Listen to a reading of this article:

When receiving information about the world it’s necessary to scrutinize not just the information, but also the means by which the information was brought to your attention and who could benefit from its circulation. Few bother doing all of these things, which is why most people are confused about the world.

The fact that Biden is continuing all of Trump’s policies means those who believed Trump was fighting the establishment must now admit that either (A) they were wrong or (B) Biden is also fighting the establishment.

The only people promoting the idea that Joe Biden has dementia are right wingers, left wingers, and Joe Biden.

People tell me I should criticize Biden’s policies and not his obvious mental decline, but a very clear sign that the most powerful government on earth is not being run by its elected officials is actually an extremely noteworthy fact that everyone should be talking about.

The only face more suitable for the US empire than a sociopathic billionaire is a decrepit warmongering corporate whore with dementia.

When imperialists say an issue is “complicated” what they really mean is that a very simple matter has been covered over by a lot of complicated spin and propaganda narratives.

I tried to infiltrate MSNBC and CNN but they won’t hire me because I have no CIA experience.

Jimmy Dore lives so rent-free in Cenk Uygur’s head that BlackRock is trying to buy it.

The best way to get rich as an intelligence agent is to run media influence operations posing as a “former” intelligence agent.

The main difficulty with socialism is that when a nation tries to move away from the most toxic aspects of capitalism, the most toxic aspects of capitalism immediately begin arming local proxy militias and working to cut it off from the world economy.

Any evil deeds you suspect the US empire might be perpetrating in secret are probably not as bad as what it is doing openly in Yemen as you read this sentence.

A society which supports the butchery in Yemen is not going to abandon factory farming and animal cruelty. We are very, very far from treating our animal cousins properly if we can’t even stop slaughtering our own.

The difference between a centrist Democrat and a progressive Democrat is that one favors slow incremental changes which never actually happen, whereas the other favors slow incremental changes which never actually happen.

The shrinking audiences for The Intercept and TYT shows there’s not actually much demand for the area between (A) real criticism of capitalist imperialism and (B) MSNBC. Once your eyes begin to open you tend to move quickly from mainstream to radical without hovering in between.

My whole life is interacting with binary-minded dimwits. You hate Democrats so you must be a Republican. You criticize the US empire so you must think China is perfect. You’re skeptical of the Pentagon’s UFO narrative so you must think all UFOs are weather balloons and swamp gas.

I know this UFO thing doesn’t interest some of my regular readers, or leftists in general, but it is a major news story of a highly suspicious nature which just so happens to fit in nicely with preexisting US cold war objectives. It does need critical coverage and analysis.

Mainstream media: We must stop the spread of crazy conspiracy theories even if we have to censor the entire internet.

Also the mainstream media: The US military says it’s been lying about UFOs for decades and maybe space aliens are flying around above your house.

Mainstream media pundits now believe UFOs are real because the US war machine told them so, which says very little about UFOs but says a lot about mainstream media pundits.

If you’re going to accept that (1) UFOs are being piloted by non-human intelligence, (2) that their focus is on nuclear weapons facilities, and (3) that sightings are becoming more common, you’ll have to conclude that they ramp up operations whenever we engage in insane cold war escalations.

My point of course is not that these are aliens (I have no idea what any of this stuff is), it’s that any position that accepts points 1, 2 and 3 should logically want less militarism, not more. Which will be important to keep in mind as Official Narratives unfold going forward.

People bitch when I say landlords shouldn’t be a thing like “How dare you, I’m a landlord and I collect rent to pay for my retirement!” Well, nobody should have to build their retirement on the economic premise of a permanent underclass. If they do, something has gone very wrong.

I heard someone say mothers are expected to work like they don’t have kids and parent like they don’t have a job, and that really says it all. This impossibly high-pressure way of existing is the “equality” mainstream feminism has given us.

I feel kind of silly about how I used to try and explain why I write about some issues and not others. I write entirely from inspiration; I’ve never once felt like I’m in control of what dances its way into my head. The honest answer is I write what I write and I don’t know why.


