Listen to a reading of this article:
Those who hate Russia the most are the ones who embody everything they claim to hate about it: they’re all pro-war, pro-censorship, pro-propaganda, pro-trolling operations, and support Ukraine in banning political parties and opposition media. They are what they claim to hate.
Meanwhile those of us who oppose those things are told to “move to Russia”, even though we’re the ones advocating the supposed “western values” they claim to support while they’re doing everything they can to undermine them. They should move to Russia.
— Caitlin Johnstone (@caitoz) October 23, 2022
Western propaganda means people always oppose the last war but not the current war. The US provoking and sustaining its Ukraine proxy war is no more ethical than its invading of Iraq; it just looks that way due to propaganda. Ukraine isn’t the good war, it’s just the current war.
It is only by the copious amounts of propaganda our civilization is being hammered with that this is not immediately obvious to everyone. In the future (assuming we don’t annihilate ourselves first), the propaganda will have cleared from the air enough for people to see clearly and realize that they were lied to. Again.
The US indisputably deliberately provoked this war. The US is indisputably keeping this war going. The US indisputably benefits from this war while Ukrainians, Russians and Europeans get nothing but suffering from it. Empire apologists will admit to the latter in rare moments of honesty, as Matthew Yglesias recently did when he wrote the following:
The United States is using up a lot of military equipment in the war, but it’s being used for the purpose of destroying Russian military equipment. Since we were already fully committed to an anti-Russian military alliance, this is actually a really good deal for us. Basically, NATO equipment + Ukrainian lives are being traded for Russian equipment + Russian lives, which leaves NATO coming out ahead. That’s doubly true because NATO is much richer than Russia, so we win a long-term game of “everyone explode their weapons as fast as they can make them.”
Again, though, what makes that really true is that NATO material is killing Russian soldiers, while Russian material is killing Ukrainian soldiers. That’s a deal in our favor.
It’s easy to oppose the last war. It’s hard to oppose current wars as the propaganda machine is shoving them down our throats. Everyone’s anti-war until the war propaganda starts.
Phoniest, most PR-intensive proxy war of all time.
— Caitlin Johnstone (@caitoz) October 22, 2022
The fact that the White House is weighing a national security review of Elon Musk’s Twitter purchase because he’s perceived as having an “increasingly Russia-friendly stance” is an admission that the US government views large social media platforms as its own propaganda services.
There is no one who can be trusted with the authority to determine what constitutes “disinformation” or “misinformation” on behalf of large numbers of people. This is because we are not impartial omniscient deities but highly fallible, biased humans with our own vested interests.
This fatal logical flaw in the burgeoning business of “fact checking” and “counter-disinformation” is self-evident at a glance, and it becomes even more glaring once you notice that all the major players involved in instituting and normalizing these practices have ties to status quo power.
The idea that someone needs to be in charge of deciding what’s true and false on behalf of the rank-and-file citizenry is becoming more and more widely accepted, and it’s plainly irrational. In practice it’s nothing other than a call to propagandize the public more aggressively. You might agree with their propaganda. The propagandists might believe they are being totally impartial and objective. But as long as they have any oligarchic or state backing, directly or indirectly, they are necessarily administering propaganda on behalf of the powerful.
Question the assumption that people saying wrong things to each other on the internet is a problem that needs to be fixed. People have always said wrong things to each other. Untruth has always existed. We’ve managed. It’s not a problem we should want the powerful to fix for us.
A regime that points guns at people for wielding cameras is a regime that sees truth as a threat.
— Caitlin Johnstone (@caitoz) October 21, 2022
Science should be the most collaborative endeavor in the world. Every scientist on earth should be collaborating and communicating. Instead, because of our competition-based models, it’s the exact opposite: scientific exploration is divided up into innovators competing against other innovators, corporations competing against other corporations, nations competing against other nations.
If we could see how much we are losing to these competition-based models, how much innovation is going unrealized, how much human thriving is being sacrificed, how we’re losing almost all of our brainpower potential to these models, we’d fall to our knees and scream with rage. If science had been a fully collaborative worldwide hive mind endeavor instead of divided and turned against itself for profit and military power, our civilization would be unimaginably more advanced than it is. This is doubtless. We gave up paradise to make a few bastards rich.
It’s not too late to have this, of course. We could still abandon our competition-based models for collaboration-based ones and create paradise on earth together; we’ve just got to want it badly enough as a species.
A collaboration-based society where everyone gets what they need wouldn’t just eliminate the inefficiencies and obstacles created by competition: it would free up the brainpower of our entire species to devote itself to innovation and discovery. As Stephen J Gould said, “I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein’s brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.”
Poverty, inequality, the patent system, the need to earn money to survive, corporate competition, corporate secrecy, competition between states, state secrecy, war, militarism; all these drainages leave us with a tiny fraction of our available scientific potential. Overcoming the existential roadblocks we’ve set up for ourselves in our near future is going to require a tremendous amount of brilliance, and we won’t have access to that brilliance until we become a conscious species and move from competition-based models to collaborative ones.
My work is entirely reader-supported, so if you enjoyed this piece please consider sharing it around, following me on Facebook, Twitter, Soundcloud or YouTube, buying an issue of my monthly zine, or throwing some money into my tip jar on Ko-fi, Patreon or Paypal. If you want to read more you can buy my books. The best way to make sure you see the stuff I publish is to subscribe to the mailing list for at my website or on Substack, which will get you an email notification for everything I publish. Everyone, racist platforms excluded, has my permission to republish, use or translate any part of this work (or anything else I’ve written) in any way they like free of charge. For more info on who I am, where I stand, and what I’m trying to do with this platform, click here. All works co-authored with my American husband Tim Foley.

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120 responses to “Always Opposing The Last War But Not The Current One: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix”
No doubt it’s not a matter that you haven’t written anything new for almost week, but rather that my internet device has been tampered so that I can no longer access your website. So, anyway, after a long time waiting I received another threat on my life, along with the question, “Am I a robot”, my answer is that my sex life is none of your business.
