Listen to a reading of this article:
The official narrative promoted by the entire western political/media class is that Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine in February of this year solely because he is evil and hates freedom. He wants to conquer as much of Europe as possible because he cannot stand free democracies, because he is another Adolf Hitler.
The official narrative is that while Russia is in Ukraine solely because its leader is an evil monster like Hitler, the US is in Ukraine solely because its leaders are righteous. The United States is providing arms, military intelligence, and assistance on the ground from special ops forces and CIA officers to Ukraine, as well as implementing an unprecedented regime of economic warfare against Russia, solely because the US loves its good friends the Ukrainians and wants to protect their freedom and democracy.
If you dispute any part of the official Ukraine narrative, you are an evil monster, and a disinformation agent. Because Vladimir Putin is the same as Adolf Hitler, you are also the same as Neville Chamberlain, and are guilty of the cardinal sin of supporting appeasement.
Because you are an evil disinformation agent Neville Chamberlain appeasement monster, it is legitimate to censor you. It is legitimate to accuse you of being secretly paid by the Russian government. It is legitimate to swarm you with coordinated astroturf trolls working to shout you down and overwhelm you. It is legitimate to publish propagandistic smear pieces about you. All normal expectations of public discourse go out the window, because you are a monster, not a person.
If you are tempted to ask questions which put a wobble on the official narrative, you must resist this urge at all cost. Don’t ask why western officials, scholars and strategists have spent years warning that the actions of western governments would lead to this war. Don’t ask what people are talking about when they say the US provoked this war, or when they say the US is using this war to advance strategic agendas it has had in place for years, or when they suggest that these things might have something to do with why the US is obstructing diplomatic solutions at every turn. If you ask questions like these, you are the worst person in the world.
Per the official narrative, if you confront powerful lawmakers on their support for US interventionism in Ukraine, you are “parroting pro-Putin talking points” and spreading “Russian disinformation“. Questioning officials of the most powerful government in the world about the most consequential decisions being made in the world is violence, and is not allowed.
If you claim you are objecting to the US using proxy warfare in Ukraine on anti-war grounds, you are lying; you are not anti-war. You are only anti-war if you support the same positions on Ukraine as noted anti-war activists John Bolton, Bill Kristol, Tom Cotton, and Mike Pompeo. Anyone advocating diplomacy, de-escalation and detente is an evil warmonger, like Hitler. If you want to learn about the true anti-war position, consult reliable anti-war publications like The New York Times and The Washington Post.
The official narrative on Ukraine is that the US empire and its media never lie or circulate propaganda about wars that the US is involved in. If you dispute this, you are lying and circulating propaganda. That’s why it’s necessary to have so much censorship and organized trolling and mass media reports reminding you how good and righteous this war is: it’s to protect you from lies and propaganda.
If any part of the official narrative on Ukraine sounds suspicious to you, this means you have been infected by Russian disinformation. Do not breathe a word of the thoughts you’ve been thinking to anyone, or else you will be guilty of spreading Russian disinformation and will become the enemy of the free world.
Remember, good citizen: we must oppose Russian propaganda at all costs to protect our western values of free expression, free thought, free press, and free democracy. So do not question any part of the official Ukraine narrative. Or else.
My work is entirely reader-supported, so if you enjoyed this piece please consider sharing it around, following me on Facebook, Twitter, Soundcloud or YouTube, buying an issue of my monthly zine, or throwing some money into my tip jar on Ko-fi, Patreon or Paypal. If you want to read more you can buy my books. The best way to make sure you see the stuff I publish is to subscribe to the mailing list for at my website or on Substack, which will get you an email notification for everything I publish. Everyone, racist platforms excluded, has my permission to republish, use or translate any part of this work (or anything else I’ve written) in any way they like free of charge. For more info on who I am, where I stand, and what I’m trying to do with this platform, click here. All works co-authored with my American husband Tim Foley.