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88 responses to “The Fucking President Has Fucking Dementia: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix”

  1. I have been permanently suspended from Twitter

    The tweet they say they suspended me for

    “Bill Maher is an Oligarch and a propaganda pushing whore for the rich.”

    I appealed

    They said that my account was just promoting hate speech.

    Yes. I would express my disgust toward people like Biden and Obama and call them “Lying Sacks of Sh*t”, “Oligarchs” “Warmongers” etc.

    Is that hate speech? Saying that “We are ruled by a Corrupt Red/Blue U.S. Oligarchy” “They pretend democracy with us to keep us compliant with their crimes against us” … hate speech?

    They don’t like my truth telling or opinions and got rid of me.

    That is the United States today. Rub the oligarchs the wrong way and they get rid of you.

    1. Can I make a suggestion ? See it from other people’s point of view. How does it improve my day to read your sentences quoted here ? Are they arguments or just angry points of view ? Sir, may you take your permanent suspension as a blessing and cause to go out there and see if you can Find a Life. Blessings

      1. Freedom of expression has nothing to do with improving your day. WTF is wrong with you?

  2. Lots of brilliant stuff here. So – typical that I am only going to comment on what I disagree with ;-P

    “When receiving information about the world it’s necessary to scrutinize not just the information, but also the means by which the information was brought to your attention and who could benefit from its circulation.” I strongly disagree with this. Trying to guess what might be true by speculating about peoples motives is what gets people so confused. The ONLY thing that matters is the consistency and congruence of the actual message.

    UFOs. WTF? Surely nobody actually believes for a nano second that there are really aliens? This is a serious question.

    “Nobody should have to build their retirement on the economic premise of a permanent underclass. If they do, something has gone very wrong.” Yup. Something *HAS* gone very wrong.

  3. LOVED this post! Especially the part about UFO’s. “I know this UFO thing doesn’t interest some of my regular readers, or leftists in general, but it is a major news story of a highly suspicious nature which just so happens to fit in nicely with preexisting US cold war objectives. It does need critical coverage and analysis.” I just wrote such an article (also published on Southfront) : My submission for the NYT where I explain the whole UFO thing! LOL

  4. …wouldn’t it be grand if we simply had/demanded honest, VIGOROUS, OPEN ‘competition of ideas about government’ in conjunction with elections so that we might have a chance of electing the wisest/er people in the land instead of these f@cking bankster puppet republicrat$ inc. dominating public offices..

    …wouldn’t it be grand if enough people understood that, until such a time, pissing and moaning at bank$ter puppet politicians, bank$ter puppet media, bank$ter puppet ‘expert$’, etc. is a miserable waste of time…

    …wouldn’t it be grand if enough people understood ‘our’ HIDEOUS system of money issuance, etceterot, that confers ultimate political powers, nau$eam, upon, for lack of a better term, ‘the bank$ter$’..

  5. Old Joe B is the Demented Evil One!

    Re industrial “farming’ of animals, I once heard a Virginia politician refer to chickens as crop. That’s how effed-up this country is.

  6. I was just thinking a few days ago how embarrassingly wrong you were about Biden’s dementia ….. then I heard him speak at G7. Sincere apologies Caitlin – you were bang on!

  7. Two books by genius journalist Jim MARRS;
    Alien Agenda
    Our Occulted History.
    well worth a read.

    John Doran.

  8. Testing.

  9. Whoa there! Slow down everybody, with all the UFOs (unidentified flying objects). Let’s not get carried away here, I see them all the time. Things flying through the sky that I can’t identify. When I was a kid other kids sometimes throw things at me and I didn’t hang around long enough to identify them. The US government has a lot of trouble identifying things on the ground, let alone in the sky. Cops identify mobile phones as guns, and soldiers identify journalists as terrorists. The Israel Defence Force identifies itself as a defence force, then identifies Palestinian children as lethal threats and hospitals as Hamas HQs. This just another psyop to distract the masses. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it’s Superman, come to rescue us all from evil.

