliant strategy for leading a revolution and defeating the rulers of this civilization and their agents was encrypted in His lectures, parables and records compiled by His followers who proclaimed Him as God’s Chosen One, destined to become King of kings and Ruler of the earth. The illustrious title “Ruler of the earth” is premature but nevertheless fitting for a man of His calibre, intelligence, wisdom and empathy.

    After the movement went underground, the rulers sent their agents as spies to infiltrate among supporters of the revolution. The spies were smart academics, commissioned to influence, coerce and mislead. They identified the key leaders, had them secretly arrested and executed and then the academics usurped the authority of those original leaders, hijacked the movement and brainwashed the remaining naïve, intimidated and confused supporters. This brainwashing and coercion succeeded and concluded with the formation of the Roman Catholic Church in alliance with the so-called “Holy Roman Empire.” The revolution was almost defeated by those sinister tactics but not completely.

  2. Sad Christmas for Kylie and Julian


    Ask Teheran, would they let Kylie (and others) return home if Assange is set free.

  3. A couple of articles to help you think a little.
    German Bundestag member Andreas Nick warned that “It’s an issue of national sovereignty, and it is potentially a liability for trans-Atlantic relations.” That Trump is needlessly alienating important countries like Germany that are genuine allies, unlike Israel and Saudi Arabia, over an issue that is not an actual American interest is unfortunate. It makes one think that the wheels have definitely come off the cart in Washington. This article is here:
    An alternative explanation is that what started as a straight forward political corruption case bumped into a long pattern of behavior. In the course of investigating that pattern, the trail went much further back than the 2016 election. If there is evidence of abuse going back to 2012, maybe it goes back further. It was the Bush people, after all, who pushed for the creation of secret courts and secret warrants. Maybe Dick Cheney was listening to your phone calls after all. This article can be read here:

  4. Please in 2020, stop voting!

    Do not participate in this scam organized by the same people who organized the sad 9/11 event in 2001.

    Since 9/11, we have entered the return of the days of Noah. So everything is a lie and I pray the Rosary to hasten the Second Coming of Jesus to put an end to this nightmare.

    And according to many prophecies, His Glorious return is very near!

  5. Julian’s Christmas:
    > Julian Assange called my family from prison this Christmas Eve while we were preparing for dinner. Please spare a thought for him. He spoke to my wife, Pranvera and our girls – who remembered Christmas with him in 2010 when he was our guest while on bail.
    > This was the last time that Julian had a family Christmas. He told my wife and I how he was slowly dying in Belmarsh where, though only on remand, he is kept in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day and is often sedated. His US extradition proceedings start in February…
    > and he desperately needs our support.
    Vaughan Smith — @VaughanSmith — Twitter — Dec 26, 2019

  6. Here’s hoping 2020 is a breakthrough year and Jimmy Gulag gets out a little more.

  7. leaving impeachment where it is is OK. in fact doing it over again and again including some of the evils Dumbercats did before and after the Bushies. and the “Colored people” revolutions” . i dunno.
    i thot all the recent wars were illegal and so cold-blooded murder of grannies and kids. my bad i guess. i’ll take all the blame if we would only stop it. i’ll support out troops when their back on the farm.
    And stealing Aristide 2X, Zelaya oncet, putting in Macri and Bolsonaro, Diem, wanna go back?! and killing Lumumba, is there a statute of limitations on murder? as well as Torrijos, Arbenz, the 3,000 innocents of 911, JFK,, RFK, MLK, Malcom X, Lincoln for printing money topay for war — why that dirty knave….Gandhi….oh the list of criminal actions worth of impeachment. how ’bout we impeach CApitalism since it really rules. AND jail Blackrock who now owns like 40,000 homes in CA, and another 4500 in Denmark.
    taking control of home ownership is another way to control the people, if food does not work. they’ll eat anything if they’re hungry.
    i like rent controls more than Zoning Nimbies, like Zombies, to shut up. if we eliminate quality controls and zoning we’d increase houseing by 1,000 percent within 90 days. every home owner in Frisco wants to be a high rise owner….and they all profess latte faire enterprise the Tao that made America great once for those who got financing from King George…and Victoria.
    i think the Harrimans’s received the Bronx and Westchester county….
    just across the river from west point. yep. oll keerect.
    the devil wears prada

  8. David Wayne Robidoux Avatar
    David Wayne Robidoux

    What would we do without REAL journalists like yourself. I feel bad as I dont have the funds to support you as this government has seen fit to continue their squeeze on what little I have to feed myself, but rest assured I will have the means to change that soon, and how could it be any other way when the power of good ness and light are so very much stronger then the darkness that seems to prevail today. For that light is us my friend and it is also them they just arent aware of it yet, In ending have a great holiday and tell your partner he rocks for being strong enough to stand next to such a powerful spirit !