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73 responses to “The Official Narrative On Ukraine”
The thought comes to mind – ‘with friends like this, who needs enemies’ but paraphrased as ‘with ambassadors to Russia like this, who needs enemies’. Was McFaul installed just to start WW3?
Working definition of FOS: ” If you want to learn about the true anti-war position, consult reliable anti-war publications like The New York Times and The Washington Post.”
I just jettisoned a former friend for doing exactly what Caitlin discusses in her opening paragraphs. As soon as I said the war in Ukrained must end, this former friend said “You don’t support PUTIN, do you?” Then she hung up the phone offering no justification for her position whatsoever. Her reply was “click”. I no longer have time for people this stupid. Thanks for this article a thousand times, Caitlin.
“I no longer have time for people this stupid.” It appears to be a prudent use of time. The ruling class, through their actions, seems to prefer that we no longer have time.
in a way the programming sounds quite spooky, like, ‘end ukraine war’ -> ‘support putin !!’ -> abort contact!, abort contact!! one should not underestimate the power of msm-propaganda, especially as a means of intimidation to people who only rely on msm-sources.
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I’m glad she acknowledged the monstrous premise of this otherwise good comedy. A couple breaks up, so they decide to divide up their infant twins — so each girl will never see the other parent, her sister, or any of her other relatives again? Or even know she has a sister? Just as in the original version of this movie, the real villains a re clearly both parents…………….
lol…. Hitler…Hitler… therefore Putin
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I don’t see Putin involved in any IMF policy that is currently destroying Ukraine, as it’s done with nearly every nation for decades. Economic war has killed just as many as military war, only silently and more slowly.
“The IMF crushed democracy in Ukraine, crushed any chance of Ukrainians to make their own policy. Finance is the American mode of warfare against democracy.”
The IMF Won’t Save Ukraine
“The support for Ukraine that fills Western media now is not out of real solidarity with the people of Ukraine. If that were the case, the US wouldn’t have overthrown our government twice in a decade or supported policies that made us the poorest country in Europe..”
The Straussians, aka Leocons, have been leading US foreign policy for decades now. They have selected Ukraine to become the “Greater Israel”, as Zelensky stated. What better way to stockpile high-grade arsenal for security, eradicate existing Ukrainians and prepare the EU for Leviathan, (an Israeli offshore oil/gas field) to replace Gazprom? The truth is so blatantly obvious, it’s embarrassing to one’s intelligence to think otherwise.
Russia claims it has just given 310 pages of evidence of violation of biological weapons conventions by Ukraine in Pentagon-linked bioweapon research labs on its soil.
The document allegedly contains the mention of 432 cholera storage units, 32 anthrax units and the description of projects to study the possibility to spread dangerous infections through migratory birds (including highly pathogenic influenza and Newcastle disease) and bats (including pathogens of plague, leptospirosis, brucellosis as well as coronaviruses and filoviruses that are potentially infectious to humans).
CHERNOZEM this rich glacial soil of the disputed region. Holodomor the DEKULAKIZATION of the disputed region. Czarina EKATIRINA Brought MENNONITE farmers in to grow sunflowers in the disputed region. How about a discussion of KULAKS, MOLOTOV and KAGANOVICH, and all the international AG cos that have set up shop in the disputed region?
Zelensky already sold 29% of Ukraine rich farmland to Gates, Monsanto, Cargill and assorted sundry players. It is their grain which their puppets whined about sending to poor starving countries and then got a better price for in Europe. Now that that is being shut down the screeching has started anew.
BTW, Russia is currently the world’s largest exporter of organic food. No GMO allowed. No gylphosphate. At a time when the testocerone levels of young men have plummeted the question is never framed against how it is outside of the poisoned west.
I recorded a live stream of Putin that was playing a video loop from India. Highlights of a talk two days ago at the Valdai Discussion Club. I now host the unlooped video on my own website which you can get to by clicking on my name at the top of this comment. Some of us here have websites.
Comparisons to Hitler are ridiculous.