To the censor to relay to the murderer who threatened my life, you read what I had to say, you dumb ass whore, come kill me bitch
Researchers Use Quantum ‘Telepathy’ to Win an ‘Impossible’ Game
A new playful demonstration of quantum pseudotelepathy could lead to advances in communication and computation.
To win at the card game of bridge, which is played between two sets of partners, one player must somehow signal to their teammate the strength of the hand they hold. Telepathy would come in handy here. But telepathy isn’t real, right?
That’s correct. For decades, however, physicists have suspected that if bridge were played using cards governed by the rules of quantum mechanics, something that looks uncannily like telepathy should be possible. Now researchers in China have experimentally demonstrated this so-called quantum pseudotelepathy—not in quantum bridge but in a two-player quantum competition called the Mermin-Peres magic square (MPMS) game, where winning requires that the players coordinate their actions without exchanging information with each other. Used judiciously, quantum pseudotelepathy allows the players to win each and every round of the game—a flawless performance that would otherwise be impossible
The Beauty at the Heart of a ‘Spooky’ Mystery
Quantum entanglement seems like it shouldn’t be possible, but experiments from 2022 Nobel Prize winners based on John Bell’s work tell us otherwise
Here are (2) examples of how the US’ political/economic system is a double standard replete with conflict of interest. In these examples, Lindsey Graham receives protection from inquiry relating to his attempts to overturn Georgia’s results in the 2020 presidential election. The next example involves Biden’s student debt relief program, where approximately 44mm students have accumulated approximately $1.7 trillion of student loan debt. In the United States, corporate interests supersede the interests of the working class (presumption that most students are working class). It must be noted that Clarence Thomas was nominated SCOTUS Justice by former president George H.W. Bush (a Republican). Lindsay Graham is a Republican. It should be rather obvious that these ‘nominations’ have ‘quid pro quo’ designed intentions. The Democrats are culpable of similar actions. Clarence Thomas, et al., of SCOTUS, are essentially appointees with lifetime assignments. What could possibly go wrong? Get the money out of politics and place limits on SCOTUS’ lifetime assignments —it’s a start.
Clarence Thomas Blocks Georgia Subpoena Order for Lindsey Graham
Federal appeals court temporarily halts Biden’s student debt relief program
‘Science should be the most collaborative endeavor in the world. Every scientist on earth should be collaborating and communicating.’
It’s clear to me that you’ve never worked in science, Ms Johnstone. That’s not a crime, I’ve not been to countries you’ve reported from, so we’re even on that score. I spent 11 years doing research, so I’ve got a pretty good handle on what scientists are and are not like.
Firstly, several of the high flying ones were recruited early into the Security Services, Establishment bodies like the UK Royal Society etc etc. They peddle the Establishment line, they are not dispassionate researchers any more. They are some of the time, but most of the time, they work the system to their advantage.
Secondly, Professors are salesfollk, not researchers. Their primary deliverable is large amounts of research funding, from which their parent organisation (university) takes a sizable cut in ‘overheads’. You won’t find a Professor long in post if their research funding dries up, so they always play the game and do what’s necessary to win grant funding. That’s usually kowtowing to the Establishment, not being a maverick like a young Einstein. Of course, they keep overseeing that researchy, they keep their fingers on the pulse at ‘conferences’ (aka gossip fests for the Establishment to tel each other secrets important to stay ahead of the game).
Thirdly, many scientists are highly non-median in emotional terms. Many were ‘geeky teenagers’ and have faced up to their diminished social status at school by becoming brilliant researchers, much of which is not driven by superior emotional intelligence. As an example, my generation of PhD students were thrown to the wolves on slave wages and when the scandal emerged at the end of the 1980s, the system threw itself entirely in the opposite direction, turning PhD students into babies in nappies. I left science in 1997 having shown that you can take a brilliantly intelligent but research-helpless new graduate and turn them into a self-confident functional researcher in under a year not by wiping their bottom, but by going from total support in week one to mostly oversight six months out via plenty of helpful conversations as they metaphorically learned to crawl, then walk. This was not rocket science, I didn’t get any credit for doing it, but it proved that scientists aren’t necessarily enlightened educators as a race.
Whatever science should or should not be, in reality it is highly hierarchical, has huge elements of old-school-tie-style snobbery and clubbery and status really does matter to a lot of those folks in the extreme.
Also, because being a swift mimic is much, much easier than actually having truly original ideas, science is stuffed full of senior players lacking imagination. The really imaginative ones had their ideas pinched as juniors, didn’t rise the ranks and then you hear ‘how hard strategic visioning is’. It isn’t to those not allowed anywhere near power, it is to those who were good technicians in their 20s but lacked out-of-the-box thought processes.
There’s an absolutely enormous amount of unspoken assumptions made in science, some of it almost amounting to a religion. Once something is written in the ‘academic literature’, it gets quoted again and again, almost never having its truthfulness questioned until some major issue means that it has to be.
Science is a club, and without academic tenure or team leadership in other kinds of research foundations, you ain’t in it.
Of course, when the club gets it wrong, as they did over Covid19 (deliberately or otherwise, but my gut feel is for the former), then outsiders can stick their oars in. And, in this world of lockdown nonsense and the biggest financial heist in history, a few people actually listen to the outsiders.
But in normal times, science is just like medicine, banking, the media and politics: it’s a hierarchical power-based culture and woe betide someone who calls a senior chief an unprincipled dickhead.
This interview of RFK Jr doesn’t leave any doubt about the presence of Mammon at the helm with Roger Ayles having told him once that 75% of Fox News funding came from Big Pharma and 85% for the actual news programs. And it’s the same for every other channel and paper media. Either scientists “trust in God”, aka greenbacks, or they’re pushed by the wayside.
The system is designed to incentivize criminal behavior at the highest level.
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I simply worked part-time from my housing for five weeks, however I created $30,030. I lost my former business and was shortly worn out. give thanks goodness, “ba200] I found this employment on-line and that i was able to begin performing from home right away. This prime career is accomplishable by everyone, and it’ll improve their online revenue by:.
