US empire: Assassinates scientists, invades countries, topples governments, circles the planet with military bases, deliberately starves civilians to death with sanctions, threatens the world with nuclear weapons.

Also the US empire: “Iran must begin acting like a normal country.”

Obama’s job is to tell you that the ruling establishment which murders, oppresses and exploits people all day every day is quite progressive actually and the people who oppose it are immature lunatics who should be scoffed at.

If you killed someone that’s all you’d be known for. When a US president kills thousands upon thousands of people all mainstream discourse is about his sound fiscal policy and ability to sink a three-pointer.

Nice guy fascism: A murderous and tyrannical political ideology whose iron-fisted agendas of oppression, exploitation and violent domination are hidden behind lip service to progressivism, diverse cabinet picks, and nice tweets.

The powerful are screwing us and there are more of us than there are of them. An entire culture and information ecosystem has been deliberately constructed around keeping a critical mass of us from awakening to this one basic fact.

Any issue of international conflict involving the US-centralized empire is going to be awash with western media propaganda marketed to western audiences. No one who ignores this indisputable reality is able to understand any major international news story.

It’s so weird how rich and powerful people are pouring massive amounts of wealth and manpower into manipulating our minds every single day and it’s not the main thing we talk about all the time.

Biden is like if everyone suddenly started gushing poetically about how wonderful and refreshing and inclusive the Chevron logo is.

Being part of the US-led liberal world order means that anyone, regardless of their race, gender or sexual orientation, is free to serve the globe-spanning murder machine in any way they choose.

Being a part of the US-led liberal world order means you are free to do absolutely anything you want, so long as it doesn’t inconvenience the powerful in any way, shape or form.

Sometimes I feel sad that Cobain died so young, but I brighten up when I remember it means we didn’t have to watch him turn into a cringey embarrassing shitlib.

Failing to pardon Snowden and Assange would be an inexcusable evil. Please re-evaluate your opinion of Trump as needed when he pardons neither.

Western imperialism is worse than every single issue the mass media are screaming in your face about on any given day. Without exaggeration it is worse than 100 percent of those issues. If people could really grasp the horrific nature of imperial warmongering, the wars would be forced to end.

It can be hard to avoid getting swept up in the MSM Issue Of The Day, but it’s important to keep your focus on the actual monster in the room. They’re ripping kids apart with explosives and starving them to death with sanctions, currently, and it is invisible to the news media.

Charles Manson never murdered anyone, he just convinced people that it would be a good thing to do. The mass media have convinced far more people that it would be a good idea to commit far more murders than the Manson cult ever committed, and should be reviled as such.

The fastest way to get yourself banned from social media is to say something that sounds like you’re inciting violence. But mass media which do that constantly are never banned, because what’s actually forbidden is inciting violence that isn’t authorized by the powerful.

In fact the easiest way to advance your career in media is to incite violence on behalf of the powerful. This is true in news media, and it’s even true in video games and Hollywood; make compelling games and screenplays glorifying military violence and your career will thrive.

We live in a society that is built on violence, sustained by violence, and driven by violence. Those who promote unauthorized violence are vilified while those who promote violence in service of the powerful can ride that wave to fame and fortune. This should disgust us all.

If you remove your propaganda-installed perceptual filters, you see a machine that is fuelled by the blood of the powerless being piloted by serial killer politicians, laughing skullface comedians, and news men with human flesh in their teeth. Once you’ve seen the horror of the empire you can never unsee it.


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56 responses to “Obama Is An Asshole, And Other Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix”

  1. It was amazing how Obama Fooled the Public. They all thought he was the People’s President.

    But he was like all the rest of the Filthy Rich Politicians & Presidents – They Protect the Too Big Too Fail/Jail Corporations & Banksters (MIC); Where They Have Their Investments – Who have been bailed out with Trillions in Taxpayers Funds.

    ObamaCare – Forced Pay Health Care with Double & Triple Premiums to Save the Corrupt Insurance Companies after the 2008 Bankster Mortgage Financial Collapse.

    “This is a memo that describes how we’re going to take out seven
    countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon,
    Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran.” Gen W. Clark

    Obama pulled off the 2014 Ukraine Coup to collapse the Russian Economy when
    Russia stood against the Plan after Libya Destroyed & Gaddafi Assassinated in 2011.

    Putin Threatened Nuclear War.

    All the Presidents are following the same Plan – Trump is working hard on Syria & Iran.