The mainstream, corporate press has done a bang-up job of making it nearly impossible to have a reasoned debate about anything. They have succeeded where Orwell failed. “War is Peace,” “Freedom is Slavery,” and “Ignorance is Strength.” To that I would add, “Woke is Left.”
Caitlin, you are possibly the most deeply insightful writer on the net; and that is not meant to diminish anyone else.
A bit off topic to this essay, but NEVER off topic, I suggest readers take a look at My friend’s powerful and heartfelt reminder to never forget the significance of Julian Assange’s contribution to all of us.
America’s Manifest Destiny is simply an relentless grab for ever more ,land,wealth,markets and empire.The urge to expand,to conquer,to monopolize, to Christianize and dominate was ingrained in every pioneer eager to clear unproductive land of those uncivilized other people who wasted Gods bounty.Unrestrained capitalism is the key to America and the collective west over the economies of the east.Like Goya’s Saturn America is a profligate father that has to devour its children to survive
If you want the official narrative here it is:
Putin speaks at the Valdai Club two days ago.
The Valdai Discussion Club was established in 2004. It is named after Lake Valdai, which is located close to Veliky Novgorod, where the Club’s first meeting took place.
The intellectual potential of the Valdai Discussion Club is highly regarded both in Russia and abroad. More than 1,000 representatives of the international scholarly community from 85 countries have taken part in the Club’s activities.
My website:
My website is blocked, fine my name links to it. The link to the Valdai Club came through. Follow it and you see a world kept from western eyes.
Ah but you missed the point entirely! As Congressman Jamie Raskin points out in a letter…
… “Ukraine’s struggle embodies a democratic future. Its civilian and military leadership is young and diverse, representing a post-Soviet generation that has learned to treasure freedom and value democracy. Its president, who is [Fill-in-the-blank] and thus belongs to a small national minority, was elected with 73% of the population, and now has even higher levels of support, thanks to his extraordinary wartime leadership. Thousands of Ukrainian women are fighting on the front, and a woman serves as deputy minister of defense. Sexual minorities are represented within the Ukrainian armed forces. Ukrainian soldiers routinely speak two languages. Ukraine has displayed a striking degree of toleration and decency during a war”.
As Max Blumenthal explains in the segment below, “It’s a woke army. It’s like the #MeToo/Mudjahadeen fighting Putin’s Proud Boys. If you question aid to Ukraine, you do not believe all women… Sexual minorities are fighting there, I mean they’re waving the rainbow flag… It’s a LGBTQ/CIA army… (…) They’ve displayed a striking degree of toleration and decency”.
But then he spoils it all: “Right! Well, last week we had photos from a member of the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion, which is fighting on the front lines of this woke army, throwing the bodies of Ukrainian citizens who are ethnic Russians into a ditch after executing them because this is territory supposedly liberated by the Ukrainian army from Russian forces and these people were accused of being Russian collaborators. That’s what happens. Everyone who’s accused of being a collaborator by the Ukrainian forces gets wrapped up and killed and the Ukrainian officials boast about this. Anton Gerashchenko, who’s an adviser to the Interior ministry – and has a blue check on Twitter – has boasted about the assassination of Ukrainian mayors for negotiating with Russia. Ukrainian communist activists have been tortured and jailed after being arrested by Ukrainian SBU agents. Zelensky has banned thirteen political parties, his entire opposition. He’s had [Viktor] Medvedchuk, his main opposition leader arrested. The SBU apparently beat him, jailed him and banned his entire party, the party For Life. Members of the Ukrainian party For Life have been captured and assassinated, jailed,,, Human rights activists have been kidnapped throughout this war. Pretty much anyone in any media that questions the war is outlawed and all media have been brought together into a single entity which has been broadcasting 24/7 propaganda for the war inside Ukraine and we’ve seen on Ukrainian networks like N24 – I believe – full on Nazi-like calls for the extermination of Russians. This stands at odds with the woke liberal Berkeley-like republic that Jamie Raskin is describing here…”