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Two quotes I like that may be germane to the subject;
“I like to sleep… because when I’m awake my life tends to fall apart…” Hemingway
“You cannot waken a man pretending to sleep” Old saying – maybe Navajo
According to, Mark Hamill’s current wealth is $18mm. Just how much money do you need? Well, at this level, you’ve gotta have fucking more. Therefore, Puke Skywalker acquiesces to more co-option – agrees to take the bait – salutes, while wearing a feigned stoic expression, and proceeds to convince the public that the Ukraine proxy war is noble and justified (don’t forget the ‘publicity’ for those ‘purchased’ and delivered drones). Keep in mind, our taxes subsidize the Pentagon – the probable perpetrator for all of this shit.
Hollywood solipsism: he’s probably delighted to feel important for once on his own “merit” without having a director behind saying “cut” and “take 15”.
Right. It does seem that Luke’s solipsism is a formidable contributing factor for his reneging of the Rebel Alliance cadre. As Darth Vader said, “THE EMPEROR WILL SHOW YOU THE TRUE NATURE OF THE FORCE. HE IS YOUR MASTER NOW.” Poor Luke. Yoda should be advised at once.
What Makes Animals Cannibals?
Cannibals start munching as animal populations grow
By Fionna M. D. Samuels on November 1, 2022
Scientific American November 2022 Issue
The old anti-Semitic stories must be true, who else thinks there’s too many people on earth?
I simply worked part-time from my housing for five weeks, however I created $30,030. I lost my former business and was shortly worn out. give thanks goodness, “ba200] I found this employment on-line and that i was able to begin performing from home right away. This prime career is accomplishable by everyone, and it’ll improve their online revenue by:.
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Unbelievable, while the Empire has already spent 100 billion for warfare this year, nuclear war is inescapable in addition to a manmade plague to soon be released, much deadlier than the black death that wiped out Europe a few centuries back; long dead musicians are apparently planning comeback tours this week, most notably Sid Vicious, who died at the age of 21, so if this is the Judgement it should be rather interesting, death and destruction for all the fascist who want us dead, and heaven for everyone else. The visuals should be amazing.
The Great Plague (1347-1351) “only” wiped out half of Europe. It goes to show that rats and fleas are much better than nuclear warheads at killing people though. And a lot cheaper too – which is probably the part the MIC shareholders don’t like about it :o)
Talking about propaganda, interesting this Resistance Grifters bit…
95 Percent of Corpses Had Received COVID Vaccination Within 2 Weeks of Death: Funeral Director
How Will American Oligarchs Keep Control?
Posted on June 9, 2022 by ( Smith)
Good for you Robert Cross…
The average American and all my acquaintances actually believe the MSM. Russia is overmatched. Ukraine brought them to a standstill. Their equipment is old and the country is poor and backwards. They believe Russia blew up their own NS 1 and 2. Putin is crazy. Reality is going to be a tough pill to swallow when it comes.
People generally excel at believing what they want to believe because it suits them. They call it a gut feeling and that’s the end of that. It’s an absolute wonder that guts never got a Nobel Prize for anything… :o)
Propaganda’s Potential (Understanding Propaganda: A History of How You Get Fooled Daily-7/5/22-Matt DB Harper):
Excerpt: The tremendous importance of propaganda was soon realized, and the United States organized the Committee on Public Information, an official propaganda agency, whose goal was to raise public support for the war. With the rise of mass media, it soon became apparent to the elite that film would prove to be one of the most important methods of persuasion. The Germans regarded it as the very first and most vital weapon in political management and military achievement (Grierson, CP). By World War II, propaganda was adopted by most countries—except those democratic countries that avoided the negative connotation of the term, and instead cleverly distributed information through the guise of “information services” or “public education.” Even in the US today, the methods of providing and the learning of knowledge are deemed “education” if we believe and agree with those propagating the information and considered “propaganda” if we do not. Not coincidently, central to both education and propaganda are the roles of the fact, the statistic, and that which the target believes to be true.
What Was Covid Really About? Triggering A Multi-Trillion Dollar Global Debt Crisis. “Ramping up an Imperialist Strategy”?Covid, Capitalism, Friedrich Engels and Boris Johnson (
A well-informed commentary and analysis!
“Millions have been asking that question since lockdowns and restrictions began in early 2020. If it was indeed about public health, why close down the bulk of health services and the global economy knowing full well what the massive health, economic and debt implications would be?
Why mount a military-style propaganda campaign to censor world-renowned scientists and terrorise entire populations and use the full force and brutality of the police to ensure compliance?
These actions were wholly disproportionate to any risk posed to public health, especially when considering the way ‘COVID death’ definitions and data were often massaged and how PCR tests were misused to scare populations into submission.”
“What we are seeing is a de facto privatisation of the state as governments capitulate to the needs of Western financial institutions.”
“COVID was a crisis of capitalism masquerading as a public health emergency.”
“… it was time for the Federal Reserve and other central banks to begin talks behind closed doors with politicians. That is precisely what happened as key players, including BlackRock, the world’s most powerful investment fund, got together to work out a strategy…”
The US’ ruling power are intoxicated through excessive wealth and megalomania. They seem to be dead set on world subordination. We need many cautious and lucid thinking adults in the room ASAP. It is disturbing how the fearmongers use threat and intimidation, so successfully, to compel groupthink at the top. The US is directed by organized criminal figures.
On Monday, the NATO military alliance will hold a training exercise, known as Steadfast Noon, in which US B-52 bombers and F-16 fighters will simulate dropping atomic bombs over Europe amid a deepening nuclear standoff with Russia.
What’s the difference between bombing the EU or the US? None!!!