  10. “…a very clear sign that the most powerful government on earth is not being run by its elected officials is actually an extremely noteworthy fact that everyone should be talking about.”
    Sock puppet pol Crazy Joe Biden has had so many deep state hands deep up his butt hole over the course of 50-odd years that there was no more room for either his brains or the massive bolus of bull shit stored within his innards. One or the other had to go. Guess which was chosen?
    Caitlin! You married a dead-ringer for American teevee horror show emcee Svengoolie! Congratulations. Class and good taste always show. If only I could find a 75-year old simulacrum of Elvira, Mistress of the Dark. Or an American insurance policy that didn’t leave me owing upwards of $3-4K every time I have to be taken to a hospital emergency room (not every American qualifies for Medicare). And that’s before every MD who came within 50 yards of me sends his or her consultation bill. If not “in network,” tough luck, you get to pay full price even with insurance.
    “The US military says it’s been lying about UFOs for decades and maybe space aliens are flying around above your house.”
    I know they are. They did visit my house six years ago and came within mere feet of myself and all the other witnesses. They had nothing to say but clearly wanted to make their presence known. If you’ve seen ’em you know they are real. If not, all the biased conditioning by the media and government will probably affect your judgement. BTW, they may not be “space” aliens, but they are sure not human. We may share a planet with far superior beings and not even know it, not as common knowledge.

  11. First time posted here, be gentle.

    I’ve always imagined that the true rulers of this planet have been amassing untold wealth for centuries. These people owned the East India Company and it’s like. They were making billions over two hundred years ago, and over the ensuing centuries those billions have compounded. In the UK we literally have no idea who owns the land. Much of it is still in the hands of the Norman dynasties that have been here almost a millennia. Our electoral systems are shams and our people are propagandised from cradle to grave to believe they are free. Education for the masses continually turns out sub-literate non-thinkers that are easily distracted and diverted. UFOs are just the next distraction and causus belli.

    1. We do have some idea who owns land in the UK – and who doesn’t.
      Half of England is owned by less than 1% of its population, according to new data shared with the Guardian that seeks to penetrate the secrecy that has traditionally surrounded land ownership.

      The findings, described as “astonishingly unequal”, suggest that about 25,000 landowners – typically members of the aristocracy and corporations – have control of half of the country.
      Shrubsole estimates that “the aristocracy and gentry still own around 30% of England”. This may even be an underestimate, as the owners of 17% of England and Wales remain undeclared at the Land Registry. The most likely owners of this undeclared land are aristocrats, as many of their estates have remained in their families for centuries.
      Shrubsole estimates that 18% of England is owned by corporations, some of them based overseas or in offshore jurisdictions.
      Shrubsole, who works as a campaigner for the environmental charity Friends of the Earth, estimates that “a handful of newly moneyed industrialists, oligarchs and City bankers” own around 17% of England.
      Shrubsole writes that the bulk of the population owns very little land or none at all. Those who own homes in England, in total, own only 5% of the country.

      1. PS
        Simon: That’s not meant as a criticism, just a follow-on to something you said!
        Good to see you here. Do post again.

        1. Ian, it wasn’t taken as criticism. it was useful, thank you.

  12. Build Back Better, UFO’s, Covid passports, Covid Certificate, G7, NATO, man… too many drugs…
    If that’s what it takes to save the world till 2050, according to the world economic forum who does not understand anything about environment and human health, it’s better to let that world die…

    1. ‘Build Back Better’ should be known as the Bet and Raid Initiative.

      1. The Gang of Seven at its launch:

  13. You write what you write from an innermost intuitive guide based on natural justice … not fabricated historical BS or prefabricated tosh. Bless you for what you do.

  14. Gut instinct darlin, you know somethings very wrong and you’re doing something about it, God bless ya, move forward into the light, thats all we can do,

    1. Russian diplomat points to hotbed of terrorism in vicinity of US troops in Syria

  15. Wiser minds are trying to stay in the background and gently suggest this or that and talk to neighbors one at a time.
    Wiser minds will never doubt the value of talking across the table no matter the circumstances.
    Wiser minds no when to keep their thoughts to themselves.
    Wiser minds are out there.

