Well the post-election battle rages on, with rank-and-file Democrats freaking out that Trump will remain in office by force (spoiler: he won’t, he’ll leave office peacefully like his predecessors) and rank-and-file Republicans freaking out that Biden will enslave them to communism (spoiler: he won’t, he’ll enslave you to end-stage imperialist neoliberalism like everyone else).

There are accusations of cheating and shenanigans on both sides, and at this point I honestly don’t know how to care about any of it. Like what am I supposed to say? “Oh no, you mean the fake election for two fake candidates is really fake??” One corporate war whore is as good as another. Let Raytheon pick the winner for all I care.

Anxiety remains high, with mass media going out of its way to play up civil unrest fears as protests and counter-protests erupt across the country. I’ll just reiterate what I said before the election: any violence as this thing unpacks will only benefit the powerful, will be used to justify authoritarian agendas which serve the powerful, and will in all probability have been instigated by the powerful. There are situations in which one can argue that intelligent application of force by the citizenry could have good results, but dying over what oligarch crony gets to rule you isn’t one of them. Please be smart and stay safe.

All that said, the election itself is now over. Which means the lies that people on the true political left have been telling themselves in order to psych themselves out for a painful Biden vote must now be dispensed with. “I voted against fascism” is a common mantra I’ve been seeing around social media lately, and it is one such lie.

I get that American lefties have had to come up with all kinds of arguments for their decision to help elect a right-wing authoritarian warmonger with whom they have nothing ideologically in common, and to be clear I am not interested in telling them they are wrong for doing so. I can’t fault any American for whatever way they choose to interface with a fundamentally broken system, and I’m not here to vote shame anybody.

But let’s be clear here: there is no legitimate basis upon which to claim that your vote for Biden was a “vote against fascism”. You can claim it was a vote against what you perceived as a more dangerous iteration of fascism, but you cannot claim with any validity that your vote for a lifelong murderous authoritarian was a vote against fascism.

This is a very important distinction for everyone to get clear on, because repeating the mantra that you “voted against fascism” by voting for Biden can lead people to the very mistaken perspective that the US president is no longer advancing fascistic policies that need to be fought tooth and claw. By telling yourself you voted out fascism, you are lying yourself into a state of future complacency.

This is the same Joe Biden after all who is so hawkish that he not only supported the unforgivable Iraq invasion but played a leading role in actively making it happen. Who passed the notorious 1994 crime bill which helped explode the US prison population to levels unseen anywhere else in the world. Who made a career out of attacking Republicans for being insufficiently tough on drug use and crime. Who takes credit for authoring the words of the Orwellian Patriot Act years before it was passed when he tried to pass the same measures back when everyone else found such authoritarian oversteps horrifying. Who called WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange a “high-tech terrorist”. Who has shamelessly exploited racism at any time it could be used to advance his political career.

All of the ugly things which have been happening during the Trump administration will continue to happen during the Biden administration. White supremacist groups, cruel treatment of undocumented immigrants, attacks against the political left both at home and around the world, war, oppression, exploitation and austerity for the benefit of the wealthy and apathy toward everyone else, hell, even the obnoxious tweets of Donald Trump. All of it will continue; all that’s changed with Biden’s election is that some parts of it might possibly not be as bad.

So it serves nobody to claim that fascism has been defeated by what looks likely to become Biden’s eventual inauguration. At best, it has arguably suffered a minor setback. The Biden administration will continue to attack any nation which disobeys its authoritarian decrees, will continue its reactionary assaults on socialist progress in the Global South and China, will continue murdering black and brown people who happen to live in geostrategically valuable regions overseas, will continue to advance domestic authoritarian surveillance measures, will continue to militarize and expand the US police state, and will continue pressing the boot into the neck of the powerless for the benefit of the powerful, just as the Trump administration did.

If you voted for Biden, fine. Now do what you know is right and start throwing haymakers at the new head of the fascist empire.


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70 responses to “Don’t Fool Yourself: Your Biden Vote Was Not A “Vote Against Fascism””

  1. Let’s face it, if elections truly made a difference they would be illegal.

  2. Totally disagree with this article. It’s a whitewash of capitalism/imperialism. All of the evil shit that Biden has done – and there’s a lot of it – is perfectly compatible with normal, everyday capitalism, which is a dictatorship of the rich that holds onto power by deception and confusion when possible but by violence when necessary.
    Fascism is a dictatorship of the rich with all the frills removed: freedom of speech, right to vote, right to assemble, etc… All of these ‘frills’ are limited and often trampled on in everyday capitalism/imperialism, but Fascism guts them entirely. Trump would have consolidated fascism. Biden will still be an evil bastard, but we will have more freedom to kick his ass – and the system he serves.