I’m very surprised that even after hearing that the US has some 300 biolabs all around Russia and China and after the Covid episode – that more and more people agree had a lab origin, a gain of function financed by the US NIAID in Wuhan, China -, everybody talks about the possibility of a nuclear world war but not of a biological one. Yet it is widely known that both China and Russia have also been conducting bioweapon research for a long time – whence the famous novichok as far as the second is concerned. Over the years, China is said to have researched potential bioweapon agents such as the causative agents of tularemia, Q fever, plague, anthrax, eastern equine encephalitis and psittacosis and to possess the technology to mass-produce most traditional bioweapon agents.
Including when speaking of the “Ukrainian dirty bomb” everybody is speculating about these days, nobody even considers that it could be a biological one. Yet imagine a new Covid strain, like they discovered lately in Boston University, with an 80% lethality, spread by drones over a town or a region… Why nobody is contemplating that – which would be a lot more discrete and environment-friendly than nuclear blasts – leaves me speechless.
New doc based on RFK book—filmmaker preview:
To view Part I of the documentary in eleven installments see and scroll:
Very informative. What kind of mind thinks that this type of research is necessary?
They did not discover an 80% lethal (to mice, at least) Sars-Coronavirus strain in a Boston Uni lab. They CREATED it there. They did not ‘discover’ it, they CREATED it. For ‘research’ purposes, of course.
That’s what I meant.
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The following article.——-—>>
When the United States was actually trying (well, there was an ulterior motive as usual—not completely altruistic) to win the hearts and minds of people, they carried out this: The Candy Bomber—The Berlin Airlift and Operation Little Vittles–approximately 12 tons of candy were parachute-dropped to German children (The Candy
When the United States is losing the hearts and minds of people, they do this: US practices dropping nuclear bombs in Europe, “All nuclear exercises imply willingness to mass murder civilians, wipe out entire cities, and risk all-out nuclear war,” (Rehearsal for ‘Armageddon’ Underway as NATO and Russia Hold Nuclear Wilkins).
“All nuclear exercises imply willingness to mass murder civilians, wipe out entire cities, and risk all-out nuclear war”
Bears repeating.
And now the US Army’s 101st Airborne (aka Screaming Eagles) has been deployed to Romania for the first time in 80 years for massive drills near the Ukrainian border. What could go wrong?
For those unfamiliar with the geography of the region, “drills in the Black Sea near the Ukrainian border” means 150 miles from Crimea, i.e. a couple of minutes at missile speed.
In a RT notification email from a couple of days ago there’s an article (which you can’t open and read of course) in which it says the following:
EU seeks to lower its dependency on China
EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has warned against becoming too reliant on China for technologies and raw-materials supply
Presumably this is the first salvo in economic warfare against China by the EU, along with its economic warfare against RUSSIA!
I just did a search and here’s a passage from one of the articles that came up in the results:
Obviously, we have to be very vigilant when it comes to dependencies. And we have learnt our lesson concerning the over-dependency on fossil fuels from Russia, and how tough but necessary it is to get rid of this dependency. In the case of China, it is the risk of dependency on technologies and raw materials. Therefore, the priorities here are to reinforce our own capacities and of course also to diversify the supply of raw materials towards reliable, trustworthy suppliers.
Oh, right, so THAT’s the pretext they’ve come up with!
Has anyone here ever wielded a Camera? They purport Truth, but there’s always whatever you did NOT record.
They are a very good weapon, obsoleting the gun. But people wielding them would be naive to believe they are anything other than a great and powerful weapon: Another type of sword.
Were it not so, we wouldn’t be having conversations about media as part of the war, would we?
I just worked part-time from my apartment for 5 weeks, but I made $30,030. I lost my former business and was soon worn out. Thank goodness, “uhb110] I found this employment online and I was able to start working from home right away. This top career is achievable by everyone, and it will improve their online revenue by:.
Killed by a Mafia Hitman?
It must not be forgotten that the electronic media in Pakistan had suddenly shot up from a single media house to over 100 channels within two to three years in the early 2000s, and several channels were hijacked by foreign powers. The selected channels, anchors, and journalists were heavily funded and made to work on their anti-Pakistan agenda.
Pakistan media joined by social media have played a big role in selling the tutored themes and narratives, and in building choice perceptions with a view to cloning the minds of the selected audiences. The political parties also played their part to bribe and win over TV channels in order to promote their political causes and demean their rival parties.
It’s always worth pointing out that much or most of NATO’s wealth is entirely fictious and that financialisation makes all western economies look orders of magnitude larger than they actually are.
Add to that the hilariously ineffective american arm procurement system and while there remains some gap, it is nowhere near as large as even many of the somewhat critical western sources make it look like.
Russia can outlast the US and all if NATO in a landwar in Europe any day or year, the conflict in Ukraine isn’t going to change that, no matter how long it lasts.
The only way the US could build a military able to win there would be to empty out it’s military bases around the globe, reintroduce the draft, spend years rebuilding cold war military infrastructure in Europe and basically rebuild much of it’s outsourced industry from scratch, wartime communism style.
Russia is so ridiculously put upon by absolutely every country in the West which have all walked in forced lockstep with their American lords and masters that the war in Ukraine can never end with a peace. The way Macron, who poses as measured and logical, remarks that Russia must concede to Ukraine everything that Zelensky demands before any peace is possible is just totally off his rocker.
The whole imbroglio started from outrageous abusive and murderous behavior towards Russia and ethnic Russians within Ukraine by the racist and fascist Ukrainian regime violently put into power by the American government. Conceding anything to that lot would be an act of suicide. They still believe that Washington is going to win back every square centimeter of territory lost through Ukraine’s own belligerence, extirpate President Putin from the Russian leadership, kill millions of Russians, destroy their infrastructure, fragment their country and recover trillions of dollars in reparations. Simply put, Ukraine still believes that Uncle Sam will reward Ukraine for all its slavish barbarism by exterminating a neighboring people whom they have envied and hated for more than a thousand years.