  2. Hi Girls and guys, all the comments, well most, are spot on but how the hell do we get this out to the masses who are living in coocoo land? Because of censoring and shadow banning those who really need to see your comments are refused access. We need to start writing pamphlets and putting them on car windows in supermarket and church car parks. Alas, the public do not have access to the kind of commentaries they need to read, instead most are glued to the MSM propaganda via Fox, MNBC, BBC, etc., and of course all the main news papers which are owned by the plutocracy/corporate monsters. All these media channels are told what to say hence them all repeating the same script. We must think out of the box to get our message to the masses otherwise we are just in an echo chamber spinning our wheels.

  3. I believe this is Obama’s personal anthem, as performed by Dennis Leary.

    1. Ha! Yep…with every fiber of his being….and proud of it!

  4. My sense is that Obama was groomed. As for his MLK remark, leave it to a cheesy moral lightweight like Obama to quip something like that.
    It is apparent that Obama sniffed the Wall Street payoff early and often. His Cabinet picks were ready-made. The eagerness to “fix things” for Wall Street went hand-in-hand with fixing things for the wildly criminal cabal he supposedly replaced. But shit, turns out he was just part of the family.
    Unconscionable. Wherever one might think Obama “comes from” or whatever rationalizations one might come up with for his actions, the body of work represented by the Obama presidency for me is summed up in that one word. Something akin to what James Douglass calls “the unspeakable.” It might not be pure evil, but it’s damned close if not.

    While I’m here I’ll plug for Fiorella once again. Makes so much sense on an array of issues. Start at 4:30 to save time on introductories. And yeah, well, I love her. She’s off the charts ideologically (I tested out down there in the far bottom left corner) and tells it like I see it so very often.

    1. Yeah… Fi is awesome… And “you are correct, sir”, about Obama – as Ed McMahon would say.

  5. I’ve been noticing more people writing comments about how they are increasingly becoming fed up with technology. Maybe something of a movement to escape from some of the technology they are forcing down our throats and imprisoning with?
    Came across a great article by nineteen year old Ben Sheer (Robert Sheer’s grandson) at Sheerpost:
    Generation Numb: How Losing My Phone Exposed Me to the Pain of My Peers
    Here’s a few paragraphs:
    . . .
    “NO! Stop, slow down. Please. These gadgets, these everywhere-anytime screens, are ruining the minds of the people who have been mesmerized since they were only little children. 
    “To clarify: not ruining, in that people are made stupid (although it definitely does not help develop our attention span), but rather ruining our emotional capacity and spiritual selves. And these limits fetter us as we are already so strained by the pain we are able to see through our little windows; we don’t have a moment to feel, to feel our own pain, or that of our friends. 
    “This is the worst theft of modern-day, first-world life: the theft of being present. 
    . . .
    “Try this: Really study those you love, let their face become new to you, again, and become fascinated in the way they move. Feel the wonder of being with another human.”
    . . .

    1. Apologies for the misspelling: Ben Scheer and Robert Scheer

  6. Don’t give a damn anymore. Getting this off my chest.

    Fuck the Dems. All that energy, nearly four years of it, expended to defeat the Orange Monster. All that wailing and mashing of teeth. All the rage and shaming and censoring. You must be exhausted. Whew, dodged that bullet. What a relief. Time for a nap. After brunch.

    Seriously, what the goddamned hell are you celebrating? Seventy-four million-plus Americans voted FOR that Orange Monster. In a time when this rotting corpse of a nation is reeling from pandemic death, a depression and runaway global climate change, your party LOST seats in the House, could NOT take over the Senate and could NOT turn one single state office. As your demented candidate promised, nothing will fundamentally change.

    There will be no self-reflection. No mirrors. Nothing to offer but sleeping pills. And hand-wringing excuses. And scapegoats. You can be 100% sure of who will be the recipients of the excrement about to be unleashed by the Party’s hacks and pundits. That pile-of-shit Neera Tanden dump ended any chance you assholes and I have anything in common.

    ‘Something went wrong’, a chagrined Rep. Cheri Bustos (in charge of the party’s strategy to paint the House Blue) lamented. You’re fricking right it did, Sister. And it wasn’t because of all them damn socialists, or Russians, or deplorables, or Susan Sarandon either. How about, oh I don’t know, taking advice from the winners inside your party instead of the whiners?

    Arguing a negative is seldom constructive. It is even more of a waste of time doing it with Dem Bots who use it routinely when declaring ‘victory’ for incrementalism and status quo while vomiting up claims of how much worse it would have been otherwise. Nonetheless, stick this in your craw: Bernie (I’m not a fan) would have wiped the floor with Trump and dozens of progressive candidates would have ridden his coattails to state and national congressional seats. Why is that as absolute fact as much as can be when arguing a negative? Look at who ACTUALLY won in 2020 and who ACTUALLY lost. Dem candidates across the board won with progressive messages despite DNC/DCCC sabotage while those who did not, despite 10’s of millions of dollars of advertising, lost spectacularly. Oh but by all means … keep listening to the Spanbergers and Clyburns and Pelosi’s and Schumers and Obamas and Clintons in your moribund party.