    1. just a minute there cowboy: i wouldn’t place too much trust in the light since they control most of it. Even the sun has to regulated.
      take good look at the darkness. we could all rise up that way. it’s really friendly….imagine!
      once light was born, darkness did not try to down it out. and even tho’ Einstein said light was the fastest thing in the Universe, darkness was always already there, waiting with open arms to welcome it. no jealousy at all. in fact, the light itself could not even show up
      without darkness.
      so shake a LED and go outside at night and sit on a park bench in the dark. just start by shooting out the street lights and shouting “Darkness is god!” {Most of the time.}

  9. Jean-Christophe Galipaud Avatar
    Jean-Christophe Galipaud

    A very merry Xmas and New Year to you and your family Catlin. Having an incredible pleasure reading you even if I don’t always grab everything !!

  10. As for 2019, well, ….I’ve got … no expectations … I’ll pass … this way …. again.
    Since by now its mid-day down under, I hope the kids and everyone had a wonderful Christmas morning. 🙂

  11. “True compassion is more than flinging a coin to a beggar; it comes to see that an edifice which produces beggars needs restructuring.”

    ― Martin Luther King Jr.
    On a Christmas where TeleSur reports a study that says on this day celebrating the birth of the Prince of Peace, there are approximately 150,000,000 homeless children. We need to restructure a system that can create 150,000,000 homeless children

  12. And HERE is exactly where the stake must enter the heart of the present arrangement:

    1. Fascinating to see all sorts who’ve been masquerading as “alternative” writers all now suddenly fall into line and scream in pain “oh, no, we can’t impeach Trump!” This is putting a lot of people into perspective.
      This piece lost me when it was dead wrong in the opening. Under the American constitution, Congress can indeed impeach a president for being a bad President. Two quick points about the Constitution. In it, Congress is more powerful than the President, who was only to lead an Executive branch in executing Congress’s laws and decisions. And it is very vague as to the exact reasons why a President can be impeached, and just about everything fits under “high crimes and misdemeanors”. I stopped reading after a piece was so wrong so early.

  13. Hi Caitlin,

    Have a great Christmas, and let us hope collectively, because it will be the numbers that count, that forward progress can be made on some of the issues you have raised. You do a wonderful job, so have a great New Year too. Regards to your family, Tony.

  14. Heather Bolstler Avatar
    Heather Bolstler

    Merry Christmas Caitlin

  15. Noticed someone upstream from Scotland, so I decided to chime in from another corner of the planet here in Atlanta. I’ve had your site bookmarked for almost as long as you have had it up and running.

    Thanks for all your incredible work. I hope you and those near and dear to you have a wonderful holiday.

  16. Klaus von Berlin Avatar
    Klaus von Berlin

    Wish you and Tim all the best for the coming Year, and thanks for your wonderful writings.

  17. Thankyou Caitlin

    Merry Christmas to you and yours and to a joyful and prosperous 2020.

  18. Caitlin is against impeachment? I saw a post by someone saying she was in favor Thanks

    1. Caitlin doesn’t care about impeachment. It won’t remove Trump from office and will help his chances at reelection, but on the other hand it’s not like the Democrats are going to do anything to help actual people anyway, so whatever.

      1. leaving impeachment where it is is OK. in fact doing it over again and again including some of the evils Dumbercats did before and after the Bushies. and the “Colored people” revolutions” . i dunno.
        i thot all the recent wars were illegal and so cold-blooded murder of grannies and kids. my bad i guess. i’ll take all the blame if we would only stop it. i’ll support out troops when their back on the farm.
        And stealing Aristide 2X, Zelaya oncet, putting in Macri and Bolsonaro, Diem, wanna go back?! and killing Lumumba, is there a statute of limitations on murder? as well as Torrijos, Arbenz, the 3,000 innocents of 911, JFK,, RFK, MLK, Malcom X, Lincoln for printing money topay for war — why that dirty knave….Gandhi….oh the list of criminal actions worth of impeachment. how ’bout we impeach CApitalism since it really rules. AND jail Blackrock who now owns like 40,000 homes in CA, and another 4500 in Denmark.
        taking control of home ownership is another way to control the people, if food does not work. they’ll eat anything if they’re hungry.
        i like rent controls more than Zoning Nimbies, like Zombies, to shut up. if we eliminate quality controls and zoning we’d increase houseing by 1,000 percent within 90 days. every home owner in Frisco wants to be a high rise owner….and they all profess latte faire enterprise the Tao that made America great once for those who got financing from King George…and Victoria.
        i think the Harrimans’s received the Bronx and Westchester county….
        just across the river from west point. yep. oll keerect.