  16. The history of humanity is a history of the few exploiting the many.
    It happens in our homes, our towns, our workplaces, shopping centres, schools, hospitals, the military, politics and places of worship. It happens nationwide and worldwide.
    As long as avarice, lust and spiritual emptiness persist, we are stuck in a man made purgatory.
    Thank Life for the beautiful Earth.

  17. Thank you for acknowledging that mothers are expected to work like they don’t have kids and parent like they don’t have a job. Political commentators rarely recognise the vast implications of women being unpaid for the work of parenting and caring for the elderly and disabled. It is difficult for more women to work on stopping the US war machine when they are effectively enslaved for the best part of their lives. Looking forward to more feminist content!

  18. “Any evil deeds you suspect the US empire might be perpetrating in secret are probably not as bad as what it is doing openly in Yemen as you read this sentence.”
    There is nothing so evil that you can imagine that the US Sociopaths In Charge are not either contemplating or already doing. They have no moral foundation or ethical standard. Such are the symptoms of their mental disease. Ignore them as much as possible, and for God’s sake, stop voting for them. That’s like handing a pyromaniac a book of matches.

  19. UFO=MIC.
    You are never ever going to see a true alien flying those things and walk out to give an interview. They are remote controlled. Sooner or later one will crash and the self destruct bomb will fail and be identified as MIC crap.
    Its a grab for more cash because there is an UFO “Gap”!

  20. Ms Johnstone this is why all of us do what we do!!
    Your Own Body Is Not Your Possession…It is the Shape Lent to you by Heaven and Earth. Your Life is Not Your Possession; it is Harmony Between Your Forces, granted for a time by Heaven and Earth. Your Nature and Destiny are Not Your Possessions; they are the Course Laid Down for you by Heaven and Earth. Your Children and Grandchildren are Not Your Possessions; Heaven and Earth lend them to you to cast off from your body as an insect sheds its skin. Therefore you travel without knowing where you go, stay without knowing what you cling to, are fed without knowing how. You are the Breath of Heaven and Earth which goes To and Fro; How can You Ever Possess It? – From The Book Of Lieh – Tzu

  21. you are simply a caustic human being.

    1. Sometimes it’s caustic (burning) is needed.

      ‘The fact that [possibly demendted] Biden is continuing all of Trump’s policies means those who believed Trump was fighting the establishment must now admit that either (A) they were wrong or (B) Biden is also fighting the establishment.’

      My impression is that Mr. Biden is _not_ continuing all of Mr. Trump’s policies; I arrive at this conclusion from the continuing attentive hatred for which he is the target. This huge propaganda effort seems superfluous if Mr. Trump did not pull somebody’s chain. The sad fact is, when resistance or revolution come to America it must come from the Right, and Mr. Trump is, after all, a down and dirty rightist. The near Left is pusillanimous, and the far Left is tiny.

    2. CJ is a splash of cool spring water on a hot day.

  22. Random Castagna Avatar
    Random Castagna

    Usually I like you stuff, but you really do not possess the qualifications to diagnose Dementia or its absence.

    1. You mean like qualifications granted by some school that gets a great deal of its funding from the US Sociopaths In Charge and does a lot of work for the Military Industrial Complex? Any body with two brain cells that get along can instantly recognize some one who does not. Its not hard. After the second or third incoherent sentence it becomes obvious.

  23. “Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg proposed to Congress that legislation should require these companies to have transparency on regulating content, and to hold them accountable if they violate that rule.”

    That’s too much surreal for one article.

    1. Huge companies can benefit from regulations, as smaller ones can’t employ enough people to comply with them all.

      1. Regulation ALWAYS favors the already successful and well off. That’s it’s purpose. Young companies have a hard time meeting the required payroll, much less one that requires regulation specialists.

  24. Robert L Phillips Avatar
    Robert L Phillips

    Caitlin, your writing is awesome. Fearless, to the point, and honest. How rare these days. Along with Matt Taibbi, Glenn Greenwald, Chris Hedges and a very few others, you write outside the box, outside the false dichotomies and politically correct nonsense, and it’s appreciated.