    You have no idea how totally out of touch you are in your tiny yet disastrously powerful bubble. It is not so much ignorance or amnesia you liberal Democratic Party apologists and true believers are suffering from, although that certainly is a major issue. It is, rather, a willful intellectual capitulation powered by an overwhelming cognitive dissonance. It is addiction to your bubble’s cabal of ‘news’ pornographers at MSNBC, CNN, NPR, NYT and WaPo. Trump and the Derangement Syndrome he triggered in you is real but it is not the full story. If it were, how do you explain the religious-level adoration of the neoliberal Obama that began long before the Orange Monster and is stronger than ever now?

    Every last one of the liberal friends I know and love are proud and adamant members of this bubble. They rail on and on about the deranged right and the ignorant deplorables and their gullibility. Yet every single one of them swallowed RussiaGate hook-line-and-sinker. Every single one of them desperately cling to Lesser Evilism, decades after its catastrophic outcomes should be blatantly obvious. Every single one of them truly believes the Democratic Party is the only vessel available for justice to prevail in this country.

    Trump famously proclaimed “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters.” This became fodder for every liberal’s scorn for those mindless lemmings. Yet when asked if there is anything Clinton or Obama or Biden could do that would finally elicit an ‘Enough, I’m done with this’ they have NO answer. Obama had a ‘kill list’, opened the Arctic to drilling twice, droned wedding parties and funerals, caged and gassed immigrants at the borders, implemented a right-wing Heritage Foundation health insurance scam … this list of actual deplorables is literally endless … and he is STILL revered by every single liberal I know. There is no doubt in my mind that he could stand in the middle of the road outside his Martha’s Vineyard mansion and shoot somebody and not lose that starry-eyed support.

    Try having a fact-based discussion with these people. Critical thinking skills, let alone a curiosity for truth, is non-existent. All any attempts to engage them has brought me is grief and fewer and fewer invitations to the cool parties. I get further with my right-wing neighbors than I do with these supposedly intelligent humans. Honestly, it has come to this: the only hope we have to survive the existentially perilous time in which we live lies somewhere outside that liberal-encased bubble. In the streets and workplaces and if politically, a People’s Party.

    And here’s one final thing. ‘Civility’. ‘Inclusion’. ‘Peace between the tribes’. What an insane crock. Why are you welcoming right-wing war-mongering Wall Street tools into your ‘big tent’? John Kasich, et al., deserve NO place in the future of this country. ZERO! But predictably, Biden’s transition team and likely cabinet are filled with these pschopaths. They should/MUST be banished. Force them to fend for themselves. Their policies are IMMENSELY unpopular. By cavorting with this scum you cover yourself with scum.

    Make no mistake about what the inevitable failure of your right-wing inclusion plan will unleash. Just as the neoliberal catastrophe of the Obama administration brought us Donald Trump, so too this mind-numbingly loser strategy will lead to another Trump. And do not for a millisecond believe that the next one will be the incompetent buffoonish clown the last one was.

    1. All or mostly true, Matt. You express my take on things perhaps better than I can. So my question to you and to myself–Neil Young’s question to us both–is how do we learn to love these people nevertheless? “Love and only love will break it down.”

      1. Thanks, Newton. I think I mentioned that I love them. Which makes it all the harder and often keeps me awake at night. Many of us have known for a long time that love is the answer. But as Caitlin has written many times, for love to triumph it will take an awakening in the populace of what and who is manipulating them. Her hopefulness is contagious. Wish I could catch it.

    2. That was quite refreshing, thanks!

  7. Roundball Shaman Avatar
    Roundball Shaman

    “The fastest way to get yourself banned from social media is to say something that sounds like you’re inciting violence. But mass media which do that constantly are never banned, because what’s actually forbidden is inciting violence that isn’t authorized by the powerful.”
    Mass media – which is State media – can say anything it wants and be “right”. You might say the very same thing but you would be “wrong”. This is just like today’s so-called “money”. If the common man or woman does what central banks do every single day, it’s called counterfeiting. But when the State does the very same thing, it’s called “money” and “good fiscal policy”. But it is still printing pretty pictures on pieces of paper and conning people into thinking that scrap of paper has real value. It has value… the value of a piece of scrap paper.
    “…the easiest way to advance your career in media is to incite violence on behalf of the powerful. This is true in news media, and it’s even true in video games and Hollywood; make compelling games and screenplays glorifying military violence and your career will thrive.”
    The history of humankind on this planet is haunted by the cries of anguish by the uncounted innocent who scream out at us every moment yet are never heard through the constant sound of bombs dropping and propaganda blaring and media pimps lying at the top of their lungs and heads of State waving around their great big…