Wow! Damn Russian disinformation… :o)
Michael McFaul (known aliases, M. McFool, M. McFoul, Lord of the Flies, The Great Deceiver): Latest reincarnation of Joseph Goebbels, back from Hell (aka Pandemonium) with shitload of new deceits, dirty tricks, lies, slanders, false narratives and other heinous misrepresentations of reality learned at the side of Lucifer (aka Satan, Beelzebub, El Diablo, Der Teufel, The Devil, occupant of the Joe Biden host) himself. Remember, in this universe of the damned, the opposite of what you believe and what seems to be fair and logical is what is really true. Down here, war IS peace, freedom IS slavery, and ignorance IS strength. Not only is Putin Hitler, but everyone who would espouse peace, freedom, justice, true democracy, and the innate right of self-actualisation is also Hitler. Julian Assange is Hitler, JFK was Hitler, Frodo Baggins was Hitler, Santa Claus is Hitler, the Tooth Fairy is Hitler, Jesus H. Christ was Hitler, and even Caitlin Johnstone is Hitler. Mindless drones and trolls, like Michael McFaul, relentlessly echoing the official propaganda are the heroes of the people. If any thought ever disturbs what’s left of the conscience your government has tried mightily to extirpate from your brain with all the techniques of Goebbels and McFaul, cast it out and run like a scared rabbit that’s crossed paths with a venomous snake back to the bosom of your demonic minders. Anything less will not serve you well in this hell hole of a country. Just follow the crowd and curse whomever they tell you to hate. It’s the key to winning (saving your ass) in Big Joe’s America.
Are you sure about the Tooth Fairy?
The Tooth Fairy teaches kids they can sell their body parts for money.
It also teaches that parts are indistinguishable from one kid to another, so if you get your hands on a spare tooth, or like Hitler, pull it from people’s mouths, you could get rich.
PS. I also like to spoil Christmas.
I have to disagree with you here because the Tooth Fairy intervenes AFTER the child has lost his tooth and put it under his pillow in hope of compensation. The Tooth Fairy provides this compensation (two bucks these days apparently) just like your insurance company will compensate you after your house burnt to the ground because the Tooth Fairy hit a candle after putting the two bucks under the kid’s pillow, that fell on the carpet and set the curtains on fire.
Ha ha ha ha ha!
Ah but you missed the point entirely! As Congressman Jamie Raskin points out in a letter…
… “Ukraine’s struggle embodies a democratic future. Its civilian and military leadership is young and diverse, representing a post-Soviet generation that has learned to treasure freedom and value democracy. Its president, who is Jewish and thus belongs to a small national minority, was elected [by] 73% of the population, and now has even higher levels of support, thanks to his extraordinary wartime leadership. Thousands of Ukrainian women are fighting on the front, and a woman serves as deputy minister of defense. Sexual minorities are represented within the Ukrainian armed forces. Ukrainian soldiers routinely speak two languages. Ukraine has displayed a striking degree of toleration and decency during a war”.
As Max Blumenthal explains in the segment below, “It’s a woke army. It’s like the #MeToo/Mudjahadeen fighting Putin’s Proud Boys. If you question aid to Ukraine, you do not believe all women… Sexual minorities are fighting there, they’re waving the rainbow flag… It’s a LGBTQ/CIA army… (…) And they’ve displayed a striking degree of toleration and decency”.