    I not Biden’s dementia and either get roundly ignored or bashed because I’m making fun of a good hearted old man who just happens to stutter. I say anything at all (for decades) about UFOs, not as a true believer but as someone who has extensively researched the subject (no, I don’t know what they are either, but I don’t trust the sudden sea change in the official attitude toward them), and am called a kook. I talk about my 30 years experience in journalism and why I quit (overt censorship and pressure not to write about this, or that, or that over there), and get lectured about being a conspiracy theorist and not trusting the ‘experts.’ I question the Covid narrative (not claiming there isn’t a virus) and am called a Trump supporter and hateful spreader of disease.

    I mean, gee whiz folks, how did the intellect, critical thinking and independent attitudes of Americans (and others) diminish so markedly into such juvenile, ignorant and uninformed Groupthink? George Orwell was evidently an optimist.

    Keep up the great work. I’m not being a sycophant, I sincerely appreciate your forthright honesty, sarcasm and all.

    1. Poor Biden! His stutter is getting worse.
      Also, if you didn’t spend last year attacking people for thinking that covid is a manufactured bioweapon and then make a 180 turn 3 weeks ago in order to attack China for releasing a bioweapon, then you must be a Trump supporter.
      And a racist, to boot.

    2. (I said this in a separate comment but repeated here).

      ” I mean, gee whiz folks, how did the intellect, critical thinking and independent attitudes of Americans (and others) diminish so markedly”

      In my opinion it is because people speculate on motives rather than focus on the message. I disagree with Caitlin about this (but agree with her about most else!)

  25. It’s us. We’re the aliens flying triangle spaceships. By we I mean one branch of the US military or another. There is no way the Pentagon releases a “gee whiz, we don’t know what those are. You should feel unsafe” type statement unless they know exactly what they are and want us to feel very unsafe. Public backing for an arms race with themselves is a room flooding wet dream for these fucks.

    1. Robert L Phillips Avatar
      Robert L Phillips

      I think you’re essentially right, but I also suspect there are true unknowns that are not of *our* human making, maybe a breakaway human civilization, or maybe actual non-human entities. The coverup of that with known, but secret human technologies long in development is a guise, for sure.

      But behind it all may indeed be something that the human PTB cannot control, cannot predict, and thus are compelled to hide with lie after lie after lie.

      I have long suspected the huge triangles were of human origin.

      Werner Von Braun said repeatedly before he died that “the last big trick” would be a fake alien invasion. That’s interesting, because long before I ever read about his prediction (he had inside knowledge), I had the same theory.

      Stay tuned.

      1. Werner Von Braun also said that for humans to go into outer space (like Earth to Moon) would require lead shielding several feet thick, to protect against lethal interstellar radiation. Which, of course, would include UV radiation from the Sun – Earth’s nearest star – as well as deadly interstellar Gamma and other radiation. How heavy would the Saturn V rockets be for those alleged Apollo flights? Not to mention enough fuel to fly to and from the Moon on one tank. “Wagging the Moondoggie” is a factual and hilarious critique of something that has not been replicated for more than 50 years now, and likely will not be in another 50 years.

  26. Linda Jean Doucett Avatar
    Linda Jean Doucett

    I am happy you that you have a nice landlord. Millions do not… myself included. Caitlin writes for the evergrowing underclass. Don’t worry, you and your landlord will eventually make it.

    1. Linda Jean Doucett Avatar
      Linda Jean Doucett

      opps 🙂

  27. great scribbling!!!!!!!!

  28. David M Rosenstein Avatar
    David M Rosenstein

    Biden will be talking with Putin Wednesday. One thing we know about that summit is that Vladimir knows his own name. Maybe not so much with Sleepy Joe.

  29. Caitlin I’ve followed your blog for a few yrs, I’ve learned a lot from you and am a big fan (mostly). Two things I’m curious about:
    1. why don’t you write about va**ine mandates and increasing sheep mentality gripping the masses these days?
    2. Assuming that va**ine mandates are a lead-up to consolidation of wealth, mass electronic surveillance, loss of individual liberties etc, why are ALL countries in the world playing along, even those referred to by Caitlin as resisting absorption by the oligarchic blob?
    I recently posed this question to a friend whose opinion I respect. Their response was that nations resisting absorption by the blob do not have true autonomy, nor do any others, and simply cannot resist; the same power ultimately runs all. Thoughts?