  8. Obama, Trump, Biden, Clinton, all top-notch lying psychopaths and all MSM news, political talk and analysis provides entertainment for the dumb electorate who think their votes count. Time to expose the reclusive super-wealthy globalists who control these useful puppets and their plans for a global technological surveillance and control system which will soon enslave the world. Time for dissidents to disengage from the evil empire and prepare the foundations for a new and glorious civilization in the age to come. Read more of this here:

  9. “India’s gift to humanity is the sacredness of self-knowledge”. So beautiful…refuse weird:

  10. Dear Caitlin Johnstone,

    You are a jewel.

    Keep up the great work. I am listening.


  11. Ms Johnstone, calling Barack Obama an asshole is being way to kind; the english language does not have an evil enough word to describe humans that make Satan look like a saint!

  12. Do you really consider those who voted for Biden to be “good at heart” on the basis of that vote?!

  13. Left unsaid is that we all owe both Presidents Obama and Trump a great deal of recognition as well as gratitude for each in turn for having saved the USA from installing another Bush or Clinton into the Oval Office. Can we simply break from establishing family dynasties in both the Congress and Presidencies? It is easy enough to see that Obama is still lurking around playing like some kind of Grandmaster/Overlord of all things DNC tied in with the deep state but we can bet “She whose name must not be spoken” is still frantically punching “reset” buttons behind the curtains. Which reminds me, has anyone seen the “red phone” with the direct line to the Kremlin lately?

    1. Trump for all his monumental defects was not/is not part of the Bush-Clinton Crime Syndicate which, by the way, will soon be with Jojo B., more overtly in the driver’s seat

  14. One other point: the United States is an asshole not because a majority of her population are assholes. By a miracle of the Creator’s goodness, a slight majority (based on the recent presidential election totals) are good people at heart. The U.S., however–and by that I mean the nation that rests upon its hallowed constitution–is as unrepentant an asshole as its current orange goblin of president and his successor. Born in the values of competition and domination, steeped in the traditions of patriarchy and lies, it was conceived as an empire masquerading as a democracy and has behaved accordingly since its inception. Ask the Cherokees, the Iroquois and the Seminoles. Ask the African slaves. Ask the Mexicans. Ask the Hawaiians. Ask the Filipinos. Ask the people of Central and South America. Ask the Iraqis, the Iranians and the Libyans. Ask the world. Most people in the U.S.–even the good ones–don’t get that the thing they think of as their country is an ogre, not an angel. Hence, Caitlyn’s repeated calls for a psychological war against the monster is spot on. Tis a daunting task, but it can be done, me hearties!

    1. Do you really consider those who voted for Biden to be “good at heart” on the basis of that vote?!

      1. Was thinking the same thing. Was also thinking he thought Trump voters were evil minded though unsaid. Many people say they understand politics are evil but their comments betray them otherwise. More people drink the koolaid than they will admit.

  15. “Biden is like if everyone suddenly started gushing poetically about how wonderful and refreshing and inclusive the Chevron logo is.”

    Good one, Cait! The headline nailed Obama and this one nailed our oh-so-sincere little JoeJoe! “Refreshing and inclusive” indeed! Ha! Made my day, luv! Keep churnin’ ’em out!

  16. When an American President murders foreigners it is considered Presidential. Obama excelled at being a Presidential President. One of the reasons they hate Trump so much is because he has been the least murderous or Presidential US President in decades.

    1. That’s VERIFIABLY false. The pace of US Drone murders is a perpetually climbing slope – from Cheney/W. to the present moment. Trump’s bodycount is only less than Obama’s, because he’s a one term (loser) President. Unlike Obama – Trump just told the Pentagon and CIA to do what they feel like doing – and without any fanfare or announcements, in most cases. They hate Trump because he’s a poor face to put on the Empire. He says the quiet parts outloud. And his competence at staging fascist Coups and conducting the Imperial Grand Strategy, is in doubt. When O’Biden did Honduras, they managed to install a successful Fascist NARCO-DICTATORSHIP, tgat remains to this day… Trump couldn’t ever really cement his fascist Coups in Bolivia or Venezuela.

  17. Comorbidity 2024 Avatar
    Comorbidity 2024

    A slave is someone who sits down, and waits for someone to free them.

    Frederick Douglass

  18. Michel Bélisle Avatar
    Michel Bélisle

    But I must admit Obama is very convincing.