Ceding any of that to a psychopathic maniac like Zelensky will never happen, not even to stop a war. Not even the nuclear war that Washington constantly threatens and that Madman Zelensky has begged for. The war was commenced to stop and reverse that kind of shit which was going down on a massive and increasing scale. Obviously, the only way to remove such goals and aspirations from your adversaries is to finally and completely eliminate the adversary, should they remain permanently refractory to all reason.
If Macron and the EU also want a dose of that medicine, then Russia will also have to eliminate Nato’s armed forces before they destroy Russia, allegedly in “defense” of Ukraine. The savagery by Ukraine and Washington simply keeps escalating, making any simple proffer of peace by Russia more absurd with every passing day.
It is only America that has no existential stake to lose in this conflict. If it simply stands down and stops arming, funding and training Ukraine, no one is going to pursue it, attack it on its own turf, and remove its government from power, or press it relentlessly until it feels compelled to use nuclear weapons in self-defense. It is only Washington that continues to force the sole alternatives of killing or be killed upon the Russians. Moreover, even if Washington chose to cease the hostilities it engenders through use of its Ukie proxies, it probably still wouldn’t stop threatening Russia with nuclear armed missiles in Nato bases on Russia’s borders. Not just Poland, but Estonia, only a short morning commute from St. Petersburg, wants hypersonic nuclear-tipped missiles pointed at that city. The only way to eliminate that threat is probably to wage nuclear war against those bases and missiles, whereupon the fighting permanently stops only because everyone is now dead. There is apparently no one left in all of Europe who can think straight and demand that Washington stop its totally gratuitous existential threats against Russia.
Macron is a joke. He’s a former Rothschild banker artificially elected through the bankers’ media. He was one of the Western guarantors, with Germany, of the Minsk agreements and didn’t do anything during the eight years Kiev violated them by bombing the Donbass. And there’s nothing he can do either if he wanted to. He was slammed by the bloodthirsty British press when he met Putin shortly before Bojo threatened Zelensky, involved in peace talks, to withdraw support if he signed them. To paraphrase Upton Sinclair, “It is difficult to get a man to mediate peace when his job and comfort depend on the military-industrial complex’ capacity to sell weapons.”
Well, perhaps, there are quite a few western experts that argue that Russia is quite capable of destroying the US in a nuclear first strike that would leave the Yanks without or only with a utterly crippled capacity for a counterstrike.
I’m reminded of the survivors of WW I saying the parades and cheering at the beginning seemed afterwards to have been a dream. When Biden flatly says Putin “has to go”, where do Americans expect that to lead? If Putin publicly declared Biden “has to go” he would be considered insane. And regardless of whether or not the US could or should shred Russia like it has other much smaller countries, are Russia’s 6000 H-bombs supposed to just fade away? Is there any way for rationality to get a toe hold here? I guess you need rational people for that. Maybe the rest of the world can do something.
I simply worked part-time from my housing for five weeks, however I created $30,030. I lost my former business and was shortly worn out. give thanks goodness, “ba200] I found this employment on-line and that i was able to begin performing from home right away. This prime career is accomplishable by everyone, and it’ll improve their online revenue by:.
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It is only Washington that continues to force the sole alternatives of killing or be killed upon the Russians.
War is not the answer. The (2) parties aren’t willing, and don’t possess the morality or ethics to help the US’ public in any truly progressive way. If we don’t begin to unite, when will we?
One In Three Americans Are Struggling: What If We United? – PopularResistance.Org
The Anglosphere is a vampire. It sucks the blood of other cultures. Those who are “other” are not worthy of being considered human. If the object, they are hated. Hatred and vampirism rule.
Another example of why the US’ bottom 99% will NEVER have good-faith progressive policies enacted—through the rotten US’ political/economic system. You’ll have to TAKE IT if you really want it! The United States of plunder constantly meddles in the affairs of its citizens (non-livable wages, deceptive/manipulative media, precluded from having viable 3rd party, unfair tax structure, negative interest rates, double standards…), and internationally, in the affairs of sovereign countries—such as Iran (regime change), Cuba (62 yr. embargo), Venezuela, Russia, China (Taiwan interference), and Haiti, as exemplified below:
Haiti: US Manufactures Crisis To Justify Repression Of Popular Movement
Excerpt: Clearing the FOG speaks with Chris Bernadel of the Black Alliance for Peace’s Haiti/Americas Team about the bigger picture of the United States’ long-term interference in Haiti to suppress social movements and install US-friendly regimes.
Judge Orders Fauci, Psaki, FBI Top Official Be Deposed in Big Tech Censorship Case on the Covid-19 Info
By Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio -October 23, 2022180
It’s probably too much to believe that this is any more than another dog and pony show. The day that there are punitive damages (stupendous amounts–of course the lawyers love this), assigned to malfeasance, in the US, will be a very good start.
“Science should be the most collaborative endeavor in the world” Maybe, but it’s often the lone wolf, the often slandered and ridiculed scientists who end up being right. In a cooperative environment it could easily become a dogmatic environment and therefore stagnant. As is these scientific journals are being opened up to the public by eliminating the pay wall and publication prior to Peer review. What happened to the patent office is that it became criminalized by the same mafia that is running everything else.
@John Knox: Don’t side-track the problem. You said I said something which I don’t remember, i.e. that you were paid by Big Pharma. So I asked you “When did I say that?” You’re the one who won’t answer, not me! I remember saying several times that you were probably a Pharma troll considering how hard you pushed the vaxx and denied any side-effects but saying specifically that you were paid or how much? I don’t remember that. So please provide a direct quote and a date to back this assertion or stop bothering me with it.
You said it and you know it. You’ve sacrificed your pride for an internet argument.
Can you come up with anything more preposterous than that? For a seasoned sophist specialized in bad faith and bald-faced lies, this is definitely poor, amigo.
Man up. You can still salvage what’s left of your honor by telling the truth.
Yawn… Sorry, bedtime… Gotta go. Have a good time.
Maybe you can dream of having some pride.
As Stephen J Gould said, “I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein’s brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.”
Exactly right…
Would venture to say MOST like this or even of greater talent have died and gone unnoticed in that way. Just so a bunch of uncreative, reptile brain dominated “people” can stack a bunch of worthless cash.