    1. Actually, i don’t TOTALLY disagree with this article. I do agree with the conclusion – with a one word correction:
      “If you voted for Biden, fine. Now do what you know is right and start throwing haymakers at the new head of the IMPERIALIST empire.”

  3. Dead on, John and JM! While CJ’s site might largely be an echo chamber for the we-hate-USA-and-capitalists/climate-catastrophe mythology crowd, at least (for now) it is a forum where some contradictory perspectives are shared and she also has excellent insight into mechanisms of propaganda and control of the masses. While there obviously long exists the false 2 party tribalism which keeps the masses distracted from even considering who might be behind the curtain, it is also self evident that Trump is (at least PARTIALLY) outside of it as evidenced by the unprecedented mobilization of collective, cross party, international, forces (MSM propagandists, both traditional parties, multinational corporate interests, which transcend national boundaries, big tech, etc) with what he REPRESENTS (not him personally) and which have targeted that from day one. While I expect CJ and associated sycophants to dismiss this as kool aid induced trolling via clever and articulate sneers, the past five years, for those who are intellectually honest enough to review analyze, are anathema to our unseen masters

    1. why do you hate science? why do you pretend that climatologists from countries all over the world give a good goddamn about taxing people in the u.s. and why do you pretend to oppose multinational corporate interests and ignore the influence of some the richest most powerful corporations on the planet (that’s capitalism by the way) in spreading the pro fossil fuel propaganda that you have apparently fallen for?
      the problem with trump for the elites, to the extent there is one, is that he’s a loose cannon, but it is in the service of his own whims, not any kind of ideology. he pretended to be an outsider to the system, but he lied.

      1. Climatologists aka weathermen cannot even predict the weather tomorrow accurately. They are funded by government grants. You call these people experts. So when a whole bunch of these government funded shills get together it must be true. Good reasoning.

    2. Yes we have to come together and fight the power, but it has to be inclusive…”freaks” and all…and that’s the problem with conservatives…they’re too exclusive. They bark faux freedom, but balk at true freedom and tolerance. They defend the status quo faux capitalism and faux patriotism like they defend their faux religion.

      1. The chain is only as strong as the weakest link. Humanity is now no more than a slender thread.

  4. Biden’s Build Back Better is in lockstep with other nations. Trump, annoying as he was, wasn’t exactly going along with it so needed to be removed. The world doesn’t want a Global Reset, aka Technocracy aka Scientific Dictatorship. No digital credit system based on social compliance, no medical tyranny based on germ theory, a 100 yr hijacking of the healthcare industry by JD Rockefeller and Carnegie.


    This excellent documentary goes deep into the assumptions that mainstream doctors hold about the nature of disease. From an historical perspective, it relates the work done by Pasteur, Koch and other founders of the Germ Theory of disease (as well as the rising of allopathic medicine). But the crucial emphasis is in explaining why the ideas taken for granted in this “theory” are scientifically wrong. Finally, the documentary makes some proposals to get out of this social crisis.

    Covid 19, Germ Theory and the Scientific Dictatorship

    If we’re going to live under a Scientific Dictatorship, then we need to shift to a new paradigm medical model. The 100-yr Rockefeller Medicine paradigm has just made us more sick. Dr. Zach Bush should be our health spokesperson, not Fauci.

  5. I don’t agree. Fascism is not a monolith. Free speech under Trump has been circling the drain. Biden would need blood dripping fangs to be worse than Trump. Fascism is experienced. Fascism is not a concept. There are degrees of it.

    1. trump didn’t start any wars, though he kept the ones we already have going. crime bill joe has blood dripping fangs already, the blood mostly being that of iraqis and syrians and libyans, but there is a good fair dollop of it for people consigned to the gulags of the american prison system.

  6. So sad Caitlin is preaching to the converted. Well, except for the trolls, maybe. The millions who should be reading this, aren’t. Obviously. (I suspect ability to read may have something to do with it).

    1. P T Barnum's Prostate /*\ Avatar
      P T Barnum’s Prostate /*\

      The Lady doth protest too much, methinks.


  7. Here’s something else we got from Biden,…how sweet of him to serve and protect. ROTFLMAO !!!

    We all need to be protected from this fake !!!!

    What a piece of garbage this man is. Totally.