    Just his name “Obama”, you want to fall into a trance and chant “O-ba-a-ma, O-ba-a-ma”.

    The elites leave nothing to chance. Maybe it is not his real name but he is kind of an actor in the play, same thing for Trump and for everyone of them.

    If it is not the return of the days of Noah just before the return of Jesus, I do not know what it is. Decadence and lies are everywhere.

    Keeping my Rosary on hand!

    1. Michel Bélisle Avatar
      Michel Bélisle

      Probably there is this prayer for those that worship the government:

      “O Mighty O-ba-a-ma, bring down on us your special vaccine so we can go on singing the praises of the government, its holy politicians and its holy philanthropic billionaires backing it with their holy money”

      The sudden apparition of the virus this year seems suspicious at least. Was it released among the population?

      All is possible in a society that resembles the days of Noah and the Flood. The decadence is everywhere.

      Keeping my Rosary on hand!

  19. Who even slightly aware of things would not be in agreement with Caitlin’s brutal description of our brutal situation. But I want to go back to a quote from her prior post. “The way to true revolution and drastic, meaningful change is not just challenging, it’s a way that has never been traveled before, by anyone. It’s going to mean trying things that are completely unprecedented, because we’re trying to create a society that is healthy in a way that it’s never been before.” Again she’s right that we’re in uncharted waters, trying to figure out a way to stay afloat in a roiling sea and reach a happier shore than we’ve ever known. So here’s the question: Is our best chance to navigate these roiling waters, make it to the beckoning shore, to continue on in an us-versus-them mode–right othering left, rich othering poor, white othering black, male othering female, straight othering gay, believer othering atheist, etc. and and vice versa? Or is our only prayer to pool our powers, resources, and perspectives and embrace the reality, the necessity, that it will take all of us working together to complete our strange and perilous voyage? What would be more “completely unprecedented,” to use Caitlin’s phrase, than a massive groundswell of goodwill, forgiveness, and cooperation cutting across all historical, cultural, and political divisions, even that deepest of divides between the oppressed masses and their oppressive overlords? What would be more “completely unprecedented” than radical love, freely given, totally unmerited, extending even to enemies like Barack Obama? Something to think about.

  20. Recall that General Michael Flynn was Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, not too long ago…
    ​ ​For the first time since being pardoned by President Donald Trump, Gen. Michael Flynn sat down for an interview to discuss how America is going through “a crucible of history.” Joining the conversation was Gen. Thomas McInerney, who dropped the bombshell that Trump, if he is to abide by the oath he swore, has no choice but to refuse concession to Joe Biden in this fraudulent election…
    ​ ​According to Gen. McInerney, Barack Obama is the ringleader behind the HAMMER and Scorecard cyber weapons that were used against the United States to thwart the election against Trump. The program itself was developed by former CIA analyst Denis Montgomery.
    ​ ​These two and many other deep state coup coordinators also recruited the entire U.S. media, including Fox News, to participate in this attempted overthrow of the Republic and our Constitution. All of them, along with Big Tech, participated in the sham election narrative declaring Trump to be the “loser,” and Biden the “winner.”
    ​ ​Even though the Electoral College is schedule to meet on Dec. 14 to vote in accordance with state certifications, this is moot, according to Gen. McInerney. Trump has no obligation to leave the White House until every last fact surrounding election theft is analyzed and dealt with, including the vote count anomalies that were “caused by fraudulent electronic manipulation of targeted voting machines.”
    ​ ​The fact that five of the biggest battleground states all stopped counting ballots at roughly the same time on election night is also something that needs to be addressed because this is when HAMMER and Scorecard, along with Dominion Voting Systems, launched their mathematically impossibly algorithms to skew the count for Biden.

    1. Heads, they win; tails, we lose.

  21. ‘Obama is an asshole’ – like this any anything new! And his ‘friends’ are, too. Caitlin, if you made a list of all of their assholary, sad to say it would be circle the globe several times over. Why do people keep promoting these jerks to the positions of leadership and power and then complain about all of the trouble and suffering they cause? A very odd quirk of human nature.

  22. Julius Skoolafish Avatar
    Julius Skoolafish

    • Obama on Syria and President Assad
    “The future of Syria must be determined by its people, but President Assad is standing in their way.
    His calls for dialogue and reform have rung hollow while he is imprisoning, torturing and slaughtering his own people.
    For the sake of the Syrian PEOPLE, the time has come for President Assad to step aside.”