    1. “…the same power ultimately runs all. Thoughts?”

      It is the Money Power wielding the double edged Money Weapon. Look to those who create it out of nothing then rent it to all of us with extra added exponentially increasing interest-debt. The more we fight over political candidates, the more we lose focus that Central Banks are really in control. The cabal manipulates all with Hidden Hands of High Finance. Sheer malevolence on steroids all predicated on [imaginary] money and usury.

      1. Indeed, the Fed has quite a racket going. Create money out of thin air and loan it out at interest.

        1. If they’re creating money out of thin air, why the interest? Why not just create that as well?

          1. “If they’re creating money out of thin air, why the interest? Why not just create that as well?”
            Therein lies the nub of the problem. It is because the malevolent creatures who operate this nonsensical system are looking to enslave us all in a quagmire of exponentially increasing debt so they become our new feudal overlords and we become their indentured slaves. It’s that simple. How y’all gonna pay this lot back? and that’s just government debt not industry or, for example, private mortgage debt…Tell you what, they say, let’s have a Great Reset and you can give your bankster overlords all your property because you cannot pay all this [imaginary] money back, et c., et c., …

            1. Michael Hudson proposes a debt Jubilee to counter this neofeudal debt slavery.
              “If you don’t wipe out the arrears of the debt that have accumulated for the back rent, people running into debt in order to live while they’re unemployed, running up their credit card rates, borrowing from the banks or borrowing against the house; if you don’t wipe out this debt, then you’re going to have the economy shut down with debt deflation. Because there won’t be any money to buy goods and services and it’ll be just an accelerating unemployment and a shrinkage of markets.”

              1. I think we need to do more than wipe out the fraudulent debt with a Jubilee. We need to abandon the system that leads to this terminal nonsense of interest-debt altogether. In short, outlaw usury. We can then watch these parasites shrivel up while we regain our rightful lives. We’ll need to change the currencies though. Sterling™ is the banksters property. In the UK we can adopt the Bradbury Pound once more as it was our own sovereign money backed by our own treasury and was spent into circulation for infrastructure without any interest. It’s still [imaginary] money of course but benevolently so. Jeremy Corbyn was keen on this and it is why, I believe, he was so mercilessly hounded. The usurer’s malevolent free meal ticket was profoundly threatened.

                1. Michael has a lot of ideas on this topic. I don’t recall him mentioning this Bradbury thing by that name, but he definitely says governments like the UK’s have no need to go into debt in order to spend, and shouldn’t do so as it only enriches the rentiers.
                  For an in-depth two hour discussion of his ideas, you could try this:

          2. Paul Douglas Rackemann Avatar
            Paul Douglas Rackemann

            You have to understand the historical background. Originally, gold and silver were the only money. Banks stored it for people, then they got the idea of lending it out and getting interest on it. Then the governments got in on it. If you wanted to borrow money, you have always had to pay for it, and pay it back. When banks loaned out money that was owed by them to someone else, they in effect created new money: they owed the money sometimes to more than one person. Eventually, at the beginning of World War One, the whole game was made unreal: the governments began creating whatever money they wanted. They “owed” it to the central bank, which in turn was owned by them (the governments), and paid its profits back to its owner. But people and businesses outside the government still had to pay interest if they wanted to borrow. This is a very short summary.