    The Omnibus Counterterrorism Act of 1995, or US Senate bills S.390 and S.761. were two bills introduced by Senator Joe Biden and Senator Tom Daschle on behalf of the Clinton Administration on February 10, 1995. The bill was co sponsored by Senators Alfonse D’Amato, Dianne Feinstein, Bob Kerrey, Herb Kohl, Jon Kyl, Barbara A. Mikulski and Arlen Specter.




  8. Thanks Caitlin, Joe Biden not only “supported the unforgivable Iraq invasion and played a leading role in actively making it happen” but he also pushed strongly for Biden project, to divide Iraq into three parts. Although his project didn’t happen, it incited more sectarian and ethnic violence among Iraqis costing them many lives.

  9. Step 1: Get more popcorn
    Step 2- Keep watching

  10. Roundball Shaman Avatar
    Roundball Shaman

    “There are accusations of cheating and shenanigans on both sides, and at this point I honestly don’t know how to care about any of it.”
    The Exceptional Nation has been caught with its pants down and now everyone is horrified by what they are seeing. The fancy clothing of The Exceptional Nation no longer covers the ugliness that it has been concealing for many generations. And once you’ve seen what’s there (or not there), you can’t unsee it.
    “‘…I voted against fascism’ is a common mantra I’ve been seeing around social media lately, and it is one such lie.”
    They voted against fascism by voting for a fascist and his giddy socialist sidekick. Way to feel good about yourselves, voters.
    “If you voted for Biden, fine. Now do what you know is right and start throwing haymakers at the new head of the fascist empire.”
    Incoming American presidents usually benefited from a honeymoon period after the election was settled. Trump didn’t get one, and no future president (if American elections survive this sordid fiasco) will not get one, either. “I want what I want, and I want it NOW and it I don’t get it I’m going to THROW A FIT”. This is the modern Western approach to government and the common space that we all occupy. The entire world has become a schoolyard playground run by bullies and frauds and a population of attention-seeking-maturity-lacking infants who want immediate gratification without working for it. There are no more adults in the room.

  11. I’ve not been fooled. I have long called for the destruction of our current political, social and financial systems and the creation of one, combined radically new system that criminalizes the abuses the abuses of the present system and sees to the needs of the people first and foremost.
    The one major benefit that I see to a Biden administration (I didn’t for for him or for Trump) is that I will no longer have to listen to the loud, insulting rantings of a megalomaniacal psychopath. Instead, I can quietly investigate and expose the lies and efforts of a Biden administration and can do so without distraction.

  12. Maybe Joe will surprise us all. And, create Marianne Williamson’s dept. of peace. Appoint her the head of it.

    1. Oh yes, and, of course, end fracking, support turning corporate agribusiness into organic farms owned by farmers, support worker owned collectives and not all the for-profit corporations, outlaw private banking (making it a public service), institute debt jubilee, cut the DOD by 90%, support socialized medicine, and all of that good stuff. /s

  13. Biden is more fiscally conservative than Trump, having proposed cuts to social security and Medicare in the past. He was also part of the Obama team that destroyed Libya, almost destroyed Syria, devastated Yemen, and conducted coups in Ukraine, Turkey, and Honduras.

  14. Caitlin, as usual, is right on target. Now what can be expected? The one small glimmer of hope in this travesty is to compare Biden to Obama. Obama, most especially his first term, won the office based on progressive ideas and hope. That was simply a huge lie but it gained him time to set up what we are now see and paved the way for the evil one to win the election against the cabbage patch doll faced cheat and liar. There are no such illusions with Biden. He promises nothing but to continue the same disastrous Obama era policies and as such, we have to hope, will face massive public opposition from the moment he claims victory which, in my fevered dreams, will make his life a living hell. Well, I can hope anyway. But no matter how this flows our problems are of such magnitude that radical change is being forced upon us – pretending all is now just fine can not work.

  15. correcting some typos:

    The issue now in the U.S. is to fight for every vote to be counted — that is, the fight for at least the IDEA of democracy, even if it never actually existed and even though both candidates represent the interests of Wall Street and the 1 percent.

    In some ways it’s like voting for either syphillis or gonnorhea.

    Despite that, I am a proponent within the Green Party (25 years a member) of trying to get the party to publicly advocate support for Biden in swing states. Why?

    Because one party’s candidate openly calls for bolstering white supremacist lynch mobs (Trump), while the other at least mouths the words upholding “equality” and the ideal of an anti-racist society. I think that ideal is important to uphold. Even though it’s only rhetoric. Marx wisely observed that at some point ideas can and do become a material force.

    We are in the position of having to choose from the evil of two lessers because neither the Green Party nor the rest of the Left have built ANY direct action mass-organizations for the last 12 years, and now try to substitute electoral campaigns for their lack of mass-based organizational work.