    • Obama on Libya and President Gaddafi
    “Gaddafi chose the path of brutal suppression – innocent civilians were beaten, imprisoned and in some cases killed. Peaceful protests were forcefully put down. Hospitals were attacked and patients disappeared. A campaign of intimidation and repression began.”
    Clearly, Obama exemplifies the high ethical and moral standards set by the Nobel Institute in awarding its ‘Peace Prize’
    What a worthy recipient was this great man asshole.

    1. Jim Kunstler has this rumor, so I’m trying to dig for the source:
      Notice, Mr. Brennan has been tweeting like mad in recent days denouncing election skeptics. Is he worried about something? All of which raises the questions: what role did the agency play in the election, with its mystifying vote-tallying irregularities? Does Mr. Brennan still wield influence in the CIA? And is the agency an enemy of the people?
      Then, what do you suppose really went down at the computer server farm in Frankfurt, Germany, after the election. Chatter on the web has it that the Frankfurt asset was a CIA installation, and that some kind of Army Special Forces unit bum-rushed the joint after November 3, and took possession of computer servers that were used to receive vote tabulations from Dominion machines back in the USA. There’s even rumor of some people getting hurt in the operation (unconfirmed). Do those servers hold actual evidence of vote-tampering? That would be my guess. Perhaps we’ll find out this week.

      All I could find this morning about this rumor was a 26 minute podcast talk show, which is all hearsay, and ploddingly slow, but I did other internet searches while it played. It asserts that Army Special Forces raided a CIA-held Dominion voting server in Frankfurt, Germany, killing one CIA contractor, whose death was then transposed to Somalia. Multiple Special Forces commandos died, and their deaths were transposed to a chopper crash in the Sinai. It also asserts that Gina Haspel was at the server site, was superficially wounded, was arrested and taken to Guantanamo, and has copped a plea in return for cooperating. That’s most of it. You can listen if you want. It plods. It’s the rumor.

      1. Julius Skoolafish Avatar
        Julius Skoolafish

        Thank you – most interesting and really warms up after half way. Shared

    2. Your use of irony is exquisite. Thank you for a few moments of bitter pleasure.

  23. “If people could really grasp the horrific nature of imperial warmongering, the wars would be forced to end.”
    And therein lies the rub. Sane people have a great deal of difficulty comprehending the level of evil these psychopaths are capable of. Not to mention the evil they will do to YOU if they decide you are too inconvenient. We simply can’t imagine smiling while we sit down and eat a baby for supper, which is exactly what they do every time a sanction is imposed to protect this or that state approved corporation’s profits. We simply cannot imagine sacrificing the wellbeing, if not the very lives of our neighbors to keep the Military Industrial Complex, and of late the Medical Industrial Complex, fat and happy. Far too many of us are unable to recognize that not a single one of the Psychopaths In Charge has anything that resembles human compassion. The only time any of them are the least bit concerned with the welfare of another is if it happens to coincide with their own welfare.

  24. Caitlin Johnstone wrote:
    > Obama’s job is to tell you that the ruling establishment which murders, oppresses and exploits people all day every day is quite progressive actually . . .
    On Obama, former CIA officer and chair of National Intelligence Estimates Ray McGovern revealed in 2013:
    “MCGOVERN: Which leads to the question, why would [Obama] do all these things? Why would he be afraid for example, to take the drones away from the CIA? Well, I’ve come to the conclusion that he’s afraid. Number one, he’s afraid of what happened to Martin Luther King Jr.
    “And I know from a good friend who was there when it happened, that at a small dinner with progressive supporters – after these progressive supporters were banging on Obama before the election, Why don’t you do the things we thought you stood for? Obama turned sharply and said, “Don’t you remember what happened to Martin Luther King Jr.?” That’s a quote, and that’s a very revealing quote.
    “The other thing is, I’ve always been kind of shocked that when he came into office, not only did he not prosecute the torturers, the kidnapers, the people with the black [unintelligible], even the people who violated our Fourth Amendment rights, but he left them all in place. I suspected at the time, now I’m pretty convinced the president of the United States is afraid of the CIA. That’s why he got John Brennan in place. He thinks John Brennan owes more personal loyalty to him than all those other thugs out there who did the torture and so forth. That’s a questionable thing. But Obama thinks that. And that’s why he fought so hard so that Brennan would be in place.”
    CIA whistleblower: Obama reversed positions because of ‘what happened to MLK Jr.’ — Police State USA — May 20, 2014
    “In a speech on March 21, second-term Obama gave us a big clue regarding his concept of leadership one that is marked primarily by political risk-avoidance and a penchant for ‘leading from behind’: ‘Speaking as a politician, I can promise you this: political leaders will not take risks if the people do not demand that they do. You must create the change that you want to see.’
    “John Kennedy was willing to take huge risks in reaching out to the USSR and ending the war in Vietnam. That willingness to take risks may have gotten him assassinated, as James Douglass argues in his masterful ‘JFK and the Unspeakable’.
    “Martin Luther King, Jr., also took great risks and met the same end. There is more than just surmise that this weighs heavily on Barack Obama’s mind. Last year, pressed by progressive donors at a dinner party to act more like the progressive they thought he was, Obama responded sharply, ‘Don’t you remember what happened to Dr. King?’”
    Doubting Obama’s Resolve to Do Right — Ray McGovern — Consortium News — May 28, 2013