          3. Because they are a “private” corporation, and they can.

      2. Paul Douglas Rackemann Avatar
        Paul Douglas Rackemann

        When you say that “it’s the money power that is in control,” I would call your mind back to something Caitlin said recently. I am not looking back to get an exact quote, but she was writing about the United States and Israel, and she said “neither one of them is manipulating the other; it’s all one empire.”
        I think that’s the way it is with what you call the “money power” and the governments. Central banks were set up to fund the governments’ deficits. That is their essential purpose. All the rest of the stuff they tell the kids in economics class about what central banks do is just window dressing.
        The mystification of finance has in the past served the purpose of confusing the less knowledgeable politicians as well as the public. If a simple-minded lower-status politicians has some pet project that he won’t shut up about, he can be told that the budget or the central bank won’t allow it. I can remember having a good laugh with an astute friend thirty years ago about some lady American politician who had just found out that the Chinese were BUYING AMERICAN BONDS, and she wanted them stopped. What was funny about it was that we knew perfectly well, as did most people in politics and finance, that the Chinese had been buying American bonds for years and owned huge amounts of them. The Americans depended on their buying. Stopping them from buying would have meant major revisions of lots of things.
        Most people know that force is a monopoly of government, but not everyone seems to realise that deception is also a monopoly of government. The whole setup, central banks, courts of law, parliamentary bodies, are all just part of the system of deception. Government is always and necessarily an alliance between a group of men who live by force (who I call Soldiers) and a group of men (and a lot of women) who live by deception (who I call Priests). That’s all.
        As Caitlin says above, sometimes things really are simple, at least in principle. What she calls “imperialists” will try to pretend they are complicated, in order to confuse you. I saw an explanation of the role of lawyers once, as follows: “When a lawyer’s client is in the right, it is his job to clarify the issues. When the lawyer’s client is in the wrong, it is the lawyer’s job to confuse the issues.” Most politicians will try to confuse the issues, because most of them are working for the Priests and Soldiers.
        I should add here that corporate law confuses the issue. Modern limited-liability corporations are creations of government: they would have no existence if they weren’t created by governments. So the people who run them, even if they are engaged in honest trade, are beholden to governments. They aren’t exactly Priests or Soldiers. I would call them Privateers, after the government-sponsored pirate ships of earlier times.

        1. Indeed, every single government is founded on the notion that it has sole authority to kill you if you don’t comply with its edicts. No government is possible without it.

      3. One

      4. Great post John. An excellent video of HHofHiFinance is found in Aaron Russo’s “America: from Freedom to Fascism”.

    2. Stephan Borau Avatar
      Stephan Borau

      Sue: All of those things (wealth consolidation, mass surveillance, etc) have been going on for a long time. Vaccine mandates are about public health. All countries are ‘going along with it’ because they don’t want people to die from Covid-19 if they can help it. The same reason people get vaccinated against smallpox, measles, tetanus, etc.

      1. If public health was really the issue then alcohol and other drug abuses would have been targeted a long time ago along with road traffic deaths, iatrogenic diseases, and a whole host of other preventable and needless fatalities. It’s about money and eugenics, plain and simple.

  30. Love your direct and honest humanity. You speak to me.

  31. BB Benderhaus Avatar
    BB Benderhaus

    In ancient societies they used to throw their babies into the fire to sacrifice them to their pagan God. Today we dont have to do that, we just abort them instead……Romans loved to watch gladiators kill animals, people and each other. Today we just send them over to places like Yemen and watch it on the news……..The Greeks believed their Gods lived overhead watching them. Today we believe Aliens are overhead watching us. Most things appear new and different but are just the same as before.

  32. It’s U.S. “intelligence” sources who tell us that three people who worked at the Wuhan lab were sick with COVID in November 2019. But these same “intelligence” sources apparently can’t read newspaper articles which confirm that at least 16 Americans were also sick with COVID in November or December 2019 (and all received positive antibody tests to prove this) … Neither can anyone who works at the CDC, which told the public that there was no evidence this virus existed in America prior to “latter January” 2020. “We looked. We couldn’t find any. Trust us,” they said with a straight face. Anyway, all “intelligence” is not equal.

      1. Linda Jean Doucett Avatar
        Linda Jean Doucett

        I was also sick in December the day after Christmas for weeks. I was given steroids and antibiotics and left me weak for months. Looking for antibodies is of little use to determine when the disease arrived. Waste water holds the answer.