But then he spoils it all: “Well… last week we had photos from a member of the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion, which is fighting on the front lines of this woke army, throwing the bodies of Ukrainian citizens who are ethnic Russians into a ditch after executing them because this is territory supposedly “liberated” by the Ukrainian army from Russian forces and these people were accused of being Russian collaborators. That’s what happens. Everyone who’s accused of being a collaborator by the Ukrainian forces gets wrapped up and killed and the Ukrainian officials boast about this. Anton Gerashchenko, who’s an adviser to the Interior ministry – and has a blue check on Twitter – has boasted about the assassination of Ukrainian mayors for negotiating with Russia. Ukrainian communist activists have been tortured and jailed after being arrested by Ukrainian SBU agents. Zelensky has banned thirteen political parties, his entire opposition. He’s had [Viktor] Medvedchuk, his main opposition leader arrested. The SBU apparently beat him, jailed him and banned his entire party, the party For Life. Members of the Ukrainian party For Life have been captured and assassinated, jailed,,, Human rights activists have been kidnapped throughout this war. Pretty much anyone in any media that questions the war is outlawed and all media have been brought together into a single entity which has been broadcasting 24/7 propaganda for the war inside Ukraine and we’ve seen on Ukrainian networks like N24 – I believe – full on Nazi-like calls for the extermination of Russians. This stands at odds with the woke liberal Berkeley-like republic that Jamie Raskin is describing here…”
Wow! Damn Russian disinformation… :o)
Sorry for the double. It had disappeared, so I posted it again with a slight modification and… both versions then hit the screen. Can’t stop progress!
Pentagon national strategy document targets China
The US military published three strategic documents Thursday outlining plans for conflict with China and Russia and declaring that nuclear weapons form the “bedrock” of US military strategy. The publication of the National Defense Strategy, the Nuclear Posture Review and the Missile Defense Review comes less than two weeks after the Biden administration published its National Security Strategy, which pledged that the United States will “win” in conflict with Russia and China in what it called a “decisive decade.”
Yes, the US has ALWAYS refused to renounce the first use of nuclear weapons. They are now warning Russia that they will use them if they seem to be losing this war whether Russia deploys such weapons or not. At best, Russia gets only whatever retaliatory strike they can muster. They are guaranteeing to Russia that their civilisation will be totally destroyed unless they unconditionally surrender, and then they will be systematically dismantled as in the plan to dissect that country made public yesterday. Basically, they are telling Russia that their only move is to launch a first nuclear strike against the empire. It’s the only way to deprive the US complete victory. Russia is not allowed to “win” whatever the merits of the situation. The only move they are giving Putin is to play the Hitler card and initiate Armageddon. If true, he should have an irresistible urge to just launch all his nukes ASAP. The US never gives any adversary any reason to cooperate with them. They always double down, regardless the stakes, because they simply MUST dominate you, even if their bet means total annihilation for all, including themselves. That is some case of psychopathy. Meanwhile, Russia’s proclivity is to simply hold its cards and see what happens, which drives many of their advocates (like PCR) crazy.
“When society does something wrong and extremely immoral, ironically it is not called ‘madness’. For example, ‘sati burning’ and ‘forced conversion into another religion’ etc. Sometimes, an ‘unreasonable’ society tries to present itself as ‘reasonable’ by unfairly and selfishly defining ‘madness’ according to its own wish and for its own interest!”
― Md. Ziaul Haque
Not that propaganda is something new, but the sophistication, ubiquity and increasingly aggressive tone of modern western propaganda is unprecedented. Either you are 100% uncritically in support of endless war or you are considered a dangerous monster. The pacifists are the enemy. Interesting times…
The same kind of thing went on during World War I. Speaking German, criticizing the war in any way would land you in prison for sedition or even get you killed, depending on where you lived in the U.S.
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the msm-narrative is designed for the carefully diseducated and fully controlled 51% of any population. it’s their herd and others are not allowed to communicate to them. in the mean time the powerful know that they’ve overstepped many lines and that it can be proven that they’re doing what they’re doing deliberately and fully aware that it is evil.
That’s exactly what’s happening on social media at least.
The regime in Kiev spent years using American tax dollars to murder Russian citizens in the east a few at a time, then they started murdering them a bunch at a time. Then Russian missiles started coming back at them.
5 Facts About Lobbyists:
1. Lobbyists raise gobs of money for elected officials: The average senator has to pull in more than $14,000 dollars every single day, just to stay in office. One of the easiest ways to raise that kind of cash is to turn to lobbyists, who make big donations and organize swanky fundraisers for elected officials in order to buy influence for their clients.