    1. Caitlin Johnstone:
      > It’s so weird how rich and powerful people are pouring massive amounts of wealth and manpower into manipulating our minds every single day and it’s not the main thing we talk about all the time.
      More and more people are realizing it now, and some knew long ago. An example from the Kennedy years, after his assassination:
      “When President Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana — one of the new African leaders who had considered Kennedy a vital ally — was handed a copy of the Warren Report by U.S. ambassador William Mahoney, he opened it up, pointed at the name Allen Dulles in the list of commissioners, and handed it back to Mahoney.
      “‘Whitewash,’ Nkrumah said simply. It summed up the entire charade.”
      Chapter 20. For the Good of the Country — From the book “The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government”, by David Talbot, founder of Salon magazine

    2. It would be interesting to see if he STILL holds that view. He discounts the idea that Obama is just a smooth liar and a bad actor. But the Evidence for that continues to mount. Since the 2016 election Cycle – Obama has gone to great lengths to advance the Imperial agendas – tanking both Sanders’ Campaigns, Spying on the Trump Campaign and promotion of “RussiaGate” (SPYGATE), etc.. It seems like McGovern is taking a dishonest excuse and rationalization from Obama – at face value. MLK Jr. had 0 Secret Service Protection – quite the opposite, in fact.

      McGovern is ALSO overlooking Obama’s likely familial CIA connections (through his mother) – and his being a Cousin of Dick Cheney’s. He worked as an “intern”, in Afghanistan, at a company that the NY Times has ID’ed as providing Operational Cover, to CIA Agents and Assets, during OPERATION CYCLONE. Meaning that he was likely a GHWBush41 Intelligence Asset – as the Clinton’s also appeared to be. He even mentioned publicly, that he was ‘proud to have been on [“Poppy” Bush’s] (OPERATION) HOMETEAM’.

    3. Another WorldView Is Possible wrote:
      > a dishonest excuse and rationalization from Obama
      Maybe. For some reason, it seems that everyone in this world has both a bright and a dark side, up to some degree. So I think probably Obama, like any of us, is neither pure good or pure evil.
      I’ve always been under the impression that Obama was just a quite weak person doing what he was told. Basically, letting the Complex have its lucrative wars while looting America and other countries, in exchange of being allowed to do some very limited things such as Obamacare or pardoning whistleblower Chelsea Manning after seven years in prison.
      Even the Russian president thinks it works this way, when citing the case of President Obama.
      Why quote Putin? As the old journalism rule goes:
      “In seeking truth you have to get both sides of a story.”
      — Walter Cronkite, most trusted journalist in long-gone America
      Putin: US Presidents Are Not Very Powerful, ‘Men in Dark Suits’ Rule Washington

      1. The “Men in Dark Suits” – are the ones that put Obama into Position… And then into power. Podesta emails revealed that the Cheney/W. Regime was working with Obama on his “transition” – before he was even the nominee.
        Nobody makes him do this – be could turn down the Wall Street payoffs and the Netflix deal (in those are even the reason that he acts like this).

        If you ask me – EVERYTHING about Obama’s life and upbringing, including attending the prestigious Punahou School, with the children of the Islands’ elites, and then Columbia and Harvard – has been stage managed, as part of a CIA plan. Let’s call it “OPERATION GOLDENBOY”, or maybe “OPERATION MAGIC NEGRO”.

        I see nothing positive about him, that is authentic – aside from a video of him Bodysurfing st Sandy Beach. But that’s just my take. Jimmy Dirs seems to have his number, on the overt and superficial political questions. Nobody ever tslkys about his work for the CIA, back in the 1980’s.

      2. The “Men in Dark Suits” – are the ones that put Obama into Position… And then into power. Podesta emails revealed that the Cheney/W. Regime was working with Obama on his “transition” – before he was even the nominee.
        Nobody makes him do this – be could turn down the Wall Street payoffs and the Netflix deal (if those are even the reason that he acts like this).

