There’s a meme going around on Twitter again called “The Movie Villain/The Actual Villain”, where people post an image of someone in a movie or a show and then an image of who they think the real bad guy is. Some are getting creative with it and showing people and things in our general society that have been widely regarded as “villains”, versus who the actual villain is in real life. You’ll get the idea in a minute.

Anyway, here are my contributions:

The Movie Villain:

Secret filming of Julian Assange 'deeply concerning': ALA ...

The Actual Villain:



The Movie Villain:


The Actual Villain:

Your Greed is Hurting the Economy!! | Economic Sociology ...


The Movie Villain:


The Actual Villain:



The Movie Villain:


The Actual Villain:



The Movie Villain:


The Actual Villain:



The Movie Villain:


The Actual Villain:



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19 responses to “The Movie Villain/The Actual Villain”

  1. Great. But how about victims.

    Movie victim Khasshogi, actual victim Yemen
    Movie victim blacks killed by cops, Actual victims anyone caught for Crack (punished 18x as much as cocaine, and that is before 3 strikes)

  2. Bravo and many thanks, Caitlin. These “movie villain/real villain” memes are great little eye-openers to cut through the eternal fog of media propaganda. They will wear out eventually but for now, they do a nice job.

    We can not reclaim a functional democracy until we break up the media monopoly. Believe it or not, that was one of Donald Trump’s now-abandoned goals on winning the presidency. It should be up there with medicare for all and paper ballots.

  3. Assange is a microcosm of what’s happening on the macro scale to all of us. The deliberate aim of the Jewish controlled media’s anti-white vs. pro-minority propaganda regime is to disarm us morally, to silence all of our dissident voices, to make us ashamed of our culture and our traditions, to make us so afraid of being called racist that it’s impossible for us to organize for our common good, to make us rootless and defenseless – and then to destroy us. That is what is happening now. And Western civilization is so far gone that its hate speech to even mention it…

    Sp isnt it about time someone put in a good word for the NWO and praised the matrix owners and controllers for their astonishing accomplishments, just for once? It’s not easy for a handful of oligarchs to take over the consciousness of an entire civilization without facing one iota of resistance. And they didn’t have to fire a single shot..

  4. Blair Schirmer Avatar
    Blair Schirmer

    It’s difficult to see how these shallow framings are remotely conducive to enlightenment or consciousness raising.

    Any business that decides Putin, Russia’s Hillary Clinton, is somehow preferable to or less authentically villainous than the grotesque kleptocrat Clinton, is sadly mistaken. Both are vile, criminal, and disastrous for their respective subjects.

    This just one more example of the failure of “either-or” thinking.

    1. No one is conducting “either-or” thinking here, except maybe you. If Hillary had had her way in 2016, then you would have had both Hillary in the United States and Putin in the Russian Federation, so you really don’t make any logical sense.

      1. ‘We have met the enemy, and he is us.’

    2. Mr. Putin is generally well-regarded by the people of Russia. There are good reasons for this. And from my point of view—which is that of someone who has paid attention to Putin’s public behavior for many years—Mr. Putin is a man who exhibits intellectual breadth, depth, clarity, and consistency within a principled ethical framework that defines his statesmanship and policy positions. He also behaves generally with a sense of grace and oftentimes displays good humour and keen insight. Hillary Clinton can’t hold a candle to Putin—there are diametrically cut from a wholly different cloth.

  5. Brilliant, Caitlin. Thanks for reminding me about the lying bastards in Crazy Horse 6. Why Julian is a hero, and we have to do whatever we can. INHUMANE.

  6. Another fine article, Caity, but please add SHARE TABS to make it easier for people to share it to their private pages on other social media websites.

  7. Ms Johnstone I am unable to look at your entire article; the first two images are all that appear. I guess your site is being ” censored ” by the owners and the masters of the cable company,

    1. No, you’re censoring yourself! I guess you’re using Firefox which stops twitter ( from spying on you across the web with images on other sites by default. Click on the shield to the left of the address bar to change this.

  8. When I went to Hollywood I lost a lot of illusions. Same thing when I went to Yugoslavia.

  9. Warren Parsons Avatar
    Warren Parsons

    Awesone post! Creative and so true!

    Movie Villain: Ho Chi Minh
    Real Villains: LBJ, Richard Milhous Nixon

    Movie Villain: Osama bin Laden
    Real Villains: Dick Cheney, Bush II

    Movie Villain: Muammar Gaddafi
    Real Villains: Obama, Hillary Clinton

    Movie Villain: Saddam Hussein
    Real Villains: Bush I, Bill Clinton, Madelaine Albright

    Movie Villain: General Soleimani
    Real Villain: Mike Pompeo

  10. hilarious. your hubbie is the luchiewt man i inow. bravo. i cannostop smiling.
    yuare the next ceorge carlin, georgia. a willyamina Rogers redux. and sarah silverman if
    shewould only do politics.
    i canno stop smiling.
    i ryto write and ima in agood mood you might have fellt this also: i finished editiing not just writiing a
    chldrens’ book of 13,200 wodsiss.
    i’m having a brandy cuz that’s all i got.
    i so done. and to run into this muchisimo gracias i hope i never stop smiling.
    great great scenic sarcasm. irony whatever.
    tell lucky how lucky he is.
    you could y’know take this on stage a movie. call Wiig and see what you can whip up.
    you must know nicole….

  11. Off the subject but an update. My daughter who works at a 700 bed hospital in florida are seeing covid cases finally. The vast majority are flu like symptoms and are sent home. Those who were kept had other problems exaberating their condition like
    Copd. No flood overwhelming them. She saw 5 cases on her shift today. She said last week they saw 20 patients with covid. It was 90 this week. Will keep you updated as it changes. Better to hear from someone on the ground than the MSM.

  12. Robert B Perkins Avatar
    Robert B Perkins

    Great good cop, bad analogy!

  13. An image is worth s thousands words. Loved it.
    Why cant people see that the United States with their allies is the modern equivalent of the Roman Empire. Like Rome, the US is always agressive seeking to absorb others into their sphere of influence/control.

  14. Love it. You nailed it.