    That desperately needed work stands to be more survivable under a Biden presidency than under Trump — who is just as imperialist and warmongering as his opponent. Some here don’t recognize that, and they portray Trump as a lesser-imperialist, but that’s simply not the case.

    My recommendation to the Green Party (which the party officials have not accepted, and thus the need to fight for democracy within the Green Party too) do NOT ignore the horrors the Democratic Party has wreaked on the world; but Trump’s outright white supremacist organizing, including the militarization of the nation’s police forces, its attacks on women’s reproductive rights and control over their own bodies, and its fomenting of neo-Nazi death squads, are not trivial concerns.

    The fight for democracy, as Marx and Engels wrote, is the first battle in any revolutionary socialist movement. That is where we’re at now: The fight for democracy.

    Mitchel Cohen
    Brooklyn Greens / Green Party

  16. As always Caitlin nails it .There is NOT going to be any difference with a Biden government if indeed they inaugurate him come Jan. 2021 .As the saying goes ,meet the new boss ,same as the old boss ,same $hit different pile .
    Most who refuse to look at this critically will feel sooo good with the new boss ,who will not do anything
    wrong in their narrow view. The killing of others in far away lands in the battle for their resources will continue
    unabated .Trump is probably the most uncouth president to have gained the title but nothing will change .The deep state and the big multinational corporations who own the media will still rule the roost .

    1. True, Biden will serve the same big multinational corporations and capital masters as Trump. That’s not why many voted for him.

      We voted for Biden — well, I voted for Howie Hawkins of the Green Party, but I don’t live in a swing state — to change the tenor of the rhetoric, which (as I wrote) can indeed have an important effect on U.S. politics.

      Now, let’s fight for democracy — count all the votes — and extend that battle after the inauguration to all areas of our lives …. including the obeisance to Wall Street and the Military-Industrial-Pharmaceutical complex.

  17. The issue now in the U.S. is to fight for every vote to be counted — that is, the fight for at least the IDEA of democracy, even if it never actually existed and even though both candidates represent the interests of Wall Street and the 1 percent.

    In some ways it’s like voting for either syphillis or gonnorhea.

    Despite that, I am a proponent within the Green Party (25 years a member) of trying to get the party to publicly advocate support for Biden in swing states. Why?

    Because one party’s candidate openly calls for bolstering white supremacist lynch mobs (Trump), while the other at least mouths the words upholding “equality” and the ideal of an anti-racist society. I think that ideal is important to uphold. Even though it’s only rheetoric. Marx wisely observed that at some point ideas can and do become a material force.

    We are in the position of having to choose from the evil of two lessers because neither the Green Party nor the rest of the Left have built NO direct action mass-organizations for the last 12 years, and now tries to substitute electoral campaigns for its lack of mass-based organizational work.

    That desperately needed work stands to more survivable under a Biden presidency than under Trump — who is just as imperialist and warmongering as his opponent. Some here don’t recognize that, and they portray Trump as a lesser-imperialist, but that’s simply not the case.

    My recommendation to the Green Party (which the party officials have not accepted, and thus the need to fight for democracy within the Green Party too) do NOT ignore the horrors the Democratic Party has wreaked on the world; but Trump’s outright white supremacist organizing, including the militarization of the nation’s police forces, its attacks on women’s reproductive rights and control over their own bodies, and its fomenting of neo-Nazi death squads, are not trivial concerns.

    The fight for democracy, as Marx and Engels wrote, is the first battle in any revolutionary socialist movement. That is where we’re at now: The fight for democracy.

    Mitchel Cohen
    Brooklyn Greens / Green Party

  18. As, so often, Caitlin Johnstone says what needs saying most in this column. I think we are lucky that the more sane and less fascistic candidate won and that should have all of us feel even more obligated to do all we can to defeat Biden’s forms of evil. Anti-communist Nixon went to China because he had to, not because he wanted to. Save Assange, the START treaty and the climate seem like priorities to me.

    1. Definitely good places to start, Alan. It won’t be long, however, until the inevitable Covid depression brings new versions of Hoovervilles, and the pressing question will then become whether they’ll be allowed to fester, likely in a far less peaceful condition than in the 1930s, or whether steps will be taken similar to those taken back then to lift large portions of the American people out of misery and despondency. When THAT rubber hits the road and brings us to this crucial T-intersection, the future of the United States, impacting that of the world, will be decided–either by government choice or citizen compulsion. That sign I had made is still in my yard, and it’s a road sign: “We’re in this together/Bail out everyone.”