  19. I don’t and haven’t ever used social media., so fuck em. There are a dozen or so websites I visit every day, yous is one of them, and often follow links included there. Plenty to engage my mind.

    Merry Christmas Caitlin and company, and and a perfectly peachy new year.

  20. War Is Over If You Want It: Pointers for Spreading Some Christmas Cheer By John W. Whitehead

    “And so this is Christmas
    And what have we done
    Another year over
    A new one just begun.
    And so happy Christmas
    We hope you have fun
    The near and the dear one
    The old and the young.
    A very Merry Christmas
    And a happy new year
    Let’s hope it’s a good one
    Without any fear.
    War is over, if you want it
    War is over now.”
    ― John Lennon & Yoko Ono, Happy Xmas (War Is Over)

    What a year.
    It feels as if government Grinches and corporate Scrooges have been working overtime to drain every last drop of joy, kindness and liberty from the world. This article can be read here:

    Happy Holidays Everyone!

  21. Self-care, time off and enjoying family is important, Caitlin, so thank you but enjoy …

  22. Grid Bless, Caitlin. Happy Ho-Ho.

  23. Caitlin wrote:
    > Gobs of love and merry Christmas
    Happy Xmas (War Is Over! If You Want It) — John Lennon

    1. Thanks. Love that piece! I might have found it during this season anyways, but I am oh so very, very jolly to have it right in front of me.
      To Ram Dass ….. Fare Thee Well.

  24. I recently discovered your website and find the articles amazingly clear and to the point. I especially liked your discussion of the importance of narrative and how it’s controlled. An area in which this is being done big time is vaccination. One side declares they have the absolute truth and the science is settled, the other is branded insane and shut down immediately, often forcefully. For example, anyone who has questions or curiosity about the safety of vaccines is labeled an “anti-vaxxer” and often compared to “flat-earthers.” This includes the vast majority of questioners who are not against vaccination–they just want more information about specific vaccines.

    I highly recommend the following article to anyone who wants to get a sense of just what is actually happening, without any hype or need for extreme conspiracy theories:


    The article summarizes the 21 minute video that appears near the bottom. If you have the time, and if, like me, you need to be careful with what medications you put in your body because you often experience unexpected reactions and side effects, it is well worth watching.

  25. Thank you Tim and Caitlin!!! 🙂
    Here’s a strong second on joining the email list. I never missed a post, not even when the web browser was giving me database connection and dns cache issues!

  26. Yay, I can get back on again. I have gotten a 404 since before Halloween.

  27. 5G Problems & Solutions
    No More War

  28. Happy Christmas Caitlin and thanks for the wonderful writings. Have a good break!

    1. who is…dissentersunite
      is this some john galt thing?

  29. Thanks for showing / telling the truth, rare these days, and watch your backs!

    best wishes from the highlands of Scotland, have a great time off.

  30. Canada is not however “most nations”, but has rather had the misfortune of hosting some of the most virulent groups of rabid ultra-right wing Ukrainian fascists who were transplanted into the Prairies by Anglo-American intelligence networks in the wake of WWII. Today, many of these 2nd and 3rd generation Banderites control powerful institutions like the Ukrainian Congress of Canada (UCC) and have bred such confused and dangerous personalities as Canada’s own Deputy Prime Minister (and leading Rhodes Scholar) Chrystia Freeland.

    Acting from the epicenter of this fascist nexus in Alberta, Professor MacDonald has courageously decided that “enough is enough” writing on the topic of the famine which Ukrainian fascists have mis-labelled a “genocide targeting Ukrainian nationalism”. In his controversial facebook post, MacDonald wrote that “it was the Hitlerite Nazis who created the famine myth in 1933 to discredit the Soviet Union. This is who runs the US; is it still difficult to figure out why the US does what it does? And, this is also who runs the town I live in and they all identity as Jewish Zionists, and they most certainly live up to their Nazi reputation as well.