  33. The comments on this blog consist mostly of their authors demonstrating their inability to understand the points being made. A result of the inability to think even a little bit outside of their own experience. “Uniquely American, innit?” – George W. Bush

    1. Perhaps one day we will be as enlightened as you are. What was I thinking, that would be impossible.

  34. Some of the points made in this article are way too simplistic. For example, I am very much a progressive, but am a registered Democrat. Not because I love the Democratic Party, but because my state doesn’t have open primaries. You pick a party to vote in. Anyone paying attention, at all, knows that, starting with the U.S. Constitution, the system is rigged against third parties. Plus, the area in which I live is overwhelmingly Democrat. So, no politician here will even talk with you, if you are not a registered Democrat. so, what do I gain from all this. I get the opportunity, in the primaries, to vote for choice in opposition to the party’s supported candidate, all the way well knowing that party registration is meaningless in the general elections.
    Second, I’m not a member of an underclass. I’m happy with my landlord. I’ve been here, in a duplex (in which the landlord occupies the other apartment) for more than 20 years. The relationship is more like family than landlord/tenant. I was a homeowner many years ago and simply do not want the hassles, obligations, work, governmental restrictions, escalating taxes and utility costs and so on. The landlord’s profit, in months when there is some, barely offsets those costs when you factor in the shrinking value of the dollar. Of course. you could argue in favor of a socialistic society in which only the government owns properties, but there I’d be faced with my share of all the increasing costs that home owners have in our society. However, because of the relationship with my landlord, my rent is roughly 1/3 below the going market rate for identical apartments. All in all, owning a home would be a negative situation for me and, in fact, had I owned one ten years ago, I’d have lost it when disability struck leaving me able to afford rent, but in no way capable of supporting a home.

  35. Charlotte Ruse Avatar
    Charlotte Ruse

    “How dare you, I’m a landlord and I collect rent to pay for my retirement!” Well, nobody should have to build their retirement on the economic premise of a permanent underclass. If they do, something has gone very wrong.”

    A naive simplistic comment.
    You fail to realize that not everyone who pays rent is poor and not everyone who owns a rental property is rich.

    1. The objective is not to lift up the poor but to make us all poor. By continuing the real estate moratorium and paying people not to work, they want to take the landlords and small business owners down with the renters and employees. I call it, “Equality of servitude.”

      1. Charlotte Ruse Avatar
        Charlotte Ruse

        Exactly–you’ll own nothing and be happy–welcome to neo-feudalism.

      2. Linda Jean Doucett Avatar
        Linda Jean Doucett

        this is exactly what is happening
        the “poor landlords will be divested of their properties and then join rentier serfdom and onwards and upwards. You don’t kill the pig all at once. Tiers are slowly removed.
        Two generations from now it will seem normal.

      3. I’d like to improve the conditions of poverty. Then we could all be happy.

  36. Of course you are right and it just goes to show that the ZIO/US empire is on its last legs !!

    Biden was the best they could come up with !

    As for Yemen ( IRAN ) – they are going great guns now !

  37. 2021: “Mainstream media: We must stop the spread of crazy conspiracy theories even if we have to censor the entire internet.” 2010 (regarding 2008): Obama Confidant’s Spine-Chilling Proposal: Cass Sunstein Wants the Government to “Cognitively Infiltrate” Anti-Government Groups In 2008, while at Harvard Law School, Sunstein co-wrote a truly pernicious paper proposing that the U.S. Government employ teams of covert agents and pseudo-“independent” advocates to “cognitively infiltrate” online groups and websites – as well as other activist groups – which advocate views that Sunstein deems “false conspiracy theories” about the Government.

    1. Richard Coleman Avatar
      Richard Coleman

      “I write what I write and I don’t know why.” Keep on keepin’ on kiddo, you’re doing fine.

    2. Actually, Sunstein was — perhaps unknowingly — promoting a kind of intellectual judo to subvert the side he pretended to be on. His infiltrators would hang out with subversives in order to infiltrate, and in doing so would be surrounded by subversive thought, speech, and action, and would eventually become subversives themselves because of the natural superiority of the subversives’ ideology.

    3. And David Ray Griffin wrote a short book, Cognitive Infiltration (2011), discussing Sunstein and his pernicious paper in detail.

    4. … and the plethora of nefarious government instrumentalities have been doing what Cass Sunstein proposed very successfully, since … BEFORE he even proposed it. People like William Casey sorted that one out.