      1. I agree. I am learning that the crucial question that is being asked is: To whom does the wealth of America belong? – to a few families or to all of us. The wealth I am talking about is the land, resources, infrastructure, healthcare, and so on (Not one’s toothbrush or home.)

  19. Interesting that Caitlin essentially reposted her prior column, but appropriate since the election itself continues to hang in limbo. Nothing new happening, nothing new to say. Couldn’t agree more that voting for Biden was not a vote against fascism. But do believe that a vote against Trump was a vote against insanity on the personal level, an expression of preference that the leader of the exceptional nation, with exceptionally insane policies, not himself be out of his mind.

    1. My guess was that a Trump victory would lead to civil war, and a Biden victory to foreign imperialist war. Since civil wars are usually worse than foreign wars — both or all sides are the home team — and since civil war would probably strike a lot closer to home than foreign war, I thought it best to pile up votes on the Biden side. Best for me. Your mileage may vary, as they say on the Internet.

      There is some organizing going on at a local level. But it’s too easy to buy off and suborn representatives for representative democracy to work as it’s supposed to. At this time I think the best course of action is the creation and expansion of local cooperative and communal organizations and relations. If you want socialism (or communism), make it happen now: on your street, in your neighborhood.

      1. Apart from the Great Depression and New Deal, has there ever been a better opportunity than the coming Covid Depression to implement socialist or communist ideals in the exceptionally hyper-capitalist nation? As you indicate, such ideals are better referred to as communal or cooperative, given the successful conditioning of the American mind against anything called socialist or communist. Indeed, why not tap directly into American patriotism and tradition by immersing these new communal/cooperative movements in the language of the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence? Despite being written by slaveowners, the Preamble expresses, succinctly and elegantly, the most egalitarian of Enlightenment values. Thus it could serve not only as a linguistic frame but also as a blueprint for fundamental change, change in accord with professed but yet-to-be-realized American ideals.

        1. I don’t think most people are going to care much about ideals until they see them in action producing something good, something they like. Until then they’re going to think, ‘All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others,’ as Mr. Orwell put it. If there is a big depression, I expect authoritarianism to be advanced, as in Russia and many other places. But maybe there won’t be a big depression.

  20. All this breaking big rocks into little rocks will finally change when more people agree it’s a shit show and stop defending it with faux patriotism. People are such sluts with their group pride and loyalty. Discernment is a good thing.

    1. Yes absolutely discernment in very short supply .I have been calling it a shit show for quite time.

      1. Calling things by bad names is pretty universal and doesn’t seem to improve anything.

  21. Caitlin, I agree with everything you wrote. Most people who voted for Biden will just say, I dont care. I voted for Biden because I hate Trump. As you say, now they can go back to sleep.

  22. The Biden Presidency will bring in the criminals and fascists of the Obama and the Clinton gang. If someone talks in the U. S. of “fascism,” they have no clue what fascism means. With the Democratic gang, war will come back to the world. Trump deserves credit for not starting a war, although he was surrounded by war hawks such as John Bolton. When Trump fired Bolton, he said that if Bolton had his druthers, America would be at war with half of the world. I want to remind your readers of the Obama and Clinton regime’s criminal behavior, just take Lybia and Yemen as cases in point. Don’t forget Obama’s kill list! I agree that a U. S. President just runs the show before the curtain; thus, “Raytheon” could have appointed him. Caitlin, why didn’t you mention Joe Biden’s entanglements in his corrupt and criminal family enterprise? This criminal behavior will haunt him during his short Presidency. He will be replaced by Kamala Harris shortly after the inauguration as planned.

    1. Folks also should be on the lookout for the return of “mass casualty events” under President Harris.
      These seem to have more or less hibernated (a few exceptions) through the Trump regime’s period, no doubt due to the low priority given to gun control by Repugnicants. The Undemocrats have a a bit of a different agenda when it comes to abrogating the 2nd Amendment.

  23. This visual captures exactly what Caitlin is writing about. https://www.screencast.com/t/cZhGqtvV

    1. Objectively speaking, the Republicans didn’t start any new wars (that I know about) this time around, so I think you have a false equivalence there, funny as it is. I guess they still have 2 1/2 months to screw up, though. I shouldn’t say anything.