    1. Fighting half-truths with half-truths does not bring us forward. MacDonald is correct that Ukrainians were not targeted and that this is the nationalist myth held by western Ukrainians (my Kievan mother met them in 1941 and decided that she was Russian despite a father whose family lived in the Kiev area for over 700 years and a mother from Poltava, once noted as an area speaking the “purest” form of Ukrainian language). Those who defend Stalin’s collectivization (as MacDonald does, and a Counterpunch article notes that peasants “accepted” collectivization – much like today’s working populations accept elite-fostered narratives: go along to get along) policy tend to focus on the lies of the right-wing by looking only at one region; the collectivization effort killed 25% of Kazakhs in 1931. Kazakhstan’s climate is very different from the (yes, the!)Ukraine. Even the Chukchi of Siberia (an area with a climate different from the Ukraine and Kazakhstan) suffered, and just like American colonization, the effort, “This was the first and probably most effective step in fragmenting and socializing these northern societies (Slezkine, 178-183).” -https://russiasperiphery.blogs.wm.edu/russias-north-siberia-and-the-steppe/general/chukchi/ The nationalist Ukrainians get away with the myth because Russian peasants, who were also targeted, represented a much smaller percentage of the population of Russia “proper” – industrialization in the “Metropole” of the USSR, the Russian “republic”, was already much more predominant before the Revolution than other parts of the USSR’s inherited empire.

  31. Your new hosting service works perfectly. So here’s a warm greeting from the snowy north, wishing you a new decade filled with lots of inspiration and energy to keep you going, because judging by the traffic jam recently, more and more of us need you to jolt us into action.

    Have a great holiday break!

    1. Uhm… the new decade begins in 2021.

  32. too bad about christmas: jesus cant be capricorn. too corny. besides i had ex who was ca, and her bad karma was toomuch for even him to over balances. some say they moved his b-day to capture the pagan market for god, ifthereisagod. who only worshipped the sun, calling it back to them on it’s day of longest absence.
    anyway Xmas is fer kids. i tells ’em to leave me alone for couple days since i hit my head. got concussed by anevil eft turner….here in California…we’re already left so turning that way has a low priority. coming across oncoming traffic usually means you got to be cautious. of course in Australia you guys probably are reversed on that in YE olde English tradition.
    anyway i was so hassled each Xmas i began to think of it as a money making gimmick since Jesus was born in july….which for yo would be snowy. and he never saw snow. ever. i bet. all theorigianl jews were sephardic and now they can’t even get job ruling Is-real. sortof second class citizens there…makng Abraham moses soLomon and DAVID (IN CAPS FOR HIS 3,000 CONCUBINES….(is that what they called coed in those days. whyweren’t men called CO-educationals? becuase males rule. Yehweh was the first western male godhead. overthrowing Astarte and isis, and Hera centuries after Krishna killed off Kali-ites and sent them to the ghetooes.
    i cannot even use the word god the father since i know mother earth is way more important. as yo can see quite clearly in Bolivia where the coup was vs “saianism” Satan being male uber alles the Pachamama, people who thoughtof her as mother Earth….whichtome seems lots more importaant these days as if maybe:
    this is Heaven here on Earth and we should remember that. we came here from a past life and now we are ruining Heaven as it was perfect before humanity wrecked it. and anyway if that does not take off we should stillb ring heaven on down here where we can use it. huh? all the Rapturists are saying “it dont matter to me.”
    as they are assured of the christian heaven which like christmas, is really for kids. so they’ll be good until they grow up. you can kill anyone if they say they don’t believe in Heaven and they will go to heaven.
    so why clean up the planet? leave it for the heathens they say. but they don’t have the guts to kill themselves so they just go on killing others.
    Oikos means home economics in Greek and comes down to us as ECO; so ALL economics is home ec.
    tell the girls. will ya.
    i just cannot say WOE-man anymore. Mother Earth and her daughter GAIA , who is goddess of Life on Earth, are just fine. and they have no birthdays we can ever know of.
    the “woe” in woman came from all the dying in childbirth. reason for multiple wives was practical back then. now multiple husbands seems more reasonable. although i am male. i could use a wife about once a week.
    if we grew into it we’d have a chrstmas-like party once a month. and all months would begin onthe 21st to synch up with the longest night. and longest day…in da south.

  33. Merry Christmas to you and Tim and your families. Looking forward to winning this fight against the Empire.
    Best regards,

  34. Thank you Caitlin for all you do to bring Clarity, Truth to this crazy 3D experience. And sharing yourself. I love receiving all your posts!

  35. Happy holidays to you and yours, dear Caitlin! Enjoy your time off.

  36. Caitlin,
    Good to go here. Now as soon as Santa brings me that new computer we’ll both be back to full strength doing what we do best; you creating, me learning and enjoying!

    Merry Christmas and Happy holidays to all!