2. Lobbyists write laws themselves: In many cases, lobbyists write our laws — literally.
For an example, look at the 2014 omnibus budget deal. Congress used the deal to secretly put taxpayers back on the hook for bank bailouts. That’s right – in 2014, our representatives repealed a law that prevented the American people from bailing out big banks that engage in risky derivatives trading. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
3. Lobbyists effectively bribe members of Congress with lucrative job offers… to become lobbyists: Lobbyists routinely offer members of Congress and their staffers lucrative jobs at their firms or their clients’ companies. These negotiations often take place while our representatives are still in office and, ostensibly, working for us, the American people. With multi-million-dollar future salaries on the line, most members of Congress are more than willing to protect the best interests of the lobbyists who will one day be their employers.
4. Politicians who walk through the revolving door are in for a massive raise: It’s hard to overemphasize how tempting a revolving door gig can be. Congressmen who go on to become lobbyists get, on average, a 1,452% raise. Small wonder they’re willing to throw a few votes the lobbyists’ way with that kind of money on the line.
5. And that’s just the lobbyists we know about: Thanks to loopholes in how federal law defines lobbyists, many elected officials go on to take what are effectively revolving door lobbying jobs without ever having to officially register as lobbyists. These “shadow lobbyists,” like former Sen. Tom Daschle (D-SD) and Rep. Newt Gingrich (R-GA), are lobbyists in everything but name, and they’re certainly paid just as well as the real thing. Researchers estimate that there’s actually twice as much lobbying as what’s publicly disclosed — making the business of influencing politicians a $7 billion industry.
There was several articles in Seattle Times last week addressing the 30-Democrats who wrote a letter to Biden urging him to facilitate peace negotiations – and the retracted it when their war mongering colleagues went nuts.
The Seattle Times agreed with war mongers. And in the two article 275+ commenters spewed the official narrative. It was surely depressing.
That was a pre-election stunt to insinuate that one may vote D and for peace simultaneously.
I share your depression about that statistic. Critical thinking has gone by the wayside. The ceaseless pro-war propaganda, the influence of post-modernist thinking, the lack of historical perspective – all thee factors have played their part.
Mexico to boost trade ties with Russia – diplomat
OK, so Mexico is boosting trade with Russia. That’s good. But what about the USA’s trade with Mexico (after decades of exploiting Mexico?) Well, according to, the United States’ Chamber of Commerce is the number one spender (2021-22) in trying to influence government policy. Are you telling me that the US’ COC, with all of that money ($66,410,000 in 2021) spent on influence, can’t get off of its fat ass and drive south, eat some muy delisioso comida, and also boost trade ties with the US? Well, what’d you expect? Maybe this is another example, along with BRICS+ & SCO…, of what happens when you haughtily run around the globe, as the self-promulgated sole superpower, shitting on people? You know…when this all comes down, US’ citizens/civilians will bear the brunt of this economic fiasco—the ruling class has previously siphoned pillage to cushion their fall (On March 18, 2020, at the beginning of the formal lockdown, U.S. billionaires held a combined $2.947 trillion. On May 4, 2022, as the U.S. crossed the 1 million death mark, according to an analysis by NBC, 727 U.S. billionaires were worth $1.71 trillion more, according to Forbes). Is it time to unite and move on from this dysfunctional failed state?
I am currently earning an additional $33,440 over the course of six months from home by utilizing incredibly honest and fluent online sports activities athletics. This domestic hobby provides the month. Given the stats system, I’m currently interacting fast on this hobby’s road and earning
lot of online currency——————>>>>>
The US is clearly an empire in decline.
The choice Democrats offer is WWIII with a (temporary) side order of human rights for women.
Obama could have passed a federal law protecting women’s rights during his first term, having control of the Presidency, the Senate, the House of Representatives, and the Supreme Court for his first two years.
The choice Republicans offer is the decline of human rights for women and the (temporary) step back from WWIII.
And, where do you think all of the (largely for Republicans) unwelcome immigrants come from?