We are seeing the runup to WW3. Poland and Lithuania are conducting war games near the Russian border. The US 101st Airborne Division has been deployed to Romania for war games. The first time since WW2. Russia has called up over 350K troops. Now Russia is frantically calling all parties involved saying they have intelligence that Ukraine is getting ready to detonate dirty bomb with UK assistance and blame it on Russia. If you are in Europe, leave now.
LOL, if you are on Earth leave now uh j
Science is real, Russians aren’t monsters, radiation doesn’t stop at the border, and vaccines save lives. Be like Putin, get vaccinated.
You’ll never know if Putin was actually vaccinated. You don’t have access to that information; and even if information was provided, there’s no guarantee that it is valid. Hell, even Gloria doesn’t deal with facts.
I might be able to believe one individual tricked me with a fake vaccination, but not the whole Russian military.
But what if they gave the entire Russian military natural saline (sodium chloride)? Who you gonna call to ascertain, Ghost Busters?
I’m not concerned about Putin. With all of the nefarious actions (claimed by the Galactical Empire) Putin is in the process of allegedly committing, he won’t have any spare time on his itinerary to get vaccinated. He’s so fucking busy perpetrating, he doesn’t have time to take an extended shit–just ask the CIA–they know a lot about shit.
Over a million soldiers got fake vaccinated and not one complained about it? I’m starting to think you’ve never been a soldier.
You are not “beginning” to think I’m not a soldier, you’ve already thought that. What does being a soldier have to do with anything? Before the term “soldier” existed, humans had to create the concept. What’s your point?
Just that a million of them would not all protect a fake vaccination program. It just isn’t realistic to expect everyone to lie about the same thing.
@ John Knox:
“It just isn’t realistic to expect everyone to lie about the same thing.” It’s not? Well then, how do you explain all of the Phillip Morris’ directors/CEOs all on the same page about how cigarette tobacco isn’t responsible for lung, and other types, of cancer?
Further, how do you explain all of the Pfizer, Moderna, CEOs/ancillary staff, all on the same page of how the “vaccines” are “safe and effective?” If you consider them all safe, then explain VAERS?
And lastly, how do you explain all of the political and military bosses supporting the accusation of Iraq’s Weapons of Mass Destruction?
CEO’s would have a motive to lie, because they get so much money. I wouldn’t say the same about the Russian military. Not saying I know who lied or didn’t, but the whole military got vaccinated by military personnel. Amillion soldiers probably wouldn’t conspire together against their fellow soldiers.
@ John Knox: “It just isn’t realistic to expect everyone to lie about the same thing.”
It is realistic. It’s called collusion. All countries are guilty of some level of collusion–including Russia.
Only a few individuals in their hierarchy know the truth, and they have been instructed to respond as directed.
I see that you agree with me about the CEOs in collusion: Big Tobacco, WMD, and Pfizer CEOs. Therefore, it is “realistic” to expect everyone to lie about the same thing. That is my premise.
And how do you know that a vaccine which doesn’t stop infection or transmission actually saved lives when the majority of people who die from Covid these days have been vaccinated? How do you know what would have happened to vaccinated people if they hadn’t been vaccinated? How do you explain that the number of cases has augmented exponentially since the vaccine has been rolled out?
And above all, what has Putin or the Russian military got to do with all that and what do you know about it?
Closer to what we do have detailed information about, it looks like the US military’s got problems with the “safe and effective” vaccine. Just sayin’…
So, when you said I was being paid by big pharma, was that true or were you lying?
Name just one important thing that president Putin has flat out lied about. Just one single thing. That should be easy enough surely?
Then come back on here and spout your crap.
Whoa, sensitive, are we? I’ll have you know that I’ve NEVER spouted crap. I know, because you are what you eat; and I don’t eat any crap–I don’t take it either. I’d tell you to call Gloria, but I won’t.
Once again, you don’t know what Putin’s actually done. We’re talking politics (war without the shooting), and politicians, all of them, lie when they deem it necessary. No one claimed that Putin lied; but you seemed to take offense to even the notion that someone might even be alluding to it. Do you think you should take a time out? And lastly, try not to make a hasty generalization based on perceptions–they are frequently wrong.
LOL That’s not how liars work, Putin lied about everything, what didn’t he lie about? Clearer picture?
Some people just can’t deal with facts, even when said facts smash them in the face.
About vaccine injuries for instance?
All well said, I especially enjoyed the last 5 paragraphs.
“…we won’t have access to that brilliance until we become a conscious species and move from competition-based models to collaborative ones.”
Those existential roadblocks you list are all driven by the power elite owned and controlled debt-money system that has long dominated all the markets, industries, and governments. Because scientists say only 5% of mental activity is conscious, money being an abstraction, is largely subconscious and our subconscious has been filled with lies by schools and media.
Research has also revealed the psychological consequences of our usury-based money system, which include an unwillingness to collaborate, ask for help or to help others, etc., a ‘me first’ attitude driven by the for-profit money issued as interest bearing debt. This system concentrates wealth to the top by compounding interest and drives predatory competition to pay your debt or lose your collateral.
A sovereign money system issuing asset money exclusively for public purpose as its first use will shift us from a greed-based system to a care-based system simply by changing the “first cause” of our money. The legislation is already written and vetted; it just needs a government willing to do it.
If we were ever to collaborate enough to elect a government that would reclaim the people’s money power, we could implement the known solutions and unleash science to figure out the rest. The good news is there are more and more people who are realizing the monetary problem and the solution. Check out &
What would it be like under such a monetary system?
Henry Carey, Lincoln’s chief economic advisor was the major proponent in the Lincoln Administration of issuing debt-free US money, Greenbacks. In referencing the US economy under the Greenback system, he said, …”for the first time, too, in the history of the world, there has been presented a community in which nearly all business was done for cash, and in which debt has scarcely an existence…there has been a large and general diminution of the rate of interest…traders have therefore become more independent of the capitalist, while the country at large has become more independent of the ‘wealthy capitalists’ of Europe.”