  24. I think it’s a good thing that the two organised crime “families,” otherwise known as Republicans and Democrats, continue to tear each other apart in the aftermath of this stolen election, charade though it was and always has been. Let all the evidence (and there is already quite a bit: read all the citations provided by PCR in has latest two articles of 5 November) of how and precisely when the cheaters did their dirty work be exposed to the world, even if it’s only because Donald Trump’s injured ego needs to be salved.
    I know, previous victims of the same sort of dastardly cheating, though sometimes cheaters themselves (like Nixon, Dukakis, Gore, and Kerry, at a minimum) just swallowed hard and said for the sake of national unity that they would not pursue more than a token show of skepticism re the results. Even some squeaky clean players, like Humphrey and Carter sabotaged by the other side’s collusion with foreign government to prevent a peace treaty in Vietnam or a resolution to the hostage crisis in Tehran, just forgave and held their peace specifically to avoid political turmoil.
    In most of those cases a public shitstorm would have been beneficial, at least to slow down this inexorable slog to fascism. The Watergate and Iran-Contra Hearings in Congress had a lot of beneficial fallout, which, unfortunately always seems to be countered with relentless parries and thrusts by the endless queue of would-be tyrants waiting for their opening. If this country is going to some day finally bust out of its banana republic ethic and mentality at some point the establishment is going to have to be revealed for the oppressive, lying and cheating cabal that it is. If it takes Donald Trump’s lawyers to expose how a witless puppet of the DNC, grifter, nepotist and sexual deviant like Joe Biden and his heir apparent Kamala Harris were foisted into office in a massive conspiracy against the people and their long abused precious constitution, I’m all for it, even if I know that Mr. Trump is undoubtedly just as dirty as the scoundrels who victimised him in this quadrennial game for all the political marbles and self-anointed control of the entire world.

  25. Another fake election… inshallah the phoniness and incompetence of this election will help cure America’s collective egoism. At some point the ego becomes so big, there is only room for improvement? When a ball hits the ceiling it’s got nowhere to go but down? Unless someone put glue up there?

  26. It’s a bit like the choice we don’t have between CLIMATE CATASTROPHE or WORLD WAR THREE.
    Take your pick and kiss your arse goodbye.

    1. Same result, population reduction which is the plan from the beginning.

  27. Any revelations revealing just how corrupt and fraudulent the entire United States government is and how it blatantly cheats, steals, fools the pubic etc. is good for the average citizen here to be exposed to. The ” vote cheating and rigging ” within the United States is very real. That is a sad reality that is needed to be realized by many more people before it is corrected. This battle between Donald Trump and Joe Biden is not between Democrats and Republicans; it is a battle between the corrupt and the more corrupt!! For the sake of everyone and everything on this planet the Evil Empire needs to be terminated.

    1. Yes the difference between Republican and Democrat is a bit like the changing of the seats on the Titanic, But, the Democrats support a more environmentally protective point of view, – sure less than what is required, but more if supported, rather than savaged and reduced as has been by the Trump ignorance.
      It may well be that Nuclear war is what destroys us, but it is far more likely that it will be the destruction of our environment and us with it, – so who cares about the psychotic 36 families/.01%. and their world empire, then?

      These greedy selfish people destroyed Rome, and several other civilisations before that, they will never learn, so unless we create a society that they can’t exploit, eg, no hierarchy, they will always be with us, greedily feeding on us and contemptuous of us for allowing them so to do.
      Trump is much more on their side, why choose the worse of the two evils?

      1. If you think there is any significant difference between Dems and Reps, you are living a delusion. The bank cartel owns them both, lock stock and barrel. Any perceived differences are simply the result of successful propaganda. Any demonstration of anything that resembles altruism is nothing more than a sales pitch. No significant number of politicians in any nation anywhere in the world is the slightest bit concerned with our welfare. Environmentalism, like warfare, is just another method of extracting wealth from the people and increasing control over them. If you insist on being governed, you will be governed by monsters.

        1. Actually ,IMHO, I do believe that considering the lack of evidence and dirt that could have been dug up since president Putin came to power ,on this man , would qualify him as the best president ,the world has seen for a very long time. And believe me ,with all the Russia , Russia ,$hit that has been going on, I would suggest that if there was any substance to it , it would have been 24/7 on MSM.
          We should be so lucky to have such leadership in North America in my opinion . But , not going to happen .

        2. I notice the main part of my post was removed, so here it is again, “Yes the difference between Republican and Democrat is a bit like the changing of the seats on the Titanic, But, the Democrats support a more environmentally protective point of view, – sure less than what is required, but more if supported, rather than savaged and reduced as has been by the Trump ignorance.
          It may well be that Nuclear war is what destroys us, but it is far more likely that it will be the destruction of our environment and us with it, – so who cares about the psychotic 36 families/.01%. and their world empire, then?
          These greedy selfish people destroyed Rome, and several other civilisations before that, they will never learn, so unless we create a society that they can’t exploit, eg, no hierarchy, they will always be with us, greedily feeding on us and contemptuous of us for allowing them so to do.
          Trump is much more on their side, why choose the worse of the two evils?”