Many come from nations where the US controls their economy (Mexico) and places where US has replaced their governments by coup (Ukraine), or have been starved out by confiscation of US currency (Venezuela).
I had hoped that someone, (anyone) who experienced the Jan 6th invasion of the Capital Building would have come to the understanding that coups are scary bad things that no one should inflict on another nation.
But, no. That would be too much to expect from a collection of empathy deficient psychopaths.
Our government still insists that some guy named Guaido is the “real” president of Venezuela, despite the fact that he wasn’t elected and isn’t in charge of anything. And America’s military is still in Iraq 30 years after it became obvious that there were no WMD’s after all. Getting realistic is not something they are going to be good at.
Hear, hear.
Westerners must be adults enough to dig up the truth for themselves using alternative sources of information. Even here in Africa, MSM do not feature much that would help a person know fully what the is happening regarding the conflict in the Ukraine but with effort to search the internet with keen interest, helps to sift out the truth from the lies the collective west think we would all lap up without thinking. The truth doesn’t just fall on one’s lap without personal curiosity and enquiry. No one will save the westerners from their corrupt elites but themselves once they are better informed about the wider world rather than them putting their trust in public representatives who are openly being dishonest with them. Westerners must ask themselves, if their rulers were being honest and telling the whole truth, why bar Russia’s news channels which would help them to know for themselves that indeed Putin is what he is portrayed as ? those of us who have followed the truth for ourselves, we shudder to realize that Vladmir Putin happens to be a moderate within the Russian political discourse which westerners are oblivious to by virtue of them being highly propagandized.
Thanks for the help! Who would have thought of that…
Caitlin nailed it, as usual! I fear many Westerners’ minds are so narrow, at this point in history, they will fail to comprehend her irony and miss the point entirely. When a narrative is repeated incessantly, and people fear to dissect it (i.e. THINK) it becomes embedded as “fact” and we all lose our minds.
Absolutely! The West indoctrinates its propaganda through inculcation.
BTW: “We all lose our minds.” Have you seen mine?
The US of A will always need a bogeyman and has gotten quite adept at creating them as the need arises.
They sure do; and they sure are. The US has myriads of experience fabricating counterfeit monstrosities to perpetuate its system of chicanery and thievery.
It’s one thing to oppose the evils of the combined West. It’s quite another thing to support the difficult actions Russia is taking in response to those evils. Caitlin, like many others, will go no further than the former. Then there are those like Scott Ritter, few indeed, who are willing to go all the way and talk about the justness, the necessity, of Russia’s cause. Something to mull over–is it not?–for Caitlin and for all of us.
The justness of a cause. I’ve listened to Ritter and didn’t hear a lot of cheerleading for Russia, but might have missed it. Caitlin is focused on narrative control and empire, but has been insistent that NATO provoked the situation. It’s easy to armchair conflict, difficult when in it. Justness of cause has a fervor to it and war is about that. I like the word ‘meddle’. We know that the US has been meddling worldwide for a century. We have a memorial in DC to fifty thousand dead soldiers due to nothing more than meddling. The US poked the nuclear bear, that’s a dangerous but irresistible ploy for a serial meddler.
Yes, I think you missed it.
By a large margin.
What the world needs is NOT an escalation, for everyone to jump in and join one of two sides. The situation is already at maximum escalation, nukes armed and on hair trigger alert.
What the world needs is a rapid mutual de-escalation more than than a picking of your favorite “good guy” to win or lose.
Survival is not a spectator sport.
Justness and morality matter not if both sides can’t come to a mutual non-suicide agreement.
Justness and morality will not be determined by debate, a (nuclear) beat down, but by diplomacy.
The US has a long history of rejecting diplomacy. This is the sticking point.
When the nukes fly everyone loses.
Everyone living is more just than everyone dying.
We the People (I hope someone in government takes this concept seriously)need to make our government responsive to our desire to continue living in a non-irradiated world.
Do we want all of nothing or a some of everything?
Some of everything, please!