FDR showed the world how government is supposed to function. Then Wall St created the banking economy, aka financialization, which created the fascist world order we’re living in today. Privatization is the core of fascism.
“China has kept money creation in the hands of the government itself so that when the government creates money it can finance the creation of factory plants and equipment, dams, transportation infrastructure, public housing.”
“So the chief public utility to be kept in the public domain, (China realizes and has realized from the beginning) is the banking system and credit creation, even so there’s still private credit creation to some extent.”
“You have to prevent people from getting rich not by providing any productive service at all but just by being good rip-off artists. That’s basically what finance capitalism is: opportunity for rip-off artists to get rich by taking money away from the 99%, into their own hands.”
“Privatization is the core of fascism.”
This song grabs the heart like few can. The words say “we have all the time in the world..” but the music betrays them. It’s like a requiem for humanity, unless we drop all of our beliefs that support policies of death and destruction.
What is interesting to me is that your comment section is decidedly kooky right wing. You write about replacing competitive models with collaboration and they are all silent about it, instead pedaling conspiracy theory, superstition and hate. I will address your topic by agreeing that capitalism has caused immense waste and suffering, but sometimes you have to break 99% of the eggs to make billionaire omelettes.
It’s pretty sad to see an independent site taken over by right wing nutjobs, but it might be the only reason it hasn’t been swarmed by trolls as much as the others.
When will you two superior beings start producing interesting ideas instead of whining about what other people write, throwing in like a mantra the worn to a thread “right-wing conspiracy theories” smear, uttering banalities to boot and then accusing other commenters of hate speech which directly evokes the pot calling the kettle black. You’re too violent, that’s your problem. You should try eating fruits, something natural, fish and rice…
You said I’m being paid by big pharma. Did you tell the truth when you said that or did you lie?
When did I say that?
You won’t answer because you can’t. That’s why the people trolling CJ on Twitter don’t do it here, there has to be something real to argue about. Nobody bothers to troll flat earthers.
Reply up there for space
Your posts are everywhere, which one are you talking about?
Why the gullible American masses are being told to believe: Russia “bad”, Ukraine “good”…(fill-in-the-blank…blah-blah-blah)
“Empress Hillary -making a killing, along with hubby Bill, off the U.S. Arms’ industry slush fund post-Cold War NATO is- wants you to believe Russia is why the evil/Satan-incarnate Orange Man defeated her in 2016 (because: her team was paid to invent that whole story in the first place!).”
“Putin is going to invade Luxembourg next…then come for your kid’s Animé porn collection in Kansas after THAT!”
“The Empire can get-away selling, literally, *ANYTHING* to: a population that will believe cow farting is a bigger environmental concern than nuclear armageddon.”
America is a $31-TRILLION bankrupted, crumbling cesspool run by psychopathic drunks still believing in a 1959 profit model.
The people are stupid.
The expatriate Russian Zionist oligarchs fleeing to Israel (to then funnel bribes to U.S. politicians) PAY WELL, VERY WELL, INDEED.
The people are stupid.
Russia (as well as China) are not linked-to the SWIFT digital metrics banking system (which, otherwise: would give the NSA hacker access to tracing their business dealings). It, also, allows Russia (and China) to create trade deals with non-U.S. partners according to the valuation of their own currency; independent of the Dollar.
“Capitalism has neither the capacity, nor the morality, nor the ethics to solve the problems of poverty”
Fidel Castro
The big bad bully has embargoed Cuba for…what, 62 years now? From just considering this egregious deed, you know Cuba has a lot to like. Organized crime knows how to oppress and fearmonger; but what goes around comes around. That’s good.
I just worked part-time from my apartment for 5 weeks, but I made $30,030. I lost my former business and was soon worn out. Thank goodness, [ath-170] I found this employment online and I was able to start working from home right away. This top career is achievable by everyone, and it will improve their online revenue by:.
You’re so right Caitlin, and on a broader theme, those people who created the ‘N’ word by its evil derogatory pronunciation, are, by that very reason, projection, are in fact everything that, that ‘N’ word was supposed to do. And, to that last person on the article; I’m just waiting on you; you think you can do a sneaky kill on me? Man up! My God against your Miss Thing any day of the week. My God has plans for all you garbage things, so you better act fast.
What I see is that the USA war mongers are upgrading their armaments. All the obsolete equipment is shipped to Ukraine and blown up on the battlefield. The armament factories are on three shifts. There are so many ways the super rich can steer the societal money stream into their hands. People do not understand how it is they are ruled covertly because the everyday description of things is so perfectly out of touch with the reality of people’s existence. On an adult cartoon channel I saw ads for antidepressants for the first time. The internet still is the way we can communicate. Every common person has an entire biography of him/her stored, but, we are many now. So communicate the truth so we can become free.
Yeah, the OTA channels frequently advertise drugs, in a staged utopian scene, while we’re mesmerized within our dystopia. It’s as if we live in pseudo-animation-spoof.
Fantastic work Since I presently earn over $47K a month from just legal internet activities, I enjoy your job. I am aware that you are now making a sizable amount of money online with just $40K, and that these are straightforward administrative jobs. Unquestionably click the
The following article.——-—>>
The idea that someone needs to be in charge of deciding what’s true and false on behalf of the rank-and-file citizenry is becoming more and more widely accepted, and it’s plainly irrational. In practice it’s nothing other than a call to propagandize the public more aggressively. You might agree with their propaganda. The propagandists might believe they are being totally impartial and objective. But as long as they have any oligarchic or state backing, directly or indirectly, they are necessarily administering propaganda on behalf of the powerful.
“Becoming” is the false term. This is precisely the traditional role of religion. “Don’t think for yourself, take my word for it.” Someone handles the tedious task of rational thought for you and by pure coincidence comes up with guidelines that they profit from. You are offered a choice within a tightly contolled frame, giving you the misleading impression of freedom.