          I have been aware of the environmental changes over the earth since the 1970s, slow but very ominous, and the rubbishing of it by the minions of the .01%, the 36 famulies, the Multinational conglomerates etc. etc, and until less than 29 years agoregarded by all and sundry as a nut case, or idiot, but now I seem to be ‘respectable,’ Ha.

          The denial of these and before then many years of measuring and analysing, of proposing models and finding them false or true, – ie the ‘Scientific method’ has established, imho, the definite phenomenon of Global Warming, and because it is so experiential, the support of the majority of folk on our planet, except the super rich and the conspiracy theorists, (mostly funded by the super rich).

          Your cherry picking of part of my argument and then the mindless classification of “environmentalism” as if that was a reasoned statement, gives very little support for your conclusion, that I will be governed by ‘Monsters’.

          A far greater threat is that we will be governed by “assertionists” such as your self, who only seek to rise in the Hierarchy, and the devil take the hindmost, – you almost sound like one of those .01% Stirnerite Anarchists that currently missrule us.

          Read up on Stirnerite Anarchism and Cringe.

  28. Where do my original comments go? Two in a row – disappeared into the ether?

    1. Are links to Whitney Webb and the Last American Vagabond com verboten? It seems like they’re being censored deliberately. If you disagree with their reporting – find some flaw with it. But in my estimation – Whitney Webb is one of the best investigative reporters around. Does good work – gives 0 f-s about whether you can handle the truth, or not. I was trying to link to her talking about the way that this Post-election calamity period was pre-scripted and games out by John Podesta and others – last year.

      1. Yes, Whitney Webb is excellent and principled.

        1. Yup. I find it troubling that a link to her work gets repeatedly censored. It would be nice to know if that were Caitlin’s doing – or WordPress censorship.

          It seems bogus and wrong in either event.

  29. Carolyn L Zaremba Avatar
    Carolyn L Zaremba

    Caitlin, the only true political left is the Socialist Equality Party and I voted for them. I always vote for them. They are the only existing world Marxist party of social revolution. The people you are talking about represent what we Marxists call the “pseudo left”, meaning that they mouth left-sounding phrases while supporting the Democratic Party. It is essential to be clear about this point.

  30. Elections only change the face which deceives the electorate into thinking that the the government represents them and serves their best interests.

  31. Brandon Smith sticks by his cheery prediction:
    Just as I successfully predicted the outcome of the 2016 election months in advance, my predictions on the 2020 election are now coming to pass. In July of this year in my article ‘Election 2020: The Worst Case Scenario Is The Most Likely One’, after I outlined the strange factors surrounding Biden and Trump, I stated that:
    “These factors and more lead me to predict that Election 2020 will be a contested election which ends with Trump staying in office but accused of usurping the democratic process. This outcome is the worst possible outcome and also the most advantageous for the globalist establishment.”
    I also noted the predictive programming campaign by the media and members of the Council On Foreign Relations like Max Boot to acclimated the public to the idea of a contested election while also “wargaming” (planning) that exact outcome…
    Trump has said he will take the results to the Supreme Court and there is no doubt that recounts will be held in states like Michigan and Arizona. I continue to predict that Trump will stay in office despite the close election. I also predict that numerous fake ballots will be discovered during recounts only throwing gasoline on the fire and implicating Democrats in certain districts with fraud. Social justice leftists will surely try to riot in response, and Trump will call for martial law if the current scenario plays out as I expect.
    The leftists will NOT accept the results of a Supreme Court decision in favor of Trump.
    Conservatives WILL NOT accept a Biden presidency.

    Plutocratic Violence and Election night Horror – Marxian Analysis Shows That Antifa is Fascist​, ​Joaquin Flores​. Thanks Eleni
    “When fascism comes to America, it will be called antifascism” – Huey Long (misattributed)
    ​ ​Antifa’s fascist violence will return on election night. That’s why it’s important to understand their fraudulence and fascism, and reject the politics of plutocrat-contrived violence. Perhaps strangely, Marxian analysis itself is best suited to communicate this point to the radical left.​..
    ​ Both the traditional radical left and fascist right were proponents of violence towards political goals, even if in self-defense, but the traditional radical left used to focus on ‘punching up’: Attacking capital, the ruling class, the banks, big land owners.
    ​ ​But historic fascism in its late-nascent stage is more similar to Maoism during the Cultural Revolution (there’s a strong New Left orientation to Maoism as well). It organizes and concentrates power by ‘punching down’.
    ​ ​This dangerous fascistic trend among what has come to be known as ‘the left’. At the level of universities, it began in the late 90’s when coastal university classrooms became ‘call-out sessions’.​..
    ​ ​That Antifa punches down and that mainstream media echoes their talking points, and that public service announcements are increasingly indistinguishable from Antifa propaganda, is a clear sign of its fascist essence.
    ​ ​Punching down is always from a position of power, and its appropriation by the overt sections of power is a clear sign that their ideas have become what the French Marxist Althousser called the Ideological State Apparatus:

    1. Carolyn L Zaremba Avatar
      Carolyn L Zaremba

      This comment is too long. Write your own blog.

      1. Julius Skoolafish Avatar
        Julius Skoolafish

        FYI – for Mr John Day


        1. So that’s a spammy cross-post. Not interested in his opinion…tbh.

          1. Just trying to be of benefit.

            1. Yeah. That may have been a bit harsh.

              I didn’t look closely enough to see that it was reposted material, either. I think the first author is much closed to the truth than the second one.

              I put a brief critique of Mr. Flores analysis below.

    2. Where’s the proof that “ANTIFA(scists)” are receiving fund in my from anyone – much less George Soros or other Billionaires. Where would they send the checks?

      And no. In Portland Antifascists are protesting at the Federal Court House – and meeting gangs of Right Wing thugs – when they make THEIR appearances. Nothing wrong with any of that. And it’s Trump’s Brownshirts who are getting support from local law enforcement. This is alleged Marxist analysis – of a far,-reich meme and fantasy.

      1. Typo – *in any form – from anyone

      2. Lol, love your terminology, left are antifascist, right are thugs. Sorry, but both are thugs. Right are brownshirts. Guess thats why left dress in black. You should run for office.

        1. I can’t speak for all of them – as cops and boogaloos and Nazis can wear black as well…and wearing masks infiltration is much easier… But generally the Antifascists are on the right side of things – while the cops are actively working with Trump’s thugs. Try watching the coverage from “Backyard Politix” channel on YouTube. You’ll see plenty of the reichwing violence against peaceful protestors – aided and abetted by the cops – and covered-up by Corporatist STATE Media.

          Antifa are not a monolith, or even a single entity. It is an idea. Anarchists aren’t big “joiners”. Some are Communists, some are Socialists, some Dem Socs, even some more more moderate folks. They are defined by what they oppose – not what they believe in. They dislike Biden as much as Trump. If you’re getting your news on them from Trump, the Corporatist media, Tim Pool, Andy Ngo, or even Michael Tracey – get a better source.

          The Proud Boys by contrast ARE an organization, with violent initiations and a command structure. And their collaboration with Portland cops has been documented – going back several years.

          1. You wouldnt recognize a fascist if it bit you. Open your eyes. The fascists are here and very cleverly calling themselves anti-fascists.

            1. No. I’d know a fascist. I’ve been studying them for much of the last 40 years. Opposing KKK and Neo-Nazi aligned groups (who all marched side by side at Charlottesville) doesn’t make you a fascist. Even if your attitude is intolerant (of racism and fascists). This false equivalency is a far right meme – propagated by Don Trump Jr. and D’nesh D’Souza originally. The DO fight against folks like Gavin McGinnis’ “Proud Boys” – and other things – like the Rise Above Movement. But they tend to do things in local and uncoordinated fashion. And since there’s no membership lists or National Grand Lodge – anyone can say that they’re “Antifa”.

              You could make a false equivalency between the US, UK and USSR Soldiers from WWII – who fought the Nazis. Few would fall for it.

    3. Excellent post, John. This is what I’ve been seeing as well. I’m not sure that Trump will be the ultimate winner in this election, but he doesn’t need to be. He lifted the veil that was hiding the evil behind the false “Democrat vs. Republican” narrative, when in reality, they are the two puppet shows controlled by the same oligarchic puppet masters.

      Also agree 100% that the Antifa actions we’ve been seeing are not genuinely grassroots. Millions upon millions of dollars have been raised to support these street protests, and they all have very good lawyers on call for nearly every event. The BLM movement (also not grassroots), along with its sister organization (Antifa) has been used as a cover to advance the globalist, capitalist agenda. It’s clearly not a socialist movement because the richest and most powerful people and corporations would not support a genuinely socialist movement. No, this is a global coup, and the most powerful people are directing and supporting it.

      It’s interesting to see the pushback you’re getting for your comment, too. You’re clearly hitting a nerve — you know you’re over the target when you’re receiving the most flak. Well done.