The collective West has gone rabidly insane. Our only hope to avoid nuclear war lies in the rationality and restraint of Putin and Russia. Their costly efforts so far to minimize civilian casualties, to forego leveling Ukraine to the ground American- style, bodes well. But if we don’t make it, God forbid, I want to go out with the truth–the whole truth–on my lips, which includes the fact that the West forced Russia into the proactive defense of its security and its people.There can be no lasting peace without justice, and no justice without unflinching truth.
The USA, through its institutionalized corruption and deluded cowards at the helm, has kicked the can down the road as far as it can be kicked. The USA is absolutely responsible, through decades of horrendous misdeeds, for the ascending resistance (China, Russia, Iran…) that we are witnessing (implacable opponents). A reckoning is at hand. That’s good (it is justified if we are inferring through honesty, good faith, and reason). If not…well, you may be permeated with US’ chauvinist propaganda narrative. The US is in a serious dilemma; it is self-inflicted. Russia is the protagonist in this story; and the antagonist is surreptitiously enshrouded in the opposite corner (Ukraine is the immolation). The outcome is uncertain; but the context is gravely precarious. It is time for the peaceniks to outnumber the warmongers.
Long before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, since 2014, the United States has – through the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative of the US Department of Defense – spent more than $19 billion in providing training and equipment to the Ukrainian military ($17.6 billion since Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022). The total annual budget of the United Nations for 2022 is $3.12 billion, far less than the amount spent by the US on Ukraine today. The arming of Ukraine, the statements about weakening Russia by senior officials of the US government, and the refusal to initiate any kind of arms control negotiations prolong a war that is ugly and unnecessary.
Ritter comes at it from a military point of view and I agree with him. The word for the Russian SMO is “necessity”, not “justification”. The central fact is that Russia faced an active and ongoing agent of armed malevolence. The necessity of a military response was a question of when, not if, and further delay would have been irresponsible. We observers need to understand that Russia was not an observer, it was a target, and open ended observation was not an option. Americans think of war as some kind of game or hobby, which for us it is, but it isn’t for our targets, and we shouldn’t expect them to treat it as such.
“…and further delay would have been irresponsible.”
Absolutely. Much agree with your wording. Definitely a target, and definitely open ended observation was not an option. They haven’t just been provoked, they’ve been placed under severe threat.
Hey, the American people are so used to invading other countries which don’t have the means to defend themselves against “the world’s only super-bully”they have grown to accept death and destruction, misery and suffering on said nations of the planet, and drank the Kool-Aid (the non-thinking public) of government and big corporate, pro-war (and pro sales of armaments and military equipment) propaganda of the mainstream media.
And the “fake” so-called liberals or progressive thinking people wanting a better deal for humanity have succumbed to the wishes of the power elite, save for honest investigative reporters, writers, and speakers, like Caitlin, who’s courage, wisdom and understanding of history and current events, illuminates the darkness perpetuated by the evil forces for totalitarian control of everything.
I read Dr. Mercola’s TOP STORY before, about Covid, ( and as usual, he’s right on the money, plus the 55 or more comments on that article. Worth reading, folks!
Perfect, Caitlin, just perfect!
Ilhan Omar another sellout tool like Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez. show us how courageous antiwar fighters retract mild letters, show us how it’s done. be fair, these so-called progressives are part and parcel of what the West is all about. They benefit from the status quo and would be biting the hand that feeds them if they would dissent from what makes the West what it is, namely, a power hungry and exploitative hegemon.
“A power hungry and exploitative hegemon.” Yes, that describes the Usurped Stupefied of Affliction.
biden’s saber rattling about nuclear war is same as old nuclear warriors saying; ‘nuke’em til they glow’
the obama installed regime in kiev (2014) is an abomination!
the regime in kiev has attacked free donbas since 2014, the cause of their shortage of soviet caliber artillery shells.
the usa is serving the neocon plan to break up russia.
nothing about usa war favoring one slav faction ‘s civil war meets even one of the 6 christian tenets for “just war’
the usa is evil!
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