        If you ask me – EVERYTHING about Obama’s life and upbringing, including attending the prestigious Punahou School, with the children of the Islands’ elites, and then Columbia and Harvard – has been stage managed, as part of a CIA plan. Let’s call it “OPERATION GOLDENBOY”, or maybe “OPERATION MAGIC NEGRO”.

        I see nothing positive about him, that is authentic – aside from a video of him Bodysurfing at Sandy Beach. But that’s just my take. Jimmy Dore seems to have his number, on the overt and superficial political questions. Nobody ever talks about his work for the CIA, back in the 1980’s.

  25. Obama is a lot of things, a great many of them quite vile. I think about him as little as possible because such thoughts turn my stomach. His attributes that first come to my mind are shameless lying mass murderer who functioned for eight years as the exclusive tool of the rich and powerful in their never-ending quest for more… just more… of everything… for themselves which they will take from the masses, including you and me, no matter the suffering inflicted. His latest affront to all that is decent was to stump for the election of a man whom he himself thought to be a dishonest incoherent grasping imbecile as president of the United States. Dopey Joe Biden should prove to be as disastrous for the world as his former mentor and accomplice in crime Barack Obomber. Life on the planet Earth, demonstrably in great peril, will go on unchanged, and certainly unimproved, in large part because of this man who continues to get plaudits rather than the condemnations he appropriately deserves.

    1. Exactly. Thanks for saving me the time to write that out!

  26. In praise of assholes…

    Where would we be without the asshole? The evolution of the anus was indeed a major breakthrough! This much maligned but vital bodily sphincter needs rehabilitating and not have its name equated to mass serial killers and other psychopathic monsters who have taken the oligarch’s shilling. Exercise your brain, Ladies and Gentlemen, for more appropriate words to wrap around those pieces of excrement who murder children wholesale with impunity. Oh and btw, stop voting for them. That would be a good start to our own rehabilitation.

    1. Completely agree!

    2. Oh, if it were only that simple. In the U.S. we are given the same choice every four years: Asshole A or Asshole B. Four years ago I chose Jill Stein, a non-asshole. Asshole Trump was elected and I vowed never to make that mistake again. Indeed, there are gradations of assholes. I chose the one, this time, who will bring us to the apocalypse a little less swiftly than the Great Orange Goblin who roughly half of my countryfolk (some assholes, but most just skillfully deluded) support. Alas, before we can follow your well-taken prescription to quit voting for assholes, we must go through the painstaking process of changing the election system so that it permits non-assholes to be made viable electoral choices we can vote for.

      1. “…I chose the one, this time, who will bring us to the apocalypse a little less swiftly…”

        Please provide the Evidence for this assertion. A COMPETENT FASCIST, with a good PR Team – is inherently more dangerous than an incompetent fascist, who is widely perceived to be a liar, and whose limited appeal makes him less capable of marshalling support for the Imperial project.

      2. There you are. A perfect picture of what it is to be lost and adrift in a representative ‘democracy’ that now circles the drain. Which sociopath/psychopath do you choose to rule over you? Do you want this executioner or that executioner? It is a diabolic system where even votes become meaningless. Vote for whoever you want but the rulers remain in place whoever wins the ‘democratic’ ritual.

        However, an answer presents itself. Poetically it comes from Libya and from Gaddafi’s own hands written in his fascinating Green Book. Gaddafi united and guided his people towards a brilliant answer to the political problem of which we speak. He began the concept of Peoples’ Assemblies where the people gathered in their own localities to practice Full Participatory Democracy effectively sidelining the socio-/psychopathic elements. The people themselves considered what it was they wanted. Then they passed up their resolutions to be acted upon by the central administration. His only insistences were that there would be NO political parties and absolutely NO usury, i.e., the charging of interest on a loan of money. The people began to look after themselves as a society and old rivalries/tribal disagreements put aside. The list of what the people achieved for themselves is awesome in both its breadth and generosity. You can see some of that list of achievements here in this 9 minute video:
        Obomber, of course, was one of the ones to destroy it. Now is the time to release the Gaddafi way in the USofA!

  27. Par for the course, you can’t really expect any better; would you expect a serial killer to also be a great humanitarian? Probably not, so don’t expect anything but the total absolute worse from anyone they might put in that office.

  28. “Obama’s job is to tell you that the ruling establishment which murders, oppresses and exploits people all day every day is quite progressive actually and the people who oppose it are immature lunatics who should be scoffed at.”

    Good description; that isn’t an asshole but a live rattlesnake.

  29. Am I wrong to call Wilson’s Progressivism a phony progressivism?
    I hate 1917.

    1. Woodrow Wilson. Now that’s a major league asshole. That’s an asshole for the ages.

      1. Hahaha, so true!