As for your last paragraph: The system around the so called “intellectual property” exists only to force the thinkers and creators to behave and act in a marketcompatible manner, thereby making them capitalists. And in the end capitalism will always be cannibalism.
Lying is not a victimless crime. Liars need to be punished.
If you’re a liar in the United $tates, especially among the ruling power, you’ll receive a $izable payola (provided you recite the agenda song). The U$ is a $ociety designed to incentivize criminal behavior at the highe$t level.
Just like Galileo.
The following statement is a reason, I clearly understand now, that I’ve never opened a Twitter or Facebook account (always concerned about surveillance, and data security):
The fact that the White House is weighing a national security review of Elon Musk’s Twitter purchase because he’s perceived as having an “increasingly Russia-friendly stance” is an admission that the US government views large social media platforms as its own propaganda services.
And this is another reason I’ll never open a Twitter or Facebook account:
Covid Vaccine: Graphene Oxide Detection in Aqueous Suspension
Observational study in Optical and Electron Microscopy ( Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid)
OR: Copy/Paste following link in search engine:
Yes. Vaccines are being morphed into long term poisons.
In lieu of their attempt to dispose, why not offer to relocate individuals to other preferred locations/countries?
You know, use diplomacy and negotiation to work out a harmonious ending for all involved parties.
The ruling power seems to always default to the diabolical. In the US, it seems like the level of wealth is directly proportional to psychopathic behavior.
Exactly, that’s the kind of diplomacy that they used in Germany to ship Jews to Israel Arabs to Europe and trouble makers to the New World. I’d love to say more about it but when they come to your door and start killing your family, there shouldn’t be anymore need for discussion, but I guess everyone’s family needs to be murdered before anyone realizes what these people are all about.
The fool seizes power because it’s the only way he can stop others from showing him the truth – that he is a fool.
From then on, the truth is something he supresses.
The rest is history.
History is propaganda.
The trouble begins when people who have no ideas want power. Their only solution is to stop others from doing with the ideas they’ve got. Like on a football field. A guy seizes the ball and runs toward the other side’s goal posts, what does the one who’s lost the ball do? He tries to tackle him to get the ball back. There’s no creation here, just blocking the energy of the adverse party.
It’s the activity the U$ is chiefly involved in, now that it’s apparently got less indigenous ideas. It tries to lure talents from abroad with money (in art, science, high tech…) if they’re compatible and stops people from doing in foreign lands, like by blowing up pipelines and other acts of terrorism.
When you think of it, the position of the European Union about Ukraine is incomprehensible. They follow U$/UK policies like lackeys while they’d have good reasons not to! Western Europe, which leads the EU, has no interests in Ukraine or the Black Sea. Plus it was offended by Vicky “Fuck the EU” Nuland as well as the signature of the AUKU$ treaty that shattered an important French submarine deal with Australia, with Johnson telling Macron in essence to go and fuck himself. And then the U$ blew up the Nord Stream pipelines that are half European owned (German, French, Dutch, Belgian). Of course, Trump explained that the U$ spends over 4% of its budget on defense (which is indeed internal affairs since it enriches the MIC shareholders with US taxpayers’ money which then lines the pockets of American politicians) to defend Europe which, instead of spending the equivalent on her own defense, enriches Russia by buying oil and gas from her. Do you think that’s nice? scolded Trump. Well… Russia doesn’t threaten Europe, so WTF? should have answered Europe but she didn’t because she knows what the U$ thug is capable of. It’s like when a mafioso tells a shop owner “You’ve got to pay us for your protection”, the shop owner knows full well that the protection he’s buying is against… the very mafioso who’s making the offer.
The mafia doesn’t create. It diverts the product of the creation of others into its own pockets. That’s why a society run by the mafia is not sustainable. The guy who gets systematically stolen, by government or mafia taxes – assuming there’s a difference – the product of his creativity has no more incentive to create. He eats chips while watching TV.
The U$ got to pole position because of its creativity and innovation. Impossible didn’t seem American. Now little by little, for some hard-to-understand reason except the principle expressed by Heraclitus that every phenomenon is in motion toward its opposite, it organizes not only sclerosis and necrosis abroad but also at home. Cancel culture, censorship, increasing closure of the Overton window through multi-pronged attacks on free speech, suppression of dissenting opinions (as if science was not precisely the triumph over time of dissenting opinions like Copernic over Ptolemy or Einstein over Newton) to impose the same sterile propaganda on everybody will progressively choke all that made America great, the pioneer spirit.
Fantastic work Since I presently earn over $47K a month from just legal internet activities, I enjoy your job. I am aware that you are now making a sizable amount of money online with just $40K, and that these are straightforward administrative jobs. Unquestionably click the
The following article.——-—>>
When the game is not going the way you want, you try a trick play. Governments call those trick plays false flags.
The longer the proxy war in Ukraine continues, the closer we come to a direct confrontation with Russia. Once that happens, the Dr. Strangeloves running the show will reach for the nukes.
This war should never have happened. The U.S. was well aware it was provoking Russia. But it was drunk on its own power, especially as it emerged as the world’s sole superpower at the end of the Cold War, and besides, there were billions in profits to be made in arms sales to new NATO members. (Chris Hedges: Stop Worrying and Love the
I just worked part-time from my apartment for 5 weeks, but I made $30,030. I lost my former business and was soon worn out. Thank goodness, [ath-160] I found this employment online and I was able to start working from home right away. This top career is achievable by everyone, and it will improve their online revenue by:.
What part of the time, exactly, did you work? Why were you worn out after losing your former business? Wouldn’t you have accumulated additional energy from all of the interim rest? What if you’re homeless, and can’t work out of your home? Do you have a contingency plan? You state that this career is achievable by anyone. Can a 3rd grader achieve success? Gloria, why don’t you provide a few testimonials and recommendations? I’m surprised you didn’t think of this! Maybe you need an agent, or guidance counselor? Why don’t you get up off that couch, and make that most important call? Call me for details. I’ll be standing by…